Neodidagmata, nr 22, 1994/1995

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    „Journal of Information Technology for Teacher Education", red. Brent Robinson, 1994, nr 2.
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM w Poznaniu, 1996) Kąkolewicz, Mariusz
    Recenzje i sprawozdania z książek
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    Bernd Steinbrink, Multimedia u progu technologii XXI wieku, Wyd. Robomatic, Wrocław 1993.
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM w Poznaniu, 1996) Pawłowski, Adam
    Recenzje i sprawozdania z książek
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    Kazimierz Denek, Wartości i cele edukacji szkolnej, Wyd. „EDYTOR", Poznań-Toruń 1994, ss. 174.
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM w Poznaniu, 1996) Zając, Antoni
    Recenzje i sprawozdania z książek
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    Tadeusz Lewowicki, Przemiany oświaty, UW, Warszawa 1994, ss. 173.
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM w Poznaniu, 1996) Zając, Antoni
    Recenzje i sprawozdania z książek
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    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM w Poznaniu, 1996)
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    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM w Poznaniu, 1996) Paprzycki, Marcin; Mitchel, Tony
    Recent years have been characterized by a sudden explosion of a new medium - global computer networks. This new medium will not only have a profound effect on the very fabric of the society but also on education. First, we describe the basic tools used to explore the resources of the networks (bbs, ftp, telnet, listserv). Second, we sketch some possible uses of these tools in educational settings.
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    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM w Poznaniu, 1996) Kurkowski, Zdzisław
    The development of multimedia opens before the contemporary man a wider access to cultural values, including music. Due to different reasons those opportunities are not fully used in school, also within musical education. Analyzing the expectations of pupils from lower grades and musical preparation of their teachers, and taking into consideration the supply of music-teaching aids and school's financial standing, the author proposes a teaching aid in the form of audio tape containing music intentionally prepared for educational purposes. The above solution is the cheapest though offers high quality of sound and maximum didactic skill. A specific way of recording helps to repeat a given song, lack of vocals encourages pupils to sing, extended intros and fragments between stanzas invoke creative musical activities. Due to the fact that the music was composed to the poems taken from current textbooks for teaching Polish, the content studied during teaching of music corresponds with the one taken up in other school subjects. The author additionally offers some methods for the optimization of the teaching aid, both in the preparation of the musical content and in developing teaching strategies.
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    CD-multimedia dla dydaktyki
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM w Poznaniu, 1996) Topol, Paweł
    CD-ROM, a new technology of high-capacity disks, becomes more and more popular, also in Poland. It is extremely useful for educational purposes, especially in multimedia, interactive programs and simulations. CD educational software develops in a few directions. The most popular kind of programs is the multimedia encyclopaedia, where the student searches through articles on a wide variety of subjects. He explores knowledge making use of text, movies, narrated animations and sound samples. There are others too. The article describes different kinds of CD-ROM software and its educational implications. It presents its most powerful features and gives a number of examples of CD software available on the Polish market. „Microsoft Bookshelf for Windows", „The New Grolier Multimedia Encyclopedia" and the „Knowledge Adventure" series are discussed among others. There are also some examples of Polish CD software given.
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    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM w Poznaniu, 1996) Bartoszek, Aurela; Suchocki, Bolesław
    The article presents some problems which are connected with applying computerization on a large scale in everyday life. The authors try to show the consequences of computerization to not only for individuals, but for social groups as well. The publication does not aspire fully diagnose or solving the problems but provides symptoms of phenomena and process for further theoretical developments.
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    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM w Poznaniu, 1996) Hendrykowski, Marek
    The following article takes up a reflection over the evolutionary processes taking place in the contemporary world of film, under the influence of developing modern technetronic media. Analyzing the above issue, the author assumes that new technological problems, as well as informational, communication, aesthetic, social, and others, which we are presently facing, and which existed before, however, in a different form and scale, and at different times. In the past the film was discovering its own creative potentialities, which made it different from other form of arts. Nowadays, the on-screen performance of the technetronic era again discovers and develops a wide range of creative abilities, specific means of expression in the system of signs, called the cinematic language.
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    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM w Poznaniu, 1996) Kąkolewicz, Mariusz
    Kąkolewicz Mariusz, Klasyfikacja form komunikatów dydaktycznych (Classification of didactical message form), „Neodidagmata" XXII, Poznań 1996, Adam Mickiewicz University Press, pp. 139-147. ISBN 83-232-0710-0. ISSN 0077-653X. This article discusses the importance of the term form o f didactical message. Different meanings of the term form and its importance for thinking about educational tools and materials are presented. Multimedia computers (now with CD-ROM's) are thought to be a universal tool for presenting all possible forms of information: written, spoken, audial, visual and audio-visual, all interactive, of course. A proposal of division of different multimedia forms of information on the basis of the following categories: dimension, complexity, movement, registration, presenting, and interaction, is presented. The rapid development of information technology creates the need of a new approach to the division of educational tools on the basis of the form of didactical messages.
