Środkowoeuropejskie Studia Polityczne, 2013, nr 3


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    “Any news from Poland?” Representations of the Polish EU presidency in the Greek media
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe WNPiD UAM w Poznaniu, 2013) Serafeim, Katerina
    The purpose of the paper is to explore and analyze the news coverage of the first Polish presidency of the EU Council in the Greek media, as well as the role of the Greek media in the Greek citizens’ information process about issues regarding the Pol- ish presidency and the promotion of European matters. Through a comparative quanti- tative and qualitative content analysis of the media, the paper aims to highlight the representations of the Polish EU presidency in the Greek media. In addition, the essay casts light on some crucial questions that arise: (1) How did the Polish EU presidency attract the Greek media’s attention? (2) What are the Greek media’s criteria for selec- tion of EU-related events taking place in a foreign European country which are of great importance? (3) How many news items regarding the Polish EU presidency appeared on Greek TV, in newspapers and online media? (4) How frequently did representations of the term Poland , Polish EU presidency and Polish appear in Greek news items? (5) What was the Greek media’s attitude towards this foreign country? (6) How did the Greek media present the Polish EU presidency? As a host of numerous meetings and events or as an actor in charge, defining the major directions of the EU policy? (7) What was the attention given to Poland and to the Polish EU presidency in particular? (8) Within what spectrum did the Greek media comment on the role of the Polish EU presidency as chairman of the EU Council for 6 months?
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    Facets of the Polish EU presidency on Greek news websites
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe WNPiD UAM w Poznaniu, 2013) Deligiaour, Anastasia; Katsiola, Martha
    The purpose of this research was to investigate the promotion of the Polish presidency of the European Union through the analysis of three popular Greek news websites. The survey collected articles from the websites, using the keywords Poland and EU presidency , which were published between July 1 and December 31, 2011. Results obtained provide several aspectsregarding the presentation of the Polish EU pres idency in the Greek media. Additionally, the research results reveal information about the role and activities of the rotating presidency of the European Union, as well as information of the European communicative policy.
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    The German News Coverage of Poland during the Polish EU Presidency Termin2011
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe WNPiD UAM w Poznaniu, 2013) WÖHLERT, ROMY
    This paper summarizes the key features of the German print media news coverage on Poland throughout the timeframe of the Polish EU Presidency term in 2011. Results stem from a quantitative content analysis of three daily newspapers and one newsmagazine that were analyzed over a timeframe of 7 months from June 2011 to January 2012. Being one of the founding countries of the EU, Germany is one of the “EU-heavyweights”, regarding its population size and its political standing. Furthermore, compared to other EU members, the country has a rather supportive position towards its own EU membership as well as to EU-related matters. This position was slightly shaken more recently by the EU financial crisis, but remains more positive still than in many other EU countries. However, Germany also has a very special and not always conflict-free relationship to its neighboring country Poland. Both aspects are crucial to bear in mind when the German news coverage on Poland during the presidency term is taken into view. The paper shows that the Polish EU presidency did not change the overall thematic focus of the German news coverage on Poland. The frame of perceptions of Poland shifted towards a more EU-related dimension only slightly and temporarily, but overall, deeper-rooted frames of perception as well as characteristic news factors shaped the German news coverage on Poland.
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    (Un)covering Poland between PR and presidency. A quantitative content analysis of print news coverage of the Polish EU presidency in Flanders
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe WNPiD UAM w Poznaniu, 2013) Velders, Khaël; Bilteryst, Daniël; Bonte, Thibault; Delcart, Eveline
    Cross-national and longitudinal comparative research on the media coverage of EU-related news has gained increasing interest and momentum, but is still rare and generally focuses on the EU as an intergovernmental institution, hence remaining largely ignorant of the particular flows of news in between the member states of the EU. The following analysis provides insight into the media coverage of the Polish EU presidency in the region of Flanders. For this quantitative content analysis, our scope is narrowed to three Flemish media sources. Based on a predetermined set of keywords related to the Polish case and using the newspaper search engine Mediargus, we collected 735 articles for analysis. In conclusion, the analyzed news sample devoted little attention to the Polish EU presidency. News items relevant to Poland’s presidency of the EU were concentrated around the presidential inauguration, limited in size, not necessarily political in nature, and favored objective news reporting with absence of a discernible attitude towards Poland.
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    Austrian news coverage of Poland during the Polish EU presidency in 2011
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe WNPiD UAM w Poznaniu, 2013) WÖHLERT, ROMY
    This paper summarizes the key features of the Austrian print media news coverage of Poland throughout the timeframe of the Polish presidency of the EU in 2011. Results stem from a quantitative content analysis of three daily newspapers and one news magazine that were analyzed over a timeframe of 7 months from June 2011 to January 2012. Having entered the EU only in 1995, Austria is a rather young member state and one of the ‘EU-lightweights’, regarding its population size but also its political standing. Since its accession the country has developed a rather ambivalent and skeptical position towards its own EU membership as well as to EU-related matters, which is also strongly reflected in the focus of the Austrian news coverage of EU-related issues. At the same time, Austrian-Polish relations have specific features not only in a political, but also in a social, economic and historical dimension. Both aspects are crucial to bear in mind when Austrian news coverage of Poland during the presidency is taken into view. The paper shows that the Polish EU presidency did not change the overall thematic focus of the Austrian news coverage of Poland. Austrian news coverage shifted towards a more EU-related dimension only temporarily and slightly, but over- all, other frames of perception as well as characteristic news factors shaped the Aus- trian news coverage of Poland.
