Folia Praehistorica Posnaniensia, 2011, Tom XVI

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    Od nadwarciańskiego matecznika ku archeologii pogranicza Zachodu i Wschodu Europy
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu, 2011) Kośko, Aleksander
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    Międzynarodowa konferencja pt. „Szlaki Międzymorza: Bałtyk – Bug – Boh – Pont (od III do połowy I tysiąclecia przed Chr.), Obrzycko, 13-16 października 2008 r.
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu, 2011) Suchowska-Ducke, Paulina; Ignaczak, Marcin
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    IX Międzynarodowa Interdyscyplinarna Sesja Studentów Archeologii „Oblicza śmierci. Perspektywy badawcze”, Puszczykowo, 3-5 grudnia 2007 r.
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu, 2011) Michalik, Tomasz
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    Środkowoeuropejskie społeczności osad obronnych w 1. poł. II tysiąclecia BC. Studium porównawcze obszarów próbnych
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu, 2011) Jaeger, Mateusz
    The dissertation is aimed at a description and characterization of the central European societies of fortified settlements in the first half of the 2nd millenium BC. Because of the high number of such sites and different stage of research in particular regions, it was necessary to select the sources. Four trial areas were chosen: Alpine area, south-western Wielkopolska, middle Danube basin and upper Tisa basin. All of them were related to different cultural units: inner-Alpine Bronze Age groups, Unetice culture, Vatya culture and Otomani-Fuzesabony culture. The crucial criteria for selecting trial areas was long research tradition and store of knowledge about fortified settlements characterizing them. In order to show regional variability of the fortified settlements there were described their different aspects. Particular chapters contain information about: economy and natural environment, inner layout, fortifications, metallurgy and chronology. Moreover there was discussed the role and function of the defensive structures in particular regions. In the final chapter the author summarizes the results of his comparative analyses.
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    Struktura społeczna ludności tartezyjskiej na przykładzie cmentarzyska w Setefilla (prowincja Sewilla)
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu, 2011) Krueger, Michał
    The aim of this work is to present a general overview of social structure of the Tartessian community in Setefilla at the beginning of the Iron Age. The methodology is based on inductive approach, particularly on statistical and spatial analysis. Substantial research has been carried out on archaeological and anthropological data in order to determine indicators of sex and age. By using the achievements of postprocessual archaeology, I demonstrate the role of rituals and human body in creating social relations. It is argued that the traditional ties of consanguinity have been distorted by new social values built on individualism.
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    Szkło w kulturze mieszkańców Poznania od późnego średniowiecza do pierwszej połowy XIX wieku
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu, 2011) Twardosz, Bogumiła
    The paper discusses luxury and ordinary glass vessels found during archaeological excavations conducted on several plots on the right and left bank of the Warta river in Poznań. A majority of glassware was discovered in the Szyperska Street, 21, where a big refuse dump was situated. The present paper is based on glass dated from the late Middle Ages to the first half of the 19th century. Glassware from Poznań was classified into 3 groups: table glass, glass storage containers and pharmacy glass. There were fragments of beakers, goblets, tankards, one mug, bowls, jugs, decanters, big bottles, small bottles, one jar, ampoules, phials and one pestle. Table glass fragments showed the greatest diversity of forms. All vessels were made in two basic techniques: socalled “free hand” technique or by blowing into the mould. Some of discovered glass was probably made in Germany, Bohemia, Pomerania, Silesia, Little Poland or Central Poland. Many of them were produced in Polish glassworks.
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    Fajki oraz sposoby używania tytoniu na obszarze obecnych zachodnich ziem polskich od XVII do początku XX wieku
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu, 2011) Gil, Łukasz
    Clay pipes are common category of archaeological data. These are very interesting and useful artifacts. In most cases, their chronological position and the place of origin are easy to determine. The first clay pipes appeared in the western areas of present-day Poland in the beginning of the 17th century. They were made by pipe makers from Amsterdam and Gouda City (Holland). In the second half of the 17th century in southern part of western areas of present-day Poland or in their neighbourhood, local manufactures producing clay pipes for local market – Śląsk, eastern Saksonia and southern Branderburgia, were established. The products from Gouda were the most popular in the first half of the 18th century. Machiel Brem, Hendrick Manshoofd, Lucas de Jong, Jacob de Vos, Danens’ Family manufacture and Frans Verzijl were among their biggest exporters to western areas of present-day Poland. From the second half of the 18th century, the pipe makers from Gouda had to compete with products of local manufactures, such as Rościn, Zborowskie and Weissenspring. Stub-stemmed pipes came to western areas of present-day Poland from Turkey around the middle of the 17th century. It is worth mentioning that drawing snuff was very popular in the western areas of present-day Poland in the 18th century, but cigars and cigarettes became more popular only in the following centuries.
