Studia Prawa Publicznego, 2016, Nr 4 (16)


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    W kwestii wyższego stopnia naukowego doktora w Polsce Ludowej
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2016) Wojtczak, Krystyna
    A higher academic degree that could be earned in the Polish People’s Republic was that of a doctor of a given branch of science (until 1951) or a doctor of science (1951–1958). These degrees were conferred pursuant to diff erent legislative acts of varying importance including an act of parliament, a decree, an order, a regulation or a statute, all of them governing the regime and the functioning of schools of higher education and other establishments of tertiary education. While the legal provisions applicable to the conferral of academic degrees were relatively stable in the intitial postwar years (and were subject to the same law binding in 1924–1952 with only minor amendments), the law adopted in 1951 introduced more revolutionary changes. Based on the Soviet model, they virtually broke with the Polish tradition of higher academic degrees. During the analysed period, alongside the reforms in the conferral of degrees, also the requirements and conditions for candidates for a higher academic degree were changing. Likewise, organs participating in the process, operating within the organisational structures of the establishments as well as those outside their structures, were a subject to change. Hence an attempt in this article to answer the following questions: (1) for whom was the right to register candidates for a doctor’s degree reserved, (2) what was the level of participation of the central organs in the process, and what was the level of involvement of the establishments of higher education and other scientifi c institutions (as of 1951), (3) who could apply for registration and what were the regulations governing the whole process, and whether (4) the communist regulations governing the process of the conferral of academic degrees actually added to their importance and the academic advancement or rather acted to the contrary. An important element in the analysis was identifi cation of the legally formulated and applied requirements which doctoral dissertations had to meet, as well as examination of the grades or evaluations given by reviewers of doctoral dissertations in years 1945–1951 and 1952–1958.
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    Słowo wstępne
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2016) Wojtczak, Krystyna
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    Glosa do uchwały Sądu Najwyższego z dnia 17 lutego 2016 r., sygn. III CZP 111/15
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2016) Różowicz, Konrad
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    Refleksje nad ustrojem – państwo obywatelskie czy partyjne?
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2016) Rabska, Teresa
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    Wykluczenie posła z posiedzenia Sejmu (art. 175 ust. 5 Regulaminu Sejmu) w świetle prac Komisji Regulaminowej i Spraw Poselskich
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2016) Malec-Lewandowski, Paweł
    This article provides an assessment of the correctness of the opinions formulated by the Rules and Deputies’ Aff airs Committee about deputies’ appeals to the Presidium of the Sejm against the Marshal of the Sejm’s decisions on their exclusions from the sittings of the Sejm. The assessment has been formulated on the basis of an analysis of the legitimacy of the arguments raised in the course of fi ve sittings of the Committee. These arguments are related to problems associated with the classifi cation of certain deputies’ behaviours as (i) ‘preventing conducting of the sitting’, which is the premise of deputies’ exclusion from the sitting of the Sejm, (ii) the correctness of application by the Marshal of the Sejm of the procedure leading to such exclusion and (iii) its consequences. The assessment of the correctness of the abovementioned arguments and its presentation is preceded by the description of the event occurred during the sitting of the Sejm and a reference to the content of Article 175 of the Standing Orders of the Sejm. The fi rst conclusion drawn based on the analysis of the above is that the opinions issued by the Committee are correct. Another assessment concerned the legitimacy of the postulate formulated during one of the sittings of the Committee to change the body competent to recognise deputies’ appeals against the Marshal of the Sejm’s decisions on their exclusions from the sittings of the Sejm and move such competence should from the Sejm’s Presidium to the Sejm itself. The assessment of the legitimacy of that postulate has been based on the assessment of the legitimacy of the argument for such a solution, raised during the sitting in question of the Committee. The other conclusion drawn is that this postulate was legitimate.
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    Mniejszości narodowe w Polsce – zarys historyczno-prawny
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2016) Kundera, Weronika
    Poland has a centuries long tradition of being a tolerant country, manifested as well by the symbolic offi cial name: Poland of Both Nations (1569–1795). Poles, Lithuanians and numerous national minorities lived side by side in the territory of the Polish Republic and today their descendants are Polish citizens. During the time of partitions Poles maintained strong national community feelings, which subsequently helped in the building of the Second Polish Republic. The reborn Poland was again a multi-national state, however, certain nationalistic feelings started to emerge. After World War II as a result of the extermination of minorities and mass resettlements, the historical multinational character disappeared and the minimal set of rights granted to minorities in the Constitution of 1952 had led to their ethnic exclusion. After March 1968, the rights of minorities had become drastically limited. This continued till the Third Republic of Poland when the policy of the Communist authorities promoting the building of Poland for the Poles had been abandoned and the new government pursued to preserve and protect national and ethnic minorities. Today, members of minorities have the same rights as ethnic Poles, and their rights are guaranteed in the Constitution of 1997 and other legislative acts including the most important one, i.e. the Act on National and Ethnic Minorities and the Regional Language of 2015, which defi nes national and ethnic minorities and determines the competences of the State bodies in the area of enforcing minorities rights. These solutions have secured Poland an opinion of a model state when it comes to the protection of minorities rights. There are nine national minorities offi cially recognised in Poland. Each has a diff erent situation resulting from historical conditions, circumstances, national stereotypes, relationship with the States of their origin and the position of the Polish minority in this State. Two main problems which minorities in Poland are facing today is their shrinking populations and threats to their culture from the Polish and global cultures. Immigration might be a possible remedy but low economic attractiveness of Poland fails to attract new immigrants which means that in the future Poland may practically become a one-nation state.
