Studia Edukacyjne, 2012, nr 23

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    Szkoła w cyfrowym uścisku – z nadzieją nie tylko na igrzyska…
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2012) Dylak, Stanisław
    Events which take place in cyberspace complement or even fi ll the day-to-day non-school social life of school-age adolescents. Within cyberspace they have access to limitless amounts of knowledge that assists the solving of any problem. The hours these adolescents spend on the Internet also have an impact on the way in which their cognitive processes and, subsequently, their learning habits develop. Teachers today can take good advantage of the potential existing in the young generation of digital natives by using their online presence to accomplish learning objectives at school.
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    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2012)
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    Obszary edukacyjnych zastosowań Internetu
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2012) Walter, Natalia
    The Internet has become an integral part of human social activities: as a communication channel, educational medium or just a tool used for a job. In this paper we focus on the Internet as an educational space. With respect to it we analyse its defi nitions, functions and main features. We present various areas of educational applications of the Internet: from treating it as an intellectual tool for building teaching aids, through Internet-based and Internet-supported education (including e-learning), to the support for school administration and management.
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    Możliwości edukacyjne instrumentów nowych mediów na przykładzie lip dub’a
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2012) Kaczmarek-Śliwińska, Monika
    New technologies are inevitable in our life. Despite earlier worries concerning the negative impact of ICT on social bonds, it has turned out that they can be positively used to create values and synergy effects. This raises the question concerning the role of a modern school in an ICT era. Is it still in the traditional media era or does it try to create and maintain social relations with young people? The role of school in the ICT era may infl uence all the actors involved – teachers, students and their parents. This seems to be a challenge for the paradigm of media education. From this perspective the article presents the potential educational value of one of new media instruments – a lip dub.
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    Neoradio – koniec radia jakie znamy?
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2012) Iwanicka, Agnieszka
    In the text I am trying to trace the changes that occurred in the audio area in radio programming (radio format), ways of transmission (e.g. Internet radio), and formation new forms of expression (new forms of radio species). I’m trying to show what the radio has gained through adjusting to changes (e.g. programs targeting a specifi c group, corecipients of the radio, more interactivity, the increasing number of ways to answer to the radio, new educational tools – podcasts) and what has been lost (freedom of language of radio presenters, poor quality software, disappearance of species of classic radio, lower technical quality Internet communications, Internet piracy). This combination will demonstrate how much this “blind” medium, once it opened up to the recipient and the changes that require new technologies, is mature and aware of its role as a new communications medium.
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    Uczniowie z lekką niepełnosprawnością intelektualną jako ofi ary agresji elektronicznej
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2012) Plichta, Piotr
    The paper presents results of examining prevalence of online victimization among Polish mildly intellectually disabled adolescents (N = 100). The data was obtained via the Lodz Electronic Aggression Prevalence Questionnaire (LEPAQ), adjusted to intellectually disabled respondents’ needs. Sixty-fi ve percent of the respondents have fallen victim to a form of aggression performed over the Internet or a mobile phone whereas fi fteen percent of the intellectually disabled pupils experienced cyberbullying – the most dangerous form of electronic aggression. The data shows that the involvement of the pupils with mild intellectual disability in electronic aggression is intensive and internally diversifi ed. For the intellectually disabled, electronic aggression occurs more often within a peer group, which results from the fact that they attend special schools and have limited social contacts.
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    Determinanty efektywności systemu CAE w procesie edukacji dzieci z utrudnieniami w rozwoju
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2012) Krauze-Sikorska, Hanna
    It has changed not only the situation of the contemporary child with developmental diffi culties but also its education. PCs, laptops, tablets, and smartphones with their multimedia features have become an integral element of the child’s world and an inseparable part of education. In the article the author refers to quasi-experimental research results, which indicate the use of technology in computer-assisted education that takes into consideration the fact that the child does not have at its disposal neither “IT maturity” nor “information maturity”. The role of a teacher as a tutor and facilitator is very important. The process of using CAE in educating children with developmental diffi culties needs to be thought out beforehand, using “joint involvement episodes” and “scenes of joint attention” to create a coherent triad: child – computer – teacher so that the child could understand the aim and sense of the activity performed. Unfortunately, the possibility of using CAE is often restricted by the teachers’ lack of competences, not only technical, but concerning the necessity of fi nding an appropriate, customised educational path for each and every child.
