Przegląd Antropologiczny, 1996, vol. 59

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    Kaszubi polscy a wybrane populacje europejskie - genetyczne podobieństwa i różnice
    (Polskie Towarzystwo Antropologiczne, 1996) Budnik, Alicja
    POLISH KASHUBIANS AND CHOSEN EUROPEAN POPULATIONS - GENETIC SIMILARITIES AND DIFFERENCES. On the basis of allele frequencies of two blood group systems: ABO and Rh (locus D), the mutual genetic similarities and differences between the Kashubians from Hel Peninsula and Pomerania and the rest of population from Poland and inhabitants of the Baltic countries have been evaluated. Genetic analysis was accompanied by demographic measures delining the degree of isolation of the two Kashubian groups and other Poles living contemporarily, and in the 2nd half of the 19'1' century.
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    Środowisko społeczno-wychowawcze jako czynnik różnicujący wiek monarchy u dziewcząt regionu bydgoskiego
    (Polskie Towarzystwo Antropologiczne, 1996) Nowicki, Grzegorz
    Abstract SOCIO-EDUCATIONAL ENVIRNOMENT AS A FACTOR DIFFERENTIATING THE AGE OF MENARCHE IN THE BYDGOSZCZ REGION. This paper presents the results of research on the age of menarche of the Polish girls in the Bydgoszcz region.
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    Analysis of transmissible and nontransmissible components of variation in human physique
    (Polskie Towarzystwo Antropologiczne, 1996) Kaczmarek, Maria
    The paper is aimed at decomposition the continuously varying phenotype into components due to transmissible and nontransmissible factors. The linear causal model (path analysis) was applied to incorporate the contribution of environmental sources of variation (described in terms of indices of socioeconomic status) to familial resemblance on physique (height and weight) in 342 nuclear families. Parameters of the causal model were estimated according to the TAU transmission model of Rice, Cloninger, Reich [1978] and linear constraints placed upon the parameters were tested. The proportion of total phenotypic variance accounted for by genetic and environmental transmissible factors was estimated to be 62% for height and 3 8% for weight
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    Koncepcje gatunku: Przegląd i ocena stosowalności do badań materiałów kopalnych
    (Polskie Towarzystwo Antropologiczne, 1996) Kaszycka, Katarzyna A.
    SPECIES CONCEPTS: REVIEW AND EVALUATION IN THE CONTEXT OF THEIR APPLICABILITY TO FOSSILS. In this paper, three major species concepts were reviewed and critically evaluated: the biological, the evolutionary and the phylogenetic species concepts. Both: ontological issues (what species are), and epistomological issues (how to recognize species) were discussed.
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    Porównanie wpływu czynników społecznych na realizację dwóch potencjałów biologicznych: wzrostowego młodzieży oraz rozrodczego rodzin w Polsce
    (Polskie Towarzystwo Antropologiczne, 1996) Szklarska, Alicja; Welon, Zygmunt
    THE EFFECTS OF SOCIAL FACTORS ON TWO BIOLOGICAL POTENTIALS: GROWTH OF ADOLESCENTS AND REPRODUCTION IN POLISH FAMILIES. The purpose of the study is an examination of the hypothesis whether the influence of each of the three social factors (urbanization, education, and occupation) on attainments of two biological potentials: growth o f youth and fertility differ between each other. The results were based on two country-wide samples of military conscripts (1965, 1986), using the path analysis.
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    Uwarunkowania wysokiej zależności pomiędzy budową ciała i wiekiem menarchy
    (Polskie Towarzystwo Antropologiczne, 1996) Łaska-Mierzejewska, Teresa; Łuczak, Ewa
    THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN THE BODY BUILD AND MENARCHEAL AGE. The groups of girls strongly differentiated by the economic situation of their families showed big differences in menarcheal age, but not in body build.
