Środkowoeuropejskie Studia Polityczne, 2021, nr 3


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    Bezpieczeństwo edukacyjne dzieci cudzoziemskich jako element bezpieczeństwa kulturowego
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Wydziału Nauk Politycznych i Dziennikarstwa UAM, 2021) Orłowska, Beata A.
    Celem artykułu jest zwrócenie uwagi na kwestię gwarantowania bezpieczeństwa edukacyjnego dla cudzoziemskich dzieci. Trudności po stronie uczniów, szkolnych administracji czy nauczycieli świadczą o tym, że nie można ich zignorować. Nie można też pominąć bezpieczeństwa kulturowego, będącego podstawą bezpieczeństwa edukacyjnego. Artykuł został podzielony na kilka głównych części. Pierwsza stanowi wprowadzenie do zagadnienia bezpieczeństwa kulturowego i edukacyjnego. Kolejne części zawierają próby wyszczególnienia obszarów wsparcia dla cudzoziemskich uczniów w celu podjęcia dyskusji na temat sytuacji cudzoziemskich dzieci w polskich szkołach.
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    Budżet zadaniowy w gminie jako sposób na racjonalne gospodarowanie środkami publicznymi
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Wydziału Nauk Politycznych i Dziennikarstwa UAM, 2021) Antkowiak, Paweł
    Funkcjonowanie gminy oparte jest na posiadanym potencjale finansowym, a przede wszystkim zaś na racjonalnym gospodarowaniu pieniądzem publicznym. Problematyka zarządzania finansami jest jednym z najważniejszych zagadnień dotyczących funkcjonowania jednostek samorządu terytorialnego i stanowi żywy przedmiot zainteresowania nie tylko teoretyków, ale również praktyków. Sytuacja finansowa oraz zwiększający się zakres wykonywanych zadań publicznych sprawia, iż władze samorządowe zaczynają coraz wyraźniej dostrzegać ekonomiczne aspekty swojej działalności. Coraz większą rolę w zarządzaniu lokalnym odgrywa więc racjonalne i efektywne zarządzanie środkami finansowymi. Przedmiotem niniejszego opracowania jest budżet zadaniowy, który może się stać efektywnym sposobem racjonalnego gospodarowania pieniądzem publicznym na poziomie gminy.
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    A System for Securing the Durabilityn and Effectiveness of the Three Seas Initiative
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Wydziału Nauk Politycznych i Dziennikarstwa UAM, 2021) Lorek, Artur Marcin
    Abstract The purpose of this article is to evaluate the security system for the durability and effectiveness of the Three Seas Initiative as an informal union of Central European countries. The author diagnoses a set of elements that constitute potential ‘fuses’ for implementing the goals set by 3SI: embedding the Initiative’s priorities within strategic EU programmes, informalization and decentralization of cooperation, and development of mutual business and economic cooperation. The analysis of the security system has been embedded in the context of contemporary challenges faced by Europe. In order to verify the problem of security mechanisms, desk research was carried out, which consisted of a system (political) analysis and elements of strategic analysis. The result of the research work was to determine the mutual interaction and conditioning of the individual pillars of the durability and effectiveness of 3SI. Thus, evidence was carried out for the legitimacy of recognizing the three previously defined aspects as crucial for the effective operation of the Three Seas Initiative.
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    State Security as Exemplified by the Offense of Espionage Under Polish Law
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Wydziału Nauk Politycznych i Dziennikarstwa UAM, 2021) Rosicki, Remigiusz
    The scope of the research problem encompasses selected issues concerning the content and sense of the elements characterizing the offense of espionage in Polish criminal law. In the legislation currently in force, the offense of espionage is criminalized under Art. 130 § 1–4 of the Criminal Code. The main purpose of the analysis is to perform a substantive criminal examination of the offense of espionage under Polish law, considering a practical case study and an assessment of the legal provisions regarding state security. In order to elaborate the material scope of the research problem and present the conclusions, the paper asks the following research questions: (1) To what extent are the de lege lata legal solutions in Poland effective in counteracting espionage offenses?, (2) What de lege ferenda solutions ought to be proposed to improve effective counteraction of espionage offenses? The paper includes an institutional and legal analysis aided by textual, functional, and historical interpretations, supplemented with the author’s conclusions and opinions concerning de lege lata and de lege ferenda solutions. The institutional and legal analysis is supplemented with a case study of espionage activity. The case study helps consider selected legal problems and presents example legal classifications of the described acts associated with espionage activity.
