Studia Romanica Posnaniensia, 2013, vol. 40, nr 3

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L'italiano ieri. L'italiano oggi. Dalla teoria linguistica alla prassi applicativa (red. nauk. Ingeborga Beszterda, Beata Szpingier)


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    Alcune considerazioni sull’uso della traduzione nella didattica d’italiano come lingua straniera
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2013-09-30) Paleta, Alicja
    For many years, the translation has not been recommended and has even been banned in language teaching and learning. Recently, it seems to regain some success at this field. In this article we briefly analyze how the role of this technique has changed throughout the years within the major language teaching theories so as to get to the reasons for its reassessment we can observe nowadays. Finally, we present some considerations on how we can use activities based on translation in the classroom with a particular regard to Italian language teaching to adult learners who are native speakers of Polish.
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    L’uso dei tempi e dei modi, traduzione delle espressioni fisse, idiomatiche e metaforiche e cambiamenti dei costrutti frasali nella versione polacca de «I dodici abati di Challant». Come superare i limiti di un sistema linguistico
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2013-09-30) Salmeri, Claudio
    The purpose of this paper is to present a comparative analysis of a novel written in Italian by Laura Mancinelli, 'The Twelve Abbots of Challant', and its translation into Polish prepared by Maciej Brzozowski. Focusing on a few examples, such as the use of grammatical tenses and moods, differences in the syntax, and the problems of translating idiomatic and metaphoric expressions, the paper aims to compare the author’s style with that of the translator. The task undertaken by the translator seems very hard indeed from the very beginning due to considerable differences between the Italian and Polish languages in the use of tenses and moods. While the Italian grammar uses four moods, eight simple and seven compound tenses, the frugal Polish grammar makes with just three modes, one compound and three simple tenses. The discussion will clearly illustrate that thanks to some modifications it was possible to translate and preserve the meaning and the spirit of the Italian grammar and style.
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    L’uso strategico della comicità nel discorso politico di Silvio Berlusconi
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2013-09-30) Miłkowska-Samul, Kamila
    The aim of this article is to illustrate some of the mechanisms existing in political discourse which employ emotions and humor as a persuasive means. The study is based on authentic texts produced by Silvio Berlusconi. The importance of emotions and humor in political speech is viewed in the light of changes taking place in public communication due to the development of mass media and Internet, leading to, among others, ever more frequent use of the comical aspect of communication as a method of gaining and maintaining political power. That is why the use of emotions and humor in Berlusconi’s speech is analyzed as a strategic choice and a powerful instrument of political struggle. The article highlights the role of emotions and humor in creating a positive self-image of the politician.
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    Tra percezione e lingua: alcune osservazioni sul funzionamento dei complementi che fanno riferimento alle proprietà fisiche degli esseri umani
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2013-01-30) Kwapisz-Osadnik, Katarzyna
    The paper explores a wide variety of complements that in Italian syntax happen to have the same reference. The case in point is their ability to evoke two physical features, e.g. on the one hand, 'to be bald' (to have no hair), 'to have little hair', 'to have lost one’s hair', and on the other, 'to have grey hair', 'to have gone / grown grey', 'to have plenty of grey hair on one’s head', 'to be grey-haired', 'to have hardly any grey hair'. The present remarks start by pointing at the close proximity between a way some particular reality is perceived (involving, with respect to concepts, schemata, preconceptions and imaging) and the form of putting it into words. This proximity explains why in Italian grammars numerous interchangeable complements are applied – the reason for their diversity comes from concurrent perceptions of the same reality.
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    Il dialetto nell’Italia postunitaria
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2013-09-30) Grochowska, Anna
    Italian dialects occupy an important position in the history of Italian linguistics and are still present and relevant in the linguistic panorama of modern Italy. The purpose of this article is to outline the linguistic image of Italy by drawing attention to its dialects. Through analysis of the situation after unification in Italy in 1861, the author attempts to mark off functions and roles which dialects used to serve. In the second part of the article she concentrates on the phenomena of nuova dialettalità, or the new perspective and collocation of dialect in the Italian linguistic panorama of the 21st century. This article is a part of a research project dedicated to functions and uses of dialects in the Italian cinematography.
