Studia Edukacyjne, 2018, nr 48


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    Cultural Differences in Parental Attitudes and Ways of Coping Towards Learning Disabilities of their Children – An Outline of a Research Study
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2018) Gonen-Avital, Shiri
    The main aim of the article is to identify and explain the issues of parents’ attitudes and ways of coping with their situation as parents toLearning Disability children, in relation to the differentCultural parents. This article stems from a deep and extensive dissertation research on parents’ attitudes toward their child Learning Disability in Israel and it is presented as an outline of the research study. Studying the parents attitudes and coping with their child’s Learning Disability, is an important area that should generate interest among researchers. The family is the source of the child’s development, and the parents are responsible for the creation of his values and beliefs. In summary, the connections between Learning disability, society and culture, attitudes, stress and coping concerning the parents of children diagnosed as having Learning was discussed in this article. There is an urgent need to explore these parents’ varied cultures, their different beliefs, attitudes, and their characteristics. It is important to remember that the family is a supportive framework that protects the child. The best way to help the L.D. child and his family is through understanding the way in which they experience the disability at home, and in the community.
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    The Identity of the Dialogic Educator – Dialogue in Education as a Practice for the Construction and Establishment of a New Social Reality in Education
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2018) Windzberg Sasson, Ronit
    One of the things that most influencethe professional identity in teaching is the professional training that the student teacher chooses. The professional training is built by educational pedagogy that supports the construction of the reality of the person who receives the training and contributes to it, and in this way, influenceshis professional identity. The dialogue between people is the way in which people influenceone another and help in the process of socialization. The dialogue influencesthe construction of the reality of people since the process of the construction necessitates at least two people in the process. The common denominator of socialization, social construction, and dialogue is the duality required from each one of the sides in these processes. The key to change is dialogic education. Dialogic pedagogy enables the participation in the construction of the educational reality in the 21st century.The article is composed of two parts. The firstpart presents a sociological infrastructure and asks the following questions: What is reality and how does the process of socialization and construction of a personal identity occur? The second part addresses the construction of the educational identity in the aspect of the educational ideology.
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    Optimistic Approach Towards Life as a Protective Factor for Adolescents with LD and ADHD
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2018) Wizman-Man, Dikla
    The objective of this study is to examine the influenceof life-stories narrative intervention programs on the optimistic approach towards life of adolescents with learning disabilities (LD) and attention deficitdisorders (ADHD). Changes in the optimistic approach towards life of adolescents with LD and ADHD who took part in an intervention program were compared pre-and post-program and to ordinary high school graduates who did not participate in the program. The findingsindicate a significantimprovement in the level of optimism pre- and post- intervention program. In addition, higher levels of optimistic approach towards life in the general index and relating to graduates’ level of optimism in situations of uncertainties were reported among graduates with LD and ADHD, compared with regular high school graduates. No differences were found in other aspects of the questionnaires. Results call for further research on additional protective variables, and on the effectiveness of the intervention program in both special education and regular high schools.
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    The Handinhand School: Dealing with Adversity within a Multicultural Context
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2018) Bar Shalom, Amira
    The Hand in Hand bilingual school in Jerusalem operates against the broader background of the Arab-Israeli conflictand the unequal relations between Jewish and Arab citizens in the State of Israel. Drawing on multicultural educational models, the School seeks to ensure that all groups are visible and respected and to develop a curriculum that reflectsthe culture of all the students and their families. Against the dominant model of segregated education in Israel, the School creates intercultural space. In recent years, the School has been the target of several attacks. The article describes the work of the author, a counselor at the School, in responding to these attacks and in enhancing the resilience of the School community. Structured staff meetings enabled the educators to express themselves, support each other, and receive tools for coping in multicultural classrooms in a conflicted society.
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    Sukcesy fińskiego systemu edukacji, czyli dlaczego Finlandia szczyci się jednym z najlepszych systemów szkolnictwa na świecie – porównawcze studium przypadku
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2018) Czujko-Moszyk, Ewelina
    This paper seeks to answer the question why Finland is considered to have one of the best education systems in the world. The author aims at providing a descriptive case study of Finland in comparison to the Polish educational system with some reference to other Western countries. The world first noticed Finland following the release of PISA results in 2001. Yet, PISA overview is just a starting point for this case study. The paper analyses different social, economic and political factors which, in the author’s opinion, contributed the most to the Finnish success in education. Major arguments for the Finnish success are preceded by an overview of educational reforms from the 1950s until the present. The author argues that the remarkably high social status of teachers, their autonomy and great qualifications,consistency in educational reforms which offer high quality, equity and decentralization are the primary reasons for Finland’s global success. All of the above achievements are compared to Poland’s current situation in education.
