Ruch Prawniczy, Ekonomiczny i Socjologiczny, 1992, nr 1


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    Spis treści RPEiS 54(1), 1992
    (Wydział Prawa i Administracji UAM, 1992)
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    Założenia europejskiej unii walutowej
    (Wydział Prawa i Administracji UAM, 1992) Komar, Andrzej
    The author first presents the stages of monetary integration of the EEC countries and against that backround explains in some detail the principles of functioning of the European monetary system. Special attention was paid to the construetion of the European Currency Unit (ECU) and to the accompanying forms of financial and monetary interventions. esides the author points to the shortcomings of the European monetary system and to the ways of seeking the methods of implementing the monetary union. in connection with the above, the author summarizes main theses of Jacques Delors Report of 1989. The main subject-matter of the analysis is the creation of the European monetary union (I Stage; 1 July 1990), and the Economic and Monetary Union Treaty of December 1991. The author refers to the schedule of implementing the II and III stage of the monetary union and discusses the conditions of convergence of economic and financial policy, related to the implementation of the union. Furthermore the author discusses institutional matters (the foundation of the European Monetary Institute the European System of Central Banks, and the European Central Bank) Against that background the author explains the issuance of ECU cerning uniform European currency. The article is concluded with remarks concerning the adjustment of the Polish monetary system to the conditions of the European monetary union.
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    Ekonomiczne aspekty suwerenności i samostanowienia we współczesnym prawie międzynarodowym (zagadnienia podstawowe)
    (Wydział Prawa i Administracji UAM, 1992) Tyranowski, Jerzy
    This article concentrates on the basic problems respecting the „economic sovereignty" and „economic self-determination", and especially on the right to choose he economic system of a state, the permanent sovereignty over natural wealth and resources, the right to free disposal of natural wealth and resources and the problems of economic coercion. In the opinion of the present writer a delimitation should be drawn between he rights of states on the one hand, and the corresponding rights of peoples on he other. Such a delimitation must be based on the assumption that in international aw the concept of sovereignty is connected exclusively with the states, and the concept of self-determination exclusively with the peoples. According to that the right to choose the economic system and the permanent sovereignty over natural wealth and resources are fundamental rights of states flowing from their sovereignty The corresponding rights of peoples flowing from their right to selfdetermination, i.e. the right of every people to choose the economic system of its state and the right to free disposal of its natural wealth and resources,, are only complementary to those fundamental rights of states; they are strengthening the prohibition of foreign intervention which is inherent in sovereign equality of states. Ii is, however, possible that the exercise of „economic sovereignty" may contradict the right of a people to „economic self-determination, especially when the economic system does not conform to the wishes of a people or when a people is being deprived of its own means of subsistence. In such a case the question of foreign intervention arises in a different context. It can be taken for granted that the people's right to self-determination excludes the admissibility of foreign intervention by invitation of the government. On the other hand, it is certain that international law does not authorize any intervention in favour of the people's right to self-determination. The last section of the article is concerned with the problems of economic coercion. In the opinion of the present writer the prohibition of the use of economic measures of coercion still belongs to the sphere de lege ferenda.
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    Wielostronna współpraca regionalna i przygraniczna jako czynnik kształtowania jedności europejskiej
    (Wydział Prawa i Administracji UAM, 1992) Cziomer, Erhard
    Thè article presents the problems of regional and border cooperation as the element of shaping the european unity. It is composed of three parts and contains concluding remarks. In the first part the author presents general legal assumptions and legal grounds for such cooperation, reflected in the Constitution of Austria. In the second part the author presents the participation of Austrian states in shaping and functioning of three Working Communities: ARGE-ALP, AGRE Alpen-Adria and AGRE-Donaulaender. In the third part the author presents multilateral and bilateral activities of particular states, and focuses his attention on the period of the early 1990s. In concluding remarks the author summarizes main theses of the analysis. They could be reduced to the statement that regional and border cooperation niay bring many positive effects, especially if it is well prepared and organized. Besides, a decentralized form of the state and the existence of strong regions is a basic prerequisite for the success of such activities, corresponding well with various recommendations and conventions of the Council of Europe.
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    Przejęcie długów prywatyzowanego przedsiębiorstwa w świetle ustawy o prywatyzacji przedsiębiorstw państwowych z 13 VII 1990 r.
    (Wydział Prawa i Administracji UAM, 1992) Szlęzak, Andrzej
    Art. 22 of the Act on Privatization of State Enterprises (hereinafter: APSE) provides that prior to offering (by way of public offer, trade sale or otherwise) of shares or stock of a privatized enterprise, the Treasury may assume the debts ot such an enterprise. The institution ,set forth in the said Article is not well harmonized with the similar institution of the Civil Code. For example, APSE allows for the assumption of debts even in the absence of the creditor's consent, while the Civil Code requires such consent for the assumption to be valid. In effect, the only plausible interpretation of the assumption of debts regulated in APSE is that the latter act provides for a sui generis transaction, possible only in the process of transformation of state-owned enterprises into commercial companies. Such a conclusion, inevitable in the light of the present wording of APSE, is hardly satisfactory. The author postulates to harmonize the assumption of debt regulated in APSE with respective provisions of the Civil Code.
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    Prawo miejscowe a przepisy gminne
    (Wydział Prawa i Administracji UAM, 1992) Szewczyk, Marek; Ziemski, Krystian
    The authors attempt to answer the question whether the distinction present in the legislative acts, namely the distinction between „local law" and „communal law" is rational and whether it is the product of the legal doctrine or its origin is merely accidental. The authors conclude that the said distinction corresponds with jurisdictional delimitation, although the ultimate delimitation of the scope of local law and communal law may sometimes be faced with difficulties, for some communal legislation might be qualified as local law enacted by communal organs.