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    Problemy pedagogiki i jej badań w ponowoczesności
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2012) Śliwerski, Bogusław
    The author analyses the issue of methodology of pedagogical research in the postmodern society from the perspective of other social and human sciences. This problem is associated within both concepts and contributes to divisions between various theoretical perspectives that lead to different paradigms in diagnostic research. Pedagogy is inevitably connected to values. However, this fact does not exclude it from sciences. Similarly to researchers in psychology and sociology, those conducting pedagogical research have to construct opinions and interpretations and further educational aims and requirements that must be secured to achieve them.
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    Rola rodziny w interwencji i profi laktyce zagrożeń w Internecie
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2012) Knol-Michałowska, Kamila
    Nowadays the Internet is an integral part of young people’s lives. However, instead of many possibilities and positive aspects arising from Internet use, adults identify a selection of online risks connected to children online activities. Describing the risks, families express apprehension about adolescents’ safety and indicate fi elds of concerns which need to be covered in parental intervention and prevention strategies. Often this might be a challenge for families due to their inadequate knowledge or skills. Researches show that even though increasing numbers of adults use the Internet, they perceive their skills as less advanced than adolescents’. Under these circumstances, the main subjects of analysis in this article were as follows: differences in Internet usage among adults and adolescents, current intervention and prevention strategies developed by families, areas of parental education provided by organizations involved in disseminating information about online safety.
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    Wpływ środków masowego przekazu na sympatie polityczne studentów – analiza wyników badań własnych
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2012) Pawełczyk, Piotr; Jankowiak, Barbara
    The article contains an evaluation of results of a survey carried out among Poznań university students. Its purpose was to investigate which media are used by students in order to obtain socio-political information and what kind of attitudes towards political parties and politicians are connected to the use of certain mass media. In today’s democracy media play the role which is hard to overestimate but crucial changes occur as to their potential impact on the individuals’ attitudes. The young generation of the electorate entering adult life read fewer and fewer newspapers and magazines, choosing instead the Internet rather than television. The assumption about the subjectivism of mass media content infl uencing the various emotions of audiences was almost completely confi rmed. The survey results show that the press and TV news programs are far advanced in the process of an intentional creation of images of reality. However, the increasing role of Internet portals introduces new features to public discourse, resulting in a greater balance of political attitudes
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    ETOS – innowacyjne narzędzie wspomagające nauczanie i uczenie się przedmiotów przyrodniczych
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2012) Basińska, Anna; Pietrala, Dawid; Cole, Ronald; Dziubalska-Kołaczyk, Katarzyna
    The article presents the results of a series of studies conducted as part of the E-Tutor of Science project carried out at Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznań, Poland. The project aims to develop and test an innovative program of teaching support ETOS. The program aims to support science teaching and learning at two education levels: primary school (years 4-6) and junior secondary school (years 1-3). The scope of innovation in the project covers the incorporation of the Questioning the Author? classroom dialogue modeling method used for discussing science topics, virtual teachers (avatars), as well as introducing English into the science curriculum.
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    Komputer i Internet w życiu e-seniorów – doniesienie z badań jakościowych
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2012) Szmigielska, Barbara; Bąk, Anna; Jaszczak, Aleksandra
    The present survey aimed to collect seniors’ opinions about their computer and Internet use and compare these opinions with the data from previous studies. Using Focus Group Interview method, 17 people have been surveyed (average age 67.5 years). Empirical analysis of the material collected helped single out a few categories, which participants’ opinions referred to. These opinions related to: seniors’ attitude towards computers and the Internet, the process of acquiring computer skills, reasons for use and benefi ts connected with a computer and the Internet, and fi nally the role of new technologies in younger generation’s life. The results of the analyses increase knowledge about the role of new technologies in seniors’ life. Our fi ndings can serve as useful recommendations for authors of programmes supporting the digital inclusion of the elderly.