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    „Ludy Morza” na tle przeobrażeń kulturowych w strefie pontyjsko-bałkańskiej w 2. poł. II tys. p.n.e.
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu, 2011) Cieszewska, Justyna
    The project intended to investigate cultural, social and political situation of the second half of the second millenium BC in the catchment area of the Black and the Aegean Seas. The cultural transformations taking place at that time in the Pontic-Balkan area have been discussed within this framework. In terms of chronology, it covers the period between 1500 and 1150 BC, that is prior to the expansion of the Sea Peoples and shortly afterwards. A particular attention has been drawn on events taking place around the 12th century BC. The primary aim of this work was to specify a nature of interrelations, socio-political structure as well as cultural correlations between Eastern and Southern Europe. These issues were discussed in a broad spatial perspective, partially in reference to temperate Europe, northern Pontic zone, Eastern, Central and Western Balkans and Aegean- Anatolian zone. This allowed for a comprehensive overview of the “political-historical” situation. The core of the discussion was concentrated on the genesis of the so-called Sea Peoples, whose invasion of the late 13th and 12th centuries BC affected broad areas of the eastern Mediterranean. The study has been based upon the assumption on a possibility of producing a comprehensive overview of archaeological and historical materials making possible to interrogate the Sea Peoples both from the northern (Central and Eastern Europe and the Balkans) and southern perspective (eastern Mediterranean). The most important part of the study has been devoted to detailed analysis of archaeological artefacts and historical documents (written and iconographic sources) making possible to address these issues. Evidence of Sea Peoples invasion from Central and Eastern Europe comprise swords of the Naue II type, swords and daggers of the Krasny Mayak type, spearheads and arrows, a decorative motive of waterfowl heads, hatchets and the so-called barbarian ceramic, among others.
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    Społeczna interpretacja wybranych wczesnośredniowiecznych cmentarzysk rzędowych w perspektywie gender studies i lifecycle analysis
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu, 2011) Błaszczyk, Dariusz
    The study consists of two parts. The first part comprises analysis and social interpretation of archaeological and anthropological burial data from selected early medieval row cemeteries located in the catchment area of the Odra and Vistula rivers. The second part has a form of appendix of sample burials used for analysis and interpretation carried out in the project (altogether 2286 burials from 29 cemeteries). The conducted analysis aimed at recognizing the past social system in terms of constructing and expressing gender relations and their position within the lifecycle in the early Medieval society from the period between the 10th and 13th century AD in Poland. This attempt is based on the premise that death and associated funerary rites are most of all social events. Therefore, the funeral rites, along with associated material remains, may to some extent reflect social phenomena. The dissertation starts with an overview of the early Medieval burial customs and their changes over time, focusing primarily on the inhumation burial rite and row cemeteries. It is followed by presenting basic categories of gender and lifecycle studies. This section comprises also a possibility of applying both concepts for interpretation of archaeological and anthropological data from cemeteries. The next section involves analysis of available empirical materials from the Medieval row cemeteries and is aimed to identify and define the rules for treatment the dead according to sex and age. The following elements of burial rites have been taken into consideration: a placement of the burial in cemetery, grave construction, grave goods, etc. A special interest has been focused upon burial rules practiced at row cemeteries in reference to atypical burials.
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    Dolnoodrzańska enklawa kultury ceramiki sznurowej w ramach circumbałtyckiego kręgu KCSZ
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu, 2011) Matuszewska, Agnieszka
    The present project has taken two spatial dimensions: regional and pan-regional. As far the regional dimension is concerned, I focused on the region of the lower Oder river. The main objective of this project was to create the fundamentals of taxonomic-chronological systematics of Corded Ware Culture materials for this region as well as summarise and verify previous achievements of studies on the aforementioned issue. However, as regards the pan-regional dimension, I attempted at discussing this region against the background of a wider communicative community– the circum-Baltic circle of Corded Ware Culture.