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    Zróżnicowanie struktur wymieralności populacji z mezolitu, neolitu i wczesnych okresów epoki brązu z terenu Europy Środkowej i Ukrainy: Próba nowego podejścia metodycznego
    (Polskie Towarzystwo Antropologiczne, 1996) Piontek, Janusz; Wiercińska, Alina; Wierciński, Andrzej
    DIFFERENTIATION OF THE MORTALITY STRUCTURE'IN MESOLITHIC, NEOLITHIC AND EARLY BRONZE AGE POPULATIONS FROM CENTRAL EUROPE AND UKRAINE: A NEW METHODOLOGICAL APPROACH. The analysis of the mortality structure was based on the following premises: (1) the mortality structure may be derived from frequency distribution of the categories of the age at death and, (2) the mortality structure may be considered as a complex relational system which ought to be investigated on bothj the elementary and synthetic levels. In the first case, particular trait is analysed in view of the mean age at death. In second case, there are analysed the linear combinations of elementary traits (here, by use of the principal components method).
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    Procesy inwolucyjne i ich uwarunkowania w układzie kostnym ludności średniowiecznej i współczesnej na przykładzie drugiej kości śródręcza
    (Polskie Towarzystwo Antropologiczne, 1996) Rewekant, Artur
    INVOLUTIONARY PROCESSES IN THE SKELETON OF MEDIAEVAL AND CONTEMPORARY POPULATIONS ON THE BASIS OF THE SECOND METACARPAL. The purpose of this paper is to present general trends in bone involution using second metacarpal in a mediaeval population and to compare the obtained results with data for contemporary groups. The findings may be valuable for the knowledge o f general and regional human skeletal ageing.
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    Linie Harrisa jako miernik reakcji morfologicznej na warunki życia: interpretacje, kontrowersje, propozycje badawcze
    (Polskie Towarzystwo Antropologiczne, 1996) Nowak, Oskar
    HARRIS LINES AS A MEASURE OF MORPHOLOGICAL REACTION OF LIFE CONDITIONS: INTERPRETATIONS, CONTROVERSIES AND PERSPECTIVES. The paper presents some conclusions concerning the studies on Harris lines which have been carried out for nearly 70 years. Investigations of this type are particularly important for our knowledge of the morphological changes of human skeleton. The objectives of this study were: (1) to present the history of the studies on Harris lines, (2) to point out the main methodological assumption and limits of interpretation, and (3) to review various aspects with their results of the analysis of this phenomenon in physical anthropology. The paper also suggests new perspectives of research which particularly may answer the question whether there are any metrical, biomechanical and biological differences between individuals with and without Harris lines.
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    Hypoplazja szkliwa w średniowiecznej populacji ze Słaboszewa
    (Polskie Towarzystwo Antropologiczne, 1996) Krem, Marta; Piontek, Janusz
    ENAMEL HYPOPLASIA IN A MEDIEVAL POPULATION FROM SLABOSZEWO. Enamel hypoplasia in 68 individuals from a medieval cemetery of Slaboszewo (North-Western Poland) was analysed. Individual ages at defect development were assessed. Sex differences as well as mean age at death of individuals affected and unaffected were calculated. Possible causal factors have been discussed.
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    Wczesnośredniowieczne cmentarzysko szkieletowe w Sowinkach (gm. Mosina, woj. poznańskie): analiza antropologiczna i paleodemograficzna
    (Polskie Towarzystwo Antropologiczne, 1996) Kozak, Jerzy
    AN EARLY MEDIAEVAL CEMETERY AT SOWINKI (MOSINA COMMUNE, POZNAŃ VOIVODESHIP) - ANTHROPOLOGICAL AND PALEODEMOGRAPHIC ANALYSIS. This paper presents the results of anthropological examinations (morphological characteristics and paleodemographic analysis) of human bone remains (121 individuals) discovered in the cemetery at Sowinki (10th/11th century).