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    Digital natives vs. digital immigrants? – szkoła a kreatywność online
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2012) Przybyła, Mariusz
    The article is an attempt to outline the changes that have occurred in a vacuum existing between an institutionalized school and digitally enthusiastic students/pupils. The functioning of education members and the institutional framework of education itself within a net society is a vital issue, which the article analyses from a cognitive and practical viewpoint. The article presents the profi le of a contemporary student/pupil at different times of his or her educational journey. The article moreover attempts to present alarming questions regarding the effectiveness and attractiveness of school, which actually functions side by side with the Internet. Moreover, the text emphasizes the problem of a digital gap between the technologically-advanced youth (digital natives) and teachers, parents, tutors – digital immigrants. Strange as it may seem in this context, school – the most conservative, also cognitively, educative institution that seems to perpetuate the above division, feels responsible for guarding the gates of the digital world. The article is also an important contribution to the discussion on the Internet which, to a certain extent, has freed education from its frozen structures. As a result education and us have received a multidimensional exchange of information, thoughts and experience. In addition, the author raises other important issues such as individualization, a creative use of the global net and creativity on-line.
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    Polscy pracownicy o wykorzystaniu nowych mediów w edukacji
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2012) Korzeniowska, Elżbieta
    Workers are an important target group of health education. Their attitude towards health is refl ected not only in its state, but also indirectly in workers’ effi ciency and productivity in the performance of professional duties. In this sense, workers are an important human capital or social cost, especially in the face of an aging population. This article focuses on the opinions regarding the forms and contents of health education offered to Polish workers by their employers, especially through new media, particularly the Internet. This is part of the fi rst study in Poland, conducted on a representative sample of 1,012 workers employed in companies with at least 50 staff. The object of the research was the specifi cs of workers’ Internet use in order to obtain health information. It has turned out that companies only marginally use new media in the health education of their employees (e.g. having their own websites they hardly distinguish the section on health within it; only one in fi ve companies advise the workers over the Internet about the dates / places of training in occupational health and safety or periodic check-ups, and only 4-6% of workplaces use this tool for education on a healthy lifestyle). On the other hand, the employees expect that their companies should use the Internet to a greater extent than is currently the case. Most often, about every fi fth worker sees the possibility of Internet application for providing online advice by health professionals and for health trainings. One in six would like to receive tips regarding the websites or online materials worth considering, receive current information or newsletters about health via e-mail, or have access to programs encouraging health benefi cial exercises during working time.
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    Fora internetowe jako źródło wsparcia społecznego dla kobiet ciężarnych uzależnionych od nikotyny
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2012) Knol-Michałowska, Kamila; Goszczyńska, Eliza; Petrykowska, Alicja
    Internet forums provide a space where people can search and receive social support. The sense of anonymity, one of forums’ attributes, tends to bring up delicate and socially unacceptable subjects. One of them is the problem of smoking during pregnancy. The authors of this article attempt a qualitative analysis of posts by smoking pregnant women in the context of three types of social support: emotional, informational and instrumental. The authors include recommendations for the health education of expectant mothers with respect to smoking cigarettes.
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    Internet a możliwości poprawy efektów edukacji zdrowotnej
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2012) Puchalski, Krzysztof
    In Polish society we observe insuffi cient knowledge and inappropriate beliefs concerning health behaviours. One of the factors infl uencing that situation is a low effi ciency of former health education activities. The important question is whether the Internet could change this state. The text is based on a representative study concerning the usage of the Web for searching for health information. The question is hard to answer due to a relative lack of research in this area and ambiguous research data concerning online and offl ine contexts. The conclusion analyses the extent to which the Internet can support educational activities that determine a healthy lifestyle in the society.
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    Czy nadchodzi śmierć tekstu? Kilka refl eksji na marginesie teorii technologicznego determinizmu
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2012) Klichowski, Michał
    This article presents the theory of technological determinism. It shows the correlation of modern technological change and changes in the approach to reading a text. It presents the results of a quasi-experiment relating to this context and their interpretations and formulates a hypothesis concerning the impending death of the text.