Studia Europaea Gnesnensia, 2013/8


Recent Submissions

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    Światopoglądowa i stylistyczna katachreza Michela Foucaulta i Donny Haraway
    (Instytut Kultury Europejskiej UAM w Gnieźnie oraz Wydawnictwo Poznańskiego Towarzystwa Przyjaciół Nauk, 2013-12) Gajewska, Grażyna
    The article describes one of strategies of conducting and presenting interdisciplinary research based on catachresis (κατάχρησις, abusio). Catachresis understood as a figure of speech and as a model of worldview displays a potential in overcoming traditional methods of academic research practice. In the article, the thesis is elaborated and substantiated through an analysis of critical writings by two researchers: Michel Foucault and Donna Haraway
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    Jerzy Potocki w kręgu polityki
    (Instytut Kultury Europejskiej UAM w Gnieźnie oraz Wydawnictwo Poznańskiego Towarzystwa Przyjaciół Nauk, 2013-12) Jankowiak, Krzysztof
    The paper covers the first half of the 20th century, a period of decline in the history of aristocracy, Polish aristocracy in particular. The article is concerned chiefly with count Jerzy Potocki, from the Łańcut branch of the family. It aims to determine the state of knowledge about his relationships with broadly understood politics, including his own political activities in different domains. The basis for the analyses is provided chiefly by various publications, at times including data from unpublished archival sources. The analyses demonstrate the diversification of knowledge and advisability of further research, particularly with archival sources.
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    Le strategie editoriali di Jan Poszakowski s.i. (1684–1757). Un contributo alla storia della letteratura religiosa del tardo barocco
    (2013-12) Mariani, Andrea
    The topic of this paper is the adaptation of the West-European devotional literature to the needs of the Polish-Lithuanian society in the 18th century. The analysis focuses on the works of the Lithuanian Jesuit Jan Poszakowski, whose cultural interests and career were deeply affected through long lasting contacts with the Radziwiłł family. While presenting the later works of Jan Poszakowski, the author of the paper compares them to the original models on the one hand, and analyses the aims and the expectations expressed by the Jesuit in the letters to his patron Józef Stanisław Sapieha on the other. It is shown how Poszakowski tried to address an audience composed of members of different social backgrounds. This was made possible by the choice of Polish as writing language as well as through the addition of contents corresponding to the local forms of behaviour and religious mentality.
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    Herod Wielki i „nowa” Jerozolima
    (Instytut Kultury Europejskiej UAM w Gnieźnie oraz Wydawnictwo Poznańskiego Towarzystwa Przyjaciół Nauk, 2013-12) Maciudzińska-Kamczycka, Magdalena
    The focus of this paper will be on the Jewish experience with Roman art in the late Second Temple period, from Herod’s reign ( 37-4 B.C.E.) to the destruction of the Jerusalem Temple in 70 C.E. Herodian architecture of Jerusalem, existing in the archaeological artefacts and the writings of ancient authors, is reflective of both full Jewish participation in Roman art and a level of local conservatism.
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    Epistemologiczne problemy badań interdyscyplinarnych
    (Instytut Kultury Europejskiej UAM w Gnieźnie oraz Wydawnictwo Poznańskiego Towarzystwa Przyjaciół Nauk, 2013-12) Angutek, Dorota
    In the paper, the author summarizes two basic types of methodologies which are characteristic of the humanities, including social sciences, and sciences as such, i.e. anti-naturalism and naturalism. Then she goes on to compare their differences, pointing to the inability of arriving at a reconciled and uniform paradigm at a theoretical level. At the same time, Angutek argues that in various interdisciplinary projects the theoretical constraints are overlooked in practice, and the rapprochement of both branches is successfully pursued at the level of high technological and communicative efficiency. The discussed theoretical incompatibilities and the practical effective combination and application of knowledge from different fields are demonstrated on the examples taken from humanistic geography by Tommy Carlstein and Yi-Fu Tuan, as well as from Anthony Giddens’s sociological application of this geography. The author concludes that classical theoretical discourses are not relevant, while practical interdisciplinary projects overcome that gap, yielding new descriptive terminology.
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    (Instytut Kultury Europejskiej UAM w Gnieźnie oraz Wydawnictwo Poznańskiego Towarzystwa Przyjaciół Nauk, 2013-12) Stern, Max
    Abstract: One of the prerogatives of our time and place has been a protracted search to integrate Western artistic aspiration within a context of Jewish identification – a quest to find the indwelling spirit within contemporary and traditional compositional ethos and technique, content and form. Shared is an awareness of the tension between tradition and innovation, and the motivation to bring a timeless perspective to the fractured state of contemporary consciousness. This paper focuses on music as an art form and as an experiential educational medium in the renewal of an ingathered people who aspires to understand and walk in the ways of God, but isn't quite sure how this vision and ideal is to be realized as ancient sources of inspiration impose themselves upon against a backdrop of horror and despair.
