Studia Romanica Posnaniensia, 2012, vol. 39, nr 2

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Studia Romanica Posnaniensia, 2012, vol. 39, nr 2 Dialogues – exclusions – antagonismes : implications linguistiques, littéraires et culturelles de la traduction (red. nauk. Teresa Tomaszkiewicz)


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    Pour une approche identitaire en traduction : implications socio-culturelles
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2012-10-22) Żuchelkowska, Alicja
    The objective of this text consists in presenting how it is necessary for contemporary translators and interpreters (both literary and specialised) to acquire and develop the ability to recognize elements of identity discourse in translated texts. Nowadays, the need for inter-cultural exchange is inevitably connected with the necessity of establishing harmonious co-existence for numerous cultures and identities. Therefore, it is crucial to educate translators in a way that enables them to pay special attention to identity and cultural perturbations present in translated texts (culture and language hybridisation, multiple identity, cultural dislocation, presence in linguistic and political discourse of minority cultures), regardless of their genre or form. Such a strong emphasis on identity problems in the translation is especially relevant in the European context, where the attention of researchers and politicians directed at identity problems stemming from ethnical and cultural issues sets the framework for a new cultural paradigm that determines the future development of the Eu. Becoming acquainted with this paradigm which emphasises fl uency, identity unmarkedness and the new model of European collectivity is indispensable for a translator aspiring to become a true cultural mediator.
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    La Traduction en tant que discours
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2012-10-22) Walkiewicz, Barbara
    Every translation is a second-order discourse, based on a first-order discourse, whose form is the result of negotiation between the discursive polysystems of the source and target cultures. Its dual role, representing the source-language discourse in the target culture as well as meeting the intended expectations of the target text receiver, inevitably entails the intervention of the translator as a second-order communicating subject, as will be illustrated using a French translation of a building design.
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    La idiosincrasia del lenguaje almodovariano y su repercusión sobre la traducción. Analisis de algunas de las soluciones en el campo de la variación lingüística del subtitulado en polaco de “Volver” (2006)
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2012-10-22) Ciordia, Santamaría Leticia
    The identification of an original and idiosyncratic style in the work of the Spanish filmmaker Pedro Almodóvar provides the tone of the speech with a semantic function: linguistic variation and specific registers help to transmit the message and intention of the author. As a consequence of this, the possibilities for the translation being carried away in similar linguistic terms to those of the original text will be higher than in texts without linguistic peculiarities or stylistically unmarked. The purpose of this paper is to reflect on the influence exerted by the original author in the reception of his work abroad and, consequently, in its translation. In this sense, we will analyse the informative value of certain linguistic uses as well as the importance of enriching stylistically the subtitles in these connotative texts through the example of Almodóvar’s film "Volver" and its translation into Polish (2006).
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    L’animalité du discours des protagonistes en traduction française et anglaise de la pièce « Le Chien » de Jean-Marc Dalpé
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2012-10-22) Pałaniuk, Małgorzata
    The oral character inherent to a theatre and the hybrid or multilingual character of modern French Canadian literature invests it with functions that pertain strictly to the spoken word and that translator must take into account. This paper examines translation strategies proposed and applied in English and Standard-French translations of the play "Le Chien", written by Franco-Ontarian playwright Jean-Marc Dalpé. In the play "Le Chien" the hybrid character of language and abundance of swearwords constitutes a symptom of inability to communicate of protagonists and animality of their discourse. This specificity, crucial in terms of interpretation of the play, is the major obstacle in translator’s work because he needs to target the specific, English and French-speaking audience which is unilingual and doesn’t have the same cultural experience.
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    Traducción del Nuevo Mundo: ¿diálogo intercultural o confrontación de culturas? Aproximación a la visión del Otro en las crónicas del Descubrimiento y la conquista
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2012-10-22) Kasperska, Iwona
    The objective of this paper is to show main difficulties in the intercultural translation process which has been taking place during the Discovery and the Conquest of the New World, in the 15th and 16th centuries. These historical facts are considered as a metaphor of translation in general, and letters, chronicles and histories of some Spanish authors of that period are analyzed as examples of interpretation / translation based on their eurocentric and Christian background. Finally, domestication of the New Spain culture is indicated as a main translation strategy and a confrontation of cultures rather than dialogue is stressed as a general feature of the cultural contact.
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    Traduction des sigles dans le contexte audiovisuel – un dialogue réussi ?
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2012-10-22) Borowczyk, Paulina
    In the following article, the results of our study about the translation of acronyms via Arte TV news will be presented. First, we will submit the definition of acronyms, then discuss the matter of difficulties which may appear when translating acronyms from one language into another. Finally, we will introduce the different translation procedures used by translators when they are confronted with different kinds of acronyms (names of political parties, names of associations) which we understand as terms related to sociocultural aspects. Some samples from Arte TV news will be provided as a support for this article.
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    Nouvelles approches de la ville dans la littérature française contemporaine : Thomas Clerc et Philippe Vasset
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2012-10-22) Lis, Jerzy
    On the basis of two indecidable texts (Thomas Clerc, “Paris, musée du XXIe siècle. Le dixième arrondissement”, Gallimard 2007 and Philippe Vasset, “Un livre blanc”, Fayard 2007), we will reflect on new approaches to the city in contemporary French litterature. Clerc and Vasset, in their respective texts, suggest considering litterature as a series of practices connected with the exploration of the city (Clerc) and of the urban area (Vasset) according to the idea of an arbitrary itinerary. The image of the city whose space, subject to a permanent process of museifi cation, is constantly considered to be a work of art (Clerc) contrasts with a project of viewing the deserted areas of the city and of its surroundings as an infinite collection of “artistic installations” created in daily life (Vasset). Clerc’s and Vasset’s artistic mentality leads them to the fascination with “works of involuntary art”, both concrete signs and tangible proof of the transitional period which they try to describe systematically, following, at the same time, the principles of an axonometric city map.