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    Smart Quarantine vs Strict Lockdown: Restrictions on Political Rights in Anti-Pandemic Strategies in the Czech Republic
    (Routledge, 2024-08-30) Skrzypek, Maciej Filip
    This chapter aims to trace the evolution of the state authorities’ attitude to restrict fundamental political rights in the Czech Republic during the coronavirus pandemic from 11 March 2020 to the end of March 2021. At that time, the Czech authorities changed the anti-pandemic strategy, which impacted certain rights and freedoms. During “a second wave”, the ruling elites decided to replace smart quarantine with a strict lockdown through an extra-constitutional state of emergency since February 2021. These changes aimed to extend the government's scope of power and allowed ignoring parliamentary opposition. The shift in strategy led to an intensification of the implementation of quasi-militant democracy instruments, which decreased the political nation's independence. Therefore, the author will address the motivations and results of anti-pandemic policy changes that impact the discussed sovereignty. That reflection is crucial for debate on implementing anti-democratic measures as part of the policy to deal with the subsequent widespread epidemics and other crises. In this chapter, the author refers to interdisciplinary studies on the effectiveness of pandemic strategies in the country, which, together with analysing the restriction of political rights, will provide answers to the legitimacy of changing the proposed action in the second half of 2020. The periodisation of the first year of the coronavirus crisis is presented in the diagram below.
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    Enforcement of Equality before the Law in Poland during the Coronavirus Pandemic
    (Routledge, 2024-08-30) Rak, Joanna; Bäcker, Roman
    On 12 March 2020, the government declared the state of the epidemic in Poland. A day later, Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki informed about the ban on public gatherings of more than 50 people. On 24 March 2020, the government introduced severe constraints on freedom of movement. Citizens could leave their houses only in duly justified circumstances, such as going to work or buying food. The police began controlling pedestrians and drivers to verify whether their movement was justified. All economic and social restrictions resulted in an almost complete lockdown. However, the public administration has gradually lifted the restrictions since mid-April. The will for social survival and the ruling party's determination to secure the re-election of Andrzej Duda in the presidential elections appeared to be stronger than a fear of infection and readiness to respect civil rights. The presidential elections (the first round on 28 June and the second round on 12 July 2020), held in an atmosphere of no epidemiological threats, ended Poland's first pandemic wave.
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    Identifying Partisan Efforts to Generate Authoritarian Legitimacy
    (Routledge, 2024-04-16) Rak, Joanna
    Informed by the puzzle of differentiating between democratic and authoritarian legitimacy-generating actions, the chapter aims to propose and test a theoretical tool for measuring partisan efforts to generate a regime’s legitimacy. The study contributes theoretically to our understanding of generating a regime’s legitimacy by modifying and combining the theories of mind engineering and ideology-based education. The modification departs from normative significance-based evaluation of mind engineering consequences. This feature of mind engineering is replaced with a type of political system to capture what ideology it instills. Also, the chapter proposes sensitive criteria for differentiating between democratic and authoritarian frames. A methodological contribution lies in offering and testing a theory-based tool useful to unpack cognition- and behavior-oriented claims to democratic and authoritarian legitimacy. The new empirical approach uncovers the mechanisms of mind engineering aimed at influencing cognitive and behavioral aspects of the public’s involvement in supporting political systems.
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    The Banning of Political Parties in Post-Yugoslav States. Croatian and Serbian Experience in Using Militant Democracy
    (Taylor & Francis, 2024) Skrzypek, Maciej
    The aim of this paper is to explore the effectiveness of a classical militant democracy instrument, as banning of extremist parties since the beginning of the political transition in 1990s in post-Yugoslav states. Comparative studies are based on Croatian and Serbian experiences, when since political transition new types of political regimes started developing as part of a boom for national parties that could guarantee consolidation of the state. The methods employed for the analysis are the qualitative analysis of sources. Corpus of sources includes national legislation, official documents, NGOs’ reports, and media content related to banning political entities. Conclusions from the study provide knowledge fill the gap in the state of art about circumstances for dissolving anti-democratic entities in the post-Yugoslav states. Moreover, they allow to verify relevant approaches and models of anti-democratic organizations, encompassing the specific types of political culture in Croatia and Serbia.
