Roczniki Socjologii Rodziny, 2003, tom 15

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    Z. Tyszka, Rodzina we współczesnym świecie, Poznań 2003, s. 136. (Recenzja)
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2003) Jaguś, Inga
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    Foster family care from the Polish and American perspectives
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2003) Gruca-Miąsik, Urszula
    When children are removed from their homes, they may be placed in a variety of settings. In many states in USA and provinces (voivodships) in Poland, foster family care has been the predominant form of substitute care for several decades (Chamberlin, Moreland and Reid 1992; Kolankiewicz 1998). Foster parents are usually licensed by the state or local authorities, indicating that their homes have been assessed for basic health and safety standards, and that the caregivers have participated in at least minimal training to provide care and supervision for a child. Other substitute settings in which children may live include specialized foster care with caregivers specifically trained to care for special needs children, group homes, residential treatment centers, and shelters. Both in Poland and in America substitute placements address three major goals of the child welfare system: providing protection for children, support for families, and permanent homes. In light of the increasing reliance on kin caregivers, new service strategies and policy solutions are needed to forge a workable balance between the competing interests of family privacy, equity in support for families, and government responsibility for child protection. In sum, kin typically can provide safe and nurturing environments for the children they take in, though limited resources and lack of training may constrain their ability to foster the children's development.
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    Małżeństwo jako wspólnota i instytucja w nauce Kościoła katolickiego
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2003) Gębka, Mikołaj
    The article presents an analysis of matrimony as a community and an institution in the doctrine of the Catholic Church. The issues of matrimony and family are very important for the Church. Over 40 official documents (letters, encyclicals, etc.) dealing with the problems of family and marriage have been published since the times of the Vatican Council II. Although the doctrine of family and marriage has been preached for over two thousand years in the Church, the last half of the century has brought significant intensification of research in the area. This is probably connected with the crisis of the traditional family model, as well as with the development of science. In the Catholic doctrine, matrimony has been mainly examined in its sacramental aspects; therefore it may turn out worthwhile to shed new light at the issue of marriage - to emphasize its communal and institutional aspects. From the point of view of the Church, matrimony is a deep community of life and love, established by the Creator and bound by a marital alliance (an irrevocable consent of both spouses). The community of the Holy Trinity is the model a married couple strives for. Marriage as an institution creates objective frames for the life of the spouses. According to the Church doctrine, matrimony is not purely a human institution, for God is its Creator and it is according to His will that a permanent institution is founded (it also remains permanent for the society). The Church lays great emphasis on the legalization of sexual life within marriage (a ‘justification’ in the eyes of God, the society and the spouse). The last part of the article presents an analysis of the sexual sphere of marriage with its institutional and communal features. It also shows a historical outline of how the two main goals of sexual life (procreation and the unification of the spouses) are interrelated. In conclusion, the Catholic conception of matrimony as an institution is a little different than the sociological one. The church emphasizes legalization and control, which are just one of many marital functions in the sociological depiction of marriage. When looking at marriage as a community - both attitudes are similar, though the Catholic view stresses the supportive role of God in the marital community
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    Układ władzy w polskich rodzinach wiejskich w latach siedemdziesiątych
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2003) Nowak, Waldemar
    The paper deals with the problem of power in peasants’ families. Attention was paid to the evolution of the dictatorial type of the family and to a new distribution of power.
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    Role rodzinne, zawodowe i konsumenckie jako czynniki konstruowania tożsamości kobiet i mężczyzn w warunkach „różnorodności teraźniejszości"
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2003) Frąckowiak, Monika
    The gender self-identity can be considered in the social, psychological and cultural context as the relatively constant self- image as a man or woman. It can also be defined as a relation between collective (shaped in the socialization’s process) and individual (created in one’s original experiences) self. The self-identity focuses on the macro-structural processes like the transformation from traditional through modern to post-modern societies and maintenances the cultural tendencies in the individual biography as the internalised socialization’s patterns. Basically in most of the contemporary societies there are some remains of traditional (preindustrial) values-system (like the high position of family and religion) together with the modern and post-modern values (like individualism and auto-creation) featuring. That’s why gender as the aspect of the role-specific self-identity is defined as a heterogeneous dynamic and contradictory structure, which can lead to the roles’ conflict (as the result of roles expectations incoherence) or in-role-conflict (as a result of contradictions within a particular role). The research carried out in the Polish society in the 90-ties revealed that most of the women put the adaptation strategies into their life-practice in order to avoid the role conflict between the family and the professional roles (as a conflict between traditional and modern socialization’s patterns). There is also a noticeable conflict between the traditional and post-modern role-patterns (between the family and customer’s role).
