Studia Germanica Posnaniensia, vol. 21 (1995)

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    Interaktionsschemata als Ordnungsprinzip von Textkorpora gesprochener Sprache
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 1995) Prokop, Izabela
    The article is a methodical contribution to the analysis of spoken language. In its first part the author points to the difficulties in the classification of spoken language records. She then describes the various stages of analysis with the aim of obtaining homogeneous text corpora. lnteraction patterns characteristic of two communication situations (in a shop and in an office) are presented. The author recommends such patterns for all types of interaction.
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    Ondulierstab OS 76, Plattenspieler Türkis 524, Coctailstuhl Monice, Wofalor - Markennamen im Wortschatz der deutschen Sprache
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 1995) Pohl, Inge
    The article is an attempt to show the tendencies in the naming of goods in the former East German industry. Seven patterns of trade-names are presented and several pragmatic and stylistic aspects of the respective information are taken into account, such as the interest of the producer and the consumer, the use of metaphor and metonymy, colloquial elements and proper nouns.
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    Instrumentalsätze im Deutschen und Polnischen
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 1995) Koniuszaniec, Gabriela
    The author's object of analysis are instrumental clauses in Polish, which are mostly reduced to participial constructions, and their translational equivalents in German. The corpus of sentences containing such subordinate clauses has been taken from Th. Mann's novel "Bekenntnisse des Hochstaplers Felix Krull". The syndetic structure of instrumental clauses in German is marked by the complementizers indem, damit, dass, dadurch dass. It depends on the translator's creativity to overcome the difficulties arising from the polyfunctional use of these complementizers, especially indem.
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    Kontext und Bedeutung
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 1995) Ibaňez, Robert
    Starting from the concept of text as "a grammatically coherent component of the act of utterance" the author takes a critical view of the up-to-date understanding of the text meaning, differentiating it with respect to a given communicative situation as that of the sender and that of the recipient, i.e. in the way it is required by so called radical constructivism. Contextual meaning with language interactions is constituted by the individual and social context of the communicators. Following the tradition of Malinowski the author distinguishes within the cultural context between a conventional and connotative one, emphasizing also such factors as the knowledge of the world and the individually experienced context. All kinds of context are shown in their mutual relations as well as to the text meaning.
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    Möglichkeiten und Grenzen der textgrammatischen Analyse
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 1995) Greule, Albrecht
    In a text analysis of H. von Kleist's parable "Mutterliebe" the author exemplifies the basic concepts, categories and principles of modern discourse analysis, such as verbal and pragmatic coherence, referential recurrence, isotopy and classeme. Another text analysis, that of the poem "München" by G. Keller, shows that limits are set to the presented text-grammatical approach.
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    Präpositionen mit doppelter Referenz im Polnischen und ihre Äquivalenz im Deutschen
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 1995) Gaca, Alicja
    In her analysis the author compares Polish spatial prepositions like zza, spod, which comprise two relations -that of position (status essivus) and that of motion (status lativus), with their German equivalents. The following issues are discussed: the ablative constructions and corresponding gaps in the spatial relations of Polish and German, the defectiveness of the preposition system and the equivalence in the domain of ablative relations, the rules of equivalence in this domain, which include the anaphora.
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    Zur Relativierung von Fortschritt in der neueren Sprachwissenschaft
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 1995) Bzdęga, Andrzej Z.
    The author takes a relativistic stand on the progress in recent linguistic research, starting from the positivistic school of Neogrammarians. As evaluation criteria methodological aspects have been applied, such as immanence and autonomy, reference to diachrony and tradition, modernization of formal and technical instrumentarium, finally some ethic tenets. As unquestionable elements of progress the author recognizes: 1st the opening for new interdisciplinary fields of research, 2nd the overcoming of the scientistic separation of the research object and the research subject (the speaker-hearer himself).
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    Zur sprachlichen Ungleichbehandlung von Frauen und Männern im System der deutschen Personenbezeichnungen
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 1995) Błaszkowska, Hanka
    The subject of the author's considerations is the women's discrimination in the German system of personal nouns and pronouns, viewed from the feminist linguistics standpoint. The women's dependence on men is expressed among others by the domination of masculine gender in surnames, titles and names of profession. The respective morphological and referential asymmetry is looked upon as a kind of social disregard. It also applies to the pronominal system, especially to the forms of indefinite pronouns. Two "therapeutic" measures have been proposed: feminization, i.e. obligatory feminine marking, and neutralization, i.e. unisex denotations.
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    Instrument und Immanenz. Zur Sprachphilosophie der deutschen Frühromantik
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 1995) Andrzejewski, Bolesław
    In his article the author discusses the philosophy of the early romanticism in Germany, conncentrating on the romantic conception of language and its reference to the universe. Two tendencies in the philosophy of that period can be distinguished: 1st Schelling's "philosophy of nature" and so called "philosophical natural science", 2nd so called "true romanticism" (Novalis, F. Schlegel and others). By the former language was considered an instrument for establishing the unity of the universe, e.g. by tracing common sources of words. The "true" romanticists disregarded the existing spoken language of men and concentrated on the language of nature. The human language was interpreted as a late stage in the evolution of the language of the universe, disadvantageous to nature itself.