Od ekologii i neo-ekologii człowieka do sozoekologii społecznej
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Wydział Prawa i Administracji UAM
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From ecology and neo-ecology of a man to social-sozoecology
The author departs from the assumption that there is no clear cut borderline
between a human constitution and a natural environment, as these two consist
the interrelated system, interacting in the respect of conditioning. Analysing
the state of natural environment in Poland, the author is searching for the explication
of the ecological crisis not only in the sphere of industrialization and
urbanization processes in the country and applying no protective installations, but
he is also offering reasons for it, of a social nature: the lack of tripartite division
of powers (according to the Montesqueiean theory), and the lack of equilibrium
of social powers which is practically manifested by the domination of
a techno-bureaucratic lobby over other socio-professional structures as well the
supremacy of the planning and executive power over the other ones.
The traditional ecology and neo-ecology of a man are not relevant to the
existing situation. New ideas and concepts have appeared (ecoarchitecture, eco-
-pedagogics, eco-economics), as well as the desire, and sometimes the necessity to
shape the environment directly (sociospatial planning) with the respect to problems
of natural environment protection (sozo-ecology, or sozo-physiotactics;
a Gr. word „sozo-" protect, keep alive) to save a man and his civilization. It is the
author's suggestion to supplement the ecology of man by introducing a planning
to the cultural order, to prevent degrading of nature by means of regulating economic
competition in the biotic order (on a local level). Activity of man aiding
the nature would be an ideal solution, or at least the activity not destructing it.
The author precises the differences between the old ecology and new-ecology of
man and social sozo-ecology, mentioning the following in the new concept: a wider
understanding of the natural environment (also woods, waters wasteland, and
monuments of the material culture independently of their economic use);
space has a „continous" value irrespective of its economic use, evaluating it according
to sozo-ecological or (sociological criteria (as an element of the non-spatial
system of values- F. Znaniecki); particular importance is attributed here to
rural and protected areas (e.g. national parks, wasteland) as to the „supplier" of
ecological resources to the areas exhibiting their deficit, and as a condition of
the ecological balance of a region or country. A notion of „subsocial relations"
is reintroduced in sozo-ecology, to define solely interactions between men and
Digitalizacja i deponowanie archiwalnych zeszytów RPEiS sfinansowane przez MNiSW w ramach realizacji umowy nr 541/P-DUN/2016
Ruch Prawniczy, Ekonomiczny i Socjologiczny 48, 1986, z. 2, s. 287-301