Studia Edukacyjne, 2015, nr 36


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    Adolescents At-Risk in the Situation of Transition: Assistance Programs in the Israeli Educational System
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2015) Vaxberg, Zivit
    Adolescents at-risk are defined as adolescents who may be found in physical, mental, or emotional situations of risk. Most of them come from dysfunctional families, poverty, or delinquent social environment. Their problems are expressed mainly in the emotional, educational, social and behavioral realms and lead them to absences from school, low educational achievements, behavior problems, and social difficulties. These problems increase dramatically in the phase of transition from middle school to high school. This transition is characterized primarily by: (a) change from a familiar, intimate place to a large, strange, and anonymous place, (b) change of role – from being the oldest pupil to being the youngest one, and (c) separation from significant adults and friends. The Israeli educational system has developed special assistance programs for the transition phase of adolescents at-risk. These programs operate in two parallel and complementary dimensions. During school time, there are special programs such as psychodrama groups which are aimed at strengthening the learners’ perseverance and increasing their success in the normative frameworks. After the school hours, the programs provide them with activities such as mental support and help in their homework preparation.
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    Knowledge About ADHD Among Teachers in the Educational System (The State and State Religious Sectors) in Israel
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2015) Liviatan, Sarit Albaldes
    The educational system in Israel copes with children with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) in two sectors: the state sector and the state religious sector. This research examined whether there is a difference in the level of knowledge on ADHD between teachers in the two sectors. ADHD is a neurodevelopmental disorder, defined by disorder on the level of attention, lack of organization, and/or hyperactivity/impulsivity. The school framework, which requires the child to sit continuously and quietly, to be organized and orderly, and to focus, causes the disorder to surface. The ADHD child is excessively active and impulsive and has difficulties focusing in class. The pattern expected in the research, differences in the level of knowledge of teachers about ADHD between the two sectors, was found to be positive but weak. The average level of knowledge was indeed higher, although not significantly so, among teachers in the state schools than among teachers in the state religious schools. The level of knowledge about ADHD was found to be low in some of the ADHD parameters in both sectors. Educators need to increase their awareness and further their understanding of the disorder. It is important that teachers have at least the basic knowledge and possibility to identify the children and plan for them an educational program that will meet their needs and help them become successful and proactive citizens.
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    A New Way to View Perceptions of the Quality of Life of Families Who Have a Child With Tourette Syndrome
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2015) Khoury, Rita
    The purpose of this study was to gather data from the families of children with Tourette Syndrome (TS), in order to examine the extent to which the existence of a child with TS in the family affected their Family Quality of Life (FQOL). The research was conducted according to the mixed methods approach, combining quantitative and qualitative methods. Data was collected from 25 families of children with TS. The questionnaire was analyzed statistically and the interviews were analyzed using a content analysis method. Conclusions derived from the research findings allowed the development of the ACEIST model, including five new sub-domains of FQOL that reflect the experiences of the studied families: advocacy, cooperation, explanation, information, and the severity of TS. This is a new way to view the FQOL of families who have a child with TS which is very precise, functional and family-specific. This ACEIST model fills the knowledge gap in this field, contributing to our knowledge regarding the FQOL of families who have a child with TS. The new model has practical implications for education as well as social and health policies in Israel regarding families who have a child with TS.
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    The Empowerment of Girls in the Classroom
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2015) Noriany, Orli
    The general topic of the research is the empowerment of girls in the classroom. The research focuses on the increase of the motivation of girls and their belief in their ability, the creation of warm and close communication between the girls and the teacher, and the changes in technology in the 21st century – all with the goal of empowering the achievements of girls in the field of mathematics and in essence minimizing the differences between girls and boys in the field. From our experience, girls do not empower themselves in the field of mathematics. Girls allow boys to dominate the lessons, to manage the class discussion, to contribute of their knowledge – and girls remain silent. When afterschool enrichment classes in mathematics are recommended to boys and girls, the number of boys exceeds the number of girls, and in actuality, beyond the recommendations, the girls do not attend these courses. Already in the elementary school, the girls lag behind, and this staying behind causes them to make their choices accordingly and thus they lose an important economic resource. We are certain that it is possible to make a change, and we will begin with our attitude toward the girls in the classroom. We will look at our behaviors as teachers, effective behaviors for the promotion of teaching and learning, and we will apply these behaviors to girls, implementing a corrective preferential reference in our behavior.
