Ruch Prawniczy, Ekonomiczny i Socjologiczny, 1998, nr 3-4

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    (Wydział Prawa i Administracji UAM, 1998) Kwiatkowska, Magdalena
    Problemy społeczne w okresie zmian systemowych w Polsce, pod red. M. Malikowskiego, Wyd. “Mana”, Rzeszów 1997, ss. 539.
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    (Wydział Prawa i Administracji UAM, 1998) Suchocka, Renata
    Polacy, Ślązacy, Niemcy. Studia nad stosunkami społeczno-kulturowymi na Śląsku Opolskim, pod red. Krzysztofa Frysztackiego, TAiWPN Universitas, Kraków 1998, ss. 285.
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    (Wydział Prawa i Administracji UAM, 1998) Gabrusewicz, Wiktor
    R. Borowiecki, A. Jaki, J. Kaczmarek, Metody i procedury wyceny przedsiębiorstw i ich majątku, Biblioteka Menedżera, Wydawnictwo Profesjonalnej Szkoły Biznesu, Kraków 1998, ss. 302.
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    (Wydział Prawa i Administracji UAM, 1998) Wallusch, Jacek
    Bogusław Grabowski, Monetarna teoria bilansu płatniczego. Doświadczenia Chile 1973 - 1982, Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWN, Warszawa 1997, ss. 197.
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    (Wydział Prawa i Administracji UAM, 1998) Czyżewski, Andrzej
    Michał A. Jerzak, Giełda towarowa na rynku rolnym, Fundacja na Rzecz Giełdy Zbożowo-Paszowej, Warszawa 1998, ss. 88.
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    (Wydział Prawa i Administracji UAM, 1998) Staniszewska, Danuta
    Transition Banking. Financial Development of Central and Eastern Europe, pod red. Ronalda W. Andersona i Chantal Kegels, Clarendon Press, Oxford 1998, ss. 300.
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    (Wydział Prawa i Administracji UAM, 1998) Tarnawski, Maciej
    Peter Singer, O życiu i śmierci. Upadek etyki tradycyjnej, Państwowy Instytut Wydawniczy, Warszawa 1997, ss. 278.
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    (Wydział Prawa i Administracji UAM, 1998) Joerden, Jan C.
    Within the framework of evaluating political steps forcing a retirement of a politician the Author of the article has distinguished three kinds of rules: a) rules of behaviour that indicate what kind o f behaviour is desirable and what kind is not. These rules relate first of all to penal law and ethics: perspectively they serve to steer a behaviour and retrospectively - to evaluate an example of concrete behaviour post factum-, b) rules of imputation which - generally speaking - assume a function of attaching some true past event to a person who shall be charged with responsibility for it (in penal law - rules that make it possible to distinguish between perpetration of a crime and participation in it); c) rules of proceeding which inform us about ways o f application (who? how?) of the two precedent rules. The Author discusses in detail all these rules and illustrates them with examples taken mostly from German political life.
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    (Wydział Prawa i Administracji UAM, 1998) Kwaśniewicz, Władysław
    The Author discusses a network of institutions of forming sociologists in Poland, cites data about the number o f students of sociology in particular Universities, assesses the staff of teachers in the entres of sociological studies as well as didactic potential of the professors and, finally, analyses the market of the job offers for qualified sociologists. He also postulates a need to know something more about demographic and socio-cultural features of young people studying sociology and also the need to reconsider upon a development strategy of this science in treshold of the new century and - possibilities of enlarging the employment of sociologists in extra-academic professions. There is also a need to analyse the whole state of methodology of teaching sociology. The phenomenon of competition between particular universities and schools gets bigger and bigger and the quality o f teaching may become an important factor of regulation of enrolment processes in academic institutions.
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    (Wydział Prawa i Administracji UAM, 1998) Dreijmanis, John
    This article has treated in broad terms a major problem and its socio-economic, political, and psychological consequences. A number o f possible solutions have been advanced. It may be objected that with the exception of Maslow’s basic theory and the provision of full employment and basic income, all of the other policy measures are incremental and inadequate. Some of them and their sequence may be also debatable. There is no shortage of possible solutions. What is lacking is a willingness to implement them, which is due to an unwillingness to acknowledge the existence of the problem of unemployment and underemployment of university graduates. More important than any particular policy is the beginning of comprehensive thinking about the relationship between higher education and the labour market for its graduates and a dialogue among concerned parties. A fundamental reorientation in thinking needs to precede any transformation.