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    Naznaczanie społeczne i samonaznaczanie osób niepłodnych
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2003) Przybył, Iwona
    This paper explores community constructs of childlessness and how these constructs influence the experience of infertility. The author presents stigma concept within the deviance literature and then the social construction of reproduction as a moral issue and the most important part of marital life in country with strong pronatalist ideology. The main way of labeling is stereotyping infertile couples and to press childless people to become a parent regardless of any costs. The author analyzes infertility experienced by women and men as guilt, inadequacy, failure and pain treated as self-labeling. The last part of the paper presents the coping strategies including selective disclosure, avoidance of exposure of own hidden disability or create the “potential identity” of a biological parent in the struggle to reject possibly permanent infertile identity. Findings are presented from psychological and sociological literature and the results of the author’s study investigating marital roles in a sample of 140 childlessness married couples and from the study exploring attitudes toward infertility among 135 high educated respondents.
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    Macierzyństwo jako wartość w kontekście przemian społecznych
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2003) Gawlina, Zofia
    The value of family understood as a way of everyday life and a social institution is highly estimated, so the manner of fulfilling the family roles is controlled by the society. A women’s role of the mother is specifically sensitive from the social point of view. It is widely believed that maternity is the basic social role of a woman and even a social duty. If a woman does not want or cannot fulfil this duty, she is accused of egoism. This paper presents results of empiric research on single childless students and refers to their system of values and plans connected with marriage, procreation, and job. It has turned out, that the majority of the questioned students want to have more than one child, but they also think that coming up to their career expectations may overtake procreation decisions.
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    Nawyki żywieniowe w dziejach rodziny polskiej
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2003) Żyromski, Marek
    The main aim of this article is to combine the history of Polish families as the social institution and some nourishment habits. These habits were different not only in respect of time (starting with the Middle Ages). The social and economic situation greatly influenced the food possibilities and nourishment habits of different strata of Polish society.
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    Zarządzanie zasobami rodziny. Wyzwania i nowe szanse wobec praktyków i profesjonalistów
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2003) Wachowiak, Anna
    The mission of IFHE is to create an international forum for home economics, which is its superior goal. Also an important aim is a professional approach to problems of: individuals, families and home economics and presentation of these problems on the forum of the United Nations and other non government organizations. IFHE as NGO can also become a catalyst of social changes.
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    Osoby samotne życiowo jako zjawisko społeczne
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2003) Żurek, Aldona
    There has been a marked increase in single people living alone. In Poland about 17% persons live by themselves. This population is composed of divorced, widowed and never married. Most of them choose this life style because they questioned the notion that people must marry if they are to achieve happiness and well-being. Singles aren’t lonely people because they have wide relationships with friends, colleagues and members of family of orientations. The standards of life of single persons are better than those of other people.
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    Dziecko w reklamie społecznej
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2003) Kwiatkowska, Magdalena
    Transformation in Poland has brought many changes in ways of mass communication. One of the new form was non profit advertising where one promotes new values, attitudes or paterns of behaviour or stigmatizes undesired phenomena. The first part of an article is strictly theoretical - it presents definitions, differencies between non profit and commercial advertising, classification of non profit campaigns, as well as two potencial sources of those campaigns. The first one, is Ronald Inglehart's concept of countries moving from materialistic to postmaterialistic values. The second, is the theory of new social movements which move border between private and public, unveil what was hidden. They concentrate around natural environment, the human body, self development and cultural heritage. The second part presents the results of an analysis concerning the subject of a child in Polish non profit campaigns in print media published between 1997 and March 2003. The analysis was made on the basis of two criteria: the age of the group which was the subject of an ad and the problem itself. The results showed a vast range of issues concerning the youngest citizens (children and youth). The main were: domestic violence, financial difficulties, sexual abuse, dangers of sexual initiation (pregnancy, VD's, HIV), abusing of drugs, alcohol and cigarrettes, accidents inside and outside the house as well as recklessness on the road. The emergence of that type of announcements is a sign that traditional institutions such as schools and families are unsuccessful in achieving their educational goals. Children need those campains as they „fight” for their rights on children's behalf; society needs them as well to initiate a change in attitudes and behaviour.