Poznańskie Studia Slawistyczne, 2013, nr 5

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    „Jestem wolą absolutną”. O boskości władzy w filozofii Ladislava Klímy
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2013) Woźniak, Kamila
    The article concerns philosophical concepts created by the Czech prose writer Ladislav Klíma. This author is nowadays counted among the most interesting Czech philosophers of the 20th century. His concepts inspired creators such as Hrabal or the Czech surrealists. The article’s author presents an outline of more important Klíma’s philosophical concepts, which allow to combine the theme of man’s deification with the divine aspect of power. In the article, a vision of the world and man created by Klíma is presented, which points out a Gnostic character of his philosophical theories. The presentation regarding a definition of freedom, which in Klíma’s depiction is the basis for achieving the divine state, is of an equal importance.
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    Świętość władzy podług mnicha Paisija
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2013) Walczak-Mikołajczakowa, Mariola
    The symbolic beginning of the Bulgarian National Rebirth dates back to 1762 when Paisii Hilendarski wrote History of the Slavobulgarian, which was the first historgraphic work in the Bulgarian literature. Among others, the work has been widely discussed from a linguistic point of view. This time, however, the author does not concentrate on its symbolic dimension in the process of development of the Bulgarianliterary language but on the lexis concerning the Bulgarian rulers. The article covers ananalysis of Paisii’s lexemes, expressions and phrases with the help of which the chronicler assessed the ruler and, at the same time, shaped opinions of the readers of his time.
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    Rosyjski mit władzy a kult jednostki
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2013) Kowalska, Martyna
    The considerations in this paper focus upon the Russian idea of which consequence and extension is mythology of the Soviet times. We refer to the myths of tsarist Russia and to a specific relation to the authorities in Russia. The main theme of this paper concerns mythology of the Soviet times, especially one of its elements namely, the myth of power. The attention has been shifted to the history of personality cult, which revolved around Joseph Stalin. The position of the leader in the Stalinist soviet state can be conditioned by a relation to the authorities of which origin may be traced back to pre-revolutionary times. In the summary, an attempt has been made to unmask the myth of the leader on the basis of selected works from the circle of Russian samizdat literature.
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    Топос скривене милостиње у старој српској књижевности
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2013) Петровић, Соња
    Charity and almsgiving, as the religious and socialact of philanthropy and concern for the salvation of the soul, were one of the obligatory and permanent duties of rulers in the Middle Ages. Serbian medieval rulers were known for their numerous charitable donations to the poor, sick, old, widows, pilgrims, needy, as well as builders of churches, monasteries, hospitals. Many of these charitable deeds of the Serbian rulers became the subject of Serbian medieval literature. The topos of clandestine charity was particularly popular, since it well represented the beneficence and clemency of Serbianrulers, their piety and their respect for the poor. Disguised as beggars, several Serbian rulers (particularly Milutin, Stefan Dečanski, and Stefan Lazarević) were helping the poor by night, by giving them alms. These topoi are observed in hagiographies and church poetry, as well as in folklore and mythology. The hero in the beggar’s clothing is related to the international story model of deities or demons that travel the world and test the people.
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    Zmierzch bogów w Dubrowniku
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2013) Pająk, Patrycjusz
    The Croatian film Occupation in 26 pictures(1978), directed by Lordan Zafranovićis considered as one of the most controversial vision of the Second World War in Yugoslav cinema. The director uses the ornamental style, modeled on Italian cinema, to portray the change of power in Dubrovnik in 1941 – at the beginning of the fascist occupation of the city. He juxtaposes the licentiousness of Italian, German and Croatian fascists and the fall of the Dubrovnik aristocracy and the rebellion of communists. The political changes in the city are presented against the background of its rich cultural tradition. Zafranović highlights the beauty of Dubrovnik’s architectural and natural landscape that fascists desecrate. Decadent poetics with its aesthetic excess allows him to refresh and deepen the communist interpretation of the fascist occupation.
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    Jak zostać bogiem?
