Neodidagmata, nr 25/26, 2003

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    Paweł Topol, Intermedialne nauczanie języka obcego, Wyd. Nauk. UAM, Poznań 2003, ss. 140
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM w Poznaniu, 2003) Sobkowiak, Włodzimierz
    Recenzje i sprawozdania z książek
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    Wacław Strykowski, Justyna Strykowska, Józef Pielachowski, Kompetencje nauczyciela szkoły współczesnej, Wyd. eMPi2 s.c., Poznań 2003, ss. 180.
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM w Poznaniu, 2003) Smal, Tomasz
    Recenzje i sprawozdania z książek
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    Ch. Newbold , O. Boyd -Barrett, H. van den Bulek (ed.), The Media Book, Londyn 2002, Arnold, ss. 445
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM w Poznaniu, 2003) Ławniczak, Joanna
    Recenzje i sprawozdania z książek
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    Wykorzystanie Internetu w edukacji i pracy osób niewidomych
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM w Poznaniu, 2003) Łukanowska, Natalia
    The article deals with using Internet by the blind in their education (especially - in finding information) and work. By using a computer with appropriate software and hardware the visually impaired user can be given access to standard resources. For example, speech synthesis can read a word-processed file to a blind person without the need to have it translated into Braille. Internet also enables the blind to take part in teleeducation and telework.
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    Nowe technologicznie realizacje telewizyjne i ich walory edukacyjne
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM w Poznaniu, 2003) Michałowski, Marian
    The technological development and its influence on the whole social life in multiform way leads to necessity of exploring problems connected with electronic audio-visual transmission, characterised by migration from analog technology to digital pictures generated by computers; in other words from technical reproduction to computer simulation (many times much more attractive than real life and world). Actually digital technology extorts changes and there is necessary to recognise its features and consequences - the potential chances and threats of electronic images are the challenges for present science, especially in the humanistic area. The main problem is the lack of insufficient theory for performing science researches in methodologically proper way. Television and its programme streams create educational space for the spectators and therefore it seems reasonable to examine the usefulness of TV productions (with participation of new technology) what allows to enrich theory, to elaborate principles for practice and probably to qualify further proper development.
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    Czynnościowe kształtowanie pojęć
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM w Poznaniu, 2003) Ubermanowicz, Stanisław; Bielawska, Hanna
    The article describes a method of providing a school lesson with concept shaping in the form of practical acting. The subject matter comprises such terminology of computer science as: organization of information, concatenation of files, hierarchy of tasks, structuring of data, visualizing of data, conversion of formats, algorithmization of problems, and implementation of ideas. Concept defining is compared with operational defining. A functional procedure of interiorization of concepts is offered.
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    Style nauczania nauczycieli przyrody jako przedmiot badań
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM w Poznaniu, 2003) Czapla, Małgorzata
    The social transformations have led to changes in education process. The issue of teaching style is often raised in discussions about education. This article attempts to define the teaching style of selected science teachers and show such characteristics of teaching style, which would allow us to reveal and describe the teaching style of science teacher. The description of various approaches to teaching, as well as definition of the teaching style’s framework of variability will be helpful in predicting future directions and perspectives of the science teaching process.
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    Efektywność elementarnej edukacji matematycznej wspomaganej komputerowo w pracy korekcyjno-wyrównawczej
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM w Poznaniu, 2003) Kaczmarek, Żanetta
    The main subject of this work is the elementary mathematical education, however, not in the context of lesson’s process but as a realisation in corrective-levelling forms for children who at the beginning of their school career have specific difficulties in understanding mathematical terms. This phenomenon is getting more and more common - we can even speak about a specific mathematical phobia. In this article I want to demonstrate the results of investigation trying to find an answer to the questions: 1) what kind of influence has the teaching which is assisted with a computer for the elimination of difficulties for children aged 7-10 in mathematical education taking place in corrective levelling lessons, 2) in what scale education assisting with a computer during corrective-levelling lessons fulfils motivation function for children in younger school age according to overcome difficulties in mathematical education. So, the subject of this investigation is to examine the efficiency of the didactic-educational process taking place in corrective levelling lessons and examine the probable influence of the computer on the sphere of attitude in the process of elimination of educational difficulties.
