Glottodidactica, Vol. 33 (2007)

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    When Intuition Fails us: the World Wide Web as a Corpus
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2007) Scheffler, Paweł
    In some respects corpus linguistics has made a significant contribution to foreign language (L2) instruction: for example, reference tools like dictionaries and grammar books are at present enriched by various types of information derived from corpora. However, as far as teachers' and students' use of corpora is concerned, the impact of corpus linguistics has been rather limited. This article demonstrates how teachers and learners of English as a foreign language can use the World Wide Web as a corpus. More specifically, it shows how the WWW can help teachers and learners in making L2 acceptability judgements.
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    Exploring the Use of L1 in CLIL
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2007) PAPAJA, KATARZYNA
    There have always been contradicting views about whether to use the mother tongue in the foreign language classroom. The issue this paper is going to examine in more detail is the use as well as the purpose of the Polish language used in selected Content and Language Integrated Learning classrooms.
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    Current Issues in Teacher Autonomy
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2007) Wiśniewska, Danuta
    This paper provides a review of a selection of the literature in the field of English foreign language teaching related to teacher autonomy. The focus is on the core themes recurring in the literature, which comprise: rationale for teacher autonomy, definitions of the concept, descriptions of an autonomous teacher, recognition of the constraints on autonomy and suggestions for teacher education promoting teacher autonomy.
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    Глоттодидактические аспекты кросскультурного образования и коммуникации
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2007) PACHOLCZYK, TADEUSZ
    In the introductory remarks the author emphasises that intercultural education through the foreign language correlates not only with the basic assumptions of modernising the teaching/learning of foreign languages, put forward by the Council of Europe, but most of all with the humanistic aspects of the teaching content, which should aim at shaping the homo moralis and homo communicus. The following general eterminants are distinguished in the exploration of the problem: cognitive, psychological, didactic-sociocultural and pedagogical. Then the author characterises in detail the socalled base determinants, i.e. the intercultural and linguistic-cultural competencies, and discusses the factors determining the shaping of these competencies.
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    Dilemmas and Paradoxes of English Language-and-Culture Teaching: Foreign or International?
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2007) KONIECZNA, ANNA
    The article presents the many dilemmas concerning the status of English language-and-culture (as a conjoint phenomenon) and the approach to teach it in a non-native environment. It especially focuses on the alternatives of teaching English as a foreign or as an international language, pointing to the problems relating to the choice of any of these particular frameworks.
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    Entwicklung der interkulturellen Kompetenz anhand von Materialien für den Fremdsprachenunterricht
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2007) JAŃSKA, MARIA
    The article presents the methodology of foreign language coursebooks evaluation that makes it possible to verify the extent to which coursebook contents and tasks support the development of intercultural competence. The suggested criteria of coursebook analysis comprise many complex aspects that can be divided into four general categories: 1. the concept of coursebooks, 2. the relationship between language and culture, 3. intercultural competence in the process of learning and teaching a foreign language, 4. teachers as the target group of coursebooks users.
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    Möglichkeiten und Grenzen der Messung interkultureller Kompetenz
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2007) Błażek, Agnieszka
    There is no doubt that a cultural dimension is a part of the foreign language teaching. Still, the necessity of assessing learners' intercultural competence seems to be overlooked. The following article examines possibilities of assessing intercultural competence implying not only quantification and judgment but also reflecting the effectiveness of intercultural foreign language teaching. The paper gives also an insight into the limits of such kind of assessment.
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    Der Schriftsteller in medialer Kommunikation mit der Öffentlichkeit. Überlegungen aus fremdkulturwissenschaftlicher Sicht aus Anlass des 80. Geburtstags von Martin Walser
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2007) WOLTING, STEPHAN
    The present article tries to attract attention to the public appearance of one of the most famous and controversial writers in German language, Martin Walser, who celebrated his 80th birthday in 2007. On the occasion of this anniversary the essay focuses on the question of the impact and the effect of the author, not only by his works, but by his talks and speeches in the mass media too.
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    Zweitsprachenerwerbsforschung und Fremdsprachendidaktik
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2007) Sopata, Aldona
    The aim of this paper is to explore main approaches to Second Language Acquisition. In particular, current research within the linguistic, sociolinguistic and cognitive approach is presented. The paper aims at demonstrating the relevance of the studies to foreign language pedagogy.
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    Ausgewählte Aspekte der Textsorte autographes Vorwort einer wissenschaftlichen Abhandlung im Deutschen und Polnischen - Versuch einer Konfrontation
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2007) Mikołajczyk, Beata
    The purpose of this article has been to compare texts of forewords in Polish and German scientific monographs. The analysis has focused on the following selected aspects: the structure of the forward and its position in relation to other parts of the monograph, the title as well as introductory and closing remarks. It has been discovered that Polish and German authors have a radically different approach to this type of text, though judging by the fact they call their texts forewords, these texts must belong to the same category.
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    Prozeduren als Diskurshandlungen im glottodidaktischen Prozess
    The glottodidactic system is a specific communication system, in which learners acquire a language by means of a language. From the anthropological point of view language is a human property and does not exist independently of the human mind. Only texts exist independently as products of human activity created by means of internalized formation and functional rules. Hence language can be neither taught nor transmitted to the learner. Language can only be acquired by the interaction with the environment. Therefore it is of great importance for the learning process to introduce appropriate didactic procedures which help the learners to develop communication skills in authentic-like situations by means of discursive activities.
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    Issues in the Language Policy of the European Union. Motivation as a Key Factor in Promoting Language Learning
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2007) KOMOROWSKA, HANNA
    As motivation has been identified by the EU High Level Group on Multilingualism as the key factor in promoting language education, the author, herself member of HLGM, discusses a variety of approaches to motivation and presents guidelines for the promotional activity at national, regional and school levels, concentrating on its aims and procedures, identifying age groups and motives to be targeted, as well as arguments and strategies to be used in the process of eliciting and sustaining learners' motivation to study foreign languages.