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2013) Milewska, Monika
    Sanctity is the very essence of political power, which needs its own rituals, myths, and symbols. This sacred nimbus confirms the authority of the ruler, making it unusual, mysterious and – as a result – untouchable. Religion is also the main source of the legitimacy of power, changing rulers into the sons of gods or at least kings „by the grace of God”. The twentieth century brought a new phenomenon: totalitarian personality cult, which is based on archaic beliefs and myths concerning power. Personality cult was a kind of charismatic power described by Max Weber, who considered charisma as strictly personal supernatural gifts of a new ruler. This article focuses on efforts made by the twentieth century dictators in order to create an artificial charisma and to become a living (and ruling) god.
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    Władza i rodowód. O wizerunku władcy w staroserbskiej literaturze
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2013) Lis-Wielgosz, Izabela
    The article refers to a problem of relationship between authority and genealogy, and to their specific functioning in the Old Serbian literature,that is in other words, in the hagiographical, historiographical, and hymnic texts. In all those works, the combination of the both ideas undoubtedly serves the ideological creation, regarding the image of sovereign together with the exposition of his extra-ordinary lineage and destiny which are tied to his place and role in the space of history, politics, religion, and culture. In the literature, this peculiar relationship is expressed by the two characteristic constructions of dynasty and genealogy. With regard to this representation, the dynastic construction is based on the model of biblical motif concerning Jesse’s stem and functions as the saint osierof the family of Nemanjić. As for the second construction, of genealogy, it reveals itself as a component of the classical myth of historiography that determines the beginnings namely, the Serbian sovereign’s mythical genesis that also concerns all his charismatic, saint family.
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    Paraskiewa-Petka Tyrnowska w rosyjskim wariancie służby – „monarchiczny” obraz świętości
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2013) Kuczyńska, Marzanna
    The article discusses the specific of sanctity of Parascheva of Tirnovo in the Russian Orthodox Church, an anchoress the most venerated by the Eastern Church. The pattern of holiness formed in the late nineteenth century is far richerand deeper than in other Slavic Orthodox churches. It is based on the Trinitarian, Christological, Marian themes, as well as on the strict hesychastic asceticism proper for hermits. The functions of the saint are also wider – she serves as a teacher, protector, defender, guardian of the state, the highest authorities (tsar) and the faithful – which is not typical for the sanctity of women, but rather for the holy hierarchs, bishops as pastors of the Church and thenation.
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    Važnost kontrastivnog pristupa u poučavanju stranoga jezika – primjer ovladavanja hrvatskim za poljske govornike
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2013) Kodrić, Ana; Vidović Bolt, Ivana
    This paper describes the experience of working witha homogeneous group of students, ages 18–25 years old, who studied Croatian as a first ora second foreign Slavic language. A few, isolated examples showcase analysis of errors recorded or documented in tests, dictations, and essays as well as oral and written communication with Polish students of Croatian language. The errors are mistakes that reflect interference, the similarities between the two languages. Given the limited space in this paper, we will not offer strategies or tips to avoid these mistakes effectively.
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    Mocarstwo słabych – o wartości starców w kulturze ludowej
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2013) Kalniuk, Tomasz
    The folk culture from the turn of the 20 th century was founded on the mythical paradigm. Its specific feature was an opposition between the selfand the other. It had ambivalent influence on those people and places which, due to actual or perceptual reasons, were placed on the margin of the mainstream of life. This includes, among others, the elders. On the one hand, they were treated by the community with reluctance, or even aggression, because of their decrepitude. On the other hand, they were respectedas guards of traditions, and intermediaries with the supernatural, who possessed a portion of its potential.
