Filozofia Publiczna i Edukacja Demokratyczna, 2013, Tom 2 Nr 1

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    Redakcja / Rada Naukowa / Strona tytułowa / Editors & Editorial Board / Title page
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Instytutu Filozofii, 2013)
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    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Instytutu Filozofii, 2013)
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    Profesora Marka Jana Siemka imperium filozofii prawa
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Instytutu Filozofii, 2013) Nowak, Ewa
    In his philosophical opus Marek J. Siemek not only revisited Hegelian two-stage developmental model of the law. He also created his own legal philosophy which is rooted in the tragic conflict of Greek Sittlichkeit. Siemek, however, clearly demonstrates how can an abstract legal system achieve its ethical (sittliche) qualities at modern times, as being mediated by the structures of reciprocal recognition. Siemek’s unique proposal belongs to the neo-positivist and, at the same time, to the post-positivist approaches of the law. The author focuses on the intellectual potential of Siemek’s legal and social thinking as well as on his concept of philosophizing in the era of permanent crisis we experience again today
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    Syn i ojciec w „Bojaźni i drżeniu” Sørena Kierkegaarda
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Instytutu Filozofii, 2013) Szabat, Marta
    This article concerns events of the Old Testament – Yahweh commands Abraham to sacrifice his only son – Isaac – on Mount Moriah. This passage from the Old Testament, from the Book of Genesis, became the basis of Søren Kierkegaard’s considerations in Fear and Trembling. In the text I refer to, on the one hand, Kierkegaard’s considerations, while on the other hand I try to identify other possible interpretive tropes that could be useful, for example, during classes on the subject of faith or the status of ethical dilemmas in the modern world.
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    Spór o naturę świadomości
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Instytutu Filozofii, 2013) Polcyn, Karol
    Although phenomenal consciousness resists explanation in physical terms, it remains an open question whether or not consciousness is an intrinsically physical phenomenon since it remains an open question whether or not conscious states are identical with physical states. This question is one of the key issues of debate in contemporary philosophy of mind. Here I survey some of the key arguments designed to show that conscious states are not physical states. I argue that materialists have no satisfactory response to those arguments.
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    „Stoisz prosty albo cię prostują”. Psychosomatyczne podstawy racjonalistycznych praktyk stoickich
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Instytutu Filozofii, 2013) Mazur, Tomasz
    The essay discusses popular rationalistic interpretation of stoic spiritual practices as rational control over nonrational aspects of human life. On the course of analyzing ancient stoics texts and recommendations concerning a good life the essay proves that the word “controlling” is not really proper translation of stoic intentions. Much better picture is of reason that takes care of condition of body and soul, or of reason that follows body and soul. Stoic reason is a tool for understanding and nursing nod controlling. Thus the ideal for stoic life is not reason but harmony, which is the best way of translating ancient Greek word tonos.
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    Filozofia wychowania jako filozofia
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Instytutu Filozofii, 2013) Walczak, Paweł
    In the article the Author analyzes different ways of understanding and practicing the philosophy of education. This analysis leads to the conclusion that methodological status of philosophy of education is indefinite, and this is an important issue that should be considered. The Author proposes to distinguish the pedagogical philosophy of education from the philosophy of education as a philosophy in the strict sense. The purpose of pedagogical reflection is to improve the process of education. The goal of philosophy is to understand the nature and essence of education, therefore it is a purely theoretical purpose. The Author refers to the classical approach of philosophy being love of wisdom, according to which the philosophy is a disinterested contemplation of truth.
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    Logika i praktyka. Z badań nad życiem Kazimierza Ajdukiewicza
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Instytutu Filozofii, 2013) Gan-Krzywoszyńska, Katarzyna; Leśniewski, Piotr
    The paper introduces unique excerpts from Kazimierz Ajdukiewicz’s correspondence, which illustrate the reasons why his stance on sustaining courses in logic as mandatory classes was so uncompromising. Authors also briefly sketch their own position on this matter. Additionally, a model partition of philosophical issues with reference to the Stoic division is described.
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    Obszary aksjologiczne we współczesnych organizacjach
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Instytutu Filozofii, 2013) Wojewódzki, Tadeusz
    Many problems of contemporary organizations originate in the area of axiology. In management practice, however, the problem of values is often reduced to stimulus-motivation of behavior and does not exceed the paradigm of socio-technical effectiveness. This is why strictly axiological problems are not identified and recognized as axiological but are often referred to in terms of their technical or economic consequences. In result, management practice deals rather with effects than actual causes of experienced problems. From the point of view of methodology of decision-making such state-of-affairs requires intervention. There are at least two ways to recommend changes with respect to such situation. First one, direct way, involves promoting axiological reflection among managers. Second one, the indirect, seeks to stimulate axiological consciousness through management consulting products that are built on essential axiological theory. The following paper focuses on the second of above-mentioned ways and discusses particular consulting product called MSE™. On the one hand, the cognitive benefits of application of the MSE™ consist in implementation and validation of theory of integrated humanities in organizational context. Practical benefits, on the other hand, rely on opportunities emerging from MSE™ that allow for diagnosis of intellectual-mental infrastructure of contemporary organizations and changes recommendation resulting therefrom.
