Neodidagmata, nr 23, 1997

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    Roman Schulz. Studia z innowatyki pedagogicznej, Wyd. Uniwersytetu M. Kopernika w Toruniu, Toruń 1996.
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM w Poznaniu, 1997) Kaczmarek, Żanetta
    Recenzje i sprawozdania z książek
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    Kazimierz Denek, Wycieczki we współczesnej szkole, Wyd. „Eruditus", Poznań 1997, ss. 272.
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM w Poznaniu, 1997) Dymara, Bronisława
    Recenzje i sprawozdania z książek
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    Lubomira Domka, Kryzys środowiska a edukacja dla ekorozwoju, Wyd. Nauk. UAM, Poznań 1996, ss. 156.
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM w Poznaniu, 1997) Kośmicki, Eugeniusz
    Recenzje i sprawozdania z książek
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    Kazimierz Denek, Na wakacyjnych szlakach, Wyd. Adam Marszałek, Toruń 1996, ss. 240.
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM w Poznaniu, 1997) Semków, Jerzy
    Recenzje i sprawozdania z książek
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    John Adcock, In place of schools, New Education Press Ltd, Londyn 1994, ss. 112.
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM w Poznaniu, 1997) Dylak, Stanisław
    Recenzje i sprawozdania z książek
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    Specyfika skali ważonych ocen
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM w Poznaniu, 1997) Ubermanowicz, Stanisław
    The author describes the essence and characteristics of the novel surveying evaluation scale of the educational process. Balancing between quality, intensity and conclusiveness of expressions is a selective clue to choose indicators i.e. stimulus ascertainments to the survey. On the basis of empirical studies of "Informatics Culture" (computer experience and cognizance) the author discusses quantitative parameters of the scale and the way of representing them in practice. Special attention was paid to a contextual representation of results, to the vector method of the appraisal value of alteration in time; and to the issues of inter-group comparability of the process effects.
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    IInformacyjne wspomaganie oświaty
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM w Poznaniu, 1997) Majorek, Bogdan
    In view of a constant growth of writings on didactic and educational problems it is necessary to create an efficient system of scientific educational information. This system will provide creative teachers with materials that will facilitate the selection and access to materials that will enrich the teachers' methodological base and their own intellectual potential by means of a network of school and pedagogical libraries. Such well-organized and efficiently operating system at the level of the school superintendent's office, whose links will be educational institutions as well as those that improve teaching methods of the teaching staff, may be of great information and practical importance in the present age of rapid transformations. It will become an instrument that will make contact with pedagogical writings and improvement of qualifications of the teaching staff possible.
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    Wydawnictwa CD-ROM w Polsce
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM w Poznaniu, 1997) Topol, Paweł
    CD-ROM technology becomes cheaper, and consequently more available. The number of CD-drives sold in Poland has doubled within a year. Most computer shops in Poland offer nowadays the so-called multimedia sets, which additionally contain: a CD-ROM drive, a sound card, speakers and appropriate software. This creates new opportunities for Polish producers of CD-packages. The first part of the article describes briefly the hardware-software development of CD-technology. The second part deals with main applications of CD-ROM in education. A division of CD educational software is presented and some typical examples are given. The third (the main) part of the article gives a comprehensive and up-to-date list of Polish CD-ROM packages available on the market (Dec. '96/Jan'97). The whole list covers almost thirty titles: 14 packages for language learning, 8 encyclopedias and thematical databases, 3 dictionaries and a few other programs. Each title is described for its characteristic features and capabilities. A selected bibliography is given and a number of supplementary readings. Part four of the article lists those packages which are either being developed now, or are announced by the producers themselves to be published soon. The last few paragraphs deal with some perspectives of CD-ROM production from the technical point of view.
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    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM w Poznaniu, 1997) Dałek, Krystyna
    In the paper, the creation of new media for individualised learning of mathematics is presented. The actions research, during which these new materials, called didactic cards, arose are described. The experiments presented confirmed the assumption that individualised learning of mathematics in Polish schools is possible and feasible, if the appropriate media are adequately structured and prepared.
