Roczniki Socjologii Rodziny, 2006, tom 17

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    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2006) Kotlarska-Michalska, Anna
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    Rodzina z dzieckiem upośledzonym umysłowo
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2006) Stelter, Żaneta
    The birth of a handicapped child is an event, which has an influence on the quality of life of the family. A special relation between parents and child causes that upbringing of a mentally handicapped child is a traumatic experience for the parents. Disability of a child causes that parents are under stress, which often generates deep crisis. Therefore, the acceptance of the child's disability by its family is of great importance to its living situation. In the article is shown the way in which a handicapped child determines the living situation of other members of the family. The issue of motherhood and fatherhood is described in the aspect of the handicap. It is assumed that in the process of raising a mentally handicapped child the father plays as important role as mother. Because a mentally handicapped child has an influence on all members of the family, the influence of such a child on his siblings is also analysed in the article.
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    Etiopatogeneza i terapia zaburzeń odżywiania się w perspektywie rodzinnej
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2006) Palus, Katarzyna
    Many clinicians have stressed the role of family interactions and family dynamics in the onset, development and maintenance of anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa. The aim of this article is to provide a brief description of family features associated with eating disorders and family-based treatment of anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa. Family systems approaches explain that the onset and maintenance of eating disorders can be understood within the context of dysfunctional family interactions. This paper presents the Maudsley model of family therapy for children and adolescents with anorexia. The usefulness of family-based treatment of eating disorders lies in not attaching blame to parents but in stressing their important role in therapeutic process. The work with families is an effective way of treatment for young patients, but it does not mean that the family caused the problem. It is noteworthy that a family oriented approach is a component of total program that also addresses the biological, individual and social levels of the patients' functioning.
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    Komunikacja w rodzinie ujmowanej jako system w relacji rodzice - dzieci
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2006) Harwas-Napierała, Barbara
    In this study developmental communication changes in the parent-child relation has been presented. These changes assumed as bilateral from the start, are directed at reaching greater symmetry in the mutual relation. They are usually considered within the context of creating attachment. Prenatal communication has been perceived as important. Adolescence appears to be crucial in the development of communication, as the relationship turns more into a partnership and verbal communication increases.
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    Metroseksualność jako współczesny model męskości
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2006) Minkiewicz, Karolina
    In the society of today, the traditional lines which distinguish masculinity from femininity have been blurred. Modern men are becoming more interested in issues traditionally regarded as feminine such as fashion, health and beauty. Metrosexuality, one of the new definitions of masculinity, seems to be more and more popular. It appeals to young, ambitious men who care about good grooming and the way other people see them. This article is a summary of a study which examines men's attitudes towards women, life goals, and gender roles. It has been found that men in Poznań and in London do not approve of the image of man as an insensitive macho.
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    Rola rodziny w kształtowaniu ról i stereotypów płciowych
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2006) Palus, Katarzyna
    The purpose of the current paper is to present the role of family in the formation of sex-roles and stereotypes. Family environment plays a vital role in the socialization of children's gender roles. Parents not only transmit to their children the gender attitudes and stereotypes that are present in our society, but also create and activate these stereotypes. Many researchers highlitght children's dyadic family relationship experiences with their parents and siblings. Family is a part of a larger context ranging from social attitudes and values and economic opportunities both for men and women. Thus, it cannot be regarded as being isolated from this wider context. The parents' role in the socialization of children's gender roles is multidimensional and it is connected with a variety of social mechanisms such as modeling, observation and learning through the effects of rewarding and punishing consequences of demonstrated gender behaviors.
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    Redukcja umieralności a wielopokoleniowość polskich rodzin
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2006) Szukalski, Piotr
    The factors presented in this article fit perfectly in a wider discussion on the influence long-term demographic changes have on the size and the structure of the family. The most conspicuous symptoms are: the rise of the number of multi-generation families, triggered by the decrease in the death rate, and decrease in the number of large (having more than two children) families, caused by a decrease in the fertility rate. The effect of the two processes is an automatic rise of the importance of inter-generation relations in the family, to the loss of intra-generation relations, i.e. a verticalisation of the family net. The article is restricted to the analysis of only one side of the above equation, the changes in the death rate, and its importance for the demographic structure of the Polish family. The result of the changes is a conspicuous rise of the probability of one's being a member of a multi-generation family, this being independent of one's status or position in the genealogical tree (children, children, or grandchildren). Automatically, the time spent in a given status within the family, performing the social role of the parent, the child, the grandparent or the grandchild, is increasing.
