Refleksje, nr 4, jesień-zima 2011

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    E-voting jako forma demokracji bezpośredniej. Dotychczasowe doświadczenia i ich konsekwencje
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe WNPiD UAM, Poznań, 2011) Duda, Krzysztof
    This article is going to Point main advantages and disadvantages of e-voting. That form of voting could be a turning point in modern democracy. It can avoid many concerns and problems – there are some certain examples attached. It’s our choice to try e-votig but it’ is essential to know all pros and cons.
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    Aktywność społeczno-polityczna kobiet na szczeblu lokalnym z uwzględnieniem sytuacji w gminie Gostyń po wyborach samorządowych 2010 r.
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe WNPiD UAM, Poznań, 2011) Karolczak, Karolina
    Public and political activity of women – this subject has been constantly present in Polish public discourse for many years. Lately, the main part of this discourse is the matter of parity and legal guarantee of minimum 35% places dedicated to women on the elections candidates’ register. This essay assesses the legitimacy of these modifications with reference to necessity of cultural or social circumstances. The author also presents factors that determinate women’s public activity. All of these theoretical deliberations are referred to the situation in Gostyń commune and particularly to the personnel of the town council (it consists of only 19% of women).
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    Telewizja w kampanii wyborczej – wybrane aspekty
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe WNPiD UAM, Poznań, 2011) Sopalski, Paweł
    Television has become one of the most significant means of communication during last 50 years. During political campaigns politicians use a wide range of techniques in order to gain their voters’ support. Debates before elections, polls, announcements on TV are the most common means used by parties. Development of technology caused the increase of politicians presence not only in the news but also in the shows.
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    Zasada incompatibilitas w samorządowym prawie ustrojowym (relacje samorządowiec-parlamentarzysta) i projekt przekształcenia Senatu w Izbę Samorządową
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe WNPiD UAM, Poznań, 2011) Łukaszewski, Marcin
    The problem of senate as a self-government chamber and self-government person – parliament deputy relations were shown in the political history of the Polish Third Republic many times. In 2001, when self-government laws were introduced into the political system of selfgovernment, there was an institution of incompatibilitas (incompatibility of self-governmental and parliamentarian seats). It influenced the subsequent public debate about the role of Senate and the emerging plans to transform it into a self-government chamber.
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    Pokryzysowa zmiana
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe WNPiD UAM, Poznań, 2011) Szymanowski, Rafał
    Bankruptcy of Lehman Brothers, the 4th largest investment bank in the USA and the collapse of a financial sector initiated the biggest economic crisis since the Great Depression. Global recession sparked off an ongoing public debate. The main concern is whether it is an ordinary slubp or a serious systemic crisis. This article highlights two crucial changes appearing on the horizon of the post-crisis world: the death of a neo-liberal doctrine and „rising tide” of women.
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    Marketing polityczny na przykładzie witryn internetowych kół poselskich i klubów parlamentarnych w Sejmie RP VI kadencji
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe WNPiD UAM, Poznań, 2011) Schroeder-Polak, Marta
    Contemporary political marketing is increasingly using the Internet for its actions. The subject of this article is to analyze this phenomenon in the context of Polish Parliamentary Clubs’ websites. Elements such as page layout, subpages, available information or references to social networking sites were considered. The fundamental question in this article was whether and how Parliamentary Clubs exploit new opportunities? of self-governmental and parliamentarian seats). It influenced the subsequent public debate about the role of Senate and the emerging plans to transform it into a self-government chamber.
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    Frekwencja wyborcza a stan polskiej demokracji
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe WNPiD UAM, Poznań, 2011) Panicz, Urszula
    Last local election showed that the voter turnout in Poland is low and not everybody wants to participate in election. This article tries to find the causes of this situation in Poland while underlining the importance of turnout. What is more, the aim of this article is to show that increasing the number of people who vote is quite difficult. It is caused by so many various reasons.
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    Społeczna recepcja realizacji idei gender mainstreamingu na szczeblu jednostki samorządu terytorialnego (Miasto i Gmina Olsztyn)
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe WNPiD UAM, Poznań, 2011) Kałużna, Joanna
    The article focuses on the social reception of gender mainstreaming (assessing the implications for women and men of any planned action, including legislation, policies or programs, in all areas and at all levels to achieve gender equality) at the territorial self-government level. The author conducts the work study of a few cases in different cities – in Warszawa, Nysa, Giżycko and Olsztyn – where the local authorities tried to implement the idea of gender mainstreaming. Especially, the essay focuses on articles (published in local edition of „Gazeta Wyborcza” and „Debata”) and internauts’ comments related to those texts. The author describes the social reception of gender mainstreaming and estimates the possibility of introducing gender mainstreaming directives at the territorial self-government level in Poland.
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    Miejsce i rola kobiety w rodzinie na przestrzeni wieków. Od Antyku po I wojnę światową. Zarys problematyki
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe WNPiD UAM, Poznań, 2011) Kamprowski, Rafał
    For a long time, history of women was not in the mainstream of interest. The interest for this topic was not shown until the twentieth century. The aim of this paper is to present a long and difficult struggle to gain the status similar to the one women have nowadays. It is difficult to understand the present reality without going back to the past. The role of women is undergoing a lot of changes all the time. This subject is a huge field for research. The article attempts to give a summary of publications which deal with women’s issues.
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    Tożsamość homoseksualnych kobiet – dramat czy konstruktywna alternatywa?
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe WNPiD UAM, Poznań, 2011) Wierzba, Paulina
    The article Identity of Homosexual Women – Drama or a Constructive Alternative? presents the most important aspects of homosexual identity changes, which can be observed in modern society, especially as far as problems of homosexual women are concerned. The main goal of this article is to show the crash of modernism and postmodernism ideologies connected to cultural pluralism and axiological relativism and their consequences for the shape of lesbian’s identity. Reflections are illustrated by the statements from the homosexual women’s websites. As a result, main issues can be understood better.
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    Hegemoniczna męskość i dywidenda patriarchatu. O społecznej teorii płci kulturowej Raewyn Connell
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe WNPiD UAM, Poznań, 2011) Skoczylas, Łukasz
    The article gives A brief introduction to the social theory of gender relations created by R. Connell. It discusses mainly the concept of hegemonic masculinity, showing its main features and present form. The article also underlines Connell’s understanding of cultural gender. Moreover, masculinity in different cultures and the sources of modern masculinity patterns are presented.
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    Polska zdekolonizowana? „Pamięć o kobietach” i jej wymiary
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe WNPiD UAM, Poznań, 2011) Kania, Eliza
    What is the meaning of „herstory” concept? Can gender perspective be useful to discuss the dimensions of historical narratives? The text is an attempt to answer questions concerning the historical and cultural contexts of showing women’s role in history. It also analyses the content of crucial publications due to which the discussion on using gender perspective in historical narratives in Poland has begun.