Studia Romanica Posnaniensia, 2010, vol. 37, nr 2

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    Les reformulations réparatrices dans l’interprétation de conférence
    (AMU Press, 2010-12-30) Woroch, Justyna
    The aim of this paper is to deal with the notion of repair reformulations (fr. reformulations réparatrices) investigated mainly by the conversational analysis researchers but adapted here to the situation of conference interpreting. The author analyses a couple of examples of repairs which appear in the texte produced by the speaker as well as those relevant for the interpreter’s delivery.
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    Types d’opérations sémantiques dans l’interprétation des énoncés paradoxaux
    (AMU Press, 2010-12-30) Wołowska, Katarzyna
    The paper describes the linguistic paradox from a semantic point of view, in particular the mechanisms involved in paradox neutralization in a context. The theoretical and methodological perspective of the study, linked to the current stemming from French structural semantics, lays a particular emphasis on mutual relations between the analyzed elements, though considered in a micro- and macrosemantic context. Special attention is paid to basic types of paradox neutralization: semantic dissimulation (as to time, optics and point of view) and semantic assimilation, as well as tropical interpretation of a string, more exactly – metaphoric, hyperbolic and ironical.
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    Lingua del calcio come una lingua settoriale
    (AMU Press, 2010-12-30) Szemberska, Anna
    The main motives of this article involve tecnical terms used by journalists in the Italian football press. The paper presents the Italian of football, its multiple aspects and its characteristics as a special language. The aim of this article, in which we also consider the popularity of football press in Italy, is to analyse its semantic, stylistic, syntactic and textual features.
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    À la recherche de la forme et du sens des gestes quasi-linguistiques et syllinguistiques dans la communication française, italienne et polonaise
    (AMU Press, 2010-12-30) Szarota, Beata
    The present paper is an attempt supplying proofs that gestural signs are almost like standard linguistic signs. It is claimed that language gestures exhibit numerous properties of classical linguistic signs conceived of as in the works of de Saussure. The dividing line between the two pertains, in essence, to the type of motivation between the signifier and the signified, found within gestural, but not linguistic signs. There is a conspicuous connection between the two aspects of the sign within various kinds of gestures, including volitional ones (most akin to speech acts or „la parole” of the Saussure) as well as within those which are not performed on purpose (called „sylinguistic” gestures).
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    El enfoque cultural en la enseñanza y el aprendizaje de español como lengua extranjera - ELE
    (AMU Press, 2010-12-30) Spychała, Małgorzata
    This paper is devoted to the notion of culture which on account of its omnipresence and multitude of meanings requires a detailed analysis within the context of foreign language teaching. The problems of culture are presented, along with the aims of language, intercultural communication and education in the perspective of Spanish teaching.
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    Applications de la théorie des négociations conversationnelles de Kerbrat-Orecchioni et de la notion de stratégie à l’analyse des messages asynchrones de l’interaction virttuelle
    (AMU Press, 2010-12-30) Pirogowska, Ewa
    The written interactive register of internet discourse became the generous source for contemporary linguistic studies. This article tries to explain how to fit a modern conversational theory of C. Kerbrat- Orecchioni to the analysis of interaction between humans in the computer asynchronous communication. The conclusions reached at intend to update notions like conversational strategy, conversational negotiation so as to apply them to the new communication means.
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    Conversion: non-réciproque – réciproque. Variantes syntaxiques
    (AMU Press, 2010-12-30) Nkollo, Mikołaj
    The present paper is devoted to the concept of reciprocity and to reciprocal expressions, which are divided into two main classes. Those belonging to the first of them signify reciprocity on their own, i.e. without any additional reciprocal markers. The other class contains expressions that acquire ability to refer to reciprocal states of affairs only as a result of appropriate transformations. Different reciprocal markers – grammatical, lexical and quantifying – are singled out and thoroughly characterized. Their use results in converting non-reciprocal signs into reciprocal ones. They are applied according to the part of speech of a modified term. The conclusion to be drawn from this analysis revolves around the discrepancy between morphological and syntactic means of reciprocal transformation. While the former ones are rather scanty, the latter are largely used in contemporary French.
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    La expresión verbal de las emociones negativas: el caso del insulto
    (AMU Press, 2010-12-30) Lisowska, Monika
    An insult is one of the cases of verbal aggression and undoubtedly it is an everyday life phenomenon. Insulting is a display of direct aggression which arises from anger and aims at the effect on the recipient’s mind. The act of abuse on the other hand, is conditioned by multiple factors. Its success depends, for example, on the knowledge of culture to which the recipient of an insult belongs. Despite the fact that an insult is a cultural phenomenon, i.e. dependent on a particular culture, the mechanism of abuse itself is identical in the entire world. Generally, it is possible to determine a list of universal human disabilities which are subject to insults as well as a universal list of topic areas of insulting expressions.
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    La syntaxe comparative des connecteurs argumentatifs – l’exemple du couple français-tchèque
    (AMU Press, 2010-12-30) Pešek, Ondřej
    The paper deals with the syntactic features of textual connectives in the contemporary French and Czech language. The study is a comparative one. The argumentative connectives are lexical units that participate on the text structuration and mark the argumentative orientation of the constituents they connect. Being defined on the basis of textual criteria, the units we include to the category issue from different morphosyntactic classes – conjunctions of subordination, conjunctions of coordination, adverbials. Although these classes present in French and in Czech some different distributional features, their accumulation in one clause is ruled by the same principles that operate on the level of the logical form.
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    Formas no personales del verbo en el español medieval
    (AMU Press, 2010-12-30) Pawlik, Janusz
    In this paper we intend to investigate the three elements of the Spanish verb system, ie. infinitive (cantar), present and past participles (cantando, cantado). We will find out the changes undergone by these grammatical forms and their function during medieval Spanish. This period is considered to be crucial for the formation and the future role played by the impersonal forms of verb.
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    Les figures de construction dans les textes persuasifs d’après l’exemple des annonces matrimoniales
    (AMU Press, 2010-12-30) Otulak-Komenda, Monika
    A sender of a personal ad, who usually does not have any theoretical knowledge of rhetoric, intuitively uses simple schemes in the text which are based on the syntactic modifications of zero level. The schemes, which are discussed in this article, do not introduce any changes on the semantic level, as a result, they do not cause ambiguity and they do not make the text’s reception more difficult. On the one hand, making such schemes is easy, by and large, it does not demand the knowledge of theoretical basis of rhetoric. On the other hand, the schemes have an influence on rhythmicality and dynamic of the text. Consequently, they make the reception of the text easier and, in addition, the text becomes more attractive for a virtual recipient.