Studia Edukacyjne, 2012, nr 21

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    Sprawozdanie z Ogólnopolskiej Konferencji Naukowej
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2012) Śmiałowicz, Katarzyna
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    Edukacja dzieci i młodzieży z chorobą nowotworową jako czynnik wsparcia
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2012) Deręgowska, Justyna
    Leaving biological determinism, child’s cancerous disease is nowadays presented in a humanistic way. The meaning of a proper care and therapeutic and educational effects are particularly stressed as factors that prevent the child’s development from negative effects of the disease. That’s why it is proposed, that the child should, during all stages of treatment, be exposed to comprehensive rehabilitation in both somatic and mental aspects of his life. Regarding the mental side, one of its most vital complementary parts is education, because it contains important therapeutic background and is an essential supporting factor.
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    Radzenie sobie z sytuacjami trudnymi przez młodzież z HBV
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2012) Kubiak, Hanna; Mazur-Melewska, Katarzyna; Figlerowicz, Magdalena; Służewski, Wojciech
    Infections with HBV are widespread in most countries. There has been minimal focus on coping with chronic HBV infection in adolescents, however symptoms of the disease, troublesome treatment and risk of future complications put the patients in diffi cult position. In this report we examine whether optimism is involved in mediating methods of coping with diffi cult situations connected with HBV infection affecting adolescents. There were no differences between the level of optimism and level of happiness in the studied group of young people with the chronic disease and the healthy group were noticed. Optimism changes the way of coping with HPV. The occurrence of HBV in young people does not disturb their choices of the methods of coping with life diffi culties. Optimism is a moderator in the course of action taken in diffi cult situations, including a disease.
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    „Odmłodzona” starość – implikacje podmiotowe i społeczne
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2012) Konieczna-Woźniak, Renata
    The paper concerns a problem of living through the ageing period and an issue of the old age in the world promoting youth. Juvenilization of life threatens with a discrimination and exclusion of older people. This phenomenon generates the need for elderly people to adapt to diverse aspects of modern world, for example: changes in the job market, consumption, in the media etc. The cult of youth also leads to exposing one’s corporality and creating a “somatic society”. Nevertheless, the present day creates, except for a number of social position risks for an elderly person, the chances for their whole-life development. Older people are getting more and more involved in social life, they learn, travel, decide about consumer behavior, an increasing number of them chooses active lifestyles.
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    Zachowania wyborcze młodych dorosłych w wyborach parlamentarnych i prezydenckich. Ocena wpływu podmiotów socjalizacji politycznej – na podstawie badań własnych
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2012) Pawełczyk, Piotr; Churska-Nowak, Karolina; Jankowiak, Barbara
    Political culture of the society forms in the process of political socialization. Its most important subjects are considered to be family, school, media, and In some countries also religious organization. The research carried out among the students of Poznań universities was supposed to verify this theoretical assumption and show the connection between political attitudes of the respondents and recognition the impact of particular socialization agenda. The research showed declared importance of family in case of electorate of Bronisław Komorowski and Jarosław Kaczyński in presidential election and PJN, PiS and PO in parliamentary elections. The importance of Church came out in answers of Jarosław Kaczyński and Janusz Korwin-Mikke followers in presidential election and PiS and PJN followers in parliamentary elections. The electorate of Ruch Palikota do not give high mark to the impact of family or religious organization. School and media in opinion of the respondents did not play an important role in forming their electoral behaviours. It may indicate coming social and cultural changes or it is the result of lack of awareness of these subjects’ impact.
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    Komunikacja międzypokoleniowa – rozważania wokół różnic kulturowych
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2012) Karmolińska-Jagodzik, Ewa
    The paper presents a synthesis of the broad topic relating to the notion of generation gap, which manifests itself in various spheres of human life. Particular attention is focused on those aspects of generation change which refer to the broadly conceived culture and transfer in the process of intergenerational communication. The defi nition of generation viewed from a periodic perspective is discussed; attention is paid to the specifi c character of contemporary postmodern culture in the context of its transgression and changes occurring over generations; the process of interpersonal communication is explained, with particular attention paid to the aspect of the systemic communication process; the fi nal part of the paper focuses on the need for intergenerational dialogue as a means of renewing, prolonging and ensuring cooperation between representatives of various generational cultures.
