Studia Edukacyjne, 2014, nr 31


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    Studia edukacyjne 31/2014 - spis treści
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2014)
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    System penitencjarny w Kirgistanie: struktura i zakłady karne
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2014) Ajdarow, Ernis
    Penitentiary system of Kyrgyzstan is a small part of the heritage, totalitarian penitentiary system of the USSR. From the moment of Kyrgyzstan's independence, the penitentiary system of Kyrgyzstan faces some difficulties but now it’s in the phase of development. The paper presents an overview of the current state of the prison system, such as management structure, prison staff, criminal subculture, prison conditions in the period of transformation.
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    Preparation of Reflective Teachers (Analyses of the Final Reflective and Self-Reflective Tasks Written by Students of Teaching Profession)
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2014) Tomkova, Anna
    This paper presents an analyses of the final reflective and self-reflective tasks written by students of the lower primary school teacher training. These tasks are included in the Final pedagogical portfolio, which students defend at the final state examination. Students use them to reflect on their work, to present themselves as new teachers, to reflect on their journey on becoming a teacher, describe important landmarks and results of their preparation, including their conception of teaching, and other goals related to their professional development. In the final part of the paper, we formulate recommendations for future development of pre-graduate preparation of future lower primary school teachers, including the suggestions regarding the format of the final state examination.
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    Effects of Gender Differences on Leadership Styles Through the Impact on School Environment
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2014) Pavlovic, Nebojsa
    This paper deals with the problem of existence of differences between women and men regarding management style in the school. The aim of this quantitative study was to determine whether there are differences in the management style in the school regarding gender of the school principal. The sample included 35 randomly chosen school principals in Serbia. The research obtained results according to which the gender of the school principal does not affect his/her working style and orientation toward people and tasks.
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    Potencjalne możliwości wykorzystania interaktywnych gier ruchowych w korygowaniu wad postawy u dzieci
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2014) Strugarek, Jan
    In Poland we observe a large scale of posture deformations and consequent health implications in the population of school children. Therefore many pedagogical and medical societies are looking for ways and methods of preventing and reversing this negative trend. The purpose of this article is to present the potential of practical use of new posture correction interactive games among school children. Some of the newest equipment and ways of detecting and registering natural human movement have been presented. Teletransmision of data in real time makes it possible for a physiotherapist to supervise and modify the player’s motor behavior. Creating visually attractive and involving forms of physical exercise might help encourage and inspire children to reject a sedentary lifestyle.
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    Kształtowanie charakteru dzieci i młodzieży na ziemiach polskich w drugiej połowie XIX i na początku XXwieku
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2014) Bednarz-Grzybek, Renata
    The article presents instructions of psychologists, educators, teachers, and publicists directed to parents and tutors. They concerned issues like personality formation of Polish children at the turn of the 20th century. To be carried out properly, this kind of education required preparation of proper conditions. It should not alter the people but bring to the surface what is best in them. We should also bear in mind that at that time education had a patriotic element. Within the occupied Polish territories only proper education could help develop Poles who were aware of their identity and ready for action for the sake of the community. The role of morality in the process was especially stressed.
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    The Comparison of Marital and Family Factors Between Singaporean Monocultural and Intercultural Couples
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2014) Skowroński, Dariusz P.; Tay, Daniel Justin Fong; Ho Wen Wan, Michelle; Ying Cherie, Toh Shi; Frenandez, Tricia Marjorie; Waszyńska, Katarzyna
    The number of intercultural marriages in Singapore has recently been on the rise and research has found that these mixed marriages and relationships tend to have lower levels of marital satisfaction in comparison to monocultural marriages. To determine whether the level of marital satisfaction will be higher for monocultural couples as compared to intercultural couples, a 40-item questionnaire and an 8-item interview was developed based on 8 different factors of couple dynamics and family factors. 10 monocultural couples and 11 intercultural couples were recruited to complete the questionnaire and five monocultural couples, and five intercultural couples from this participant pool participated in an additional interview. It was hypothesized that the marital satisfaction scores, based on both couple dynamics and family factors, will be higher in monocultural couples as compared to intercultural couples. Contrary to that, results showed that intercultural couples demonstrated higher marital satisfaction scores as compared to monocultural couples. Arguably, it may be possible that Singapore and the other parts of the world might differ by having a strong foundation of interethnic ties, which may have made intercultural marriages more widely accepted.
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    Kształcenie pracowników socjalnych w Polsce Ludowej
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2014) Brenk, Mikołaj
    The article addresses social workers’ education in the People’s Republic of Poland. It presents the sources which were the basis while creating education for social service in Poland under communism, meaning the first schools for social workers in Poland (since the interwar period). Under communism, the first schools for social workers were set up in 1968. They were two-year postsecondary schools. Higher education for social workers started in 1977 and those with a Master’s degree could additionally start the organization of social work specialization since 1983. This threelevel education was neither coherent nor uniform. Other drawbacks of social workers’ education in the People’s Republic of Poland included a shortage of specialised teachers, narrow curriculum, modest teaching resources and facilities as well as the perspective of low-paid jobs for the graduates.
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    Znaczenie gotowości do zmiany w procesie resocjalizacji
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2014) Muskała, Maciej
    The text focuses on the problems of motivation to change socially unadjusted individuals. It not only presents the issues of placement, importance and consequences of involvement or lack of involvement in the process of rehabilitation, but also adds the issue of readiness to change, which appears to be overriding and defining specific conditions of engagement into a therapy or other forms of interventions.
