Hybrydowy charakter oceny szkolnej we wczesnej edukacji: stan i wyzwania
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Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM
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The Hybrid-like Character of School Assessment in Early Education: State of the Art and Challenges
The review of early-education assessment presented in this text is derived from the conviction that
the traditional concept of system is not suffi cient to explain the phenomena occurring within the area
in question, an indispensable quality of which is ambivalence. As the study results show, the assessment
of pupils’ achievements arises within a fi eld of changeable tension between what is deemed as
offi cially binding (educational norms, central and local systems regulations) and what is reliant on
the local context of education and individual properties of the learner and the teacher. Accordingly,
school assessment gains hybrid-like features regardless of the intentions of the people and institutions
implicated in establishing it. Reducing any of its dimensions (be it instructional, social or axiological)
with a view to preserving a stable and hierarchical order results in introducing obscurity into the assessment
processes and thus turning assessment into an area of misunderstandings.
Undertaken with such a perspective, the analyses of early-education assessment unravel its weaknesses,
which are brought out thanks to the use of semantic associations derived from the senses
given to the concept of hybrid by sciences other than pedagogy. The early-education status quo
comes down to the diversity of meanings of assessment being radically reduced, to the assessment
being conventionalized, to it being seemingly obvious and subjected to narrow instrumental objectives,
especially to the motivation to learn being construed in behavioural terms. These phenomena,
however, do not lead to the system being put in order, but they introduce into assessment new
types of tensions, which intensify effects unfavourable to the pupil. What in this context I interpret
as a challenge for teachers’ vocational training in assessment practices is taking into account – when
establishing assessment – learners’ increasing independence as well as the pupils’ growing ability to
assess themselves or others. This can be supported by the hybrid concept of combining throughout
the teacher’s work two different types of assessment: the formative and summative one, with the
two types referring to opposing systems of values. I do not see this solution as a panacea but rather
as an opening of the discussion on the state of early-education assessment and on tendencies in the
way it is changing.
assessment, early education, hybrid character of assessment, complementarity of formative
Studia Edukacyjne, nr 28, 2013, s. 303-324