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    Identyfikacja płci osobnika odkrytego na cmentarzysku z X/XI wieku w Sowinkach koło Poznania na podstawie badań genetycznych szczątków włosów
    (Polskie Towarzystwo Antropologiczne, 1996) Krzyszowski, Andrzej; Stochaj, Marian; Pawłowski, Ryszard; Welz, Anna
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    Analiza porównawcza niektórych metod oznaczania zawartości tkanki tłuszczowej
    (Polskie Towarzystwo Antropologiczne, 1996) Nawarycz, Tadeusz; Jankowski, Jerzy; Baszczyński, Jan; Nawarycz-Ostrowska, Lidia; Kajdos, Zdzisław
    COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS OF SOME METHODS OF MEASURING THE TOTAL BODY FAT. The objective of this study was the comparison o f three different methods: skin fold thikness, near infrared spectrophotometry and bioelectrical impedance for estimation of the total body fat. The measurements were made on the sample of 48 young men, 18-20 years old. The results turned out to be independent of the method which was used for estimation of the total body fat
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    Rozwój fizyczny uczniów z porodów wcześniaczych w wieku 7-11 lat
    (Polskie Towarzystwo Antropologiczne, 1996) Łuczak, Ewa
    PREMATURITY AND PHYSICAL DEVELOPMENT OF 7-11 YEARS OLD CHILDREN. The aim o f this paper was to assess the physical development of pupils bom as premature, both: healthy and disabled.
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    Matczyne czynniki zagrożenia a wewnątrzmaciczne opóźnienie rozwoju
    (Polskie Towarzystwo Antropologiczne, 1996) Cieślik, Krystyna
    MATERNAL FACTORS OF THREAT AND AN INTRAUTERINE GROWTH RETARDATION. This paper is a part of a research which aims to compare the level of foetuses growth according to the influence of maternal factors of threat.
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    Masa urodzeniowa noworodków z różnych środowisk
    (Polskie Towarzystwo Antropologiczne, 1996) Wójtowicz, Ewa
    THE BIRTH WEIGHT OF NEWBORNS FROM DIFFERENT ENVIRONMENTS. The birth weight of 1,210 newborns bom in 1993-1994 from ecologically „clean” (Kościerzyna) and ecologically risky regions (Puck) was analysed. Birth weight is about 70 g lower in the risky than in the „clean” region.
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    Biologia Dziesięciu Przykazań
    (Polskie Towarzystwo Antropologiczne, 1966) Kośmicki, Eugeniusz
    DIE BIOLOGIE DER ZEHN GEBOTE. WARUM DIE NATUR FÜR UNS KEIN VORBILD IST?, Wolfgang Wickler, Überarbeitete Neuausgabe, R. Piper Verlag, München - Zürich, 1991, 173 strony, cena 14.80 DM, ISBN 3-492-11361-3
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    „Antropomotoryka” (czasopismo naukowe z zakresu kultury fizycznej) i jej wartości dla antropologii
    (Polskie Towarzystwo Antropologiczne, 1996) Drozdowski, Zbigniew
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    Badania biometryczne serca i dużych naczyń tętniczych w rozwoju prenatalnym człowieka
    (Polskie Towarzystwo Antropologiczne, 1996) Chrobot, Andrzej; Bożiłow, Władimir; Czerwionka-Szajlarska, Mieczysława; Swincow, Grażyna
    BIOMETRICAL STUDIES OF HEART AND GREAT ARTERIAL VESSELS IN FETAL ONTOGENESIS. The paper contains the results of the investigation of selected dimensions of heart and great vessels. The'studies were carried out on a total of 197 fetuses (98 males and 99 females) in the age from the 3rd to 7th month of perinatal life. The aim of this work was to receive the data on the process of formation of sexual differences in the dimensions of: heart, aorta, pulmonary trunk, aortic arch ramifications, and the course of their growth rate.
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    Refleksje na temat wykładów antropologii w Polsce w okresie międzywojennym
    (Polskie Towarzystwo Antropologiczne, 1996) Malinowski, Andrzej
    REFLECTIONS ON LECTURES ON ANTHROPOLOGY IN POLAND BETWEEN THE FIRST AND THE SECOND WORLD WAR. The described subject is based on the poorly known didactic manuals of K. Stołyhwo and A. Wrzosek.