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    Style socjoterapeutycznej pracy grupowej z dziećmi i młodzieżą z perspektywy czynników pomocowych
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2014) Jankowiak, Barbara; Soroko, Emilia
    Social therapy is a group form of psycho-pedagogical help directed at children and adolescents from risk groups or/and presenting the signs of disorders in psycho-social functioning. The help includes intentional activating helping factors applying group processes. The study includes: an empirical investigation of helping factors, distinguishing the styles of socio-therapeutic group-work, the comparison of the styles with emotional and cognitive functioning of social therapists’ and their professional background. Three socio-therapeutic styles were distinguished: 1) ‘social therapist-focused style’ (N = 22), 2) ‘active group-focused style’ (N = 21); 3) low activation of all groups of factors with a slight stress on C – ‘passive group-focused style’ (N = 32). Interestingly, those groups differed significantly in terms of some aspects of professional experience of the social therapists as well as their hopeful thinking, pathway thoughts and agency but did not differ in terms of emotions that accompanied their work.
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    Kompetencje i oczekiwania nauczyciela do pracy z dzieckiem ze specjalnymi potrzebami edukacyjnymi. Komunikat z badań
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2014) Buchnat, Marzena
    Recent legal changes in the educational system have ensured children with mild intellectual disabilities the opportunity to study in public schools; as a result more and more children avail themselves of it. In connection with this trend we can ask: “How are the teachers of these schools ready to accept them?” After all, during the implementation of the reform in the educational system it is teachers that are the most important element determining the effectiveness of the proposed changes. They should guarantee the appropriate quality of education for children with disabilities. However, the studies conducted raise serious reservations, both as to their preparation and willingness to prepare for effective work with students with mild intellectual disabilities.
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    Być obywatelem - rozważania na temat rozwoju polskiego społeczeństwa obywatelskiego
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2014) Żurowska-Berkowicz, Aleksandra
    The article discusses the concept of civil society. The author briefly elaborates on how this concept developed and enumerates the factors that determine its condition. The problem of social incapability of civil behaviour in public life continues to be an issue. The author points to the era of socialism and transformation processes as the causes of the current situation. A very important part in raising children and youngsters as future citizens is played, among others, by schools. Formally, this happens by means of implementing civil education. Various initiatives are launched nationwide and across Europe to promote civil education and prepare individuals for the role of active citizens in democratic societies. Do Polish citizens know their rights and responsibilities? Do they engage in any forms of civil activity? Are they aware of the mechanisms that are at work in civil societies? This article attempts to answer the question of what it means to be a citizen nowadays.
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    Działania ekonomiczne jako przejaw działań obywatelskich w perspektywie interakcjonistycznego kontekstu znaczeń
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2014) Konert, Anna
    A common feature of different theoretical approaches to civil society is regarding the citizen’s subjectivity as a precondition for this phenomenon to exist. One of the aspects of implementation of the subjectivity of individuals and social groups is citizens’ economic activity. The fundamental thesis of the paper is the conviction that coming into existence and functioning of civil society in a rural area can take the form of economic initiatives. This process has been illustrated with an example of activities of the Educational Agritourism Homesteads Route in Żarki Municipality, Śląskie Voivodship, wherein the citizens’ economic activity is implemented in the form of tourism services and educational activities. The choice of the interactionist concept of society as a sociological reference theory became an inspiration to undertake analyses of economic activities as civic activities in the categories of interactions between the existing ways of defining the world of common knowledge, scientific knowledge and activity of individual and institutional actors. The investigated effect is implemented by a number of symbolic interactions understood as an exchange of communicative messages between the actors who are carriers of different distinguished symbolic worlds. The use of the concept of the definition of the situation made it possible to distinguish from the analyzed empirical material three significant types of data concerning: 1) objective socio-cultural conditions influencing the development of the civil society in rural areas, 2) awareness dimension of the definition of the situation, 3) the process of assuming the role of an agritourism farm owner and local businessman by means of specific interactive activities. The results of the performed analysis clearly prove that the two-way economic activities undertaken by the rural inhabitants under scrutiny contribute to a civil revival in this area and to the beginning of the process of formation of the civil society in the local community.
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    Podmiotowość a tożsamość współczesnego człowieka w przestrzeni rodzinnej. Dyskurs teoretyczny
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2014) Karmolińska-Jagodzik, Ewa
    The identity of the individual is a personality component that gives her character a sense of individuality and subjectivity. The beginnings of the formation of individual identity take place in the family. These origins are determined by the quality of the family on the one hand and by the most important values preferred in society and the family, on the other hand. This article is an attempt to show the theoretical positions related to the concepts of subjectivity, identity and living space and family in the context of the impact of these determinants of the quality of life of modern man, who is forced to participate in a constantly changing reality.
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    Możliwości współpracy polskich uczelni wyższych ze sferą biznesu
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2014) Bryła, Paweł
    The construction of the knowledge-based economy requires strengthening the system of connections between universities and the business environment. The co-operation of universities with enterprises contributes mutually to both a growth of their competitiveness and innovativeness and to an enhanced attractiveness of university graduates on the labour market. According to employers, the competence of Polish university graduates that is most acutely missing is the ability to link theoretical knowledge with business practice requirements. The paper presents the principal form of possible co-operation of universities with business, including: co-operation in research, commissioning topics of diploma theses, co-operation in the field of traineeships and delivering university courses by business representatives as well as institutional foundations of such co-operation. The last element of the paper is the presentation of selected results of our own survey among the alumni of the Faculty of International and Political Studies of the University of Lodz concerning their evaluation of the strengths and weaknesses of the university from the perspective of attractiveness of graduates on the labour market and possible forms of co-operation with their former faculty. Alumni may constitute a bridge between academia and business.