Przegląd Prawa Rolnego, 2010 Nr 1 (6)

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    Spis treści: Przegląd Prawa Rolnego, 2010 Nr 1 (6)
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2010)
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    „Agrar- und Umweltrecht”
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2010) Marcinkowski, Michał
    Przegląd czasopism zagranicznych
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    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2010) Korzycka-Iwanow, Małgorzata
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    „Rivista di Diritto Agrario”
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2010) Leśkiewicz (opr.), Katarzyna
    Przegląd czasopism zagranicznych
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    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2010) Budzinowska, Marta
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    Simone Krug, Die Finanzierung der GAP im Kontext des Finanzverfassungssystems der UE
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2010) Budzinowska, Marta
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    „Revue de Droit Rural”
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2010) Błażejewska, Kamila (oprac.)
    Przegląd czasopism zagranicznych
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    Glosa do uchwały Sądu Najwyższego z 18 grudnia 2008 r., III CZP 125/088
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2010) Zieliński, Andrzej
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    Orzecznictwo Sądu Najwyższego w sprawach dotyczących stosunków rolnych
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2010) Truszkiewicz, Zygmunt
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    Wybrane tezy orzeczeń w sprawach rolnych
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2010) Łobos-Kotowska, Dorota; Stańko, Marek
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    Prawne aspekty produkcji i wykorzystywania biogazu rolniczego w Polsce
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2010) Błażejewska, Kamila
    The aim of this discussion is to determine whether and to what degree the legal regulations concerning the production and utilization of agricultural biogas affect the development of this branch of renewable sources of energy. In conclusion the author states among other things that regulations on agricultural biogas production and utilisation, binding to date, are insufficient to strengthen this branch of economy, there are no regulations referring directly to the construction conditions and principles of operation for agricultural biogas plants. Inconclusiveness of law does not promote future investments and reduces profitability of already existing installations. The situation is going to improve after the Act on the amendment to the Act on Energy Law, enacted on 8 January 2010, enters into force, realising the main proposals formulated in the strategic document “Innovative Economy – Energy agriculture”. However, it seems unlikely to have a biogas plant in every commune by the year 2020, as it is planned. This ambitious plan requires legislative measures being an effect of a comprehensive approach to regulations concerning agriculture, the environment and the energy sector.
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    Społeczne ubezpieczenie wypadkowe rolników – próba oceny
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2010) Puślecki, Damian
    The aim of the study was to present an attempt at the evaluation of accident protection for farmers, particularly to determine to what degree this insurance provides protection for individuals employed in agriculture. This evaluation was conducted both in relation to ex ante protection, aiming at the reduction of accident frequency, and ex post protection, effected first of all by awarding and payment of damages. In terms of ex ante protection, there are no legal regulations concerning occupational safety and hygiene in family farming and preventive activities of the Agricultural Social Insurance Fund (KRUS) are defined too narrowly. In turn, as far as ex post protection is concerned we need to indicate an inadequate insurance coverage, an imprecise definition of an accident in farming work, loopholes in the catalogue of benefits as well as numerous problems hindering recovery of damages in the liability proceedings. The conducted analyses point to a conclusion that the current legal regulations do not provide sufficient protection for individuals employed in agriculture.
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    Sankcje w rolnictwie ekologicznym
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2010) Leśkiewicz, Katarzyna
    The aim of this paper was to discuss to what degree sanctions ensure compliance of ecological production with the requirements specified in the binding legal regulations. The author analyses negative consequences imposed in case of infringement of requirements of organic farming and presents their classification. Sanctions applied in organic farming include fines and other measures. In the conclusion the author states, among other things, that sanctions in organic farming need to be evaluated particularly in view of the criteria indicated by the legislator, i.e. in terms of their effectiveness, whether they are commensurate with the offence and whether they are deterrent. The legal regulation of these sanctions to a considerable degree is to ensure that organic products have characteristics specified by the EU regulations. However, it needs to be remembered that sanctions only supplement the system of control in organic farming and the quality of organic products (their compliance with the requirements specified in binding regulations) is determined definitely by actions of producers and certifying bodies.