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    Smartfon w klasie: od zabawki do narzędzia edukacyjnego
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2018) Brosch, Anna
    Today’s children are growing up in a digital age that is far different from that of previous generations. Young children’s use of interactive screen media such as smartphones is increasing rapidly. A variety of mobile devices are all around, but they are still not accessible enough at schools, where the use of smartphones is usually forbidden.The aim of this research was to discover teachers’ opinion about using smartphones in class. The qualitative methodology was used in this study to analyse in depth the contextual factors concerning the use of smartphones during the education process. The analysis was based on data from 32 interviews with primary school teachers. The results of the study have shown that teachers do not incorporate smartphones into the education process, despite their positive attitude towards this kind of mobile devices.
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    Od przedmiotu do podmiotu. Status dziecka w rodzinie i społeczeństwie
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2018) Golus, Anna
    The status of children in family and society is low since the year dot. This state of things is caused especially by adultcentrism, which means the view on youngsters from adult perspective, including the belief that adulthood is normality and standard, whereas childhood is state of incompleteness and imperfection. The article discusses the roots of adultcentric notions, instrumental treatment and social exclusion of children. The author examines the changes in social status of children and the influenceof consumerism and information revolution on contemporary role of children in family and society. She also considers why the objectification of children is so difficult to end.
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    The Language of Child’s Emotions
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2018) Kłysz-Sokalska, Natalia
    The article shows the problem of the importance of emotions as one of the soft competencies. The author bases her reflectionson the thesis that an individual understanding of the emotions experienced by oneself and others may influencethe internal (spiritual) integration of a person as well as the sense of acceptance and belonging to the community. Child’s emotions, due to their primarily pre-interpre-tation of reality, also affect other developmental processes such as perception, memory and attention.The author of the article focuses on the importance of the emotional competence of the child expres-sed in a verbal way. She notes that skilfully used rich dictionary of concepts related to emotions can influencethe subsequent proper functioning in community. Also, citing research, the author states that early emotional education influencesthe development of qualities such as sensitivity, ability to empathize and openness to another person. The combination of language education with emotional, moral and social education becomes the starting point for axiolinguistic education.
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    The Opportunities for Development of the Child’s Creative Potential in Local Institutions
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2018) Kasprzak, Michalina
    In this article, the main goal is to present on the basis of own scientificobservations different principles of developing the child’s creative potential. The author presents three elements: encouraging, identifying and fostering in the context of child’s creative potential and then she presents three perspective of opportunities for development child’s creative potential in the local institutions for children. In summary she write a short concept about the opportunities for development to creativity of each child from the disfavoured backgrounds.
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    Metoda Szkoły Kofoeda i możliwości jej adaptacji do edukacji dorosłych w organizacjach pozarządowych
    (Wydawnictwo Naukopwe UAM, 2018) Szymczak, Sławomir
    This article is an attempt to look at the possibility of applying a unique method of social work, called the Kofoed’s School Method, to adults education pursued by non-governmental organizations. The use of the method of vocational activation, developed in the Copenhagen social institution – Kofoed’s School, requires a look at the specificsof the method and its theoretical genesis. The Kofoed’s School focuses mainly on the social integration of the unemployed with the local community, although it is also a place of adult learning.The theoretical foundations of this method have been shown through Danish social pedagogy and its implications for adult education. The proposed adaptation of the Kofoed’s School Method refers to the educational practice towards adults in non-governmental organizations. In addition, the article outlines previous experience in the implementation of the Kofoed’s School Method in non-governmental organizations in Europe, as well as the opportunities that this method brings to adults education.