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    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM w Poznaniu, 1997) Kujawska, Maria
    The article deals with drama, one of the new in Poland, unconventional methods used in the teaching of history in Polish schools. Due to a variety of issues which lie within the theoretical scope of the method, the first part of the article presents the background, theoretical assumptions and functions of drama. The forthcoming article will cover a detailed discussion of drama techniques, together with some inspirations for their creative application during history lessons.
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    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM w Poznaniu, 1997) Kokot, Urszula
    Tliis article is an attempt at evaluation of textbooks considering their presentation of medical issues. For appraising it was analysed whether the subject-matter presented in the books is really based on practical needs in foreign-language contacts. Hypothetical needs of a foreigner in situations requiring medical assistance were presented. Thirty textbooks published over a period of almost thirty years underwent close examination. It turned out, that only a few of them meet the required criterion and most of the textbooks do not. They present material for receptive studies or they introduce trivial vocabulary. The most typical situations concerning health and related vocabulary are presented in German Conversation Manual by J. Borysiuk, as well as in a German textbook Themen 1 and Quick German Course by J. Iluk. The best specialist book is Deutsch im Krankenhaus meant for nurses intending to work in German-speaking countries. These textbooks are worthy of recommendation.
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    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM w Poznaniu, 1997) Wieczorkowski, Kazimierz
    The paper describes some problems of the application of computers, telecommunication, films, television, CD-ROMs in education. The distance education represents a variety of educational models that have in common the physical separation of the faculty member and some or all the students. The distance education uses different technologies: correspondence, film, radio, television, computers, multimedia, telecommunications, videoconferences etc. The results of the survey conducted in computer network are presented. The positive and negative factors of the development of distance education methods are considered. The second part of these results published in Culture and Education No 3/1996.
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    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM w Poznaniu, 1997) Głowacka, Alicja
    This article includes researches relating to senders of programs which generalise science - 1 and II program of Polish Television in weekly time-table. There can be found an elaboration of percentage part of such programs in all day and week emission. Specific domains of science presenting on Polish Television has been taken into consideration. There have been also separated eight forms of presentation of science with concentration on characteristic features of programs which generalise science.
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    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM w Poznaniu, 1997) Skulimowska, Agnieszka
    After a pedagogical experiment the author compares the activity of primary teaching students, during experimental lessons and while discussing them afterwards, lessons taught in traditional ways and those recorded and watched on video. The students' insight during the experimental and traditional classes was also discussed.
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    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM w Poznaniu, 1997) Karolczak-Biernacka, Barbara
    The goal of the author's studies on teachers of various secondary schools was to find out how teachers evaluate from the point of view of their professional role both themselves and teachers in general as far as moral and social features are concerned and in connection with the standards they have set for themselves. The results obtained indicate that in the teachers' consciousness there is a picture of their own "deficiencies", full of personal and professional shortcomings. This consciousness may act as a self-strengthening factor which justifies the lack of adaptation to the personal model of teacher.
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    Od podręcznika konwencjonalnego do elektronicznego (podręcznik w świecie mediów)
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM w Poznaniu, 1996) Skrzypczak, Józef
    The paper gives a reflection on the future of the workbook in educational processes, and its evolution. The author assumes that the workbook will continue to play an important role in education, however, its future shape will change in the newborn audiovisual culture. The author claims that Prof. Leja's remarks regarding the so called audiovisual workbook should be considered in publications dealing with valuable electronic workbooks.
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    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM w Poznaniu, 1997) Strykowski, Wacław
    This article is concerned with theoretical and empirical research range of educational technology. The following fields of research have been distinguished: - gathering theoretical knowledge, -diagnosing educational reality, - designing optimal solutions, - verification and spreading of the projects.
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    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM w Poznaniu, 1997) Muszyński, Heliodor
    The article takes up the issue of the development and shape of general pedagogy as a sub-discipline within pedagogical sciences. The author provides a critical analysis of views describing reasons for its crisis in Poland. Falsity of those views was caused by applying the ipsative approach, requiring to consider a given phenomenon as a unique one. The application of the normative approach allows to use a broader perspective in a few aspects: global (the range of the whole discipline), study of science (covering changes in science as a whole), and evolution (considering phenomena in their historical continuity and change). The analysis described allows to distinguish some steps in the development of science, which can be fully applied to the case of general pedagogy in reference to one country (Poland).
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    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM w Poznaniu, 1997)