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    Роль сербской церкви в сохранении национального самочувствия сербского народа во время турецкого владычества
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2013) Суботин-Голубовиħ, Татьяна
    The re-establishment of the autocephality of the Serbian Church in 1557 instigated a considerable degree of activity in the field of culturalrestoration. The see of the Patriarchate was revived in its former location – in the monastery Peć. Restoration of the structures of the church organization was accompanied by reparation of the old (abandoned or neglected) churches and monasteries, as well as by building ofnew objects. A number of new churches and monasteries arouse in the regions of the Balkans which were colonized by Serbs in- tensively and systematically. The new churches required liturgical books necessary for non-hindered performance of the rite. The result was that old scriptoria were restoring and intensifing their activity, but at the same time new scriptoria started to fill the libraries of numerous churches and monasteries. The short supplyof liturgical books towards the end of the 15 th century motivated Djurdje Crnoevićto establish the first printing shop in the South Slavonic lands at Cetinje. During the first half ofthe 16 th century there were several printing shops at Goražde, in the monastery of Rujan and in the monasteries Gračanica and Mileševa. An analysis of the production of all those printingshops show that exclusively books necessary for normal performance of the rite were printed.
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    St. Vitus’ Day Among Slovenes
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2013) Jezernik, Božidar
    National holidays play an important role in the formation of common memories of the past, as they are the very sign that marks historical events and figures that must be known to all citizens, thereby establishing the symbolic unity of all the members of the nation. The holidays of the Kingdom of Serbs, Croats and Slovenes emphasized the national unity of the ‘three tribes’, and St. Vitus’ Day was thus added to the otherwise short list. At the beginning of December 1919, the Minister of the Interior of the newly formed national state of the ‘nation with three names’ declared three new national holidays: 1 December as the ‘day of the unification of our „nation with three names”’; St. Peter’s Day on 12 July as the birthday of King Peter I.; and St. Vitus’ Day on 28 June as a ‘day of commemoration for those who had died fighting for the faith and the homeland’. The use of Serbian symbols and cultural forms in commemorations in the new nation-state meant that the commemorations in the state of the ‘nation with three names’ glorified the Serbian sacrifices and suffering, but denied the contribution of Croats and Slovenes to the establishment of the state community. Together with the provisions and spirit of the St. Vitus’ Day Constitution, the glorification of Serbian mythology as the national mythology of the ‘nation with three names’, which was meant to be the foundation stone for the bright future of the unified nation, became more and more of a stumbling stone with each passing day.
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    Otpor materijala: teorijska vlast nad književnim tekstom
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2013) Bekavac, Luka
    After a brief account of Derrida’s notion of singularity as an irreducible, quasi-material layer of (literary) texts, this article attempts to delineate its effects on theoretical or scientific mastery over literature. Invention and law are examined as necessary but mutually cancelling origins of aesthetic and scientific institutions, and the final chapter – following Derrida’s Ulysse gramophone – questions the limits of theoretical competence in collision with the incalculable swerve of literarity.
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    „Je to hra, v níž každý váš pohyb je v centru silového pole...”. O kapilarności władzy w powieści „Lehni, bestie!” J. Kratochvila
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2013) Balcerzak, Małgorzata
    This article is a critical analysis of the discourse of power represented in the postmodern narrative. In this perspective, the Czech writer’s book creates a special study of the ‘genea- logy of power’ (in relation to the concept of Michel Foucault). It arises from the combination by using of the social-fiction literary convention) that regards the story of two symbolic forms of violence, supporting ‘sacred’ process of ‘subjugation’ of the entity (the past regime and, as result of trauma, the present and the future regime). The first form is a result of disciplinary authority of the communist system (a reference to the history of the Czech history – the period of the radicalization of the regime in the 50s of the twentieth century). The second one exemplifies the postmodern capillary violence (a reference to the terrorist attack on the World Trade Center). In this analysis, the impact of the power dissipated in the human consciousness resembles chess game, used in the story of Kratochvil in order to express a dramatic situation in which the rate is the annexation of subjectivity.