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    Deficyty emocjonalne młodych dorosłych wychowanków rodzin zastępczych
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2018) Aleksandra, Jasielska; Buchnat, Marzena
    The study was aimed to determine the role of attachment bond in emotional functioning in alexithy-mia and emotional processing in foster care alumni. The participants with experience of personal rejection – adult foster care alumni during the transition from foster care to adulthood (N = 29) and persons without such experience (N = 32) took part in the study. The Experiences in Close Relation-ships Scale, Toronto Alexithymia Scale and Emotional Processing Scale were used. Results present that insecure pattern of attachment occurs with alexithymia in ineffective emotional processing. We confront the results with the construct of emotion representations as the key to comprehend observed deficits in emotional functioning.
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    Wszczep ślimakowy dla pacjentów z głuchotą postlingwalną – szansa na poprawę jakości życia
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2018) Magierska-Krzysztoń, Magdalena; Olempska-Wysocka, Magdalena
    Permanent hearing damage, which was diagnosed in the postlingling period - prevents “normal” life. Adult, mature people who until now had certain social roles and activities, suddenly experienced the phenomenon of exclusion as a result of hearing loss, which leads in many cases to personal dramas. The aim of the research was to determine the possibility of improving the quality of life of patients with postlingual deafness after implanting the cochlear implant. The study involved 96 patients aged 30-75 years, postlingally deaf, equipped with a cochlear implant. The study used the CES-D questionnaire, the PANAS-PL questionnaire and the diagnostic survey method (questionnaire survey). The results of the study show that in the majority of patients after implantation, there was a subjectively evaluated improvement associated with activity in various spheres of life. The use of the cochlear implant in post-lethal hearing impaired patients allowed to achieve satisfactory auditory functioning, which contributed to the improvement of the quality of life.
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    Selected issues of juvenile delinquency proceedings
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2018) Rajewska De Mezer, Joanna
    This paper discusses selected issues of juvenile delinquency proceedings. It points the reader’s attention to the difference in the approach towards a juvenile offender. This different approach consists in shaping the way the state reacts to them breaking a legal norm and directing it towards resocializing education. It underlines the specific characteristics of the interactions’ subject – a juvenile whose identity and social attitudes are in the making. These features justify the fact that educational and reformatory measures based on the law on juvenile delinquency proceedings are applied in their case, rather than the punitive ones defined in the Penal Code. The paper analyses selected topics related to executing specific (educational or reformatory) measures that spark controversy among the entities that take up educational, activating and aid-related actions.
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    Promocje doktorskie jako ceremonie akademickie
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2018) Szymczak, Emilia
    Academic regalia, symbols and ceremonies are an important element of university reality. The ruling force here is the tradition and continuity of the preservation of symbols since the Middle Ages. The awarding of academic degrees and titles in the XXI century is still associated with a consistent structure during which specific rituals – characteristic for University or even each field of study – take place. They become an exemplification of prestige in the academic world, the position of professors, as well as other social groups, and crystallize the place in the hierarchy of various individuals and groups of people, as well as the academic capital that they represent. In this article, I will focus on this initial level of academic career which is a doctorate and especially at this ceremonial or symbolic ritual of passage – the doctoral promotion.
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    School Psychologist’s Interventions to Promote Successful School Re-Entry of Chronically ill Children Aiming at Altering Peers’ Attitudes Towards Them
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2018) Nowakowska, Iwona
    The aim of this article is to outline school psychologist’s interventions, which might be useful while supporting a chronically, somatically ill child in their re-entry to school, aiming at broadening their peers’ knowledge about the chronic disease and positively changing their attitudes towards the ill child. In the first part, the importance of peer relationships in childhood and adolescence, the relation of their quality to school absences and the positive role of school attendance in the process of adaptation to illness and recovery, are presented. Then, the arguments for school psychologist to become an agent of child’s positive school re-entry are provided. A framework of tasks to be performed by psychologist in the school setting is outlined. The second part focuses on the interventions which might be useful to meet expectations the environment has towards school psychologist in case of an ill child’s return to school. Among them, negative messages’ delivery, educational workshops design and delivery, promoting self-advocacy of the child, preventing violence and supporting child’s siblings have been chosen as important areas of actions related to the child’s peers. A selection of suggestions how to deal with these diverse fields of activity has been outlined, basing on re-entry models, as well as on useful directions and interventions to prevent bullying and support children in developing psychosocial competences, which are discussed in research reports, metaanalyses and professional literature.