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    Social media i polityka. Organizacja – procesy – finanse
    (Wydawnictwo Wydziału Nauk Politycznych i Dziennikarstwa UAM, 2020) Jakubowski, Jakub
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    Power to the people? Evaluating the European Commission’s engagement efforts in EU copyright policy
    (2021) Vetulani-Cęgiel, Agnieszka; Meyer, Trisha
    This paper asks to what extent the European Commission’s stakeholder participation model takes into account non-expert citizen contributions in policy processes pertaining to copyright. In theory, the increasing scale of citizen engagement in stakeholder consultations on copyright could help address the EU’s democratic deficit. The paper analyses the European Commission’s consultation processes in copyright policy across the Barroso 1&2 and Juncker Commissions (2004–2019). It documents the scale and the type of stakeholder involvement in public consultations. Through expert interviews and a survey, the paper gives critical insight into stakeholders’ perception of the Commission’s consultation practices and citizens’ role in policymaking. It concludes that the Commission is inclusive of different types of stakeholders, but casts doubt on the (perceived) motivation and appropriateness of its stakeholder participation model for non-expert citizens. The paper thus sheds light on the attempts and the struggle to engage with citizens in a digital age.
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    Polish interest groups facing democratic backsliding
    (2021) Pospieszna, Paulina; Vetulani-Cęgiel, Agnieszka
    Democratic backsliding in Central and Eastern European countries is on the rise. Independent judiciaries, other institutions of liberal democracy, as well as civil liberties and media freedom are being undermined, coupled with the human rights and dignity of certain groups being curtailed or even violated. In these difficult political and legal circumstances, non-state actors, such as interest groups, face many challenges. The goal of this research is to explore how interest groups in Poland perceive their position, what tactics they use in order to influence public policies and decision-makers, and whether they search for networking strategies in order to strengthen their position vis-à-vis the government. By placing our research in the Polish context, we fill the gap in the current literature on the situation of interest groups that face democratic backsliding. We base our analyses on new survey data collected from Polish interest groups in 2017–2018, conducted within the Comparative Interest Group Survey.
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    Cross-border cooperation across Polish borders: Thirty Years of cross-border Eldorado?
    (2021) Jańczak, Jarosław
    The article overviews cross-border cooperation across Polish borders in the last three decades. Deeply rooted in conflictive border legacies and border shifts in the first half of the twentieth century, they quickly became locations of symbolic reconciliation with neighbours and functional cooperation aiming at economic development. The non-linear character of these processes resulted from the changing political environment in the region.
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    The European Union – Japan Strategic Partnership in the Contested Global Order. External Relations of the EU in the Context of Economic, Normative and Security Framework
    (2021) Jańczak, Jarosław
    The aim of this article is to review the strategic partnership of the European Union-Japan in the context of the changing global order, exploring economic, normative and security dimensions. This leads to wider reflections allowing us to theorize international relations with regards to the concept of strategic partnerships. The research question concentrates on what the foundations of the strategic partnership between the European Union and Japan are, and how it answers the challenges in the three above indicated fields. The hypothesis is formulated from the perspective of strategic partnership theory. Methodologically, the work is based on the analysis of primary and secondary sources, as well as on qualitative methods implemented in the form of semi-structured interviews. The key findings reveal that the changing global order and international environment have pushed both partners to create a strategic partnership that has spilled over from economic relations to the normative, political and finally security fields.
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    Narracje alternatywne i marginalne w uchwałach rocznicowych Sejmu i Senatu Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej w latach 2009-2019. Przykład uchwał upamiętniających 70. i 80. rocznicę wybuchu II wojny światowej
    (2021) Secler, Bartłomiej
    "Alternative and Marginal Narrations in the Anniversary Resolutions of the Sejm and Senate of the Republic of Poland in 2009-2019. Example of Resolutions Commemorating the 70th and 80th Anniversaries of the Outbreak of the Second World War". Historical anniversaries generate breakthroughs, mark systemic and political turns, and remind us of the events and characters from the past. The subject of the article are the anniversary resolutions of the Sejm and the Senate of the Republic of Poland, which I define as a tool for shaping the politics of memory and collective memory that are one of the forms of commemorating the past and serving the political authorities as means for its interpretation. I assume that the choice of anniversaries and historical figures that deserve to be commemorated is dictated by the ideological and political orientation of political parties and groups. In the above context, it is worth asking the question – referring to the title of the article – should the anniversary resolutions of the Sejm and the Senate of the Republic of Poland, their form, content, as well as way of proceeding and adopting them be considered as important and momentous narratives, or rather as alternative and marginal ones? The considerations will be illustrated with examples of resolutions adopted on the occasion of the 70th and 80th anniversaries of the outbreak of the Second World War.
