Antoni Prochaska i jego wkład w rozwój historiografii polskiej
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Antoni Prochaska and his contribution to development of Polish historiography
Celem pracy jest ukazanie postaci wybitnego historyka, wydawcy źródeł i archiwisty, Antoniego Prochaski (1852-1930) oraz jego wkładu w rozwój historiografii polskiej. Praca składa się z dwóch części. W pierwszej z nich przedstawiono polskie środowisko historyczne na przełomie XIX i XX wieku ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem wybitnych ośrodków naukowych tego czasu jakimi były Lwów, Kraków i Warszawa. Przedstawiono główne nurty naukowe oraz przedstawicieli tych środowisk. Szczególny nacisk położono na dominujący w ówczesnym czasie ośrodek lwowski, którego przedstawicielem był Antoni Prochaska. W drugim, rozdziale pierwszej części przedstawiono elementy biograficzne uczonego oraz jego zasługi na polu wydawniczym. Do tych drugich zaliczyć należy przede wszystkim wydawnictwo Codex epistolaris Vitoldi Magni Ducis Lithuanie 1376-1430 wydane w 1882 roku, które stanowiło moment przełomowy w badaniach nad czasami Jagiełły i wielkiego księcia Witolda. Druga część pracy obejmuje analizę prac historycznych Prochaski na tle historyków jemu współczesnych i tworzących do 1939 roku. Analizę tą zebrano w czterech głównych blokach tematycznych, którymi zajmował się uczony: czasami husyckimi, unią polsko-litewską, zakonem krzyżackim oraz problematyką Kościoła i chrześcijaństwa. Analiza ta ma na celu ukazanie wkładu Antoniego Prochaski w rozwój polskiej historiografii.
PhD thesis aims to present polish historian, publisher and archivist Antoni Prochaska (1852-1930) who lived and worked in Lwow during his whole live. PhD contains of two parts. First one is composed of two chapters. It refers to Polish historians society from seventies of XIX century to thirties of XX century. We referred three biggest writing schools in these days located in Lwow, Krakow and Warsaw. We came to conclusion that this first one (especially in medieval history) had huge impact on other ones and was famous of its representatives (as to mention Prochaska). Second part of this chapter refers to Antoni Prochaska as a publisher (most famous for Codex epistolaris Vitoldi) and archivist in “Archiwum Bernardyńskie” in Lwow in which he worked for almost 50 years. Second part refers strictly to Prochaska’s works. It’s divided into four chapters which refers to four areas Prochaska wrote about. These are: Hussite Revolution, relations between Poland and Teutonic Knights, history of Roman Catholic Church and Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth. All these subjects had been analyzed following the same method. First presenting achievements of Polish historical science before times of Antoni Prochaska, then analyzing his effort and comparing it to his contemporaries historians. This method exactly shows Prochaska’s contribution to development of Polish historiography.
PhD thesis aims to present polish historian, publisher and archivist Antoni Prochaska (1852-1930) who lived and worked in Lwow during his whole live. PhD contains of two parts. First one is composed of two chapters. It refers to Polish historians society from seventies of XIX century to thirties of XX century. We referred three biggest writing schools in these days located in Lwow, Krakow and Warsaw. We came to conclusion that this first one (especially in medieval history) had huge impact on other ones and was famous of its representatives (as to mention Prochaska). Second part of this chapter refers to Antoni Prochaska as a publisher (most famous for Codex epistolaris Vitoldi) and archivist in “Archiwum Bernardyńskie” in Lwow in which he worked for almost 50 years. Second part refers strictly to Prochaska’s works. It’s divided into four chapters which refers to four areas Prochaska wrote about. These are: Hussite Revolution, relations between Poland and Teutonic Knights, history of Roman Catholic Church and Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth. All these subjects had been analyzed following the same method. First presenting achievements of Polish historical science before times of Antoni Prochaska, then analyzing his effort and comparing it to his contemporaries historians. This method exactly shows Prochaska’s contribution to development of Polish historiography.
Wydział Historyczny
Antoni Prochaska, historiografia mediewistyczna, medieval historiography, historycy polscy, Polish historian, historia historiografii, history of historiography