Folia Scandinavica Posnaniensia, 2003, nr 7

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    Modern Icelandic phonology in the twentieth century: a bibliography
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2003) Gussmann, Edmund
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    Das Gesicht als pragmatische Kategorie im institutionellen Gespräch. Über die Abhandlung Råd och ruelse. Moral och samtalsstrategier i Giftinformationscentralens telefonrådgivning von Håkan Landqvist (2001, Uppsala: Uppsala universitet)
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2003) Zborowski, Piotr
    Uber die Abhandlung „Rad och ruelse. Morał och samtalsstrategier i Giftinformationscentralens telefonradgivning" („Rat und Reue. Morał und Gesprachsstrategien in der telefonischen Beratung der Zentrale fiir Informationen iiber Yergiftungen") von Hakan Landqvist.
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    Request strategies in Norwegian and English
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2003) Awedyk, Witosław
    This paper discusses verbal reahzation of one reąuest situation which has been used in the empirical part of my doctoral dissertation (Awedyk, 2001) which sets out to compare and contrast reąuest strategies in the reahzation of the speech act of reąuest in Norwegian and English. Due to the limitations of space, I will only be able to present a smali fraction of the findings resulting from the project I carried out. Notwithstanding the above, some of the problems discussed below can be perceived as representative of the generał pragmalinguistic phenomena present in the respective languages.
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    Metaphors in Swedish journalism: the language of business
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2003) Mikołajczyk, Magdalena
    This paper discusses metaphors from the standpoint of cognitive semantics and explores conceptual metaphors in the Swedish language of business, as present in the joumalistic language of everyday newspapers. The introduction briefly reviews the history of metaphorical research, foUowed by a selection of conceptual metaphors found in the economic articles of two Swedish dailies 'Dagens Nyheter' and 'GOteborgs Posten'. This paper also analyses the functions performed by metaphors in economic articles.
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    Aus dem Literaturerbe in die Sprachwissenschaft
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2003) Groenke, Ulrich
    In medieval studies the term „literaturę" covers practically all notions of fictional or artistic and factual or scientific writing. Works of totally different kinds of literaturę may be found united in a compilation sharing literary fame though not materiał comprehension. A case in point is the compilation of Snorra Edda and the Grammatical Treatises in the Codex Wormianus. This article sketches the history of understanding and misunderstanding the duality of the pooled texts.
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    Suomalaiset kalevalamatriset loitsut ja niiden suullisuus Walter Ongin teorien valossa
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2003) Patrykiejew, Magdalena
    The main goal of the paper is to describe the spells and charms of the Finnish sages as the part of the Finnish oral tradition and briefly discuss their characteristic features, such as the metre (so called Kalevala metre), alliteration and repetition on the example of one particular fragment of a spell. More attention is given to the spell as the oral phenomenon and the vocal performance it reąuired. This analysis is based on the theories of Walter Ong concerning the orality and literacy.
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    Debatten om svenskans ställning i Europa
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2003) Skrzypek, Dominika
    Swedish EU-access in January 1995 triggered off a widespread linguistic debatę on the futurę of the Swedish language in the united Europę. Despite its status as one of the Union's ofRcial languages, Swedish is often referred to as a minority language threatened by English. The debatę mentions current language policies of the E U , linguistic and non-linguistic aspects of the influence of one language on another and presents a number of solutions strengthening the status of the weaker language. Both the arguments and proposals can be interesting as new accessions are awaited and the debatę on Europeanisation is present even in the Polish linguistics.
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    De etniske minoriteters plads i det danske kulturliv
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2003) Schab, Sylwia
    The article presents the main trends and priorities in the Danish cultural poIicy towards ethnic minorities. First of all, it presents the scope of activity of the Ministry of Home Affairs as the central body in charge of ethnic minorities issues. Secondly, the article focuses on the field of activity of the Ministry of Culture. All of the discussed activities of the culture department took place in the 90's, which can be justified by the intensification of such enterprises in this period. The reflections in the article are based on the three key reports regarding the participation of ethnic minorities in the cultural life of Denmark.
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    Den svenska dagpressens särskilda ställning är inte tillfäldigheternas spel… Dagstidningsmarknaden i dagens Sverige
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2003) Dunajska, Maria
    The Swedish newspaper market has been traditionally very strong both in terms of circulation and advertising revenues. Thus, the country has always been placed close to tbe top in newspaper consumption in Europę. The following article is an attempt to give an overview of the newspaper market in toda/s Sweden, with its traditional division and major features. Special emphasis is laid on those phenomena which contributed to Sweden's uniąue position on the European market, namely the fact that newspaper circulation is generally very high, newspapers are mainly locally or regionally based, there is a high level of readership, and, what is worth noting, papers are read among all social groups. Moreover, most of the moming newspapers are sold by subscription and offer early moming borne delivery, which seems to be remarkably effective. The closing part of the article deals with the economic market, focusing mostly on the advertising revenues as well as concentration of the newspaper market.
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    Den norske lokalpressen med Glamdalen som eksempel – fortiden og natiden
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2003) Przepióra, Agnieszka
    Local newspapers are the spine of the Norwegian system of the press. About 200 yarious papers reach readers throughout the country and an average reader devotes over 30 minutes to reading daihes. It seems that even the expansion of the internet, as a source of information, is not able to weaken the remarkable position of local newspapers in Norway.
