Roczniki Socjologii Rodziny, 2011, tom 21
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Item Funkcja prokreacyjna na rozdrożu?(Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2011) Gębka, MikołajThe article points to a number of questions related to the procreative role. Of importance to this role and to its condition is the fact that the character of the value that a child has for its parents has changed, from a practical, utilitarian one ("hands for work", "security for old age") towards an autotelic one (fulfilment of one's dreams, satisfaction of one's need for becoming a parent, etc.). This change, combined with advances in medical science, has allowed the weight of the process of procreation to shift from the "quantity" to the "quality" of the offspring.Item Praca socjalna z rodziną oparta na zasobach(Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2011) Ciczkowska-Giedziun, MałgorzataNew initiatives that release strengths, resources and power are undertaken in the process in supporting families. Discovering clients' strengths, sources, competences and potential possibilities are described in a conception of strengths-based social work practice. This model of social work strengthens human capital, depends on redress the balance,strengths, self-respect, improves abilities and in a consequence increases to empowers selfcontrol and own life. The practical example of this idea is a proposal of building solutions, which is called solution-focused approach. The aim of this article is to present how to work with clients (with methodical hints in working with families) in this idea and also examples how to use this approach in working with families in specific problems.Item Terapia par jako narzędzie przeciwdziałania dysfunkcji rodziny(Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2011) Frąckowiak - Sochańska, MonikaThis article is aiming at a presentation and critical analysis of selected concepts of marital therapy. Permanent conflicts between partners influence generalized life quality of every member of a family system (spouses as well as children). According to clinical research results presented in the text, there is a strong link between marital conflicts between parents and depression, eating disorders, and behavioral disorders among children and youngsters. That is why marital therapy can be considered to be a method of prevention of above mentioned disorders. The author compares seven schools of marital therapy: psychodynamic, behavioral-cognitive, systemic, narrative, process-oriented, rational- educational and values-oriented in order to single out main changes in philosophy of therapy concerning explanations of disorders, roles of therapist and clients as well as methods of work.Item Rejestrowane związki osób tej samej płci we współczesnej Europie(Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2011) Szukalski, PiotrThe analyses presented in this article yield the conclusion that, in time, same-sex relationships undergo assimilation to heterosexual relationships. Perhaps, the term assimilation should be replaced with another, disappearance of differences, as it appears that people in same-sex relationships have an ideal of family life similar to the one widely-found in all of the society. The differences are mainly the result of the adoption of a different division of family roles, when compared to the traditional one, and of meeting a different set of expectations from the environment.Item Udział środowiska rodzinnego w procesie rozwoju pedofilii(Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2011) Beisert, MariaPedophilia is a complicated phenomenon that refers to a sexual relation between an adult and a child. In Poland it is the crime on penalty under article 200 in the Penal Code. In the presented article the author's own theory is used as the conceptual framework of the empirical research. This theory stems from the Marshall and Barbaree's integrated theory of the etiology of sexual offending that emphasizes the role of offender's family experiences in developing sexual pathology in the future. The conducted research has verified the proposed concept describing the paths of the development of pedophilia and indicating the way early socialization experiences (attachment styles and parental attitudes) contribute to becoming a child's perpetrator. Results have partially confirmed the theoretical models and have given directions for future explorations.Item Szczęściarze i męczennice, czyli o wybranych dysfunkcjach we współczesnej rodzinie(Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2011) Pol ofm, Jan DezyderiuszThis article concerns some selected problems of the contemporary Polish family. The author discusses three phenomena that may affect family life in destructive ways: domestic violence, „euroorphanhood" and addiction to the Internet. „Pathological" attempts to escape from the previous activities that may cause disturbances in family life can be seen in each of the described phenomena. They were selected because of their special relevance, dynamism and links with social and civilization transformations. By analyzing these social problems, the author draws attention to the differences in understanding the phenomenon of happiness by different people, depending on their life circumstances.Item Sytuacja społeczna młodocianych matek(Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2011) Królikowska, SabinaThis article shows that for the majority of women in this research their young motherhood is not a stigma for life and it deviates from the stereotypical image. With enormous support from their closest environment they try to realise their roles as the wife or the life partner, the mother, the student, the friend, the daughter, or the daughter-in-law. Life experiences of these women show that they are able to lead their lives and realise their educational plans thanks to significant financial and spiritual support from their parents.Item Czynniki mające wpływ na podejmowanie decyzji o posiadaniu dziecka przez potencjalnych rodziców. Analiza pieniężnych i niepieniężnych kosztów oraz zysków z posiadania dziecka(Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2011) Laszewska-Hellriegel, MartynaThe article deals with the problem of decision making process of potential parents to become a child. The starting point is the behaviour model of Homo Oeconomicus, who after consideration of all pros and cons chooses the alternative which is the most profitable for him. After a short theoretical introduction, showing the research status on this field, article concentrates on the profits and losses of having the child. And so first are shown all financial and non financial gains of having a child and than the financial and non financial looses. On the end of the article the author shows also other factors which influence the decision taking model. This analysis can be useful by policy making in the countries willing to influence the birth rate.Item Mieczysław Plopa, Psychologia rodziny. Teoria i badania (recenzja)(Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2011) Frąckowiak-Sochańska, MonikaRecenzja książki: Mieczysław Plopa, Psychologia rodziny. Teoria i badania (Psychology of family. Theory and researches), Kraków 2011, Oficyna Wydawnicza „Impuls", s. 452.Item Krystyna Siany, Justyna Struzik, Katarzyna Wojnicka (red.), Gender w społeczeństwie polskim (recenzja)(Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2011) Królikowska, SabinaRecenzja książki: Krystyna Siany, Justyna Struzik, Katarzyna Wojnicka (red.) Gender w społeczeństwie polskim, (Gender in polish society), Zakład Wydawniczy Nomos, Kraków 2011, s. 382.Item Małgorzata Łobacz, Wartość ubóstwa w urzeczywistnianiu się osoby (recenzja)(Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2011) Oliwa-Ciesielska, MonikaRecenzja książki: Małgorzata Łobacz, Wartość ubóstwa w urzeczywistnianiu się osoby (The value of poverty in self-fulfillment), Wydawnictwo KUL, Lublin 2011.Item Wprowadzenie(Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2011) Kotlarska-Michalska, AnnaItem Ojcostwo - kryzys czy nowy wymiar?(Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2011) Michałowska, Elżbieta; Daniłowicz, PawełBetween 2008 and 2009 research was conducted on childrens' and youths' sense of security at home and at school. The research covered 18 000 schoolchildren from Łódź. The main goal was to determine main family, school and environmental factors which have influence on violence behaviors increase. Additionally the results revealed dramatic situation of family in Łódź and particularly degreasing meaning of father and fatherhood. The analysis of fatherhood problems was applied to more general theoretical context - crisis of masculinity. Next part of paper is dedicated to fatherhood crisis understood not only as fathers' absence or devaluation of general fathers' position in family but also as underestimation of fathers' presence. Fathers' image becomes unclear, blurred, and his responsibility becomes limited. Also results of this process, that are mentioned in literature, were pointed out. In the empirical part consequences of fathers' absence (both physical and mental) were discussed based on quantity and focus research. Those results allowed to form significant conclusions on "maternalisation" of Łódź family and on childrens' behavior (children raised by fathers tend to transgress certain social normatives).