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    Zamek i klasztor Oybin. Studium archeologiczne
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu, 2011) Wojnicz, Joanna
    Grundlage der Dissertation war die Auswertung der archaologischen Funde und Befunde, die auf der Burg und Klosteranlage der Colestiner auf dem Berg Oybin in der Oberlausitz (Sachsen, Deutschland) wahrend der Ausgrabungen von 1992 bis 2000 zu Tage gekommen sind. Zu Beginn der Dissertation wurden die Geschichte der Anlage und deren heute noch erhaltenen Bausubstanz beschrieben. Weiterhin wurden die schriftliche Uberlieferung sowie die Forschungsgeschichte zum Oybin zusammenfassend dargestellt. Im folgenden Teil stand die Auswertung der Befundsituation innerhalb des untersuchten Gebietes und der unmittelbar anschliesenden Areale im Vordergrund. Dabei wurde auf die gesamte Entwicklung der Burg und des Klosters vom 13. Jahrhundert bis in die zweite Halfte des 16. Jahrhunderts eingegangen. Abschliesend wurde das Fundmaterial nach Fundgattungen gegliedert vorgestellt. Der weitere Dissertationsabschnitt fasste eine Beschreibung der hypothetischen Bauphasen der Anlage auf Grundlage der Befundanalyse zusammen. Der letzte Teil wurde der kulturgeschichtlichen Einordnung der Burg und des Klosters Oybin gewidmet. Der Beginn der Anlage im spaten 13. Jahrhundert ist durch historische Quellen gesichert. Die Auswertung der bisherigen Ausgrabungsergebnisse konnte diese Phase kaum belegen. Die Mehrzahl der Funde wurde in das 15. und 16. Jahrhundert datiert. Zu den spektakularen Fundkomplexen gehoren renaissancezeitliche Blattkacheln und Rustungsteile aus dem 15./16. Jahrhundert. Im Lichte der archaologischen Untersuchungen stellt sich die Burg- und Klosteranlage Oybin nicht nur als grosraumiges, sondern auch multifunktional genutztes Bauwerk dar. Durch die Auswertung der archaologischen Untersuchungen konnten die Erkenntnisse zur Haupt- und Spatphase der Anlage von der zweiten Halfte des 14. Jahrhunderts bis zur Klosterauflosung in der zweiten Halfte des 16. Jahrhunderts bedeutend erweitert werden.
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    Kontakty społeczności Europy Środkowej i strefy egejskiej w II tysiącleciu p.n.e. Próba analizy archeologiczno-chronometrycznej
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu, 2011) Suchowska-Ducke, Paulina
    Long-distance contacts, exchange of goods and more organized forms of trade have been a part of human life since the beginning of what is commonly perceived as culture. One reason for this has always been an unequal geographic distribution of desirable raw materials such as obsidian, flint, or metals. Another driving force comprises the construction of social networks through the exchange of extraordinary objects. My work explores the connectivity and cross-cultural communication between the Bronze Age societies, in particular the Mycenaean world and Central Europe. These links are less researched than those between the Eastern Mediterranean societies of the time. The cultural differences between the Mycenaean Greece and Central Europe, along with the diversity of their societies, provide an interesting and strongly debated case study. There are significant differences in opinions on the nature of these relations, their importance, intensity, and range. Archaeological evidence of cross-cultural contacts between Central Europe and the Aegean is rich and diverse. It includes amber, faience, weapons and tools, dress fasteners, personal ornaments and jewellery, metal vessels, Handmade Barbaric Ware, horse harness made of bone and antlers, loaf-of-bread idols and decorative elements, etc. Despite the often unclear context in which these objects and elements have been found, there is a striking similarity of appearance and this shared materiality may indicate shared notions of technology and ideology.
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    Kulturowy charakter czasu i przestrzeni. Analiza średniowiecznego i wczesnorenesansowego elitarnego budownictwa mieszkalnego i obronnego w Irlandii
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu, 2011) Kiarszys, Grzegorz
    The main goal of my PhD thesis is socio-cultural interpretation of architectural space in Medieval Irish castles. Furthermore, I intend to discuss the way archaeologists think and write about the past. The first part of the PhD thesis is an attempt to define my own understanding of concepts such as memory, tradition, culture, society, social order, power, architecture, cultural spacetime, language, and narration. The idea of the past is not only concerned with past events. Its picture is created by present perception and future expectations. These play a key role in the way in which we create cause and effect relationships, which is to provide foundations for the structure of past narratives. Consequently, our idea of the past and its meaning shifts dynamically according to our expectations and social context. This is also fundamental for constructing cultural identity. In archaeology, this problem has a form of relationships between archaeological data and the past. I believe artefacts can only be seen as an inspiration for different pictures of the past created by archaeologists. They may have lost their connection with the past and become an element of the present context. The second part of my PhD thesis concerns social relations in Medieval society. This is based upon analysis of the elite architecture in Ireland. The most important research issueconcerns the meaning of architectural space in castles. This comprises the followingquestions: How did the architecture reflect social status of its inhabitants? In what ways might the arrangement of the interior have influenced social practice? What was the perception of elite architecture by non-elite groups? The cultural construction of architectural time and space is related to social order and group identity. I believe that searching for meaning of the symbolism involves thinking about castles as a metaphor of theatre or stage of social life. We need to understand not only the symbolic meaning of every individual detail but also their mutual relationships and purpose. There are approximately 3,500 castles in Ireland surviving to the present day. The late Medieval Ireland was possibly the most heavily castellated part of Western Europe. Numerous and constant wars between the Anglo-Norman aristocracy and the indigenous Gaelic Chieftains led to social unrest and anxiety. It was also one of the main reasons for the rapid development of castles. History of architecture can be considered as a history of human society. Changes of style and design are in fact often related to social conflict, which not only gives impetus to the development of the art but can also be destructive. Irish castles are indicative of such conflict.