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    „Wędrujące pojęcia”. Koncepcja Mieke Bal – przykład inter- czy transdyscyplinarności?
    (Instytut Kultury Europejskiej UAM w Gnieźnie oraz Wydawnictwo Poznańskiego Towarzystwa Przyjaciół Nauk, 2013-12) Tabaszewska, Justyna
    The notions of inter- and transdisciplinarity represent categories which the humanities frequently resort to in the discourse, but which remain difficult to define. The attempts to do so are most often associated with subscribing to one of the possible models of interpreting relationships between individual disciplines of science. Mieke Bal’s concept of transdisciplinarity, which this paper discusses, envisages a framework where the privileged form of formulating scientific concepts would be in research practice that is rooted not only in the methodologies of individual sciences but most of all in the everyday practices and experiences.
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    O interdyscyplinarności komparatystyki
    (2013-12) Płaszczewska, Plga
    The purpose of the text is to discuss some basic meanings of interdisciplinarity in the area of comparative literature (that concerns both, analysed problems and the methodology applied). A special attention is paid to the field of so called „correspondence of arts” and to one of the principal rules of the discipline, consisting in considering literature a constant and obligatory element in the comparative reflection.
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    Świecka tożsamość polskich Żydów jako żydowska tożsamość alternatywna
    (Instytut Kultury Europejskiej UAM w Gnieźnie oraz Wydawnictwo Poznańskiego Towarzystwa Przyjaciół Nauk, 2013-12) Włodarczyk, Tamara
    The article discusses the issue of Jewish secular identity. Drawing on the studies of Irena Hurwic-Nowakowska, Konstanty Gebert and Heleny Datner, as well as own research, the author demonstrates the specific identity of a number of Polish Jews, whose notion of Jewish identity is not founded on religion but rooted in the broadly understood Jewish heritage
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    Personifikacja Aeternitas na monetach rzymskich propagujących ideę wieczności cesarza
    (Instytut Kultury Europejskiej UAM w Gnieźnie oraz Wydawnictwo Poznańskiego Towarzystwa Przyjaciół Nauk, 2013-12) Balbuza, Katarzyna
    The paper analyzes the typology of imagery of Aeternitas in the coinage (from Vespasian to the Tetrarchy) propagating the concept of emperor’s eternity. The iconography of Aeternitas is not homogenous, being characterised by an abundance and diversity of motifs and representations. One thing that would not change, a common denominator of sorts, was the figure of a woman in a long dress. Her attributes, however, did fluctuate and depending on their kind symbolised either cosmic eternity or renewable time (phoenix). Aeternitas personified by a woman in long dress, shown in contrapposto, holding a radiant sun and moon was introduced on the reverses of coins in the Flavian period and continued to appear until Hadrian. During that time, the astral attributes would be exchanged for other devices, but although these insignia changed over time, the figure in a long tunic remained, as a permanent and originally Roman element in the iconography of female personifications of the Roman Empire.
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    (Instytut Kultury Europejskiej UAM w Gnieźnie oraz Wydawnictwo Poznańskiego Towarzystwa Przyjaciół Nauk, 2013-12) Davidovitch, Nitza
    Experiential learning of the Holocaust was initiated in Israel through youth trips to Poland in the late 1980s. The young age of participants harbors both advantages and disadvantages. In this article we attempt to analyze the benefits and efectiveness of this method of experiential Holocaust education.
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    Personifikacja Aeternitas na monetach rzymskich propagujących ideę wieczności cesarza
    (Poznańskie Towarzystwo Przyjaciół Nauk, 2013) Balbuza, Katarzyna
    The paper analyzes the typology of imagery of Aeternitas in the coinage (from Vespasian to the Tetrarchy) propagating the concept of emperor’s eternity. The iconography of Aeternitas is not homogenous, being characterised by an abundance and diversity of motifs and representations. One thing that would not change, a common denominator of sorts, was the figure of a woman in a long dress. Her attributes, how- ever, did fluctuate and depending on their kind symbolised either cosmic eternity or renewable time (phoenix). Aeternitas personified by a woman in long dress, shown in contrapposto, holding a radiant sun and moon was introduced on the reverses of coins in the Flavian period and continued to appear until Hadrian. During that time, the astral attributes would be exchanged for other devices, but although these insignia changed over time, the figure in a long tunic remained, as a permanent and originally Roman element in the iconography of female personifications of the Roman Empire.
Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
Biblioteka Uniwersytetu im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
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