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    Vanha Marski – der finnische Mythos vom Marschall C.G. Mannerheim
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2003) Mrozewicz, Bolesław
    The author of the article presents one of the most significant figures in the modern history of Finland: Marshal Carl Gustaf Mannerheim (1867-1951), the commander of the Finnish army during the three 'Finnish' wars and the president of Finland after World War II. Mannerheim has been perceived by the majority of the Finnish people as an almost mythical personage, a distinguished leader and the very symbol of Finnish independence. He managed thrice to save Finland from a political and military disaster. At the same time, Mannerheim was a controversial person in the Finnish society. On the one hand a national bero, on the other a representative of ultraconservative circles, who impeded the progressive trends within the Finnish working class. The article depicts those aspects of Mannerheim's life and of the political and military circumstances in Finland and Europę which lay the foundation for the myth of the Marshal as well as its spread the whole of Scandinavia. The complex discussion on Mannerheim, which has been led for the last forty years both in Finland and abroad, is also put into perspective.
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    Bonde-element i finsk identitet
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2003) Kasierska, Katarzyna
    The thesis of the article is that contemporary Finnish national identity has its roots in the nation's agrarism past. The article focuses on several of the most crutcial Finnish identity elements: the Kalevala and folkpoetry in generał as 'national history", naturę love, late migration to cities (1960's and 1970's), hard work as source of esteem, sisu, psychological traits common among Finns, cultural differences between East and West in Finland, gender roles, sauna, and, last but not least, cultural inferiority complex towards 'old European cultures'.
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    Fran göticism till ’det svenska folklynnet’. Om äldre traditioner i svensk identitetsforskning
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2003) Żmuda-Trzebiatowska, Magdalena
    National identity, in the meaning of a need to define oneself as a member of a nation and to characterize one's nation, is not constant. It increases during crises and transformations in state and society, and decreases in periods of stabilisation. In the case of Sweden, the research on the natłonal character and identity flourished in the 19th and the early 20th century, which was crucial time politically, economically and socially. The main trends in a searching for the Swedish identity, which are discussed in this article, were inspired by the Nordic mjrthology, the so called great power period in the Swedish history (the 17th century) and the folk traditions symbolised by the province of Dalecarlia. This article presents also the attempts to portray the Swedish national character by C . L . J . Almqvist, V. von Heidenstam, E . Key, A. Strindberg and G. Sundbarg.
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    Linguistische Analyse eines literarischen Textes: Zum Subjekt in der Erzählung Pimeys von Aino Kallas
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2003) Järventausta, Marja
    Using a story by the Finnish author Aino Kallas (1878- 1956) as an example, this article addresses the ąuestion whether and to what extent the methodology of linguistic analysis can contribute to the interpretation of literary texts. A closer look at personal- deictic expressions and grammatical subjects in this story shows that such a linguistic analysis of certain stylistic phenomena in a given literary text may support and elucidate the literary interpretation of that text.
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    I kunstkredse. Udvalgte biografiske romaner fra 90’erne
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2003) Haber-Biały, Justyna
    The author presents four contemporary Danish biographical novels about female artists working in former historical periods. The analysis focuses on hterary visuaHzation of creative identity based on such aspects as: motives and strategies of artistic activity, the importance of creative autonomy, promoted concepts of arts. The aim of this analysis is to separate common motives, threads with reference to contemporary concepts of women's creative activity.
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    Das Motiv des Labyrinths in Ulf Erikssons Xaviers hemlighet und Aris Fioretos‘ Stockholm noi
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2003) Berf, Poul
    Since the days of the Minotaur in the labjrrinth of Knossos, the labyrinth is strongly connected with the concept of urbanity. In modem Uterature the labsrrinth has played a major role as a metaphor for the city and the forlomness of the individual in the big cities. Ulf Eriksson and Aris Fioretos, two contemporary Swedish noyelists, discuss in recent novels {Xaviers hemlighet and Stockholm noir) the relevance of the metaphor todey. For Eriksson the labyrinth is still apt metaphor for life in the big cities, whereas the protagonist in Fioretos' novel in the end rejects the concept in favour of a more subjective access to urban life.
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    Das Warten auf – Geschichte und Funktionswandel eines literarischen Topos von Solveigs Lied bis Hjalmar Bergmans Herr von Hancken
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2003) Brynhildsvoll, Knut
    My contribution deals with the changing aspects of the situation of "Waiting for ..." as a literary topie in the Scandinavian literaturę from Ibsen's "Peer Gynt" to Hjalmar Bergmans novel "Herr von Hancken" - with a subseąent outlook on the reuse of the motif in the time between the two world wars. The analysis of important works of Scandinavian Hterature during this period - including works of Ibsen, Strindberg, Lagerlof, Hj. Bergman, H. Aanrud - shows very clearly that the main characters as a conseąuence of the loss of the intended or expected object are inclined to transform their reality and thus replace the empty position of the object with the most phantastic projections of a secondary, artificiel world which has no similarity with the empirical world of common experience. On the contrary. Due to the subjecfs free disposal over the object-area it is possible for them to create a fictional world which approaches the world of madness and in which the authors are expressing the crisis and the solitude of human beeing under the conditions of modem society.
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    Spelet och maskerna i August Strindbergs En dåres försvarstal
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2003) Bukowski, Piotr
    The aim of the article is to describe and analyse the principal types and strategies of role-playing in August Strindberg's autobiographical novel A Madman's Defence (1887-88). The starting point of this study is the assumption that the main characters in the novel - Axel (Strindberg's alter ego) and Maria - consciously play with masks in order to delude and manipulate people. The following analysis reveals the philosophical premises that determine Axers and Maria's role-playing.
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    ”Att befrias fran varje horisontlinje”. Birgitta Lillpers poetiska landskap
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2003) Niewiarowska-Rasmussen, Ewa
    The paper constitutes an analysis of the poetry of Birgitta Lillpers in the context of the postmodern break-up of traditional definitions of literary genres. The characteristic features of the Swedish poet's work are ambiguity, fragmentation, and a diffuse persona of the speaker. Lillpers' poetry is rich in lexical, semantic and syntactic experimentation.