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    Nauka języka obcego dzieci w wieku przedszkolnym
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2012) Sobczak, Anita
    Nauczanie języka obcego dzieci w wieku przedszkolnym jest zagadnieniem niezwykle istotnym i trudnym. Zmusza do przemyśleń, modyfi kacji systemu edukacyjnego oraz niejednokrotnie do całkowitej reorganizacji pracy nauczyciela. Jednakże, czy proste rozwiązania stosowane w procesie edukacji kiedykolwiek dały wymierne efekty? Zawód nauczyciela winien należeć do elitarnych, a osoby do tego zawodu winno się wyłaniać drogą selekcji. Bycie nauczycielem to nie tylko zawód, to przede wszystkim powołanie. Powołanie do misji, jaką jest zaopatrywanie jednostek w wiedzę i umiejętności, pozwalające na funkcjonowanie w codziennej rzeczywistości.
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    Czy twoi studenci są refleksyjni?
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2012) Perkowska-Klejman, Anna
    This article reports the development and testing of a technique to measure the level of refl ective thinking. To ensure validity, the attributes measured were derived from extensive literature on refl ective thinking, particularly the writing of Mezirow. A combination of literature review and initial testing led to the development of a four-scale system measuring four aspects; habitual action, understanding, refl ection and critical refl ection. The polish version of the technique was tested with a sample of 49 students from a social pedagogic faculty. The reliability of the scale was established by acceptable Cronbach alpha values.
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    Pedagogie nurtów pobocznych jako etap rozwoju refleksji pedagogicznej
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2012)
    The author presents an expanded view of alternative pedagogical concepts called “contrary peda-gogies” which based on epistemological criterion were categorized by Z. Kwiecinski as “awesome pedagogies”. Various utopian ideologies included in those pedagogies infl uence the awareness and behavior of the general public. With time they fi nd their way into universal education programs. The author analyzes the term “pedagogy” and presents the role of “contrary pedagogies“ in the development of theoretical and practical education.
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    Sposoby radzenia sobie z emocjami negatywnymi na przykładzie grupy nauczycieli
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2012) Pawłowska, Beata; Chomczyński, Piotr
    The main aim of this paper is to present the results of qualitative research on emotions management strategies among teachers. The research is based on semi-structured interviews, documents analyses and observations carried out at schools and reformatories. The theoretical part of the article based on the theory of Arlie Hochschild concerning emotional supervision by workplace circumstances. Moreover we use also Theodore D. Kemper’s conception of emotions created during interactions typical for social relations. In this paper we are trying to characterize negative emotions arousing among teachers working in reformatories, primary and special schools.
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    Amerykańskie i angielskie wzory strategii awersywnych
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2012) Muskała, Maciej
    This paper presents examples of activities referring to aversive strategies applied in USA: boot camps and England: High-Intensity Training HIT. It introduces general assumptions and principles operating this penitentiary systems as well as critically evaluates the reasonability of its application.
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    Uczniowie chińscy w szkolnictwie angielskim – pomiędzy tradycyjną socjalizacją a walką o „sukces”
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2012) Gmerek, Tomasz
    The article is devoted to educational achievement of chinese pupils in english education. Special attention is paid to social, cultural and economic background of chinese students. It explores the extent to which these background factors are mediated by educational achievement and social mobility. Chinese pupils mainly from middle-class were not only highly motivated but also possesed the economic, social and cultural background to achieve educational and social success in England.
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    Społeczne funkcje szkolnictwa wyższego w RPA i konstruowanie różnicy
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2012) Hejwosz-Gromkowska, Daria
    Following the ending of apartheid, the question is asked to what extend the equity between the Blacks, Coloured and Whites was achieved. The large disproportion in school access during the apartheid period caused inequalities and marginalized especially non-Whites. After 1994 many reforms were introduced in the school system to assure equity in education among different ethnic groups. The Blacks and other ethnic groups still have worse results in the school system. The research data show that many of the Blacks still attend to the poor schools where they received worse quality of education, while the Whites have an access to well-equipped schools. Thus the chances of the latter to achieve high position on the social ladder are better. Despite the fact that enrollment in higher education increased among these groups, still many of them do not graduated from the universities and technikons. The researchers also point out that not only race is the most important factor in the social stratifi cation but also socio-economic status. Moreover, some of them see that in the South Africa there is (de)segregation in the school system because of these two mentioned factors. In this paper I made an attempt to reconstruct the social function of the education in post-apartheid era. I also try to answer to the question why there is a gap between school achievement among the Blacks and the Whites. I analyze and discuss the main factors which infl uence to the access to higher education.
