Neodidagmata, nr 21, 1992

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    I.A. Ziaziun (red.), Osnowy piedagogiceskogo mastierstwa, „Proswiesczenije", Moskwa 1989, ss. 302.
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM w Poznaniu, 1992) Markunas, Antoni
    Recenzje i sprawozdania z książek
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    Pierre Bourdieu , Jean-Claude Passeron, Reprodukcja. Elementy teorii systemu nauczania, PWN, Warszawa 1990, ss. 296.
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM w Poznaniu, 1992) Zamojska, Ewa
    Recenzje i sprawozdania z książek
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    Krzysztof Kruszewski, Zmiana i wiadomość. Perspektywa dydaktyki ogólnej, PWN, Warszawa 1987, ss. 304.
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM w Poznaniu, 1992) Plebański, Stanisław
    Recenzje i sprawozdania z książek
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    Aleksander Romiszowski, The selection and use of instructional media. For improved classroom teaching and for interactive, individualized instruction, Kogan Page Ltd., London 1988, ss. 396.
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM w Poznaniu, 1992) Dylak, Stanisław; Strykowski, Wacław
    Recenzje i sprawozdania z książek
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    Der hochschulmethodisch begründete Einsatz von Femsehdokumentationen kommunikativer Realprozesse
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM w Poznaniu, 1992) Fuchs, Rolf
    The author discusses the role, significance and necessity of introducing into higher-education and post-diploma methodics real TV-and video-documentation which is a dynamic medium form teaching and learning. From the point of view of higher-education didactics, the application of the media will significantly effect in raising activeness, self-dependence and psychical efficiency of the learner. Effective communication between people is the basis for any teaching processes. The author, however, limits himself in the article to the analysis of four labor-groups: lawyers, educators, medical doctors and psychologists. As the research provided in Humbolt University in Berlin shows, introducing TV recordings of real communicative processes effected largely in the rise of the level and results in university - and post diploma studies.
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    Interactive-video szansą kształcenia multimedialnego
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM w Poznaniu, 1992) Kąkolewicz, Mariusz
    The paper is about new prospects of interactive-video learning systems which combine the audio visual materials with computers inter-activity and rapid access. The problems of introducing the ideas and principles of multimedia-teaching áre discussed. The chance is, in the author's opinion, in interactive-video systems and multimedia software packages. The advantages and possibilities of such systems are discussed, the levels and relations of interactions, the layers of projection and communication screen, models and examples of interactive-video systems are presented.
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    Technologia kształcenia w praktyce pedagogicznej
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM w Poznaniu, 1992) Beśta, Kotschy
    The author presents the results of pedagogical research, which lead to the conclusion that such providing of teaching process that the goal would have a central position takes place rarely. In order to avoid it, alternative thinking should be developed in students - candidates for teachers. It is also necessary to devote more effort to the issue of teachers' self-education.
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    Przestrzenne uwarunkowania funkcji szkoł. Wokół pojęcia przestrzeni jako kategorii pedagogiki stosowanej
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM w Poznaniu, 1992) Dylak, Stanisław; Skrzypczak, Józef
    The paper discusses the proposition of analysing of school's infrastructure and its theoretical foundation. The essential features of school's infrastructure are stated by a shape and organizational space of a school building. However, the school's infrastructure should be analysed on the base of incontrology i.e. philosophy of human meeting and on the base of sociology of big cities centers. To conclude the authors contained the set of the basic questions which should be answered; and the authors have proposed some procedures for searching.
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    Sytuacja społeczna ludzi starych jako problem pedagogiczny
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM w Poznaniu, 1992) Tabaczkiewicz-Paech, Astrid
    In the article were presented results and analysis of searches of social situation of older people. A general purpose of searches was to qualify outer impulses which are components of aspect of social situation and that how it is accepted by older people and how it stimulates their activity. Learning of social situation of older people allows to qualify specific methods of work with them on base of pedagogics.