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    Prawnopodatkowe aspekty agroturystyki
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2010) Kapała, Anna
    The aim of this article was an attempt at an evaluation whether and to what degree tax regulations promote agritourism business. Tax regulations referring to this form of agricultural activity were analysed. Italian legal solutions, of long standing, constituted the reference point for the evaluation of Polish regulations. In conclusion the author states that Polish tax solutions concerning agritourism may not be considered less advantageous in comparison to Italian ones, despite the fact that the discussed form of economic activity in Poland does not have the status of the so-called related agricultural activity. The analysed tax systems consider agritourism as economic activity separate from agricultural activity, although they still grant certain privileges. In terms of income tax the Polish legislation, in contrast to the Italian system, allows for a possibility of a complete exemption from taxation for income from agritourism business. Exemptions, tax allowance, tax concessions and other tax relief forms provided for by the Polish law obviously have an effect on the supplementation of income for farmers and on the development of agritourism activity.
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    Rolnicze zrzeszenie branżowe jako forma organizacyjno-prawna grupy producentów rolnych
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2010) Janicki, Mirosław
    The aim of this discussion is an attempt at an evaluation of suitability of the organizational and legal form of an agricultural business association for the needs of organization and operation of agricultural producer groups. The author first gives a characteristic of an agricultural business association and next analyses problems connected with the organization and operation of an agricultural producer group established using this legal form. In conclusion the author states that the organisational and legal model of an agricultural business association is adequate to the requirements specified in the Act on agricultural producer groups; in particular an association conducting economic activity corresponds to the category of an entrepreneur being a legal entity. One of the properties of the discussed structures is their specific sector character. By definition and by nature agricultural business associations are closest to the concept of a producer group, assuming cooperation of producers of one product or a group of products.
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    O potrzebie nauczania prawa rolnego
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2010) Budzinowski, Roman
    At present agricultural law is not a subject of courses commonly taught within university law studies in Poland. At some universities it is an obligatory course within the curriculum of law studies, while at others it is realised as an optional course. There are also universities at which no lectures or seminars are offered in that field, either because it is not chosen by students as one of their optional courses, or it is not offered at all. Not all universities have separate organizational units (departments or subdepartments), which would be involved in these subjects as part of their teaching and/or research activities. Thus the aim of these considerations was an attempt at the justification for the need of common teaching of this field in judiprudence. The author convinces that recognition of agricultural law as a field of law with relative autonomy does not reduce either the need for teaching or teaching autonomy. What is more, an advantage of this law in terms of teaching practice is its comprehensive character (including legal regulations from both private and public law). The considerations contain detailed arguments and indicate what needs to be taught (what contents to should be given) and what resources/tools should be used.
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    Hiszpański system doradztwa rolniczego
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2010) Staniewska, Anna
    The subject of this study was the extension services system introduced in Spain in 2006. The article analyses regulations enacted in the Royal Decree no. 520/2006 of 28 April on subjects providing extension services for farms and on granting subsidies for their establishment, adaptation and use, as well as the Decree no. 392/2006 of 17 October on the regulation of the agricultural extension system in Catalonia. In the Spanish system, both on the national and regional autonomy level, we need to stress the specific reference of agricultural extension to cross compliance. The trend towards incorporation of extension services into the mainstream of transformations taking place currently in agriculture. An interesting solution is the establishment of almost equivalent, except for the obligation for accreditation, regulations binding for private (including non-profit) and public subjects providing extension services.
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    Realizacja uprawnień dzierżawcy gruntów rolnych w razie zmniejszenia przychodu z przedmiotu dzierżawy (wybrane zagadnienia)
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2010) Mucha, Joanna; Suchoń, Aneta
    The aim of the article was an attempt at the solution of problems connected with the realisation of rights of farmland lessees in case income from the subject of lease is reduced due to adverse weather conditions. An analysis was conducted concerning the institution of rent reduction based on art. 700 of the Civil Code and the problem of changes in rent payment terms in accordance with the Ordinance of 19 November 2009 on specific premises for the deferment, spreading the payment out into instalments or remittance of dues to the Agricultural Property Agency, as well as legal acts concerning public aid. In conclusion the authors indicate, among other things, that lessees rarely take legal action when the lessor refuses to reduce rent on the basis of art. 700 of the Civil Code. To some extent this results from the imprecise premises justifying rent reduction. Thus the authors propose an extension of legal regulations concerning lease of farmland in terms of rent payment terms and conditions.