Zaangażowanie w szkole – szkoła zaangażowania. O możliwościach i utrudnieniach demokratycznego uczestniczenia uczniów w sferze publicznej

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Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM

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Engagement in school – school of engagement. About possibilities and obstacles of democratic students’ participation in the public sphere


The subject of this article is the process of school education as a field of experience of the pupil's commitment. Assumption, that the school and the class are the essential place of the learning of civil’s participating isn't raising doubts because the education is perceived as the factor of the forming of the social capital as well as civic society There is a very strong assumption that between the education and the social engagement exist a real ties and this is recognized as so obvious that isn't verified. However the forming of the citizenship requires much more experiences, than in the process of the school's education which is usually focused on an accumulation of the knowledge, while civil participation requires the particular type of social interactions in peer teams. It means, that civil education as well as forming and updating of civil competencies requires personal experiences in the multidimen-sional social relations, in which the mutual obligations and duties create the social network of group members. In this text are discussed following areas of students' experiences favorable for the social and civil engagement of pupils: a) the process of education with particular reference to programs and contents of education, b) methods and forms of and teaching and learning, c) students' selfgovernment, d) extracurricular as well as voluntary activities and e) norms and principles regulating of social life at school. The most important for the social engagement is the possi-bility of students' participation in these forms of social life. It is seen as an important factor of students' engagement in different forms of organizations of lives in school.




engagement, democratic students’, participation, public sphere


Studia Edukacyjne, nr 22, 2012, s. 139-153







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