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    Być czy mieć młodzieży. Z badań nad orientacjami życiowymi
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM w Poznaniu, 1992) Wawrzyniak, Renata
    The article discusses our empirical studies of the orientation to the problem TO BE - TO HAVE of teenagers. The structure and forming factors are presented. It turns out that this structure is inconsistent: while there dominates only positive emotional attitude towards the orientation TO BE, it does not have its equivalent in the other structural components: the cognitive and active components. The hesitating orientations are the most popular. It results from our present study that the degree to which the orientation to the problem TO - TO HAVE is formed, strongly depends on the sex, type of school and, to some degree, devotion.
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    Wpływ środków dydaktycznych na proces twórczego rozwiązywania problemów
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM w Poznaniu, 1992) Siemieniecki, Bronisław
    The paper analyses the present state of knowledge on the influence of the didactic aids on the process of creative problem solving. The author suggests a new methodological approach to the research in this field. Results of the educational experiment carried out are also presented. Basing on those results the author tries to establish precisely the regularities appearing in different phases of problem solving. In order to make the theory closer to teacher practice a number of conclusions and practical directives have been included.
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    Wkład ruchu ludowego w kształtowanie się koncepcji systemu edukacji narodową w Drugiej Rzeczypospolitej
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM w Poznaniu, 1992) Jamrożek, Wiesław
    In this ariele, the author - using available materials of historical value - presents the views of Polish Social Workers Among the Peasantry from the period between the Wars on the problem of elementary, secondary and higher education as well as agricultural and extraschool education. The writer of this article also presents the views of social workers and theoreticians of the People's Movement on the issue of child-care.
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    Wartości kształcące niektórych typów zadań problemowych
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM w Poznaniu, 1992) Kotlarski, Kazimierz
    The aim of this paper is looking in a new light at problem situation so they could have the largest instructive value. At first there are considerations which category of problems can be easier solved by using heuristics and which by using algorithms? Next taking into account the division of problems into convergent and divergent and the division according to the level of information included in the problem, author suggested a new formal classification of problems. He introduced VIII types of problems as the supplement to Reitman's classification. The competence to classify problems should give a better view into requirements which we must come up and thanks it the solution of problems will be easier.
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    Sytuacje szkolne uczniów jako przedmiot badań pedagogiki opiekuńczej
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM w Poznaniu, 1992) Kowalewski, Franciszek
    This paper is an attempt at a new perspective upon school as an environment in which pupils live. Traditional school limited pupils' activities to educational situations only. The new perspective means that pupils can perform more diversified activities at school and also experience various situations there. The quality of pupils' life at school is determined by all those situations. In this paper a number of school features (variables) have been suggested. The examination of those features would provide us with an answer to what an extent a school creates a conducive environment for the allround development of children and young people. „Ecological school" is the name that has been suggested in the paper for such a school which promotes the conducive environment for pupils' activities and their development.
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    Procesy uspołecznienia szkoły - nadzieje i zagrożenia
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM w Poznaniu, 1992) Sowińska, Halina
    The researches over the processes of socialization of school show that they are too slow and that they exist only in the sphere of structural solutions, on the global scale. The most difficult obstacles are, above all, in the conscience of people and in the lack of programmes, that could create the processes of autoregulation. In this situation it is urgent to reconstruct the system of teacher's instruction.
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    Bildungstechnologie als pädagogische Wissenschaft und als Lehrobjekt
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM w Poznaniu, 1992) Strykowski, Wacław
    The aim of the article is an attempt to present the theoretical and methodological characteristics of educational technology as a pedagogical discipline. The characteristics comprises: the subject of the technology, its functions and its research methods. The article also presents the didactic issues dealt with within the scope of the subject: elements of educational technology, specifying three basic groups of problems: 1) designing of the educational process; 2) preparation of didactic materials; 3) organization of didactic infrastructure.
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    Probleme und Perspektiven des Schulfaches. ,Arbeitslehre" in Deutschland
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM w Poznaniu, 1992) Dedering, Heinz
    The book discussses some issues concerned with teaching of working as a component of overall education. The author refers the past educational practice in the field to different aspects of the dynamics of the social-labor world, and indicates deep incohesion of the present reality of work-teaching and new functions and goals of the educational field which are derived from the present and future changes in labor world and the place of labor in human life activities. This is the author's perspective to build a thesis for defining ways of change in the doctrine of work-teaching.