Współdziałanie rad narodowych z zawodowymi organami kontroli zewnętrznej
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Wydział Prawa i Administracji UAM
Title alternative
Cooperation of people's councils with professional organs of external control
The subject of the elaboration is the cooperation which is expected between
people's councils and professionally acting subjects of control situated outside of
the councils system. The said subjects are to develop the cooperation by the rule
of The People's Councils and Territorial Self-government Act of 1983. The author
of the article presents the issue from the people's councils viewpoint and first and
foremost from the viewpoint of the act.
In the first part of the article the range of subjects obliged to eoperate with
people's councils in the domain of control is stated,. The subjects lare divided by
the author into two groups. One of them is professional subjects of external control,
situated in the administrative branch. The so called branch inspections play
the essential part among the subjects of that group. The second group is subjects
of professional control situated outside of the administration. Locai organizational
units of the Supreme Chamber of Control are the main element of that group.
Further parts of the article are devoted to discussing forms in which people's
councils are to cooperate with the previously indicated institutions excercising control
in the professional manner. The author distinguishes basically two groups of
forms: session forms, realized by the councils at their sessions and extra-session
forms. The latter are realized by the councils throught their organs. The main part
is to be played lin this respect by the councils'" presidia, being the organizers of
their work.
In the conclusion the author indicates at virtues and shortcomings of the present
regulation. In his opinion, one must positively grade ranking the peoples
councils duty to cooperate with the subjects excercising control upon administration
as the statutory duty, both of the peoples councils and of the said subejcts of
control. The shortcomings of the present regulation are in the author's opinion
(related mostly to not precise wording of the legali (regulation, particularly as regards
these provisions which define the forms of peoples councils cooperation
with the professional subjects of external control.
Digitalizacja i deponowanie archiwalnych zeszytów RPEiS sfinansowane przez MNiSW w ramach realizacji umowy nr 541/P-DUN/2016
Ruch Prawniczy, Ekonomiczny i Socjologiczny 48, 1986, z. 2, s. 69-83