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    Trumpism as an Alternative Look at the Great America
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Wydziału Nauk Politycznych i Dziennikarstwa UAM, 2021) Grubov, Volodymyr; Svynarenko, Valerii; Khraban, Igor
    The article analyzes the phenomenon of “Trumpism,” which brought hopes for its renewal and expectation of changes into traditional American politics. “Trumpism” swung at the power of the Deep State and showed America that it is historically, mentally, culturally, and economically fragmented. The paternalism of American democrats toward a certain part of the country’s population, which Trump positions as “communism,” opposes the true America, which is personified by the states of the “rusty belt” and its working class. “Trumpism” sees the true rebirth of America in a policy of sound national egoism and in America’s focus on itself. For opponents of President Donald Trump, his return to power means another immersion of the ruling elite in the fight against many unknown things, when the political “behind the scenes” has already come out of the shadows and has shown its actual goals.
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    Globalization/Human Safety: A Biopolitical Approach
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Wydziału Nauk Politycznych i Dziennikarstwa UAM, 2021) Kravets, Anastasia
    Biopolitics focuses on the impact of globalization on the well-being of the individual and society as a whole. Accordingly, issues of human security and the threats posed by the process of globalization, as well as the transition from a disciplinary regime to a regime of governance at the global level, which, based on democratic values and liberal norms, are raised. That is why the problem of social justice and equality is solved. The issue of human safety within global governance should be emphasized. It is about a sense of security as a basic human need. Moreover, it is about the global security necessary for the survival and reproduction of humanity as a whole. As well as the study of potential socio-political consequences of the development of biotechnology and genetic engineering in the global dimension. This huge set of issues must be concretized, systematized, and logically structured through the analysis of the impact of globalization on the state of the individual, its relationship with the concept of bios; introduction at the international level of the doctrines of social justice, protection of human and civil rights at the global level; study of potential socio-political consequences of the development of biotechnology in the global dimension; introduction of new biopolitical models of power, governance and international relations; analysis of the theory of global evolution.
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    The Religious Freedom in Crimea During the Russian Occupation
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Wydziału Nauk Politycznych i Dziennikarstwa UAM, 2021) Denysenko, Kseniia; Kovtun, Olena
    The article deals with the problem of religious freedom in Crimea after the occupation of the Peninsula by Russian military forces in February 2014 and the annexation of Crimea by the Russian Federation. The subject matter of the study is religious freedom in Crimea during the Russian occupation since 2014. The systematic and the structural approach allow the authors to see the entire picture of religious freedoms violation on the Peninsula. The study hypothesizes that with the occupation and annexation of Crimea, Russia brought the collapse of the religious pluralism and freedom that Ukrainians had experienced since 1991. In this paper, the authors cover a wide range of issues such as torture of religious activists, destruction and the illegal seizure of religious property, persecution of Ukrainians on political and religious grounds, deportation of Crimea’s population to the mainland of Ukraine. The research establishes that the occupiers created unbearable conditions for religious freedom, the lives of many clergymen and believers appeared to be in great danger. Different religious communities, especially the representatives of the Orthodox Church of Ukraine (the OCU), Crimean Muslim Tatars, suffered significantly from applying Russia’s severe criminal and administrative requirements. The analysis allows seeing the complete picture of religious discrimination of different denominations and cruel religious persecution in the annexed Crimea beginning from February 2014 till nowadays.