Studia Edukacyjne, 2015, nr 34


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    Praktyka tworzenia edukacyjnej wspólnoty – o edukacyjnej codzienności w kontekście jawnych i ukrytych wzorów kultury szkolnej
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2015) Sadowska, Sławomira
    The constitutive feature of the modern school is orientation towards a person’s attitude (moral, social), personal and civilizational competence, and the values of defining the quality of people’s lives. The processes that become more important are the ones that prepare the individual for living in a socially and culturally diverse world and equip him/her with the skills allowing the exploration and experience of the meaning of the world of disabled people, tolerate dissimilarity and otherness, consent to the existence of persons with disabilities on an equal footing. As a result of these processes, students should distance themselves from the concept of alienation and hostility, should treat dissimilarity and otherness not in terms of risks but rather as something stimulating, supportive for the understanding of the human being and the world. The article reflects on the possibilities of public and integration schools for the delivery of these objectives. The area of analysis reveals the explicit and implicit patterns of school culture. The direction of the analyses reinforces the reflection on what is possible, political and daily practice.
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    Studia Edukacyjne 34/2015 - spis treści
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2015)
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    Bożena Grochmal-Bach, Anna Czyż, Anna Skoczek (red.), Segregacja, integracja, inkluzja, Wydawnictwo WAM i Akademia Ignatianum, Kraków 2013, ss. 212
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2015) Antonik, Aleksandra
    Recenzje - Bożena Grochmal-Bach, Anna Czyż, Anna Skoczek (red.), Segregacja, integracja, inkluzja, Wydawnictwo WAM i Akademia Ignatianum, Kraków 2013, ss. 212
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    Renata Nowakowska-Siuta (red.), Edukacja alternatywna na rzecz demokracji w edukacji, Oficyna Wydawnicza Impuls, Kraków 2014, ss. 425
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2015) Jachimczak, Beata
    Recenzje - Renata Nowakowska-Siuta (red.), Edukacja alternatywna na rzecz demokracji w edukacji, Oficyna Wydawnicza Impuls, Kraków 2014, ss. 425
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    Negative Bewertung in der Schule und Familie aus der Sicht der Schüler der Sekundarstufe und Lehramt-Hochschulstudenten
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2015) Koldeová, Lujza; Tóthová, Renáta
    This paper deals with the application of negative forms of assessment in a family of parent - child relationship and at secondary school in relation teacher - pupil of theoretical and empirical point of view. In this paper we present the basic theoretical bases of a negative evaluation of students of higher secondary education in the family and at school and then present some empirical findings in this area. Research methods were: questionnaire method focuses on the application of a negative evaluation in the family (the questionnaire was entered secondary school students) and content analysis of reflections of students studying at the Pedagogical University in Bratislava (trainee teachers) for their retrospective subjective statements about the impact of negative evaluations of their teachers in the teaching process at secondary school to develop their personality.
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    Approaches, Methods and Techniques Used for Developing Emotional Competency in the Classroom
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2015) Polak, Alenka; Pavel, Jana Rapuš; Bajramlić, Edita
    Contemporary educators in schools should possess a number of competences, personal traits, subject knowledge, psychological and pedagogical knowledge, skills and teaching strategies to be able to work with pupils, consider their wide range of learning demands and special needs as well as cope with behavioural and other problems in the classroom. Social pedagogues employed in schools and teachers have to deal with emotions on a daily basis, and so they need to be emotionally intelligent. According to Goleman, major components of emotional intelligence include the awareness of our emotions, managing our own emotions, motivating ourselves, recognizing the emotions of others, empathy, and relationships management. Emotional intelligence in the context of schooling relates to the emotional side of teaching, such as the ability to recognize, define and manage pupils’ emotions, to motivate them and to handle interpersonal relationships in the classroom. Emotional competency is the efficacy in social situations with an emotional content. In the article we present an empirically designed study based on data collected in a questionnaire designed for the aim of the study. The research sample includes 108 persons dealing with school pupils on a daily basis; 56 of them are teachers and 52 social pedagogues, employed in the school advisory service. The aim of the study was to investigate how often teachers and social pedagogues use different approaches, methods and techniques for developing the emotional competency of pupils in the classroom. In the article the findings are discussed within the school context and some implications are provided for the higher education of teachers and social pedagogues.
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    The Aspects of Teaching and Management Ethics
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2015) Mária, Pisoňova
    The study deals with the development of students’ critical thinking, which is influenced by specific methods to reach the education values (axiologization) in the school practice. In addition, it is very important to combine the management and teaching of ethics.
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    Metoda projektów jako strategia postępowania dydaktycznego na wyższej uczelni. O efektach kształcenia i metodzie projektów
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2015) Zając, Bożena
    The article is an attempt to present the project method as a training strategy used at Polish universities, elevating the quality of students training through such training process organisation that will correspond with students’ expectations, their capabilities and predispositions. Implementing the project method in university educational practice will allow, in accordance with the applicable National Qualifications Framework, achievement of training effects in all categories: knowledge, skills and social competences. The article clearly states the role of students and the role of university teachers. It gives students the ability to initiate, explore and develop their own interests, learning by doing and experience. Students take responsibility for their own work, they define their own goals, direct themselves and evaluate their achievements themselves. Accordingly, the role of a university teacher using the project method in the process of educating students ceases to be that of only an expert in his field and a ‘knowledge feeder’. His role is, first of all, to create working conditions for students, motivate and accompany them in the learning process. In addition, the article provides information about the history and the present of the project method, pointing out its basic features like the progressive role of the teacher, the learner’s subjectivity, totality, moving away from traditional evaluation and phases in the project method implementation.
