Refleksje, nr 3, wiosna-lato 2011

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    Etyczny bunt w reżimie demokratycznym
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe WNPiD UAM, Poznań, 2011) Baluch, Michał
    After twenty years of a democratic regime in Poland, one can see its condition. There are three categories of a riot - “the narrowest”, “narrow” and “wide”. The article presents the examples of each type and the cause of their existence. Sometimes it results from the fashion or the reality is somehow changed. These changes may be fragmentary or they may affect the whole society. The article discusses this differentiation. To become a rebel, many obstacles must be overcome.
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    Korelacje pomiędzy ideologią „trzeciej drogi” a redefinicją konfliktu w polskim życiu politycznym
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe WNPiD UAM, Poznań, 2011) Niebylski, Michał
    The aim of this article is to study the philosophical, ideological and political roots of the Third Way concept. The analysis of these aspects should capture the genuine sources of the new faces of European social democracy and prove the thesis that this model is influential in West Europe as well as in Poland. The article asks the question: is the Third Way a political ideology with its own distinctive ‘core’, a loose fusion of different ideologies, or a strategy within an ideological tradition? Moreover, the article is an attempt to examine on what level the formula of the Third Way assume ‘going out’ of the disputes between the left and the right. Finally, the paper examines the correlation between politics of Third Way and the redefinition of political conflict in the Poland after 1989.
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    „Gazeta Wyborcza” i „Rzeczpospolita” wobec wyroku Trybunału Konstytucyjnego z dnia 11 maja 2007 r. w sprawie ustawy lustracyjnej (analiza porównawcza)
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe WNPiD UAM, Poznań, 2011) Jęczmionka, Paulina
    The article deals with a problem of vetting in the press discourse taken “Gazeta Wyborcza” and “Rzeczpospolita” as an example. There is an attempt to present oppositional attitudes of both titles against each other. All the articles about a vetting problem a week before and after May 11, 2007 were analyzed. Some questions had also been asked. Was the sentence similarly commented by both newspapers and Why was it commented in a particular way? After the analysis, the hypothesis was confirmed. That is, the comments on the sentence were opposite and unbalanced. It was because of different newspapers’ programme lines. It was ascertained that “Gazeta Wyborcza” was against the vetting whereas “Rzeczpospolita” supported it.
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    Wojna polsko-polska a kryzys postindustrialny
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe WNPiD UAM, Poznań, 2011) Mazurczak, Jacek
    The author presents the polish – polish war issue by using the postindustrial crisis theory. He concentrates on the A. Toffler’s theory of the Second and Third Wave and on the term of Superfight. According to the author, the two sides of Polish – Polish war are the supporters of both the Second Wave and the Liquid Modernity. Polish – Polish war will be increasing while supporters of the Liquid Modernity accept the ideas accurate for the Third Wave.
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    Język wypowiedzi publicznych Donalda Tuska w latach 2005-2007
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe WNPiD UAM, Poznań, 2011) Grzesiński, Damian
    There is a special model of liberal language in political science which has certain features: a tendency to use special lingual terms, tolerance, political correctness, faith in its beliefs, sense of responsibility for the country and an exposure of liberal values such as freedom and latitude, etc. The other thing is that Donald Tusk has also certain lingual features which partly fit to the liberal language model and remain a constant feature of Tusk’s language. The main features of his language are: exposure of freedom as a value constantly in danger, extraordinary underlining the role of intellect, search for confirmation of what he says to the audience, sense of responsibility for the country, comparing politics to the world of football.
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    Wpływ paranoi politycznej na dyskurs publiczny w Polsce
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe WNPiD UAM, Poznań, 2011) Jakubowski, Jakub
    The transition of the polish political system has had a significant influence on the shape of public discourse. Undoubtedly, politicians’ and society members’ disposition to paranoid behavior is the reason of public debate`s exacerbation and deep conflict between conservatives and liberals. The abundance of political changes, breakthrough circumstances and crisis situations in the last few years have fuelled this trend. In fact, the influence of political paranoia on Polish discourse seems to be destabilized and it provokes a question: how to make debate more substantive and rational?