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    (Wydział Prawa i Administracji UAM, 1998) Krajewski, Marek
    The article attempts to apply such a perspective o f viewing a life of a society the central point of which is an assumption on double status of most phenomenons taking place in it. On the one hand the phenomenons are instrumental ways enabling effective activity of individuals and groups and, on the other - they are compound systems of symbols and in the same time - media of transmitting ideologies and knowledge of proper modes of action what does legitimise certam types o f organisation of a society. An example o f using such a perspective is the analysis of a supermarket (done in the article) which here is considered first o f all as specific semantic field. Withm Polish context a supermarket is above all a symbol of social change operated during several last years; it is too a projection of ideal target points of this change and, by the same, it assumes a role of an instrument of socialisation which is supposed to inculcate in the individuals some new rules of game within reality. Organisation itself o f a supermarket, a way of displaying and exponing wares, its location within the urban area, some favourite types o f behaviour of visitors-buyers - all this does prove that in contemporary Poland a consumption became central kind of activity, and further - that many from hitherto existing distinctive features of individuals or groups have definitely lost their significance and are now replaced with new distinctions and inegalities; this all proves as well that the price paid for increased effectiveness of human activity and of its rationalisation is finally also an increase o f control over all of us. A supermarket seems also to suggest that ancient systems of values have already lost their regulative power and are nowadays replaced with new secular religion - doing shopping and consumption. The analysed semantic space is additionally such a context in which satisfying of instrumental needs is synonymous with putting new normative obligations on the individuals, obligations which play a role of an authorisation for these types of social organisations that have become the effect of transformation of the society. So, a supermarket not only permits to effectively satisfy needs but is also modelling them, it designates new aspirations and creates such a vision of the world which is becoming the only one authorised or qualified interpretation of our contemporary reality.
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    (Wydział Prawa i Administracji UAM, 1998) Domański, Henryk
    This is an empirical study aimed to pick up recent changes in social location of the workmg class in stratification ladder. I put it in the context of discussion on “death of social classes”, which revived in the 1990s in world sociology. Drawing on data from national random samples, which come from surveys carried out in 1982 - 1995, I attempt to determine to what extent economic distances and mobility barriers between workers and other basic socio-occupational strata persist over time, despite systemic transformations going on in Poland. Results show that in the Polish case the “manual - non-manual” dichotomy still exists. In hierarchy of incomes, the gap between workers and non-manual strata even widened. As regards mobility barriers, they remained basically intact. In conclusion, I draw certain analogies between Poland and capitalist societies, saying that in the 1990s social stratification in Polish society tends to approach patterns typical for contemporary capitalism.
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    (Wydział Prawa i Administracji UAM, 1998) Chromińska, Maria
    The article gives a review of conceptions related to the importance of economic factor as a stimulator for population growth - on two planes: macro- and micro-social. In case of social macro-structures the economic factor is considered within the framework of the so-called welfare theory. Theoricians of welfare adopted different standpoints towards demographic factor. Starting from classics of political economy up to neo-classics, e.i. from A. Smith to A. Marshall - the populations theory was thoroughly submitted to the economy. The article has presented synthetic conceptions of populations in context of economic factor the authors of which were T. R. Malthus, J. S. Mill, A. C. Pigou, A. Marshall, J. M Keynes’ K. Marx. The attention was also drawn to representatives of the so-called new economy of welfare: N. Kaldor, M. W. Rader, J. R. Hicks, T. Scitovsky, J. Little, A. Bergson, A. Lemer. It comes out of the research that further development of economy went towards development of the theories of growth. Demographic factor in most growth models is approached exogenically (e.g. models by E. D. Domar, R. F. Harrod, J. Von Neumann, M. Kalecki, J. M. Keynes, W. W. Leontiew). In forming conceptions on micro-social plane two scientific disciplines - sociology and economy - have marked their importance. First trend was built on a ground of the theory of economy and especially - of the theory of a consumer’s behaviour. Foundations of demographic ecnonomic conceptions were presented and their main representatives were: H. Leibenstein, G. S. Becker and R. A. Easterlin. As far as the second trend of conceptual research is concerned - the one of sociological background - the attention was drawn to conceptions of intermediating variables by K. Davies - J. Blacke, J. Bongaarts, R. Freedman and also - to the theory of declined fertility by J. Caldwell. After the review - presented in the article - o f conceptions met in contemporary social sciences one can be oriented in main directions of scientific research. Macro-economic approach was determined by theories of welfare. And then conceptions built on micro-social plane have a character of hypotheses rather very theoretical and speculative. The role of economic factor played in procreative decisions was proved, together with its imminent effect and - above all - indirect influence through other factors.