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    Kilka uwag o ustawie z dnia 26 VII 1991 r. o podatku dochodowym od osób fizycznych
    (Wydział Prawa i Administracji UAM, 1992) Gabriel, Piotr; Mikołajewicz, Jarosław
    1. The article presents the Act of 26 July, 1991 on Personal Income Tax. The introduction of this Act is a significant step towards the reform of the Polish tax system. 2. The authors have undertaken the task of analyzing the said Act from the point of view of its consistency with some principles of law: the principle of security of law, the principle of imposing taxes by means of statutes, the principle of clarity of law and the principle of tax convenience. 3. The authors have analyzed statutory delegations to enact executive legislation by administrative organs and pointed to potential dangers for the aforementioned principles of law inherent in such delegations.
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    Przekształcenie przedsiębiorstwa państwowego w jednoosobową spółkę Skarbu Państwa
    (Wydział Prawa i Administracji UAM, 1992) Baehr, Jerzy
    In the article, the author investigates the question of legal character of the transformation of a state enterprise into a single-shareholder company of the State Treasury. The author criticizes the leading views in this respect, according to which such transformation is either a civil law transaction or an administrative decision. The transformation is a complex process, in the course of which the Minister of Ownership Changes acts both in the domain of administrative and civil law. In the author's opinion the transformation of a state enterprise into a single- -shareholder company of the State Treasury does not consist merely in a change of the legal shape of the existing legal entity, but leads to the creation of a new legal entity. Such a new entity assumes the totality of rights and duties of a former state enterprise by means of universal succesion.
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    Tradycyjne i nowe argumenty protekcjonizmu handlowego na przykładzie Wspólnoty Europejskiej
    (Wydział Prawa i Administracji UAM, 1992) Puślecki, Zdzisław W.
    Article presents traditional and new theoretical justifications of trade prtektjonism on theexample of the European Community. Besides traditional arguments for trade protectionism, such as the improvement of terms of trade, protection of infant industry, protection of balance of payments, protection of income and employment, new arguments appear, namely the argument referring to excessive dependence of domestic economy on import and the argument referring to unfavorable influence of excessive exposure to foreign countries on macroeconomic stability of economy. The leading argument of the contemporary trade protectionism, also in the EEC countries, is the protection of income and employment. Since protectionism is costly, it should be applied on a temporary basis only. Extended trade protectionism leads to the petrification of obsolete economic structures and weakens the economic efficiency.
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    Dylematy wielkiej transformacji a szanse socjotechniki
    (Wydział Prawa i Administracji UAM, 1992) Sztompka, Piotr
    The author starts with the presentation of two apparently contradictory sociotechnical models: manipulative and emancipative, correlated with two contradictory models of society. Then the author proceeds to prove that in contemporary Poland a specific mixture of both sociotechnical models should be applied, n further remarks the author discusses barriers and obstacles to emancipative- -manipulative sociotechnique and classifies them in three different groups. The main part of the article is devoted to the presentation of 24 basic dilemmas of the transformation period, i.e. barriers and obstacles that slow down the process of reforms and that should become the object of sociotechnical intervention.
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    Wybory 1991 — Diagnoza życia społecznego i politycznego w Polsce
    (Wydział Prawa i Administracji UAM, 1992) Łączkowska, Maria; Piwowarski, Władysław; Tittenbrun, Jacek; Ziółkowski, Marek
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    Praktyki dyskryminacyjne a uprzedzenia społeczne
    (Wydział Prawa i Administracji UAM, 1992) Kowalik, Stanisław
    The article presents the analysis of various kinds of discrimination practices and arranges them on a continuum according to the criterion of the degree of disturbance of social order. The characterization of discrimination practices has been used in justifying the examination of prejudice by means of the concept of prejudice relation. Using the concepts of epistemic and pragmatic models of an individual, the author formulates two possible notions of social prejudice.
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    Wartości i preferencje związane z pracą u poznańskich robotników przemysłowych
    (Wydział Prawa i Administracji UAM, 1992) Solarczyk-Ambrozik, Ewa
    The author presents the results of research carried out in 1988 on values and preferences connected with work of industrial workers. The research was conducted among workers of major industrial plants in Poznań. Among the researched workers over 90°/o were men. Over 55°/o of the researched workers were aged 25 - 45, while the second largest group were workers aged over 45. Ca. 48% of the researched population had vocational education, while ca. 36°/o of that population were educated at a high school level. The image of values shared by industrial workers reflects a so-called existential-affiliation syndrome, which can be characterized as oriented at three types of values: (i) personal happiness, (ii) foundations of economic prosperity, and (iii) friendship and harmonious relations with the closest environment. The main thesis adopted by the author and confirmed by the research is the assumption that the work situation and personality are mutually Interdependent.
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    65 lat działu socjologicznego „Ruchu"
    (Wydział Prawa i Administracji UAM, 1992) Włodarczyk, Dorota
    The article sketches the history of the sociological division of „Ruch Prawniczy. Ekonomiczny i Socjologiczny". The author presents the founders of the periodical, its editorial arrangement over the years, as well its authors and subjectmatter characterization of the periodical. She also includes qualitative and quantitative evaluation and statistics concerning the authors and publications of the Periodical.
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    Przegląd piśmiennictwa RPEiS 54(1), 1992
    (Wydział Prawa i Administracji UAM, 1992)