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    Different Rola Perceptions and Student-Teacher Relationship Characteristics, Among High School Homeroom Educators and Subject Teachers' – Results From a Qualitative Research
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2015) Gosen, Noah Bar
    Teaching staff in Israel is expected to fulfill the role of civil and moral educators alongside their instructional roles. In order to achieve that goal, the Israeli education system has defined two distinct entities: the first is the unique position of the “mechanech kita”, or a homeroom educator, whose role is to address all aspects of the students’ lives. The second role is the subject teacher, who teaches a specific subject in various classes. Semi-constructed interviews of 14 high school teaching staff helped to shed light on the perceptions and practices concerning role definition and the teacherstudent relationship. The results show that homeroom educators emphasize a holistic view and perceive responsibility for the “whole student”. Both instructors valued a strong and consistent relationship with their students, but homeroom educators invested more time and employed more varied strategies to achieve it. Subject teachers emphasized scholastic aspects and practices. The results show that different role definitions lead to different role perceptions and student-teacher relationship characteristics. Further research concerning the implications of such differences on educational and inclusive processes within the school system. Implications concerning teachers’ professional training course should be considered as well.
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    Research Into Students’ ICT Competencies and Their Use in ICT at Selected Universities. A Polish – Czech Comparative Study
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2015) Gajdzica, Anna; Ogrodzka-Mazur, Ewa; Chmura, Milan; Malach, Josef
    Due to the occurring changes, teaching qualifications cannot be assumed as unchangeable, nor can a permanent list of required pedagogical competences be established. Therefore, what is necessary is appropriate preparation of students – future teachers. This is associated with increasing the effectiveness of teacher training and with the need of lifelong education, which is a requirement of modern times. In this situation, the studies aimed at diagnosing students’ competences gain particular significance. They can enable verification and implementation (still at the stage of university studies) of some classes which will ensure optimal professional and social functioning of future teachers. The studies discussed in the article were conducted in 2014-2015 within the IRNet project: International research network for study and development of new tools and methods for advanced pedagogical science in the field of ICT instruments, e-learning and intercultural competences in Poland, University of Silesia, Faculty of Ethnology and Education in Cieszyn, and in the Czech Republic, University of Ostrava, Pedagogical Faculty. The research aimed at specifying the level of information-communication, intercultural and technological (ICT) competences which Polish and Czech students acquire in the course of education.
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    Edukacja i przygotowanie zawodowe wychowanków zakładu poprawczego jako czynnik wspomagający proces ich readaptacji społecznej
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2015) Rajewska De Mezer, Joanna
    Entry into the vocational role and its proper performance are the evidence of social adaptation. It puts the human being in the system of social life, makes it possible to meet basic needs, to organize life time. It also the evidence of economic, social and family status. Work affects the development of self-esteem and social usefulness of man. Therefore, it is important to obtain employment and enter the social roles of a worker by people leaving institutions with a total capacity. To obtain employment it is necessary to have the relevant skills that minors can receive during education in the reformatory. Equipping minors with professional knowledge, training for a specific profession, offering courses of improvement helps them enter professional roles and facilitates their social rehabilitation.
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    Grupa rozwoju osobistego dla rodziców młodzieży z zaburzeniami psychicznymi – sprawozdanie z zajęć
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2015) Kubiak, Hanna; Zięba, Mariusz
    Parents whose children have been diagnosed with mental/emotional disorders need support in the process of coping with their difficult life situation. Such help could enable them to adequately reinforce their children’s development as well as increase the whole family’s chance to wipe out the life crisis. One of the valuable methods of support could be personal development group for parents. The purpose of the present thesis is to present the theoretical foundations, the course and the outcome of the work of the personal development group for parents of young people with mental disorders. The group in question was a closed one and included 8 people. The program scheduled 10 weekly meetings. The work was focused on the following issues: the acceptance of the child’s diagnosis, placing the experience of the disease in the child’s and family’s life stories, self-esteem and the ways to reinforce it, communication within the family, setting boundaries between the family subsystems, interpretation and understanding of emotions, personal convictions about parenthood, the search of one’s own resources as well as those concerning the whole family and the widely understood social system. The work within the group was inspired by the methods of existential psychology and narrative psychology. The participants’ tasks included telling and listening to the stories of the key-events of their lives as well as searching the personal meaning of the particular life experiences. The recap of the paper presents the chosen insights and conclusions obtained afoot the work with the described group.
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    EEG biofeedback: charakterystyka, zastosowanie, opinie specjalistów
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2015) Walkowiak, Hanna
    The development of knowledge about the functioning of the human brain along with the rapid increase in the share of new technologies in today’s life have led to a more frequent use of modern technologies in the therapy of patients. EEG biofeedback is an example of such applications, a method of work aiming to elaborating a positive (from the patient’s point of view) condition of the body through a spontaneous formation of appropriate brain waves. This article shows what EEG biofeedback is and what its applications are. Furthermore, it presents a general history of the human brain research and the results of studies, which refer to the opinions of experts (neurologist of children, sociologist and therapist, and psychologist) about the subject – knowledge, adequate application and use in therapy (pedagogical/ psychiatric). Studies have shown a variety of attitudes to EEG biofeedback. The participants of the study were representatives of various scientific communities.