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    Apolitical politics and political reality (Masaryk‘s humanity of historical moment)
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2012) Hrušková, Lenka; Somr, Miroslav
    Humanist Masaryk made every effort to persuade heads and hearts; he created an image of a citizen and civil society by philosophy of humanity and apolitical politics. Masaryk‘s apolitical politics interfered with the political reality and economic instability of the state built in the spirit of democratic humanism.
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    Die größte Minderheit in Europa und die Problematik ihrer Ausbildung im tschechischen Schulsystem. Soziokulturelle Hintergründe des schulischen Misserfolges von Roma-Kindern und Jugendlichen
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2012) Procházka, Miroslav; Jílková, Hana
    The text is focused on the social and cultural determinants of the school failure of Romani children and young adults in Czech Republic. The complicated educational situation, as well as integration diffi culties of Romani students was analyzed both internally and externally, including e.g. the European Union’s recommendations concerning the national Roma integration strategies. The challenges faced by Romani students in the classroom of a ‘mainstream’ school system were addressed from the perspective of everyday school practice. Special attention was put on views and experiences of teachers with the inclusive Roma education in Czech Republic.
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    Znaczenie sporu między „starym” i „nowym” kierunkiem oświaty ludowej w Republice Weimarskiej – wnioski dla andragogiki
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2012) Solarczyk-Szwec, Hanna
    Socio-political transformations in Germany at the turn of the 60s and 70s in the 19th c. strengthened a belief in a signifi cant role of education in the consolidation of their achievements. During the Weimar Republic (1919-1933), favourable political and legal conditions were created for the development of a pluralistic system of popular education. An extensive practice of adult education enforced the fi rst institutional measures in the fi eld of its professionalisation and in giving it a scientifi c character. In this spirit, research and scientifi c discussions were initiated. In the activities took an active part educational and academic activists, promoting results of the scientifi c work in the periodical press and book publications. In the Weimar Republic, the discussion turned into a dispute between the “old” and the “new” directions in popular education, which I have made the subject of this analysis, and its aim – an indication of the signifi cance of this dispute for the development of German andragogy at that time and its consequences for the present.
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    Edukacja obywatelska w świetle współczesnych przemian koncepcji obywatelstwa w państwie narodowym
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2012) Hildebrandt-Wypych, Dobrochna
    The general aim of the article is to describe the infl uence of diverse interpretations of citizenship in a pluralistic society on the new meanings of citizenship education a contemporary nation-state. The theoretical background for the study is the social constructivist perspective. The article begins with the brief description of the multidimentional infl uence of globalization on a nation-state and citizenship, followed by the discussion on one of its key consequences: the shifting concept of citizenship in the – currently in crisis – European nation-state and welfare state. The key research question of the article concerns the infl uence of the growing diversity and fl exibility of the citizenship ideals and norms on citizenship education. What citizen is the contemporary school supposed to shape and what are the current challenges and development paths within citizenship education? The answers to these questions are searched with reference to the T. McLaughlin conception of maximal minimal citizenship and the interpretative character of the democratic citizenship. One of the key controversies concerning school as a place for learning democracy is the balance between – on one side – equipping young people with the socially and culturally adequate knowledge and skills for „a good citizenship” and – on the other – developing a sense of national community around a shared common identity. The clash between the minimal and maximal (including e.g. global citizenship ideas) concept of citizenship education brings up the necessity for the educational consensus on the virtues recognized in the public sphere, especially in the light of the growing social, ethnical and cultural diversity in contemporary societies. The growing interconnectedness of national and global citizenship leads to the more advanced (deeper) understanding of the latter: not only as an ethical concept, but also as a practical way of participating in a liberal democracy.
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    Studia Edukacyjne - spis treści
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2010)