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    Język wypowiedzi publicznych Jarosława Kaczyńskiego w latach 2007-2010
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe WNPiD UAM, Poznań, 2011) Jakubowska, Agnieszka
    This paper discusses Jarosław Kaczyński’s public utterances from 2007 to 2010. It explains the typical features of a language, political language and the language of opposition. J. Kaczyński’s political language was the language of a leading oppositionist. Populism, performative speech, thematic persistence, labeling, verbosity, prolixity, rhetorical tricks, neologisms, sense of efficacy, arbitrary description of reality are all the examples of his public utterances. The statesman denied many elements of Polish political system However, the democratic foundations of the III RP as well as the legitimacy of PO-PSL coalition were not questioned.
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    RzeczPiSpolita POlska. Geografia wyborcza Platformy Obywatelskiej oraz Prawa i Sprawiedliwości w latach 2005-2010
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe WNPiD UAM, Poznań, 2011) Skobrtal, Marcin
    The competition between Civic Platform (PO) and Law and Justice (PiS) in recent 5 years has led to the reflection about the territorial aspect of these divisions. Particulary interesting is the distribution of votes. A few tendentions like presence of historical divisions can be observed. The aim of this paper is to analyse these divisions and the main factors of their occurance.
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    Publicysta w sporach dzienników opinii w Polsce. Analiza felietonów Rafała Ziemkiewicza w „Rzeczpospolitej”
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe WNPiD UAM, Poznań, 2011) Piątek, Paulina
    Editors of daily newspapers struggle every day in order to attract readers. It applies especially to opinion newspapers which represent different political views. Two leading newspapers in Poland are “Rzeczpospolita” and “Gazeta Wyborcza”. The analysis of articles published in these newspapers shows how journalists are trying to manipulate the readers. The manipulation and persuasion, used by one of the leading commentators from “Rz” – Rafał Ziemkiewicz became the object of this study. Having almost 400 columns of that author’s analyzed, it can be stated that in his writings there are elements of both manipulation and persuasion. These elements are divided into thematic groups.
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    Opozycyjnie o polskich mediach publicznych. Analiza publicystyki Jacka Żakowskiego (2005-2010)
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe WNPiD UAM, Poznań, 2011) Jędrzejczak, Paweł
    According to Jacek Żakowski, politicization is the main barrier for the proper functioning of the public media in Poland. This paper discusses his point of view as far as the reasons of its condition and its meaning in a democratic state is concerned. J. Żakowski’s vision may be defined as an example of a civil opposition, because in his commentary he took a stand of an independent expert, who criticizes inappropriate relations between politicians and broadcasters and presents ideas for reforming the politicized media in Poland.
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    Kreowanie dyskursu publicznego w Polsce – rola mediów krytycznych wobec Prawa i Sprawiedliwości
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe WNPiD UAM, Poznań, 2011) Panicz, Urszula
    The aim of the article is to solve the problem, whether the media is responsible for the decline in the quality of a public debate. The comparison of media transmission has led to the conclusion that media was especially critically oriented towards PiS what brought about its politicization. The idea of Marcin Król is used in order to describe the reasons of media manipulation. The measure that could lead to the end of such conflicts has been suggested. That is deliberative democracy.
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    Patrioci krytyczni kontra mitomani. Walka o politykę historyczną w obliczu Grossa
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe WNPiD UAM, Poznań, 2011) Misiewicz, Agnieszka
    Patriotism is one of the concepts that cannot be easily interpreted. It can be seen at least two models of patriotism - „critical”, which draws attention also to the shameful experience and „conservative”, associated with the myth of proud and suffering of the Polish nation, connected also with a specific historical policy. Visible manifestation of these extreme camps are public debates on the publications of J. T. Gross, showing the Poles as perpetrators of suffering and death of many Jews.