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    Jednoprzestrzenne kościoły romańskie z terenu Wielkopolski
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu, 2011) Różański, Artur
    ‘Rural’ ecclesiae laicorum have remained mute witnesses of our history; they have been deserted, forgotten and frequently falling into ruin. Single-nave Romanesque churches from the territories of Poland have not been much interest for the scholars of the Middle Ages. A full monograph on such churches from Greater Poland has not been written yet. This remains in a striking opposition to analogues buildings from Western Pomerania, Silesia or the New March. The only incomplete and to a large extent outdated work on this subject is Stanisław Wiliński’s paper Granite village churches of 12th century in Greater Poland or an exiguous paper by Alicja Karłowska- Kamzowa addressing the question of their foundation. The main aim of my book is the presentation of single-nave churches from Greater Poland erected in the period between the second half of the eleventh century and the end of the thirteenth century, in their historical and settlement context. Only churches that have been subject to archeological excavations have been included. Therefore, two factors determined whether a church has been chosen and included in this study: firstly, some archeological excavations must have been carried out within it, and secondly, the church must have played a basic role as a Christianization centre for ‘rural’ areas.
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    Badenizacja niżowych ugrupowań kultury pucharów lejkowatych w międzyrzeczu Odry i Wisły: 3600/3500-2400/2350 przed Chr. Podstawy systematyki chronologiczno-przestrzennej
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu, 2011) Przybył, Agnieszka
    The main objective of the dissertation was to discuss, departing from the taxonomical viewpoint, the impact of Baden culture upon the lowlands FBC communities in the Oder and Vistula basins in the period of 3600/3500–2400/2350 BC. The work was conducted within the project „The Great Valley Area of Funnel Beaker Culture Badenization. Carpathian Eneolithic Protocivilization Centre’s Contribution to the Development of the Elbe-Saale and Vistula drainages societies on the threshold of the Early Metal Age”, financed by the Polish Committee for Scientific Research. This project included study of temporal resolution of the youngest FBC societies in the Great Valley area influenced by the protocivilization of Baden societies. Moreover, the identification of representative groups belonging to both cultures has been possible thanks to constructing a register of identifiers of the process in question, including adaptation and transformation of „initial” Baden Culture’s patterns among Kuyavian FBC societies. The project further focused upon synchronization of the lowlands phenomena with the old-highland Badenization processes in the areas of Lesser Poland, Silesia and Moravia. Systematic application of radiocarbon dating made the project particularly remarkable achievement. Altogether, 33 samples have been dated. Thanks to this method, it was possible to define a chronological position of taxons connected with the phenomena related to the Badenization process of the lowlands in three research areas: Kuyavia (mainly), Northern Greater Poland and Lower Silesia (auxiliary data). The project results contributed to the debate on the role of the Baden patterns in the latitudinal system of cultural ties in the Great Valley area between the Elbe-Saale and Vistula rivers. As these phenomena have not yet been satisfactorily recognized, especially in Greater Poland and in the Elbe river basin, a complex comparative analysis, making possible a systematic conceptualization of the process, has not been feasible. The project made possible to capture a historical context of the process of Badenization in the Great Valley zone and identified further research directions. These comprise multidimensional studies of the late and final phase in the development of Funnel Beaker Culture and the emergence of the early Bronze Age civilization in the Great Valley areas.
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    Osadnictwo wczesnośredniowieczne nad Jeziorem Wojnowickim
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu, 2011) Jankowska, Dobrochna
    The article aims to present the results of rescue excavations of Early Medieval sites located in the area of the planned reservoir „Wonieść” (Great Poland) and carried out in the years 1976–1980. In particular, the results of excavations of remains of a metallurgical settlement at Wojnowice 2, Osieczna commune, are discussed.
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    Przemiany osadnicze w neolicie i początkach epoki brązu w dorzeczu górnej i środkowej Obry. Geografia osadnictwa
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu, 2011) Szydłowski, Marcin
    The middle and upper Obra river basin is an environmentally unique area. This large area, located in the vicinity of black soil sheets, is characterized by very favorable conditions for human occupation. The first Neolithic settlements are related to the Linear Band Pottery culture. The most commonly represented Neolithic societies belong to the Funnel Beaker Culture. During the Late Neolithic, the area was less intensively occupied. This process may be related to climate changes. The Early Bronze Age was represented in the middle Obra river basin by the Kościan group of the Unetice culture – a local community with the barrow cemetery in Łęki Małe and the fortified settlement in Bruszczewo. A continuous occupation of this area from the Early Neolithic Age to the Early Bronze Age has been proved.