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    Stare druki z księgozbiorów szczecińskich w Bibliotece Uniwersyteckiej w Poznaniu. Charakterystyka zasobu i uwagi o jego proweniencji
    (2023) Łukaszewski, Jakub
    This article presents findings regarding the number of old prints from former Szczecin collections in the University Library in Poznań and discusses their provenance. An analysis of materials from the Archive of the University Library in Poznań revealed that between 1945 and 1948, over 2,350 volumes of books, primarily old prints, were transported from Szczecin to this library. A review of the provenance of old prints in the University Library in Poznań (conducted between 2021 and 2022) revealed that there are currently 2,273 old prints in 1,550 volumes from several historical Szczecin collections. Over 1,700 of these prints have provenance from the Mariacki Gymnasium (Bibliotheca Gymnasii Palaeo-Sedinensis / Library of the Marienstift Gymnasium in Szczecin). Around 500 works come from the City Library (Stadtbibliothek Stettin, later Stadtbücherei from 1916). However, this number also includes books from other historical collections in Szczecin and Wismar. These are fragments of libraries from institutions such as Gesammt-Kirchen-Bibliothek von St. Jacobi Stettin, Bibliotheca Summi Regii Tribunalis Wismariensis (a fragment of the collection from 1879 at the Oberlandesgericht Stettin), Appellationsgericht Stettin, Pommersches Museum, Stadtgymnasium, Rathsbibliothek, and Loge zu den Drei Zirkeln. A dozen old prints originate from the Library of the Society for Pomeranian History and Antiquities (Bibliothek des Gesellschaft für Pommersche Geschichte und Alterthumskunde in Stettin).
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    Dziedzictwo rzeki (rozpoznanie wstępne)
    (2022) Michał Kępski
    W obliczu zmian klimatu oraz możliwych konfliktów wywołanych brakiem wody, ważnym wyzwaniem jest budowa świadomości społecznej dotyczący znaczenia miejskich rzek. Artykuł proponuje teoretyczną refleksję nad szybko rozwijającym się polem badań określanym jako dziedzictwo wody. Traktując rzekę, jako wspólnotowość różnych form istnienia związanych z daną przestrzenią, celem projektu jest poszukiwanie podejść podkreślających pozytywne formy adaptacji, współpracy i wzajemności. W założeniu uwypuklenie takich działań człowieka w przeszłych praktykach społecznych mogłyby stanowić punkt odniesienia dla współcześnie podejmowanych inicjatyw ratowniczych i prewencyjnych. Założenia prezentowanej perspektywy badawczej ilustruje krytyczna analiza projektu zagospodarowania dawnego koryta Warty w Poznaniu autorstwa Oskara Hansena.
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    Szyfr Jana Żdżarowskiego (-1551) na tle metod kryptograficznych używanych w Polsce pierwszej połowy XVI w.
    (Biblioteka Uniwersytecka w Poznaniu, 2021-12-30) Łukaszewski, Jakub
    This article presents an analysis of the ciphering system used in the a daily record of news and events of a personal nature in the Diary/Journal that belonged to the Poznań canon Jan Żdżarowski (d. 1551). The cryptographic methods implemented by Żdżarowski are presented against a broader background. The first section of the article is devoted to a discussion on the basic cryptographic methods used in Poland in the first half of the sixteenth century. Initially, the alphabets other than the Latin alphabet (notably the Cyrillic script) were used for the purpose, then the two following encryption systems or types of substitution cyphers became firmly established: monoalphabetic cipher and a simple homophonic cipher supplemented with a number of cipher keys, i.e. sets of rules by which plaintext could be converted into cipher text within an encryption system. A tentative juxtaposition of well-known examples of encryption systems in Poland shows that they were originally used predominantly in the Royal Chancery to hide confidential or classified diplomatic correspondence from unauthorized users. However, very soon the methods employed in the Chancery started to be employed for private purposes, for personal notes in diaries and journals. The other part of the article provides a number of examples of encoding information in marginal notes or notations written on the pages of printed annual or perpetual almanacs and ephemerides. Four almanacs of this type were identified. Three of them belonged to clergymen: Maciej Drzewicki (1467–1535), Jan Żdżarowski (d. 1551) and Piotr Myszkowski (ca 1505–1591), while the fourth almanac, anonymous, includes two cipher texts from 1534. Drzewicki and Myszkowski would use character encoding and replace the Latin script with the Cyrillic script, or alternatively the Greek script, to hide (or encode) information introduced to their almanacs. The anonymous author of the 1534 almanac and Jan Żdżarowski employed simple symmetrical substitution or monoalphabetic ciphers. In confidential diplomatic correspondence and in personal journals cryptography served exactly the same purpose and was used to hide essential information. The Żdżarowski cipher system (its deciphering is presented in this article) was used to conceal information on the murder of the priest Jan Łukomski (in which Żdżarowski was implicated) and on the birth of his son Maciej. Drzewicki, in turn, would conceal his money loans to the Grand Chancellor of the Crown Jan Łaski, while Myszkowski would code his remarks on his ever growing symptoms of gonorrhea that molested him. With the example of the notes written by Żdżarowski, it is proved that these daily records were not strictly personal, as outsiders had also access to them. In general, the analysed ciphered notes concealed discreditable or embarrassing facts that were wished to be kept secret. These secrets, however, were important enough and useful for their owners and they decided to record and memorialise them, though using encrypted ciphers. The article is supplemented with the Annex that includes a tentative list of the ciphers used in correspondence and journals of Polish provenance between 1508–1551.
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    Jeszcze o inkunabułach szczecińskiego Gimnazjum Mariackiego w zbiorach Biblioteki Uniwersyteckiej w Poznaniu („nowe” egzemplarze i fragmenty)
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu Szczecińskiego, 2020) Łukaszewski, Jakub
    The article supplements our earlier knowledge of the incunables from the Szczecin Marian Gymnasium in the University Library in Poznań (BUP). The article describes three unknown so far exemplars from this collection (GW 1754, GW 8478, GW M35433), bound together with 11 other 16th century prints. The initial results are also presented of the study on the printed bookbinding waste paper used in the bindings of the old prints of Szczecin provenience in the BUP collection. Fragments of five incunables were identified, among which particularly remarkable are the editions unrecorded in the IBP – fragments of a work by Piotr Berchorius Liber Bibliae Moralis (Deventer: R. Paffraet, 1477 = GW 3864) and the remnants of Missale Sverinense(?) (Rostock: Fratres Domus Viridis Horti, post 1500(?) = GW M23994). The discovered incunables and the 16th century prints are presented in the form of the catalogue records consisting of the bibliographic description completed with the individual features of each of the exemplars.
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    Nieznane kazanie(?) polskie z około połowy XV wieku. Ze zbiorów gnieźnieńskich
    (Biblioteka Jagiellońska, 2016) Łukaszewski, Jakub; Wydra, Wiesław
    The article presents a hitherto unknown Polish text which was written on one sheet of paper about the middle of the fifteenth century and which was recently discovered in the Archive of the Archdiocese of Gniezno (Ms. Fragm. 312). It is all that remains of some larger manuscript which was written very carefully in Polish. Given the small size of the text, it is very difficult to identify its literary genre. Most likely it is a passage from an erudite sermon or some other penitentiary work.
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    O Janie Żdżarowskim i jego znaku notarialnym użytym w nietypowej funkcji ekslibrisu
    (Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Wrocławskiego, 2019) Jakub, Łukaszewski
    Ekslibris przypisywany w literaturze Wojciechowi Strzałkowskiemu, najstarszy tego rodzaju polski księgoznak odbijany za pomocą klocka drzeworytniczego na kartach książkowych, rzeczywiście należał do Jana Żdżarowskiego. Pierwotnie Żdżarowski używał klocka do wykonywania znaku notarialnego — to najstarszy taki przypadek z terenów Polski. Narzędzie wykonano około 1517–1518 roku, na pewno przed 26 stycznia 1519 roku.
Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
Biblioteka Uniwersytetu im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
Ministerstwo Nauki i Szkolnictwa Wyższego