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    Debata: Po co nam prawa człowieka?
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Instytutu Filozofii, 2013) Cern, Karolina M.; Nowak, Andrzej W.; Przybyszewski, Krzysztof; Juchacz, Piotr W.
    The debate Why do we need human rights? took place on April 10th, 2013 at the Faculty of Social Sciences, Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań. It was a part of the conference Philosophy is changing the world! organized under the auspices of Public Philosophy & Democratic Education journal. The participants of the debate were the youth from middle and high schools in Poznań and Greater Poland and invited experts from the Institute of Philosophy, AMU: Dr. Karolina M. Cern, Dr. Andrzej W. Nowak, Dr. Krzysztof Przybyszewski. Discussion was moderated by Dr. Piotr W. Juchacz. Youth was asking, inter alia, about what human rights are and how freedom is understood within human rights; whether human rights are associated with the European culture or have universal character; whether international documents relating to human rights are fully respected in Poland; and whether attempts at restricting the access to certain content on the Internet is a violation of human rights.
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    Generowanie obcości, czyli recenzja współczesnej polskiej szkoły
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Instytutu Filozofii, 2013) Stanek, Bartosz
    The article suggests the need for education, which is free of indoctrination and imposition of authority. Changes that occurred in the Polish educational system during last twenty five years created a subtle form of indoctrination. In such situation an ethical education becomes especially necessary to develop in pupils critical thinking and shape the humanistic attitude.
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    Szkic o edukacji współpracy
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Instytutu Filozofii, 2013) Przybył Orłowski, Bartosz
    The new model of philosophical education that functions in Polish schools requires a change. In order to adapt teaching of philosophy to the needs and expectations of students it is necessary to introduce new educational method. Learning should refer to practical problems and solutions using the project method. The use of this method in education of cooperation brings extraordinary effects. Thanks to that students activate themselves socially, they become more aware of the philosophical problems, and independently develop their curiosity about the world.
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    Edukacja demokratyczna a kreatywność
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Instytutu Filozofii, 2013) Michałowska, Danuta A.
    In democratic education should be used special forms and methods of teaching and learning. One of such method is drama, which stimulates creativity and self-expression. The results of the research showed, that drama is an effective teaching and learning method by experience, because it stimulates both the cognitive and affective development. Moreover, teaching through drama helps young people to become receptive to values and to shape their own system of values. Drama with elements of the psychodrama can be simultaneously applied as the method of the democratic education and as the method of upbringing in ethical and philosophical development.
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    Herakles, Jezus Chrystus i Lord Vader na rozstajnych drogach. O etycznym przesłaniu metody LEGO-LOGOS
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Instytutu Filozofii, 2013) Spychała, Jarosław Marek
    The article is devoted to the myth of ‘Hercules at the crossroads’ and its ethical aspects. The myth was created in circles of Pythagoreans, and was kind of incentives to the right – according to the Pythagoreans – way of life. The echoes of the myth we can find in Plato’s philosophy, the life of Christ, as well as in popular movies such as Star Wars or The Matrix. The author of article adapts the myth of Hercules in their philosophical workshops ΛΕΓΩ-ΛΟΓΟΣ (LEGO–LOGOS). During the workshops ΛΕΓΩ-ΛΟΓΟΣ, participants read the texts of various philosophers: Plato’s, Aristotle’s, Cicero’s, Marcus Aurelius’, and later thinkers’: Leonardo Da Vinci’s, Descartes’ and others’. All texts are selected by a philosophical key, with a strong ethical message in the background built on the canvas of the myth of Hercules at the crossroads. This idea is presented by the author in order to illustrate its meaning with the help of classical philosophy and modern, philosophically saturated movies.
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    Dobro wspólne i edukacja włączająca. Przyczynek do dyskusji o rozwoju kompetencji społecznych, kulturowych i międzykulturowych
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Instytutu Filozofii, 2013) Wester, Jutta H.; Alba, C. Loyo; Wróblewicz, Agnieszka
    The authors of this article assume that educational processes constitute an indispensable foundation of a just and supportive society based on such values as friendship, freedom, equality, solidarity, and common good. That is why the article problematizes the development of social, cultural, and intercultural competences in the plans and structures of education in formal educational institutions. The authors refer to a new definition of the classical concept of “common good”, formed in the context of political ethics, and attempt to understand the dimensions of “education for common good” or “inclusive education”.
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    Edukacja, zdolności i sprawiedliwość społeczna
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Instytutu Filozofii, 2013) Unterhalter, Elaine; Bardziński, Filip
    The capability approach, as developed in the work of Amartya Sen, provides a very useful way to think about social justice and its particular component, gender equality in education. The capability approach is concerned with evaluating social policy, including education, without ignoring individual aspirations or dictating social bench marks. Sen’s work on capabilities developed out of a critical engagement with welfare economics. Therefore the article, firstly, introduces the reader to the capability approach’s template, secondly, employs this template to provide arguments for articulating gender equality and equity in education taking a critical stance towards the welfare economics based approach to evaluating social policy in education, thirdly, it also illustrates capabilities approach’s contribution to debates on social justice.