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    Postawy kobiet wobec wartości - zarys problematyki w świetle koncepcji teoretycznych oraz badań empirycznych
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2006) Frąckowiak, Monika
    This article dealis with attitudes towards values among women in contemporary Polish society, which has not been considered to be an autonomous complex subject of social studies in Poland before. Polish sociology of values usually focused on youth as a social category or on Poles during the political and economic transformation in 1989 in general. As far as women as a social category are concerned, the only attempt at giving sociological characteristic of their attitudes towards values dealt with their attitudes towards family and work. Therefore the knowledge in this field is rather fragmentary and needs to be completed by a complex empirical study based on a macro-, mezzo- and micro-structural theory. The author presents data from three main sources of knowledge in the presented field, which are: - the World Values Surveys based on Roland Inglehart's assumptions representing the world's population (more tha 60 societies) carried out regularly from the early 1980s, - Polish researches which accord to Inglehart's theory carried out after the political and economic transformation in 1989 - the researches of women's attitudes towards some particular values especially family and work. Analysis of above mentioned data leads to a conclusion that the system of values of Polish women is still a virgin territory in sociology. Therefore, the research planned by the author of this article contain the following issues: 1. What types of preferences of social order are characteristic for women in the contemporary Polish society? 2. Of which particular values do those preferences consist? 3. What are the possible sociological explanations of particular women's choices among different values? 4. Which demographic features and which of their consequences are related to particular choices of values? 5. What changes in Polish women's hierarchy of values could be observed in the last fifteen years?
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    Trzy pytania o kryzys ojcostwa
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2006) Gębka, Mikołaj
    The first question is on the reason of the crisis (e.g. the crisis of fatherhood as an effect of industrialisation and urbanisation, women's emancipation movement, and armed conflicts of the 19c. and the 20c.). The second question touches upon the symptoms of the crisis (e.g. the lack of masculine models in the upbringing or the absence of the fathers). Finally, the third question deals with the crisis of fatherhood affecting only the traditional forms, or rather the whole of fatherhood as such.
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    Rodzina z perspektywy socjologicznej i psychologicznej: ciągłość i zmiana
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2006) Bakiera, Lucyna
    The main target of this paper is to present transformation of the family and to stress that family for all the time is of great importance to the individual human development. Alternative scenarios of married and family life, as cohabitation, simple life, monoparental family, homosexual unions and communes, are more and more attractive for various groups of people. The intensity of those changes depends on many social and cultural factors. Against the background of social changes people still need the family. The most important experiences people achieve in the family, so family is called the primary context of human development. The main attention in the article is paid to the problems of playing parental roles as an activity which is conducive to human development. Variety of changes in adolescence and their peculiar cause that relationship between parents and adolescents is problematical, so parents should be very sensitive and candid to children's problems. They must be flexible as tutors. Activity in the middle- age, which contains parents' different behaviour, like interestis in of adolescent children, helping them in their maturation and permission to their growing autonomy bring about a sense of being creative and protect people in this stage of life from the selfish concentration on their own problems. So children could be a chance for parent's development, chance of satisfying the needs of giving and creating in relation with the younger generations, needs characteristic for this developmental stage.
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    Małżeństwo i rozwód w opinii młodzieży
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2006) Gawlina, Zofia
    The article presents reflections on the changes taking place in the present-day family and on the critical issues that concern it, including divorce. Divorce is looked upon primarily in the context of the factors that come from inside the family, but also in the context of changing social customs and social ideologies. The outcome of empirical research presented in the article touches upon opinions that high school students have on marriage, divorce, and the consequences of the latter. Basing on those opinions, the conclusion is reached that high school students (boys to a greater extent than girls) are attached to a traditional model of the marriage and the family, whereas the liberalisation of the young generation's view on the topic appears only after graduating from the high school, and is most visible in people with higher education.
