Filozofia Publiczna i Edukacja Demokratyczna, 2015, Tom 4, Nr 2


Recent Submissions

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    (Uniwersytet im. A. Mickiewicza w Poznaniu Wydział Nauk Społecznych, Instytut Filozofii UAM, 2015)
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    Reading the philosophy: Dana Freibach-Heigefetz on generosity-ethics in “The Idiot” by Fyodor Dostoevsky
    (Uniwersytet im. A. Mickiewicza w Poznaniu Wydział Nauk Społecznych, Instytut Filozofii UAM, 2015) Górecki, Przemysław
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    Jak rozmawiać o prawach dziecka z przedszkolakami – na przykładzie programu edukacyjnego „Kolory Dzieciństwa”
    (Uniwersytet im. A. Mickiewicza w Poznaniu Wydział Nauk Społecznych, Instytut Filozofii UAM, 2015) Dziel-Sierszuła, Magdalena
    The article raises the issue of children’s rights. The main question it seeks to address is whether children should be taught about their human rights and if so, by what means. The article presents the basic assumptions of the innovative curriculum „Colours of childhood”, which outlines how the subject of children’s rights can be implemented into the teaching practice. The last part contains the results of brief survey of teachers and parents concerning the evaluation the curriculum „Colours of childhood”.
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    Wykorzystanie teatru w edukacji etycznej
    (Uniwersytet im. A. Mickiewicza w Poznaniu Wydział Nauk Społecznych, Instytut Filozofii UAM, 2015) Kostyra, Marcin
    It is difficult to find tools useful for effective teaching ethics focused on persons from disadvantaged groups, which have conflict with the law. Traditional lecture seems to be a boring talk. Theatre can be a more favourable method. An article describes the idea of functioning of the Theatre of Moral Anxiety, founded by author of the article. Actors in this theatre, ‘angry young man’, carry out spectacles based on scripts written explicitly for them, often related to their biographies. Young man recognize and break their own limitations, learn how to cooperate and reveal the world their better human face: sensitivity and involvement. Author shows, that theatre can be wonderful tool of ethical education, raising self-esteem and self-confidence of persons participating in a performance.
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    Mediterranean drama: pragmatic, legal and moral aspects of hospitality
    (Uniwersytet im. A. Mickiewicza w Poznaniu Wydział Nauk Społecznych, Instytut Filozofii UAM, 2015) Nowak, Ewa
    Hospitality is „not a concept which lends itself to objective knowledge,” Jacques Derrida assumes. His assumption „provokes” and challenges European hospitability, not only in the Mediterranean area in which „welcoming” and „ingratiating” (in Derrida’s terms) forms of human conduct met together thousands years ago, and an asylum seeker found hospitia. What is hospitality and why philosophize about it today? The paper examines hospitality’s pragmatic, customary, legal and moral aspects in, both, historical and contemporary contexts.
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    Phenomenon-Based Learning, Filozofia i Design-Thinking, czyli pomysł na kształcenie myślenia i metodę łączenia treści nauczania w polskim systemie edukacji
    (Uniwersytet im. A. Mickiewicza w Poznaniu Wydział Nauk Społecznych, Instytut Filozofii UAM, 2015) Czujko-Moszyk, Ewelina
    This article offers an authorial idea of curriculum contents integration thanks to implementation of phenomenon-based learning method, philosophy as a school subject, and design thinking. Author believes that teaching contents and school subjects need to be integrated in order to comprehensively discuss modern phenomena in lessons. The manuscript presents briefly each component: Finnish phenomenon-based learning method and its circumstances of implementation, design thinking and an example of its application to education, as well as philosophy as a school subject to teach thinking and as a supplement for phenomenonbased learning method. The article attempts to prove that these components have certain objectives and characteristics in common and they complete one another providing new quality of teaching. This proposal is specifically designed for Polish education system having in consideration its obstacles and opportunities. Nevertheless, this idea might act also as an inspiration for other countries because it is meant to be universal.
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    Ciało wkracza na scenę. O wypartym doświadczeniu i metaforyce cielesności
    (Uniwersytet im. A. Mickiewicza w Poznaniu Wydział Nauk Społecznych, Instytut Filozofii UAM, 2015) Adolphi, Rainer; Dutka, Joanna
    Vindication of the body belongs to great projects of our times and the attention body receives can easily be named as one of the leitmotifs of modern age. Body has been subjected to repression, alienation and taming of its uncontrollable tendencies and wide disregard. Previous epochs left us with the dualism of mind and body, in which the spiritual element has been largely favored as the one connected to the universal truth. In recent times the situation shifted and it is the body that is seen as a source of authenticity and individuality. Attitudes towards the body have changed with the development of modern science, cultural perspective and new knowledge about body and its functions including psychosomatic and psychological. Moreover now-a-days bodies are protected like never before with new technologies. Subsequently bodies have become substituted in interaction with the outside world and estranged.
