Glottodidactica, Vol. 34 (2008)

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    Are Gestures of One Culture the Same as Those of the Another One? In the Search of Cross-Cultural Differences in Nonverbal Behaviour from the Perspective of Cognitive Linguistics
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2008) Czubak-Wróbel, Paulina
    From all the examples of nonverbal behaviour it has been scientifically proved that gestures reflect human thoughts and mental operations. Gestures project meanings that are stored in image schemas. Those mental representations are shaped by culturally determined experience. The aim of this article was to delve into the issue of the cross-cultural differences in nonverbal behaviour with the par-ticular focus on gestures from the point of view of cognitive linguistics. It was also of my interest to identify and categorise gestures as regards their universal and/or culture specific nature and create a background for possible further research.
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    Muttersprache im Fremdsprachenunterricht - mehr als ein Ausweichmanöver?
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2008) Ciepielewska, Luiza
    The article deals with the role of the native language in a foreign language class. The practical aspects of moderate native language usage are discussed. Using concrete examples, the author discusses the positive influence of a native language on communication during foreign language class.
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    Imperfektiv oder Perfektiv? Die Krux mit dem slavischen Verbalaspekt aus deutscher Sicht (am Beispiel des Polnischen)
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2008) SCHWENK, HANS-JÖRG
    The present paper deals with the category of aspect as it occurs in Slavic Languages in general and in Polisch in particular and the way it is treated by the authors of textbooks of Polish designed to serve the needs of non-native speakers whose mother tongue lacks the morphological distinction of perfective and imperfective verbs. Special attention is paid to teaching problems which arise from both the nature and the theory of aspect. It could be shown that teaching and learning strategies which aim at enhancing problem-solving skills in the field of aspect cannot be developed at all levels and independently of theoretical issues. The latter, however, as it seems, have to undergo a critical revision thus giving birth to valuable and reliable didactic concepts leading to more efficiency and more satisfying results.
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    The Relationship between Learning Style Preferences and Reading Strategy Use in English as a Foreign Language
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2008) LESIAK-BIELAWSKA, ELŻBIETA DANUTA
    The study explored the relationship between learning style preferences and the use of reading strategies triggered during the performance of a reading comprehension assignment in English as a foreign language (EFL). The research conducted drew on the hypothesis that the type of language task activates a battery of strategies that reflect the subject's learning style preferences and the task requirements.
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    Why should a Business English Teacher be a Constructivist Teacher?
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2008) Lempart, Joanna
    The article provides some considerations related to the issue of learning and teaching Business English in Poland. It explains the difference between Business English, General English and English for Specific Purposes. The main aim of it is to present the characteristics of the Constructivist Business English Teachers. In order to this the constructivist approach to second language learning and teaching is briefly presented and a few. valuable suggestions are provided on how to it can be employed in Business English teaching.
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    Zum Begriff "Kompetenz" in der Fremdsprachendidaktik
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2008) Czarnecka, Małgorzata
    This paper discusses the role of the notion of competence in foreign language teaching. The starting point is a definition of competence given by Chomsky and other researchers over a span of several decades (Labov, Hymes, Canale & Swain, Coseriu, tyons et al.). In the latter part of the paper, a model of communicative competence by Hans Eberhard Piepho is presented. The author focuses on changes the notion of competence has undergone within the period under consideration; they are presented as a process that - in the linguistics - has manifested itself for years in a tendency „towards the performance".
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    Entwicklung der transaltorischen Kompetenz im rahmen des Postgraduierten Studiums für Übersetzer und Dolmetscher am institut für germanistik an der Universität Wrocław
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2008) Małgorzewicz, Anna
    The article presents the didactic concept of the teaching done during the postgraduate course for translators. The author describes the theoretical basis of the translation model, which was the point of departure for the teaching methodology design. The teaching aims are formulated and the concept of translational competence is defined. The author concentrates mainly on the development of interpreting skills. She also presents the typology of activities which develop these skills.