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    Propozycja badań naukowych dla nauczyciela
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM w Poznaniu, 2003) Kabat, Małgorzata
    St. Żeromski’s words reflect the meaning of current knowledge that lays a certain way of thinking referring to reality and conducted research. The beginning of the 21st century, together with its informational technology, led teachers to adopt what St. Palka calls the attitude of a researcher who can construct the hypotheses or scientific facts resulting from practical or theoretical activity (or both). Facts can be confirmed or invalidated thanks to the following: diagnostic research, experimental or evaluative research, verification research, action research and others. Getting to know these types of research and obtaining certain pieces of information from them enables us to introduce modifications and improvements into the educational process. This entails certain specific tasks in teacher’s educational process. This article concerns the following problems: - the presentation o f image of today’s teacher and of the factors that are essential and that make the realization of professional development difficult, what follows is the discussion of selected research, - the process of professional training and improvement of teacher’s research skills, - the presentation o f proposals Donald Medley’s "triangular projects models” of the teacher’s effective work - an alternative that teachers can use in the acquiring of research competence.
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    Kazimierz Denek, Aksjologiczne aspekty edukacji szkolnej, Wyd. A. Marszałek, Toruń 1999, ss. 196
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM w Poznaniu, 2003) Zając, Antoni
    Recenzje i sprawozdania z książek
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    Media violence and self-reported hostility in adolescents
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM w Poznaniu, 2003) Jankowiak, John; Olson, George
    Celeni podjętych badań było zbadanie percepcji mediów oraz wrogości i przemocy w szkole. Badaniami objęto 527 uczniów szkół średnich z czterech okręgów szkolnych w północnej Karolinie. Młodzież pytano o spostrzeganie mediów oraz wrogości - złości, agresji oraz cynizmu. Wyniki badań generalnie potwierdzają założenie, że oglądanie mediów wzbudzających emocje, może prowokować naśladowanie. Wzmaganie ofert i aktywności związanej z grami komputerowymi (z elementami przemocy), oglądanie programów telewizyjnych z przemocą może wzmacniać wrogość i bójki w szkole. Przyszłe badania powinny koncentrować się na przewidywaniu, jak bardzo wrogość oglądana w mediach odzwierciedla się w przemocy w szkole. Bardzo ważne jest też uczenie się radzenia sobie z wrogością w szkole, stąd wskazane byłoby włączanie tej problematyki do programów szkolnych.
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    Uwarunkowania interakcji w klasie szkolnej
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM w Poznaniu, 2003) Wach-Kąkolewicz, Anna
    The aim of the following article is to point at some conditions of interaction in the class. The author show the growing need of developing communication competence which is the use of the language as a medium and the tool of thinking in the educational process. Also, comparing the traditional instruction and the new way of teaching (constructivism theory), the author shows an important and basic role of social interaction in the learning environment (Wygotski L. & Bruner J.) The paper presents and discusses some important external and internal conditions which may have an influence on interaction in the communication process between students and the teacher.
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    Na pograniczu dyscyplin naukowych. Informatyka a pedagogika
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM w Poznaniu, 2003) Lipowski, Mikołaj Ł.
    At the doorway of the 21s1 century we face a very important challenge - how to take advantage of one of the greatest achievements of man’s invention of the 20th century and put it into practical use on everyday basis. This relates to the microelectronic world of science. The discovery of microelectronic technology allows to produce machines on a mass scale which are called computers. In spite of the fact that the address (applicational) field of these machines grows from day to day and our planet is surrounded by a network of data highways, we still don’t know enough about how to take advantage of the computer world to support the educational process. These have been present for many years now (computers) but the constant stream of information which could be selected as part of education being supported by computers, has created a complex arrangement of information networks. From this point of view, the potential and identifiable numbers of the structural and methodological solutions are growing, thus allowing the achievement of assigned educational targets. We have a problem, however, which consists in the fact that the greater the number of these solutions present, the more difficult an equivocal decision - meaning which particular way (ways) are the most efficient and most effective; an unknown equation for teachers today. This publication therefore is an attempt to assign the subject of enthropy for the purposes of using the mathematical theory of information. In this light, such deliberations have a theoretical nature but at the same time, evince the fact that to support the educational process through computers could have a very essential influence on the development of the productivity process. This conclusion (as above) is not imbued with an intuitive profile but rather, is the result of specific calculations. Such a formulation is one more argument for scientific inroads into this area to look for an educational model for the 21st century. There is much that points out that the present system of education is very much worn out when confronted with the needs and expectations of our civilisation. It may be possible to renovate and update this educational model for some time yet, which has been the case for several decades. The time though is coming for a ‘Total New’ ! Our dilemma is - are we able to design one sensibly?!