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    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM w Poznaniu, 1996) Melosik, Zbyszko
    The article is aimed at reconstructing a way of thinking about contemporary America, which is focused on hiperreality. Also, the educational implications and contexts of simulacrum culture are analysed. The first part of the article describes the growing mass media role in producing reality. Jean Baudrillard's theory of hiperreality is presented here. Also some typical examples of its relevance are shown. The second part includes consideration of limits and possibilities which are faced by pedagogy and education in the simulacrum culture. The discourse of poststructuralism is used as a theoretical background of analysis. At the end, John Fiske's proposal of perceiving mass media as a field of "semiotic democracy" is described and its pedagogical relevance is assessed.
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    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM w Poznaniu, 1996) Żuk, Tadeusz
    The work discusses the psychological elements of the use of media in education. The author introduces the problems of learning and gives a detailed description of the functional theory of learning. This theory characterizes the process of learning as planned changes in a behaviour of a person who strives for achieving his or her goals, hi the next paragraphs the author introduces the roles of different sensory canals in the process of learning: the visual canal - as a source of images, the auditory one - as a source of words, and the tactile one - as a source of information about the effect of an action. The effectiveness of the multimedial education finds its psychological explanation in the regularities of the perception, imagination, memory and motivation processes. Finally, the author points out all the factors that may delimit the greatness of the multimedial effect.
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    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM w Poznaniu, 1996) Januszkiewicz, Franciszek
    The following issues are discussed in the article: modern education directed towards the future; multimedia education; conditions for more efficient continuous education; educational professionalism and school administration; informational environment of education. The author proposes and designs the creation of National Center of Continuous Education (NCEU).
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    Wartość prognostyczna wyników testu z fizyki stosowanego na egzaminie wstępnym w odniesieniu do wyników z biofizyki studentów I roku Wydziału Lekarskiego AM w Poznaniu
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM w Poznaniu, 1996) Kucharski, Marian
    Research into the diagnostic accuracy of the results in physics established in entrance examinations in the Department of Physician Training (Medical School) of the Academy of Medicine in Poznań in the years 1989,1990,1992 and 1993. The criteria used to establish the level of accuracy were the results achieved by first year student's in biophysics. Reasonable diagnostic accuracy emerged, but only with reference to a standardized criterion in a trial examination in biophysics.
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    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM w Poznaniu, 1996) Issing, Ludwig J.
    The aim of the following article is the discussion of some basic issues of contemporary multimedia didactics. Modem technologies of mass media create quite new, multiaspect opportunities to attain knowledge, to solve many problems, invokes creative activity - being simultaneously an integral part of general didactics. The author describes the development of multimedia didactics in Germany and Europe (based on the achievements of behavioristic psychology in the USA), the goal of which is optimal planning and developing this branch of pedagogy. The paper presents descriptively and graphically seven main designation models (I.D.) and is supported by a list of recent bibliography.
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    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM w Poznaniu, 1996) Field, Sherry L.
    The study presents results of research based on analysis of five elementary social studies textbooks series used on elementary level in American schools (27 textbooks were examined). Results of this research are reported in three sections. First one presents the treatment of Poland in the Primary Grade (1-3). The second section describes Poland's treatment in the Intermediate Grades (4-6), the third section includes findings related to general trends and themes discovered in the inquiry. Poland suffered continued neglect in American school studies for almost half century. According to authors' opinion recent political developments in Poland should make possible a much changed portrayal of the country in the American social studies curriculum. At the end of the study some suggestions for co-operative development by Polish and American educators have been given.
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    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM w Poznaniu, 1996) Strykowski, Wacław
    The aim of the article is to show the origin, the subject matter and the development of two disciplines connected with media: technology of education and medial pedagogy. The former is shown in three stages - regarding the extension of field interest. Nowadays educational technology is not only a science of media, but also a science of designing, performing and assessing educational processes and systems. On the other hand, all aspects of media (both school media and mass-media) are within the interest of medial pedagogy, social demand for which is presented in the article.
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    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM w Poznaniu, 1996) Ubermanowicz, Stanisław
    At the beginning of the era of global multimedia in addition to developing computer literacy it is necessary to take first steps in creating a new computer awareness. It can be assumed that attitudes toward computers are cognitive representations of temporary states of this awareness and their fluctuations are practical indicators of the quality of computer literacy courses. The authors discuss various aspects of the process of constructing a standardized questionnaire to measure students' computer awareness. The results of empirical verification on technologically as well as culturally diverse populations constitute the basis for refining the questionnaire.