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    Angelina Branković – święta władczyni w hymnografii. Zarys problemu
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2013) Gapska, Dominika
    The aim of this article is to present the idea of divinity of power on an example of the medieval service, dedicated to the Serbian despotess Angelina Branković. The image of a ruler and a concept of power presented in the text are based on the perception of Angelina as a participant and a heiress of the sacred tradition of Branković dynasty. The service has played an important role in the creation and strengthening of the ruler image in the spiritual culture of the Orthodox Serbs. In addition to strictly liturgical function, it also served as a way of transmission of the elementary set of national religious and political ideas. Hymnography dedicated to St. Angelina was a response to the social and religious needs to canonize the native saints who certify God’s care for Serbiain the period of slavery, strengthen the national spirit, contribute to stabilizing the situation in the country.
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    Anton Tomaž Linhart Between the German and the Slovenian Language
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2013) Strsoglavec, Đurđa
    Anton Tomaž Linhart (1756–1795), is a critical intellectual and scholar of the age of Slo- venian Enlightenment, who introduced causal interpretation of history into Slovenian historiography and started its scientifical philosophy by his historical work Versuch einer Geschichte von Krain und den übrigen Ländern der südlichen Slaven Österreichs (1778, 1791). He was an open-minded man, at first deist under the influence of English philo- sophers, and afterward agnostic under the influence of French materialists and atheists, a man torn between his work as a scholar and a reformer and between the German and the Slovenian language. Linhart’s first works were written in German. Miss Jenny Love(1780) is an attempt of a tragedy, written according to the rules of the Enlightenment period tragedy, exhibiting the contrast between the corrupted nobility and the middle class. The collection of poems Blumen aus Krain für das Jahr 1781 is Linhart’s attempt of contemporary classicist poetry in the rococo fashion and after the manner of the Anacreontic and even Pre-Romantic poetry. Linhart wrote his first Slovenian-language drama Županova Micka (1789), while his second Slovenian drama called Ta veseli dan ali Matiček se ženi(1790) is the most important literary work of the Slovenian Enlightenment and the most wide-ranging echo of the French revolution in the Slovenian lite- rary production of the 18 th century. Linhart’s dramas Županova Micka and Matiček are a manifesto of Slovenehood and democracy expressed in dramatic form, and a declaration of support to the Slovenian people and their struggle against feudalism.
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    Politika i teatar: „Zoran Đinđić” Olivera Frljića i „Oni žive” Milana Markovića i Maje Pelević
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2013) Đurić, Dubravka
    In this paper, I am dealing with the political theater and performance. Both performances question the borders between artistic and non-artistic fields, and work with concept of documentary drama. Frljić’s play is realized within the post-drama paradigm,for which the idea of politics of theatrical form is important since it deals with the signifiers. Using the post-drama paradigm, Frljić in his play works with political discourses active in Serbian society in last 20 years. He touches the hidden collective traumas, and by this causes political reactions of the audience and media, which I discuss. Markovićand Pelevićtake the politcal parties to be the space for their performance. Their performance has three levels of performing. The first level is their membership in different parties, the second one refers to performing the text as a drama play, published in Scena magazine; and the third level concerns their performance’s public reading by theaudience.
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    Boska władza reżysera. Karel Hugo Hilar – pierwszy nowoczesny reżyser w czeskim teatrze
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2013) Czachór, Sylwia
    The aim of this research was to characterize changes in the perception of a function of theatre director at the begging of the 20th century. The Czech theatrical culture taking the pattern of great European theatre reformers of thattime, created a genuine theatrical theory of directing. Its first representative and implementer was Karel Hugo Hilar. His work was based on an assumption that a director is the highest instance in a preparation of performance, that can be compared only to a role of a sovereign. Moreover, Hilar was the first in the Czech cultural context to call a director the creator of a scenic reality. A reality that would represent a current world view transformed by theatrical means and the creative imagination of an artist.
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    Druže Tito svi smo mi – ti
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2013) Sorel, Sanjin
    The article describes different ways of depicting Josip Broz Tito in poems which embody socialistic values. The notion of the Government relies on the idea of the abscence, and the exact abscence requires the image in order to be effective. This is the key role of poetry, which conveyed the constructs of both individual and social illusion.
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    W Chilandarze. Nacjonalizm jako religia
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2013) Čolović, Ivan; Kostić, Stanislava