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    Spis treści
    (Wydział Prawa i Administracji UAM, 1998)
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    (Wydział Prawa i Administracji UAM, 1998) Szuman, Alicja
    Some characteristic concepts attempting to explain a mechanism of demographic transformations were presented in the article. All of them have exponed the phemomenon of periodicity as a determinant of population development. Changes in numeral level of population have been explained with wars or pests (G. Bouthoul, W. Able, E. Rosset, A. Lòsch), detections were also made to find out in demography pre-causes of some social phenomenons (J. C. Russel), and some other conceptions are grown on the groundwork of biological ideas (C. Gini, R. Pearl). The attempts made up to the present to find out some regularity of population increase depending on successive phases of development of this process have all failed. Theories were built on a basis of concrete sources of materials which were incomplete as a rule and, above all, incomparable and, as such, it led to distorted results. Fluctuations within the process of population reproduction had therefore various forms. No one from the theories appealing to periodicity does explain mechanism that generates increase in the population number.
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    (Wydział Prawa i Administracji UAM, 1998) Appenzeller, Dorota
    In centrally planned economy the efficiency of economic entities did not play any significant role. For this reason the bankruptcy phenomenon has not been known in Poland till 1990. The economic transformation, started in 1989, has caused a rapid growth of bankruptcies among the state-owned as well as privately owned enterprises. Although the bankruptcy has become an integral and natural part of market mechanisms in Poland, the analysis of economic aspects of this phenomenon in still difficult, because of poor quality and unavailability o f microeconomic data. The paper presents some general features of bankruptcy process in Poland in the years 1990 -1997. Furthermore the micro- and macroeconomic causes of business failure are identified. The main theoretical theses are illustrated with the results of an empirical analysis based on the data for Polish failed companies.
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    (Wydział Prawa i Administracji UAM, 1998) Wysocka, Barbara
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    (Wydział Prawa i Administracji UAM, 1998) Guzik, Bogusław
    The article indicates two approaches of modelling changes in number o f economic subjects as a result of changes in law: — issuing from zero-one variables, — issuing from constant impulsory variables. The second approach was described quite in detail, and more particularly - one o f its variants where a number of economic subjects generated in function of a given legal disposition increases accordingly to a power. Y — ^¡^CLzIx + Cta , X where: 1 _ ÍT01 for i>x 0 for t < I T = (i - X + 1); t - date of entering into force of a legal disposition. This model was illustrated with an example relating to fluctuation o f the number of accountancy offices in Bydgoszcz in relation with changed law on economic activities in the period from 1 quarter of 1990 to 4th quarter of 1997. The model obtained suits veiy well to empirical data - determination factor was up to 99,9 per cent.
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    (Wydział Prawa i Administracji UAM, 1998) Stępień, Beata
    The article gives a survey of economy and management theories from the point of view of a lack in adapting abilities of enterprises. First of all, this problem does manifest itself in: lack of compatibility between particular parts of an enterprise, faulty or tardy recognition of exigences that surround a given business subject in its operations, or - finally - in inadequate or ineffective activity aimed at correction of misfunctionning. The cause o f such troubles looks differently in view o f various theories. For instance, a disparity in access to information is being stressed (conf.: F. H. Knight’s profit theory): it can be a source of a rise or of a crash of an enterprise. Lack of adaptability can also be a result of bad allocation of own transactions of an enterprise (theory of transactions costs), of internal interests conflict (behavioural theories), or - of structural inertion of a given subject (theories of populations’ ecology). The expected answer to such an inadaptability should be a shift operated in activity of the enterprise. Depending on the kind o f problem experienced by the organisation, its repair programme can be a form of operational or strategic shift. Post-socialistic enterprises do experience quite particular kind of inadaptability. Thoroughly changed real conditions make many of them forced to operate a shift of compound character where a need exist to make their domain more attractive and, in the same time, to render the potential used in a more flexible and effective way. As far as effective operating of changes in an enterprise, not only post-socialistic one, is concerned — the ways of managing a shift as shown in the article can be helpful, as well as theories of crisis management and, finally, instructions given by researchers from the “excellence literature” trend.