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    The international dimension of the human right to education and its reflection in the constitutional provisions
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2016) Krasnitskaya, Liubou
    Prawo do nauki jest podstawowym prawem człowieka, które wpływa na rozwój osobowości i godności ludzkiej, sprawia, że ludzie są świadomi swoich praw i wolności, wspiera społeczeństwo w celu przezwyciężenia biedy i poprawy warunków życia ludzi ubogich. Cel edukacji wykracza poza materialistyczne podejście gwarantujące dostęp do zawodu i nabywanie umiejętności praktycznych. Polega on na rozwoju moralnej i duchowej strony człowieka i uświadamianiu natury i godności ludzkiej opierającej się na wartościach. Pod pojęciem edukacji w międzynarodowym prawie w szerokim znaczeniu rozumie się wszelkie rodzaje i formy zdobywania wiedzy, ćwiczenie umiejętności i rozwijanie wartości społecznych. Natomiast rozmaite konwencje i orzecznictwo międzynarodowe przyjmują wąskie rozumienie tego terminu, odnosząc go wyłącznie do edukacji formalnej. Z analiz międzynarodowych aktów prawnych wynika, że u niwersalna defi nicja edukacji obowiązująca we wszystkich państwach nie została dotychczas opracowana. Różnorodność kulturowa i religijna, odrębność języków i tradycji krajowych, rozmaicie prowadzona polityka przekonują, że wykonanie tego zadania jest prawie niemożliwe, a nawet nieużyteczne. Mimo że zdefi niowanie uniwersalnego znaczenia edukacji ujednoliciłoby różnorodne podejścia i pogodziło konkurujące kraje na świecie, takie podejście nie wydaje się dobrym rozwiązaniem w zdrowej rozmaitości celów i praktyk. Niemniej jednak międzynarodowe regulacje poprzez prawo miękkie i orzecznictwo określiło główne cechy prawa do nauki: (a) dostępność, (b) wystarczalność, (c) akceptowalność i (d) adaptacyjność. Edukacja formalna w dowolnym kształcie musi wykazywać te cechy, aby zagwarantować każdemu prawo do nauki dobrej jakości. Biorąc pod uwagę, że prawo do nauki jest potężnym narzędziem świadomości, większość państw dokonała próby uwzględnienia prawa do nauki w swoich konstytucjach. Warto zaznaczyć, że przepisy krajów rozwiniętych regulujące prawo do nauki zostały sformułowane w wyniku rozwoju prawa międzynarodowego, chociaż często ograniczają się do kilku zdań.
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    Determinanty prawne ustalania wielkości obszaru objętego decyzją o warunkach zabudowy i miejscowych planów zagospodarowania przestrzennego
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2016) Pawłowski, Sławomir
    This article deals with the issues that accompany areas that may become subject to a decision determining the conditions of their development and the provisions of the local spatial development plan. It was inspired by the land development plans drafted for the city of Poznan. The author wondered whether the area in question could, alternately, be regulated by a normative or administrative act. In other words, the question which was asked was whether there existed any legal determinants that could direct an application of a particular form of development. The research undertaken in this respect allowed to draw a conclusion that the currently binding Act on Planning and Spatial Development regulates only indirectly the matters raised. And yet, for reasons of functionality, extensive areas on which many constructions are planned to be erected, ought to be located on the basis of local plans. Only such plans account for (apart from determining the technical parameters of the planned structures) values such as public transport and its effi ciency, technical infrastructure, local shopping centres and the like. Owing to them, a sustained development of these areas as well as spatial order can be ensured. Further, in an ideal model, decisions regarding the development conditions ought to be issued for individual building separately, and for relatively small areas. In the event of a large area it may be possible to secure its development in a manner signifi cantly diff erent from the existing structures. What it also means is that the new structures may be added to areas already developed, without the possibility of the local community to intervene. The possibility of an instrumental treatment of the development and land planning decisions is strengthened by the fact that formally it is not tied or related to any of the provisions of the investment plans of feasibility studies performed locally.
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    Obowiązująca Konstytucja Naddniestrzańskiej Republiki Mołdawskiej z 1995 r.
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2016) Serzhanova, Viktoriya
    In 1990 the Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic seceded from Moldavia which was then a part of the USSR. Since that time the legal status of the region has remained unclear and not fully explicit. Today, despite the fact that a quarter of the century has passed since its creation, the Republic remains a de facto state, as it has not been recognised by the international community. Under international law, Transnistria is treated as a Moldavian autonomous region having a special status. From the perspective of the theory of state and constitutional law it undoubtedly possesses all the attributes of statehood. This paper is a consecutive publication of the series of papers constituting a wider research into Transnistria’s legal status. It aims at analysing its binding basic law and the assumptions of its constitutional system. It particularly characterizes the shape and makes exegesis of the content of the independent Transnistria’s constitution of 1995, which has been revised several times and is still in force. The further parts of the article have been dedicated to (i) the origin of the fi rst Constitution of independent Transnistria of 1991, which was in force for only four years; (ii) the adoption and development of the presently binding Constitution of 1995; (iii) the general and detailed systematics of this act; and (iv) the constitutional solutions implemented in its present text edition. First and foremost the results of this research contribute to the determination of the present assumptions of Transnistria’s constitutional system, its catalogue of fundamental principles, human rights and freedoms, the system of the supreme state authorities and the form of government. Moreover, it enables to estimate the eff ectiveness of Transnistria’s constitutional mechanisms in their practical functioning. Thus it allows to determine the region’s legal status more precisely.