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    Fenomenologia [„Encyklopedia Brytyjska”: wersja I]
    (Uniwersytet im. A. Mickiewicza w Poznaniu Wydział Nauk Społecznych, Instytut Filozofii UAM, 2015) Husserl, Edmund
    This text is the ‘first draft” (erster Entwurf) of Edmund Husserl’s article for the 14th edition of the Encyclopedia Britannica. The text had four versions (A, B, C, D) and it received its final version after many months of work. This ‘first draft’ has a cognitive value as it reflects Husserl’s spontaneous intuitions about understanding of phenomenology and a phenomenological method in the vein of transcendental philosophy, which he has created, developed, improved and on and on modified.
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    Fenomenologia – wprowadzenie w lekturę tekstu Edmunda Husserla „Phänomenologie (Der Encyclopaedia Britannica Artikel)”
    (Uniwersytet im. A. Mickiewicza w Poznaniu Wydział Nauk Społecznych, Instytut Filozofii UAM, 2015) Bekrycht, Tomasz
    The article presents in the synthetic way the major assumptions of phenomenology as the philosophical movement. The author has delineated two tasks. Firstly, introduction to the major issues of phenomenology and underlining important origins of phenomenology, i.e. Edmund Husserl’s work – Logical Investigations. Secondly, introduction to the reading of an important text (unpublished in Polish by now) that describes the basic foundations of this phenomenological movement, which have been developed by its creator.
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    Dualizm bytu i powinności w czystej teorii prawa Hansa Kelsena
    (Uniwersytet im. A. Mickiewicza w Poznaniu Wydział Nauk Społecznych, Instytut Filozofii UAM, 2015) Huk, Marta Z.
    Following paper is concerned with the problem of Is/Ought dichotomy in Hans Kelsen’s Pure Theory of Law. This is one of the most important problems which needs to be addressed in order to provide autonomous legitimacy of law in terms of normativism. The claim that those two spheres ought to be separated, is analysed from three different philosophical perspectives: ontological, epistemological and normative. Each of them posits Kelsen’s dichotomy as essential to a development of his concepts. The paper is an attempt to answer the question why this distinction is necessary in the context of legal validity and effectiveness.
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    Wójt jako lokalny lider. Wady i zalety reformy gminnej – rozważania prawno-polityczne
    (Uniwersytet im. A. Mickiewicza w Poznaniu Wydział Nauk Społecznych, Instytut Filozofii UAM, 2015) Matyjek, Sebastian
    The article focuses on the problem of the mayor as a local leader and describes the reform of the municipal which was introduced in 2002. Thesis in divided into three parts. In the first part author defines mayor as a local leader in the local government. In the second part article describes comparison on the collegiate community board with mayor and also author writes about advantages and disadvantages of this system. Another problem is conflict of the executive and the legislative body. In the following part we can read about limit term mayor in municipalities. The last chapter is reflections and conclusions on the introductions of direct executive authority in polish law and suggestions tending to remove the pathology in relation mayor – the municipal council.
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    Psychologiczne aspekty stosowania instytucji nadzwyczajnego obostrzenia ustawowego zagrożenia wobec sprawcy na gruncie art. 178 § 1 KK
    (Uniwersytet im. A. Mickiewicza w Poznaniu Wydział Nauk Społecznych, Instytut Filozofii UAM, 2015) Lisowska, Anna
    The pages of this publication attempt to take into account various factors that may affect the state of inebriation or intoxication of man. States depriving individual impact on their own action were also presented in the field of drug use high-grade products, as well as the capacity reduction that recognise the importance of the act or direct proceedings under their influence was predicted. Stressors were classified according to their severity in relation to the issue of the article. Mental disorders were listed that appear in response to a traumatic event. Symptoms of acute stress and its relationship with the person’s behaviour were shown. It highlighted the doubts that arise on particular issues. The possibility of settlement was signalled. At the conclusions, explored issues were summarized.
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    Character self-construction and moral principles – general theoretical framework
    (Uniwersytet im. A. Mickiewicza w Poznaniu Wydział Nauk Społecznych, Instytut Filozofii UAM, 2015) Mamali, Cătălin
    The study starts from the premise that within the dynamic of personality system character is mainly an acquired subsystem that is the outcome of self and social construction. On a continuum that represents the interaction between innate and acquired factors the study posits that character is mostly constructed while temperament is mostly given. The research is focused on long-term personal experiences that aimed explicitly to develop one’s own character. Taking into account the theoretical framework of Petersen and Seligman (2004) that distinguishes between strengths and virtues the present model of character includes three dimensions and an orienting principle. The three dimensions are: a) strength-weakness; b) goodness-evilness; c) transparency versus opacity. A strong character could be good or evil, transparent or opaque. All these dimensions are related to self-tested orienting principles such as (Truth, Love, Justice, Non-violence).