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    Samorząd zawodowy inżynierów budownictwa w ocenie jego członków
    (2012) Antkowiak, Paweł
    Samorząd zawodowy inżynierów budownictwa odgrywa istotną rolę w reprezentowaniu interesów określonych grup i administracji publicznej w Polsce. Pojawia się coraz więcej wątpliwości co do zasadności istnienia takich struktur i ich funkcjonowania w sferze publicznej, w ostatnim czasie samorząd zawodowy jest w Polsce ostro krytykowany przez społeczeństwo i jego członków. Z tego powodu Autor przeprowadził w porozumieniu z Polską Izbą Inżynierów Budownictwa szereg ankiet, których celem była odpowiedź na pytanie: „Jaka jest rzeczywista ocena funkcjonowania samorządu zawodowego inżynierów budownictwa przez jego członków? ”. Artykuł przedstawia wyniki badań
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    Ewolucja samorządowej ordynacji wyborczej w Polsce w okresie transformacji systemowej
    (Instytut Zachodni, 2012) Antkowiak, Paweł
    Przemiany ustrojowe, które nastąpiły w Polsce w 1989 roku, zaowocowały powstaniem państwa opartego na zasadach demokracji i poszanowaniu podstawowych praw człowieka. Był to okres dynamicznych zmian politycznych. W efekcie powstał i nadal istnieje samorząd w obecnym kształcie. System wyborczy jest istotną częścią życia politycznego na szczeblu lokalnym i regionalnym. System ten można jednak łatwo nadużyć, aby osiągnąć pewne bezpośrednie cele polityczne, które nie zawsze są zbieżne z celami państwa demokratycznego. Sześć poprzednich wyborów samorządowych dowiodło, że ordynacje wyborcze często stają się przedmiotem gry politycznej.
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    Przyczynek do rozważań nad przynależnością dziedzinową nauk o polityce
    (2015) Wallas, Tadeusz
    Since the number of academic specializations and disciplines has consistently been increasing, it has become necessary to supplement present classifications and categorizations, as well as come up with new ones, on a regular basis. Therefore, it has become feasible to distinguish a new branch of science as well as to assign the existing disciplines to different branches. It is owing to such a process that political sciences have been reassigned in Poland. Before September 30, 2011, political sciences had been categorized as the humanities, but later on they were encompassed by a new branch of social sciences, created as a result of the division of the humanities. I adopt the thesis that this decision was substantially justified since, given current legal status quo, political sciences as a discipline have more in common with other disciplines assigned to social sciences than the humanities. Additionally, by way of developing a new register of disciplines, the administrative divisions in Polish science were to a large extent aligned with the classification of branches and disciplines adopted by the OECD, UNESCO and Eurostat, which will facilitate the internationalization of academic collaboration. The above organizations and institutions, and – consequently – some of their member states, have already divided the humanities, sometimes also named social sciences, into two separate branches: social sciences and humanities. In order to justify the above‑mentioned thesis it was necessary to determine how academic specialization, discipline, branch and field of science are perceived today; to indicate the determinants of divisions in science and basic criteria for such divisions; to attempt to define the specific nature of the humanities versus social sciences; and to present the factors confirming the relation of political science to the latter category.
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    Udział przedsiębiorstw w podejmowaniu decyzji publicznych w sferze gospodarczej na poziomie lokalnym
    (Wydział Prawa i Administracji UAM, 2015) Antkowiak, Paweł; Kmieciak, Robert
    W dzisiejszych czasach przestarzałe lokalne tworzenie polityki jest wyczerpane. Wydaje się, że powinniśmy w coraz większym stopniu włączać do struktury zarządzania podmioty zewnętrzne, aby usprawnić i zracjonalizować proces podejmowania decyzji publicznych, co bezpośrednio wpływa na rozwój gospodarczy regionu.
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    O polityczności samorządu i polityce w samorządzie
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe WNPiD UAM, 2012) Antkowiak, Paweł
    Restytucja samorządu była integralnym elementem transformacji ustrojowej w Polsce. Należy pamiętać, że nowoczesny samorząd powstał w Polsce w wyniku procesu decentralizacji władzy publicznej po 1989 roku. Istotne jest, aby organ samorządowy nie obejmował kluczowego uprawnienia do określania zasad dostępu i rządzenia.
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    What is Media Assistance and (Why) Does it Matter? The Case of Polish Foreign Aid to the Media in Belarus and Ukraine
    (Central European Journal of Communication, 2020) Aleksandra, Galus
    The paper offers an analysis of media assistance, as a specific form of foreign aid, that Poland offers to strengthen media development in Belarus and Ukraine. It shows if Poland tailors media assistance according to the local context and existing challenges for democratic changes of recipient countries’ media systems. The study builds on the literature concerning the media, development and democratization, in particular looking at media assistance as both democratic aid and public diplomacy. It reveals that Poland’s approaches to media development in Belarus and Ukraine do differ: Poland mainly provides autocratic Belarus with technical support for media established outside of that country, while clearly focusing on media capacity development in democratizing Ukraine. The findings show that Polish media assistance, however, is unlikely to boost media freedom in Belarus as is usually expected as an outcome of democratic aid and is under-financed in the case of Ukraine.