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    Wspieranie rozwoju i dobrostanu osób w fazie późnej dorosłości
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2015) Muszyńska, Ewa
    The article outlines the current and proposed activities supporting elderly people, related to the ageing of sick individuals and the process of usual ageing (both discussed separately). These activities are divided into direct (involving individuals) and indirect ones (focusing on the environment). The article presents the key principles and types of supportive activities as well as the theoretical concepts underpinning them, i.e. the theory of human development and the concept of successful ageing.
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    Podejście multiagencyjne w procesie readaptacji osób opuszczających zakłady karne
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2015) Barczykowska, Agnieszka; Muskała, Maciej
    One of the biggest problems of modern pedagogy is the process of social re- adaptation of exprisoners. Despite extensive knowledge of the course of the process, rehabilitation results continue to be unsatisfactory. One of the attempts to break the deadlock is the US model of the Transition from Prison to the Community. It represents the best thinking and evidence about how to manage transition and successful reentry with a view to community safety and reduced victimization.
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    Zastosowanie modelu R-N-R w diagnozie resocjalizacyjnej dorosłych sprawców przestępstw – rozwiązania angielskie
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2015) Barczykowska, Agnieszka
    Reliable assessment, based on three fundamental principles: risk, needs and reactivity (RNR model), is undoubtedly the basis of effective rehabilitation. It is the result of over forty years of work on the search for answers to the question about the conditions of effective rehabilitation. Current knowledge allows for applying solutions related to the RNR model systems impacts on offenders, the best example being The National Offender Management Service (NOMS). The paper presents the application of the RNR model to offenders’ assessment.
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    Potrzeba seksualna u osób ze spektrum autyzmu
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2015) Gulczyńska, Anna; Wojciechowska, Aneta
    The article reflects on the sexual needs of people with autism spectrum, with an IQ in the range of intellectual standards. It first shows the social functioning of such persons and later proposes a view on the sexual needs of this group, with particular reference to the process of instantiation, internalization and socialization of the sexual needs.
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    W (nie)rzeczywistej relacji z Innym, czyli miłość i seks w cyberprzestrzeni
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2015) Waszyńska, Katarzyna
    In the age of the Internet a range of interpersonal contacts are made on the Web. The virtual world is a place where people meet, make closer or more distant acquaintances, fall in love, and build relationships. This article is devoted to the topic of online relationships (both romantic and sexual): their phenomenon, specificity, and their influence on reality.
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    Przemoc rówieśnicza w szkole – badania retrospektywne studentów pedagogiki
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2015) Pyżalski, Jacek
    Bullying as a severe form of peer aggression among students has attracted a lot of attention from both educational professionals and general public. Many studies conducted this topic adapted quantitative methodology and provided results showing the scale of this phenomenon occurrence. This study use qualitative methodology going deeper into contextual factors concerning particular bullying cases in respect of three aspects: a/ features of bullying victims; b/ forms of aggression (both behavioral and formal aspects), c/teachers intervention strategies. The analysis is based on data from 147 essays of university students describing they experience as bystanders of bullying during their school years. The chosen cases show the importance of individual contextual factors that should influence individualized bullying prevention activities.
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    Rozwijanie świadomości zdrowotnej w planowaniu i zarządzaniu karierą zawodową istotnym obszarem poradnictwa edukacyjno-zawodowego
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2015) Nawrat, Dorota
    In this article I advance the thesis that the self-awareness of health development is becoming now an important area of career guidance. I demonstrate this assumption on the background of selected contemporary labor market conditions and health threats in the job environment. I present H. Skłodowski’s concept of education and therapeutic counseling meant to increase the awareness of one’s own health.
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    Postawy nauczycieli wobec niezdyscyplinowania uczniów
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2015) Ratajczak, Paulina
    The article shows the results of research on teachers’ attitudes to undisciplined pupils. A structure of three components of these attitude has been identified: emotional (positive and negative emotions), cognitive (positive and negative convictions), and behavioural (power behaviour, submissive, communicational, and rational) towards undisciplined pupils. The results of research indicate that teachers with a negative approach to undisciplined pupils experienced more often manifestations of a lack of discipline in the school classroom.
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    Nauczyciel wobec trudności związanych z edukacją uczniów z zaburzeniami ze spektrum autyzmu w warunkach szkoły integracyjnej i ogólnodostępnej. Analiza obszarów problemowych
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2015) Antonik, Aleksandra
    Inclusive education is currently the main direction of educational transformation in Poland. A growing presence of students with different kinds of disabilities in mainstream classes represents a new challenge for teachers, who do not have specific qualifications in the field of special education. The purpose of this article is to analyze the situation of those teachers facing various difficult situations occurring in the education of students with autism spectrum disorders. The analysis covers four areas whose characteristics can become a potential source of difficulties: student characteristics related to autistic disorders, characteristics of the school environment, competence and professional preparation of teachers, and cooperation with parents and professionals working with the child.
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    Przestrzeń klasy szkolnej miejscem wykluczenia uczniów. Problemy adaptacyjne czwartoklasistów
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2015) Michalak, Renata
    The research results presented in this study show that primary education and the next stage of education are two different worlds, in which students have to construct different tools and strategies of adaptation. A lack of continuity in education is a source of school difficulties that may interfere with the development of students’ competences. At the same time it condemns students, especially those whose sense of difficulty significantly interferes with their daily functioning, to marginalization and even exclusion. Educational space, which should be a place where students collect experiences conducive to acquiring competitive maturity, becomes for many of them a place of negative experience that blocks psychosocial development.