Studia Edukacyjne, 2013, nr 29


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    Danuta Urbaniak-Zając, Ewa Kos, Badania jakościowe w pedagogice. Wywiad narracyjny
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2013) Banaszak, Sławomir
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    Robert D. Hill, Seven Strategies for Positive Aging, W.W. Norton & Company, New York-London 2009, ss. 163
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2013) Konieczna-Woźniak, Renata
    Recenzja książki Roberta D. Hill'a pt."Seven Strategies for Positive Agin"
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    Arkadiusz Kołodziej, Teoria estymacji w praktyce badań społecznych, Wydawnictwo Difin, Warszawa 2013, ss. 183
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2013) Pasikowski, Sławomir
    Recenzja książki Arkadiusza Kołodzieja pt."Teoria estymacji w praktyce badań społecznych".
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    Exile on the Paths of Hope
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2013) Somr, Miroslav
    Comenius called Poland his second motherland. Rightfully so. He was connected to the Polish reality not only through the long period of life he spent there but also through his thinking activity, when he was occupied between the years 1628–1656 that he (intermittently) lived in Poland with efforts to improve the circumstances into which his home country was plunged due to the counter- Reformation oppression that followed the catastrophe in the wake of the White Mountain battle defeat.
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    Reflective Approach Towards Professional Teacher Education – Inspiration Experiences, Questions
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2013) Tomková, Anna
    The topic of the paper is the reflective approach towards professional teacher education. Its goal is to consider the relationship between teacher education and definition of the quality of teacher performance as well as the relationship between teacher education and means of professional competence evaluation. Another aim is to introduce core principles and selected examples of reflective approach to primary school teacher education at the Faculty of Education of Charles University in Prague. The paper will present reflected examples of specific procedures used in pedagogical and psychological classes, in the course of teaching practice and during optional courses.
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    Intymność w kulturze flirtu i uwodzenia. Czy wirtu@lny seks na zawsze odmieni intymne relacje partnerskie?
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2013) Ściupider-Młodkowska, Mirosława
    The article consists of four parts. The first one defines partnership by confronting the ideal proposed by experts of public guides with the contemporary model of relationship between two individuals. The next part presents the new consumer models of intimacy that refer e.g. to analyses of Anthony Giddens, Zygmunt Bauman and Jean Claude Kaufmann. The main doubts constitute the thesis of the text and are included in two questions: 1) Do present partnerships resemble isolation more than intimacy? 2) What changes partners, who become managers of their own fate? The answers are provided in an analysis of reflective intimacy that manifests itself in new virtual relationships, defined as short-lived relations created in the postmodern and ambiguous world. The last part of the article describes a reformulation of intimacy codes towards more electronic, distant and ambivalent models. Contemporary relationships resemble “reflective bargaining”, where partners create for themselves an “ATM love”. By these means people unconsciously tend to hyper-instrumentalise real relations.
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    Seksualność osób z niepełnosprawnością ruchową w sztuce filmowej czyli kilka refleksji o edukacyjnym potencjale popkultury
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2013) Mironiuk-Netreba, Alicja
    Dominated by stereotypes and myths, sexuality of disabled people is still a controversial issue. According to the most popular myths people with disabilities are: asexual, hypersexual or “forever” children; they may also have physiological problems during an intercourse. In fact, sexual problems of physically disabled people concern biological/physiological and cultural/psycho-social difficulties. The time of the disability presenting itself has an impact on the quality of one’s sexual life: people disabled form their birth in general experience more sexual problems than those who acquired this medical condition during their lives. In the past, the discourse of disabled people’s sexuality was physiologically orientated, whereas now it is dominated by psychological knowledge. Sexual fantasies, the acceptance of one’s disabled body and its erotic potential are significant components of the disabled people’s sexual satisfaction. Because of the “damaged” look, people with disabilities are rarely shown in the media as their images corrupt the audiences’ aesthetic pleasure of using visual media. Showing disabled people in terms of freak shows is only one category of the media (film) imagery classification; other types involve showing the disabled people as: stigmatised, marked by death, invisible to the others, sad and suffering, victims of violence, evildoers, their own enemies, objects of ridicule, and finally, flawless or normal people. The most appropriate way of showing the disabled in movies includes a change of the disability perception: from an exclusive label to one of many features. Only by using this attitude may the disabled be perceived more normally by the audience. The message of a film is not only entertainment but also a display of social attitudes towards people with disabilities. One of the widely commented movies presenting the image of disabled people’s sexuality is The Theory of Flight. The movie transgresses the stereotype of asexuality and shows an important (yet still shocking) social issue in an intelligible way. By showing sexual needs as universal and natural to all humans, the story normalizes the media imagery of people with disabilities.
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    Authority in the Context of the Intergenerational Relations
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2013) Vališová, Alena
    This article will concern a definition of the term “authority”, the meaning of the above competence in pedagogical interaction and also the possibility of how to develop social abilities and skills of teachers-engineers. As formulated in the terminology of activities, university teachers should possess expert, research, pedagogical and managerial competences. The development of authority (above all, of students and teachers in different types and levels of school) is the special area I have been paying close attention to (in theory and practice) for years.
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    Personalizacja jako wyzwanie rozwojowe dorosłości – wokół problemu autokreacyjnych możliwości podmiotu
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2013) Kuryś-Szyncel, Karolina
    The article refers to personalization patterns which stimulate development in adulthood. These are: confrontation with the circumstances of life, implementation of life’s tasks, seeking and adapting patterns of personal self-creation. The author notes that each of these mechanisms can be seen and experienced as a conflict. Particular attention is paid to the pattern of self-creation, subjected to empirical verification. The text analyses personal stories provoked by the narrative impulse: “Who is this I?” The analysis helps reconstruct the three orientations of the narrative and indicates the characteristics of the wholeness type of personality.