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    International project: Media coverage of the Polish EU presidency
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe WNPiD UAM w Poznaniu, 2013) Stępińska, Agnieszka
    Effectively conducted, the EU presidency can improve the image of the country holding this position. This is particularly true for countries that are holding the chairmanship of the EU Council for the first time. During the six-month period of the presidency the country attracts foreign media attention, not only as a host of numerous meetings and events, but also as an actor in charge of defining the major directions of the EU policy. Therefore, that time could be spent on achieving political goals and build- ing an image as an important and effective EU member, as well as an at- tractive country for tourists and entrepreneurs. In many cases, however, internal political events such as elections, political tensions, or controver- sies over domestic issues seem to take over the atmosphere around the country.
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    The determinants and coordination of the message conveyed through the media by the Polish presidency of the Council of the EuropeanUnion in 2011 – a political science approach
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe WNPiD UAM w Poznaniu, 2013) Tomaszyk, Mikołaj
    Although Poland’s presidency of the Council of the European Union concluded almost two years ago, this period of Poland coordinating the work of one of the most significant EU institutions is still the subject of interdisciplinary studies that contribute to the assessment of the new, Lisbon model of European leadership. The paper discusses how the Polish government formulated its communication goals when beginning to prepare for the presidency. How did it define the political message of the presidency? How did it involve citizens in the activities undertaken by the Polish presidency of the EU Council? What domestic and European factors impacted on the evolution of the message of the presidency? How did the priorities of the presidency determine its communication goals? How did this message evolve on account of numerous factors?
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    The priorities of the Polish presidency of the Council of the European Union – the circumstances of their selection and implementation
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe WNPiD UAM w Poznaniu, 2013) Przybylska-Maszner, Beata; Jańczak, Jarosław
    The paper discusses the Polish presidency of the EU Council in terms of its priorities. It analyzes the circumstances of their formulation, selection and implementation. The authors answer the question of what influenced the selection of Poland’s priorities and what selection mechanisms were applied. Additionally, they examine how the national agenda was ‘concealed’ in Community rhetoric. Thus, the analytical part discusses the political and legal path that determined the priorities. The EU agenda, Polish ambitions and the context of the trio is also presented. The paper concludes with the authors’ assessment of the implementation of the priorities.
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    Parliamentary dimension of the Polish presidency
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe WNPiD UAM w Poznaniu, 2013) Czachór, Zbigniew
    The process of European integration has contributed to a significant concentration of member states’ political power in the hands of a bureaucratic-executive elite. This has been a result of European Union institutions discriminating in favor of national administrations rather than respective parliamentary institutions. Thereby, a European pattern of supremacy of the executive elite has been established, based on a mecha- nism of strict cooperation, and a system of institutional links between European and national bureaucracies. Unfortunately, national parliaments and the European Parlia- ment were significantly late in responding to this process. This resulted in a lack of efficient methods to monitor political decision-makers and officials as regards their activity in the European forum. Not only has the integration system undermined the general powers of nation-states, but it has created a powerful bureaucracy whose com- petences have significantly increased on account of its international connections.
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    The Polish EU presidency in selected Greek media
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe WNPiD UAM w Poznaniu, 2013) Papadopoulou, Dora
    The main purpose of this article was to cover the most important news presented by the Greek media (SKAI Television, www.skai.gr, www.aixmi.gr, Kiriakatiki Eleftherotipia, www.avgi.gr and www.eleftherotypia.gr) about the Polish presidency from a quantitative perspective – (reporting only the most essential results because of lack of space). The rotating Polish presidency was a fact that received special attention – more or less – in almost every aspect (politics, economy, culture, international issues, etc.). Via those themes, the pieces of the jigsaw eventually completed the picture of different events that characterised the Polish presidency, which allows us to have a picture of its course over this period of six months. Apart from the key issues that those media addressed, it is worth mentioning both their critical view and the attitude that was adopted towards Poland.
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    The presidency as a task. The image of Poland’s presidency of the Council of the European Union in selected Polish weekly magazines
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe WNPiD UAM w Poznaniu, 2013) Lipiński, Artur
    Despite the fact that it is exercised in the interests of the European Union as a whole, the presidency of the Council of the European Union is also an excellent opportunity to promote national interests and a positive image of the country, acting as an ‘amplifier’ of the voice of the state. Particular significance should be ascribed to the European and national media, which can support the positive image of a specific country and its government, but can also undermine such an image. The purpose of this paper is to raise the question of the specific mechanisms of constructing the image of Poland, Europe/European Union and the Polish presidency in the national media. The paper also indicates the mechanisms for building support for the vision of the Polish government, the European Union and the Polish presidency. The theoretical foundations of this article are provided by the analytical categories and concepts developed by critical discourse analysis. The article examines how the media represented individual and collective political actors, attributed specific characteristics to them, and used arguments in favor of a particular vision of Poland, the European Union and the Polish presidency of the EU Council.
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    Coverage of Poland’s EU presidency in Romanianprinted press and online media – a descriptive analysis
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe WNPiD UAM w Poznaniu, 2013) Marinescu, Valentina; Balasescu, Madalina
    Journalists make use of the main ‘frameworks’of interpretation of the world and of the events which they present in news items and other media products. Professional routines lead journalists to search for information first in sources which have, in their opinion, the power to ‘define’ the situation and to ‘frame’ it. The article analyzes the coverage of Poland’s EU presidency in the Romanian printed press and online media. The analysis was made on a sample of data composed of Romanian articles devoted to Poland’s EU presidency in July 2011–January 2012. The study highlights the similarities in covering Polish presidency of the EU between the Romanian newspapers and online media. At the same time, the results showed that the attention paid by the Romanian mass media to Poland’s EU presidency varied according to the type of media where the article was published: newspapers vs. online media.
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