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    Orientacja przyszłościowa młodzieży a jej środowisko rodzinne
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2006) Liberska, Hanna
    The future orientation is particularly important for the development of human activities and forming a relatively stable way of life. In contemporary Polish literature on psychology the problem of future orientation is relatively rarely considered, particularly from the point of view of its developmental determinants. The main aim of this study was to recognize the role of the family environment for forming the future orientation in adolescence. The research was carried on 200 girls and boys aged 16-18 and 360 adults - parents of the adolescents studied. The main research tools used in the study were the following: an essay on the subject "I and my future" and a questionnaire which studies atmosphere at home and parenting strategies. The results show that the family environment influences the formation of future orientation of the adolescents in many ways. A coherent and harmonious family atmosphere is conducive to the formation of the profamily orientation, and bad one threatens making close emotional ties with other people and involvement in intimate relation in adult life. The parenting strategies influence the structure of future orientation of adolescents. An influence of particular importance is exerted by the amount of time given over to a child by his/her parents, taking into consideration his/her opinions when a decision concerning family life are made and the widely understood support given to adolescent by the parents in difficult situations.
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    Obraz matki i ojca a identyfikacja adolescentów z rodzicami
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2006) Przybył, Iwona
    The article written on the basis of the author's own research carried out on 122 gimnazjum (junior high school) students in 2005, presents the range of young adolescents' processes leading to their autonomy. The paper gives the picture of mother and fater as viewed by the pupils, and it also shows selected component of the social 'I', social selfevalution, social interests and the marginality of the pupils. The results of the research confirm that a majority of younger adolescents identify primarily woth the parents, and with the peers, and that family values are the most important signpost. However, every third gimnazjum pupil finds himself or herself between two separate groups; they identify themselves neither with the parents nor with their peer group.
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    Orientacja na małżeństwo młodych singli
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2006) Żurek, Aldona
    For present-day young Poles, Getting married is more and more often a conscious and deliberate decision, made by them with the view of achieving one of their life goals. Making matrimonial decisions takes place without social pressure put on women and men. There is no pressure coming from either the existing axio-normative system or from social groups, especially those informal and common ones, which would stimulate such decisions. For people deciding to get married, the obstacle is the lack of sufficient material, financial, accommodation-related and professional conditions that would form a strong foundation for the marriage. Young Poles do not reject the institutions of the family and the marriage, but they expect stability, opportunity and possibilities that come from the social environment. What emerges is then a drive towards happy relationships of satisfied happy people, for whom the institution is not an obstacle, but rather a helping hand in realising their goals, which often are not related to family life. So high expectations addressed towards the marriage make matrimonial decisions pushed further in time.
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    Socjo-demograficzne aspekty „syndromu opóźniania" i jego konsekwencje dla polityki spotęcznej
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2006) Siany, Krystyna
    The aim of the article is to discuss the so called "delay syndrome" characteristic of young people nowadays as well as its social and demographic consequences. Demographic indicators illustrating marital and family behaviors of this group of people raise fundamental questions concerning the shape of social policy aimed at family and at social protection. In the article I also focus on European propositions to implement effective policy encouraging young people to form marriages and have children.
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    Przeciwdziałanie niedostosowaniu społecznemu zu systemie SOS Wioski Dziecięce
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2006) Ogryzko-Wiewiórowska, Mirona
    This work presents the principles and organisation of foster care within the system coordinated by the International Organisation of Children's Villages SOS (SOS Kinderdorf International). I specify the precise solutions applied on the following stages of institutionalisation of foster care for children and youth deprived of living and upbringing in the natural family setting. The importance of the problem is supported by the fact, that due to the conditions of living in the modern society more and more children- because of different reasons-are in demand for public realisation of patronize-foster tasks. Socialisation within SOS Children's Villages system is realised by the stage-bystage forming of young person's personality and by gaining independence and autonomy via transition through the "SOS mother's care ", living in youth houses or semiindependent housing up to living on their own with less and less monitoring from youth carers.