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    Współczesne tendencje w badaniach nad nauczycielem. Na przykładzie lematów badawczych prezentowanych na wybranych konferencjach naukowych organizowanych przez dwa światowe stowarzyszenia edukacyjne
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM w Poznaniu, 2003) Dylak, Stanisław; Wawrzyniak, Krzysztof
    In this article, the authors - using conferences’ proceedings - try to define the contemporary directions in research on teacher and teacher education i.e. in the study on teacher. The Authors took into consideration over 1200 papers presented on five international conferences organized by two world wide known educational organizations: ISATT - International Study Association for Teacher and Teaching and AECT - Association of Communication and Educational Technology. They were looking for presentations analyzing research results on teacher and teacher education. The Authors tried to categorize that research subjects. Eight main directions have been defined: Teacher's work - strategies, competences; teacher education; becoming a teacher - building the knowledge; teacher professional development and improvement; teachers learning in a workplace; context, environment and conditions for teacher's working; teachers thinking about themselves and the thinking about teachers; investigative approaches in a study on teachers.
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    Edukacyjne zastosowania marketingu społecznego
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM w Poznaniu, 2003) Skrzydlewski, Wojciech
    In European countries the so called social marketing, or social advertising, is very popular. Its most visible effects are social campaigns, designed with great expenditure of funds. In Poland also, we have been witnessing a considerable development of this form of use since the early 1990’s. The social marketing is defined as simultaneous adaptation of marketing philosophy and adjustment of marketing techniques for causing changes in people’s behaviour, which ultimately leads to socially desirable changes in attitudes and value systems. In the context of social marketing the most important media are television, newspapers, radio, computers, the Internet and audio communication including audio information recorded on tapes, CD records, DVD records, or MP3 as well as the means of direct marketing (letters, individual printed materials, telephone conversations etc) and outdoor advertising (billboards). The paper also presents Polish experiences of social marketing and proposal of role play game “Social campaign in media” to be used during classes at educational studies at Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań.
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    Media wyznacznikiem zmian w edukacji
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM w Poznaniu, 2003) Strykowski, Wacław
    The Author puts forward a thesis that media in contemporary education have become a determiner of change in the process of teaching and learning. That significant role of media fulfills when we organize education according to the principles of constructivism and theory of multimedia teaching. The article also presents the changing functions of media in educational process together with their values and conditions of efficient application.
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    Komputerowe środki aktywizujące w nauczaniu problemowym
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM w Poznaniu, 2003) Wieczorkowski, Kazimierz
    An active learning system is one that can influence the training data it receives by actions or queries to its environment. Properly selected, these actions can drastically reduce the amount of data and computation required by a machine learner. Active learning has been studied independently by researchers in machine learning, neural networks, computational learning theory, experiment design, information retrieval. Current evidence suggests that some technology applications are more effective than traditional instructional methods in building complex problem solving capabilities for synthesizing information. The effects are achieved in part by permitting alternate methods of "reaching" and motivating learners. Development and implementation of networked distributed interactive simulation in distance education allows dispersed learners to engage in collaborative problem solving activities in real time, is now ready for transfer to schools. Both conceptual and practical problems will sometimes resist solution because problem-solvers are unable to frame their questions in original ways; collective problem solving exercises encourage small groups of students to take a problem.
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    Nulla dies sine linea (ani jeden dzień bez owocnej pracy)
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM w Poznaniu, 2003) Skrzypczak, Józef
    The article presents the profile of Dr. h.c. Prof. Kazimierz Denek, head of Dept, of General Didactics at Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań. The publication corresponds with Professor’s seventieth birthday. His achievements in Polish science and research are unquestionable: over 1,200 publications including more than 30 monographs; hundreds of promoted Master theses and a few dozen promoted doctoral dissertations and postdoctoral theses; numerous reviews and super-reviews in professorial programs; membership in many distinguished editorial boards; as well as great contribution in popularization of tourism and educational aspects of touring (supported by his own tourist activity). All the above allows to place Prof. Denek among the most outstanding educators in Poland. Unlike the others, he combines so dynamically and consistently his research interests with educational activeness in the issue of upbringing through tourism and touring. The article comprises documentation of Professor’s achievements as well as their evaluation.