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    Poradnictwo i terapia seksuologiczna. Główne założenia teoretyczne i metody pracy
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2015) Skowroński, Dariusz P.; Waszyńska, Katarzyna
    Sexological counselling and therapy are aimed at developing and improving the sexual functioning both on the individual level and in a partnership. It is a process of help that focuses on sex education, values clarification, exploration of sexual attitudes, sexual behaviors, sexual identity, gender roles, and the partners’ functions. Sexological counselling and therapy interventions are based largely on the eclectic approach, using various psychological and sociological models. This article aims to present the concepts and therapeutic approaches (principles, methods) used in sexual counselling and sex therapy. This kind of approach originates both in the multidisciplinary principles of sexology, the holistic and personalized approach to human sexuality, and in preferred theoretical paradigms and professional biographies of sexuality counsellors, who represent various medical and social sciences.
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    Kompetencje muzyczne w młodszym wieku szkolnym a płeć badanych uczniów
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2015) Bonna, Beata
    The article aims to present research allowing the assessment of the musical competence of pupils in the early years of primary school, consisting of perceptual musical abilities and basic knowledge of music. These were assessed using: the subtest of auditory perception Tonal Concepts and Rhythm Concepts – Audiation/Listening/Level 1, from the E.E. Gordon’s IOWA Tests of Music Literacy battery, the author’s own Test of Perceptual Musical Abilities and the Test of Music Knowledge. The tests used in the study asses important aspects of the perception of music and musical knowledge, demonstrating a complex structure of these competences. There are few studies of this kind and the analysis that takes into account gender differences provides significant information on the strong and weak aspects of the competences. The results did not confirm the often reported results suggesting that girls do better in music-related tests.
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    Gestykulacja jako społeczno-pragmatyczne narzędzie komunikacji dziecięcej. Teoretyczne konteksty problematyki badań własnych
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2015) Lasota, Agnieszka
    The purpose of this paper is to show the role of gestures in early ontogenesis. In the absence of the possibility of linguistic communication, gesticulation becomes a social and pragmatic communication tool used by children. It allows children to interact with adults, to communicate their intentions, requests and feelings associated with a particular object or event. Increasingly, researchers propose a broader look at the gestures of a small child, taking into account the motives, intentions and joint attention between partners. The aim of my theoretical and empirical consideration is to make the body language of young children better understandable by parents, teachers and educationalists.
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    Tutoring rówieśniczy a wspomaganie rozwoju społecznych mechanizmów uczenia się w wieku wczesnoszkolnym
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2015) Marchow, Marta
    Peer tutoring, as an educational strategy in one-to-one relations, is based on the collaboration between a lower- and a higher-performing students. Though both the tutor and the tutee roles enhance social learning strategies, I particularly focus on some developmental effects of tutors’ performance. The tutor’s role seems to have a special impact on the development of thought monitoring and on the awareness of the social demands of instruction. Differences in competences between children are a stimulating factor in promoting social learning strategies development. The process is strongly mediated by the theory of mind in students and thus influences further educational achievements. Moreover, peer tutoring does not seem to be less effective as a spontaneous interaction between children as compared to tutoring organized and monitored by adults.
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    Tożsamość jednostki w warunkach kultury indywidualizmu – problem społecznego zaangażowania. Wokół rozważań Richarda Sennetta
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2015) Leszniewski, Tomasz
    The text attempts to discuss the thesis of Sennett about the crisis of engagement in the public sphere. The reason is the psychologization process of the human person. The Habermasian theory of personal development (three types of identity) was used for this purpose; it gives the opportunity to discern differences of individuals reacting to the situation of socio-cultural transformations indicated by R. Sennett. The ideas contained in the article conclude with a hypothesis that the negative impact of the culture of individualism associated with the dissemination of the “psychologization” model of the human person relates chiefly to the type of natural identity or the identity of role, which so far did not constitute forces forming a public sphere.
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    Związki uczuciowe adolescentów w perspektywie rozwojowej – przegląd wyników badań
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2015) Kacprzak, Kamila
    Young people engage into their first romantic relationships, which evolve and change in terms of both content and function. The aim of this article is to present the role and importance of adolescents’ romantic relationship in their further development and to describe these relations based on a review of research results found in English-language scientific articles. The structure of presentation follows the categories proposed by W.A. Collins: involvement, partner selection, contents, quality, cognitive and emotional processes. Analysis shows that engaging in a romantic relationship during the adolescence period may differentiate the execution of developmental tasks expected during the adolescence period and also the effects of relationships in early adulthood. The research results also show that adolescents’ romantic relationships are changeable and dynamic. The picture of these relations differs and depends on whether they were established during early or late adolescence. These properties are reflected in each of the analyzed categories.