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    Reading and Understanding Texts
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2008) Podlasińska, Ilona
    The ability to read effectively is essential to the success in life. Unfortunately many students experience difficulty in mastering this skill. That is why in this article I have presented certain techniques which can help to develop and improve the students' reading skills. Reading is widely considered to be a passive process whereas it is an active and involving one. To be able to read effectively, the reader must work out what they want to achieve and how well they are progressing. Reading is an active and interactive process involving many skills. Therefore the teacher's role in enhancing the reading skills is enormous.
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    Grammar and Formulaicity in Foreign Language Teaching
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2008) Gozdawa-Gołębiowski, Romuald
    There are three general problem areas in the production of native-like language by the foreign learner: lexically based co-occurrence restrictions, inflectional paradigms and function words with little semantic impact. Remedial action can either be rule-based or dictionary-based. This corresponds to two traditionally recognized modes of sentence processing: analytic (with conscious reference to the grammatical system) or holistic (formulaic, where whole chunks are attended to). I argue for the existence of a third, middle-of-the-road strategy, which I tentatively label the "contentive" mode of sentence processing, with the focus on content-bearing individual lexical items.. Contentive processing is a key factor in the modular concept of formulaicity, proposed in this paper. A formula can be thought of as a bundle of opaque features, a recurrent unit, a social token or a morphosyntactic exemplar. This puts a different perspective on language teaching.
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    Intersemiotische Kommunikation im frühen Fremdsprachenunterricht
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2008) Gorąca, Gabriela
    The article refers to the constitutive elements of intersemiotic communication in the didactics of foreign languages. It indicates, that you can communicate not only using verbal language, but nonverbal elements such as for example pictures or music influencing the sense of an utterance, as well. Language and semiotic elements of communication refer to human feelings and are often interconnected. Constellation of them simplifies learning of foreign languages especially by small children. It's important therefore to get to know glottodidactical techniques using music and picture to increase effectiveness of language acquisition.
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    Struktur und Organisation des mentalen Lexikons in Kontext psychologischer Gedächtnistheorien
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2008) LEGUTKO-MARSZAŁEK, IWONA
    The article presents the concept of mental lexicon's structure in context of memory theory. Mental lexicon has been defined as the part of long-term memory, where words of a particular language are gathered together with all the information concerning the structure of that particular language. Furthermore, the article points out the organization and connection between lexical units, as well as semantic relations between them. Examples depict the feasible process of activation of individual words in the mental lexicon.
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    „Is ja cool" - der Wandel der Sprache in der Moderne
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2008) UTRI, REINHOLD
    The author's diagnosis of the modern German language has found that it is full of English terms and phrases, especially in the mass media, where many of them are already intruding into the everyday language. Some language researchers fear the worst - but is this fear really justified? The author of this article explains the old tendency of traditionalists to keep the language „clean" and not to accept words which are borrowed from other fashionable" languages. Because of globalization and modern technology there are more English words coming into the German language. Another reason is that the youth find English more fashionable and attractive. The process of borrowing a word from another language is usually a slow process and many words are not kept and disappear later. Those that are practical and useful are kept and this is shown in the case with Anglicism. Although it is sometimes difficult to put the English word into the German Grammar structure, the average German is able to incorporate them into their language. This importing and exporting of words (but why only from English?) is only an example of an evolving language that changes every day.
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    Die Wiedergabe deutscher Abtönungspartikeln im Polnischen unter Satzarten- und Intentionsaspekt
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2008) Duch, Justyna
    Modal particles can be strategically used by the speaker to specify the illocutionary content, which can have different consequences on the pragmatic and communicative level. This paper is an attempt to present German and Polish modal particles according to the intention of the speaker and sentence types. This paper gives also an insight into problem of the translation of modal particles.
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    "Die Fremde ist nicht Heimat geworden, aber die Heimat Fremde."(Alfred Polgar)- Überlegungen zum Jahr des interkulturellen Dialogs 2008
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2008) Wolting, Stephan
    The present article tries to attract attention to the connection between the idea of the European Commision to create in 2008 a Year of the interculturaal dialogue and empiric studies in researching of being abroad. It will be one of the most important purposes in future to develop the studies in intercultural communications in the premise of consulting, coaching and mediation for foreign assignment or a deployment abroad. In this fields there's no doubt that there's a need for focussing new researches on the public and private life of employers abroad or on that what's called the working migration.