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    «Cose che imparerai meglio con l’uso e col criterio». Codificazione della norma interpuntiva in Italia e in Polonia
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2013-09-30) Foremniak, Katarzyna
    The purpose of the article is to present the results of analysis regarding the processes of developing and standardizing the norm of punctuation in Poland and in Italy since the beginning of the 20th century to recent times. Aiming to describe the character of the two norms and to explain the differences between the Polish and the Italian rules, the study emphasizes the role of institutions in the codification process. Furthermore, it examines the typology of normative sources in both countries and comments the status of punctuation among other branches of linguistics.
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    Les connecteurs discursifs comme moyen de produire un effet humoristique dans « La vie devant soi » de Romain Gary et sa traduction en polonais – étude traductologique
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2013-09-30) Szeflińska-Baran, Magdalena
    The subject of the paper is linguistic humour examined from the point of view of its functioning in intralinguistic literary communication (monolingual) as well as from a much broader point of view which comprises the problem of crosslinguistic and crosscultural transfer of facetious elements. The analysis has as its subject different forms of verbal humour which can be observed in linguistic communication that is understood as any manifestation of linguistic activity. Having assumed such a broad perspective of communication allowed to analyse humour from the point of view of its functioning, not only within one cultural-linguistic community, but also to analyse this phenomenon in the crosslinguistic and crosscultural context.
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    Relazioni tra il lessico medico e lessico di altri livelli della lingua in rapporto all’italiano contemporaneo – alcuni casi interessanti
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2013-09-30) Szpingier, Beata Katarzyna
    The present analysis consists of several insights into the nature and the tendencies of mutual lexical dependencies between medical language (medical terminology) and other subsystems of Italian, both common and specialist. It summarizes remarks made by numerous scholars, scattered in various compilations devoted to 'usi specialistici della lingua' (language for specfic purposes). Three kinds of relationship are brought under discussion: first, between general lexicon and medical terminology; second, between medicine conceived of as a branch and other specialized domains; third, between various scientific domains and medicine. The scope of research is by no means restricted to specialized texts. By contrast, the extent to which various inner languages are interlinked is corroborated by examples drawn from press releases encompassing various topics (news, politics, health). Detailed observations are illustrated with such Italian terms as: arteria, patologia, trauma, plasma, emorragia, polpa, tromba, and so on. It should be emphasized that mutual interference owes its existence to the upsurge of modern information technologies, as well as to an increasing access to information.
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    I composti Nome-Nome coordinati e subordinati nel lessico sportivo italiano come prova delle tendenze in atto nell’italiano contemporaneo
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2013-09-30) Szemberska, Anna
    The compounding is a fundamental process of word formation and its importance to our understanding of language is crucial. The study of compounds for the last few years has been at the centre of attention in such areas of linguistics as computational approaches, psycholinguistics and language acquisition. Linguists advanced hypotheses not only regarding the construction of compounds, but also where they fit into the model of grammar. The paper attempts to answer some basic questions pertaining to lexical creativity in nominal compounding in Italian sports column. These include the definition of the concept, the types of noun-noun compounds in Modern Italian and a brief comparison of these types.
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    Il nome proprio nella struttura del sintagma nominale
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2013-09-30) Pronińska, Aleksandra
    The aim of this paper is to analyse Italian nominal groups containing proper nouns. The article discusses two syntagma types with elliptical structure as well as analogical structures where the common and proper nouns are joined by the preposition “di”. The classification and analysis of nominal groups have been carried out on the basis of the function of the proper noun in the syntagma. Two groups of syntagmas have been distinguished: one with the proper noun functioning as a superordinate constituent and one with the proper noun functioning as a modifier. In the former type (where the proper noun is a superordinate constituent), the common noun functions as a descriptive or restrictive appositive. The syntagmas, where the proper noun functions as a modifier, are of particularly diverse character. In such cases, the possibility to paraphrase them by means of the analysed structures constitutes an additional criterion. Consequently, three syntagma types have been distinguished as represented by the following examples: il progetto Leonardo (which does not allow for an alternative synonymous version, *il progetto di Leonardo), il governo Monti (where the prepositional structure il governo di Monti may be used interchangeably) and un quadro di Rubens (which does not allow for an alternative synonymous version with the ellipsis of the preposition “di” *un quadro Rubens).