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    Wolontariat pracowniczy jako forma kształcenia ustawicznego
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2013) Barańska, Magdalena
    Lifelong learning is a complex formal and informal process, involving activities of educational institutions and initiatives taken outside the school system, which are unorganized, unsystematic and can be done anywhere. Education moves beyond the relevant institutions and becomes a stimulator of many development initiatives. Volunteering as a form of non-formal education benefits at the micro level, contributing to the development of individuals, and at the macro level, creating the basis for building the knowledge society. Corporate volunteering is part of the idea of lifelong learning in response to the needs of both employers and employees. It facilitates the satisfaction of personal and professional needs, the development of competencies and the training of attributes of character through various forms and levels of commitment. This article is dedicated to the above issues.
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    Działania pomocowe i ich znaczenie dla poprawnego przebiegu procesu readaptacji osób opuszczających zakład karny
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2013) Karaszewska, Hanna; Rajewska de Mezer, Joanna
    The authors describe the multiplicity of tasks performed by the Polish state and nongovernmental organizations for the sake of persons released from prison. A return to society after serving a prison sentence is a challenge for both a former convict and society. The period after leaving a prison is very important and difficult because it influences the person’s future life. There are many and varied factors influencing the process of social re-adaptation of prisoners. The preparation for the social reintegration of a prisoner begins already in a penitentiary institution and should be continued after a person is released. The Polish state and non-governmental organizations provide assistance and these actions should instil in an individual the need to perform legitimate social roles.
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    „Uwięzione dzieciństwo” – bariery procesu socjalizacji
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2013) Chojecka, Jana
    The most popular punishment in response to a crime is imprisonment. We can observe increasing rates of the prison population all over the world. Women are the fastest-growing segment of the prison population. We have to remember that when we impose a penalty on adult offenders, there can be covert victims of incarceration. Children whose parents have been arrested and incarcerated face various type of difficulties. The aim of this paper is to address short- and long-term outcomes of parents’ imprisonment and to show programs which are conducted for prisoners and their children in order to minimize the trauma of separation.
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    Dziecięcy „teatr dla życia” – spektakl dla siebie i publiczności
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2013) Krauze-Sikorska, Hanna
    The article tries to answer questions concerning how children with difficulties and developmental disorders in interpersonal relations prepare and realize themselves. One of the forms that can help children discover themselves and others can be the so-called alternative theatre. The author focuses on the idea of living theatres with references to her own research. She points to, for example, the meaning of the symbolism of children’s theatre and its potential for discovering and transgressing oneself.
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    Klimat i kultura szkoły a zachowania problemowe uczniów
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2013) Okulicz-Kozaryn, Katarzyna
    The aim of the project was to assess the relationship between school culture/climate and students’ problem behaviours. An anonymous questionnaire survey was conducted among second grade students from 4 junior high schools in Warsaw (n = 282). The cross-school comparisons showed significant differences in school culture (indicated by students’ socio-demographic characteristics), school climate (indicated by rates of students who like their school and behavioural norms), students’ functioning (indicated by the school load), leading to a varying prevalence of problem behaviours. A logistic regression analysis indicated the most significant risk factors related to school culture (focus on students’ achievements), climate (negative student-teacher relationships and positive relationships among students) and students school functioning (low school load and frequent truancy). The study results suggest the adoption of prevention guidelines, strengthening in particular teachers’ skills and involvement.
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    Edukacja, język i tożsamość etniczna Inuitów na Grenlandii
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2013) Gmerek, Tomasz
    The article deals with the issue of the relation between education and the processes of the development of ethnic identity in Greenland. Particular emphasis was placed on reconstructing educational practices and the language policy implemented toward the Inuit in Greenland. An attempt was made at examining the relationship between the Danish language policy, schooling, and development of ethnic identity of the Inuit in Greenland.
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    State versus Market – Public versus Private: the Concept of Citizenship Among Dutch Students
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2013) Hildebrandt-Wypych, Dobrochna
    The aim of the article is to present – using both theoretical analyses and empirical data – new forms of “privatised” citizenship, based on individual competence and the development of post-national forms of affiliation. These new constructions of citizenship are marked by ambiguity. There is a definitely positive impact of individualism and self-fulfilment on the development of the idea of active citizenship. At the same time a negative influence of the privatisation of the social sphere becomes visible. It is the emergence of a new category of citizenship, i.e. post-democratic citizenship, which reduces political citizenship participation to being a television and internet consumer of opinions and a spectator of a political show. The above considerations are conducted with reference to a constructive and imperative paradigm, based on the conviction that citizenship is a social construction – contested and reconstructed both geographically and historically. The article uses excerpts from the in-depth interviews (IDI) conducted with Dutch students in May 2011 within a broader research project focusing on the comparison of the social construction of citizenship among Dutch and German students.
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    The Paradox of Commodification of the Body in a Society of Consumption and Cyborgization
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2013) Klichowski, Michał; Marciniak, Mateusz
    In the article, we make an attempt at discussing what it means that our reality is commodified, what the consequences of this are, how we commodify our bodies and what role in this process is played by cyborgization, as well as what the relation between commodification and disembodiment is. These issues seem to be significant because when the consumptionist and neo-liberal discourse is reconstructed, the aspect of commodification of a human being through cyborgization is omitted or marginalized. Yet such a context of commodification seems to be especially important as it constitutes the idea of radical questioning of a biological body as a commodity of a high market value. Thus, it constitutes the paradox of the commodification of body, i.e. a situation when a body that is the most attractive from the consumer’s viewpoint is a body that is disembodied to the maximum.