Studia Edukacyjne, 2014, nr 32


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    Studia Edukacyjne 33?2014 - spis treści
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2014)
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    Regulacje prawne dotyczące władzy rodzicielskiej jako wyraz kultury prawnej. Ujęcie pedagogiczne
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2014) Kopińska, Violetta
    In this paper I analyze Polish legal regulations connecting with the implementation of parental authority from the perspective of legal culture. Contemporary law stresses the importance of the child’s well-being, the need to respect his rights and dignity. Legal provisions do not lead to a high density in this sphere of social relations, but allow some degree of interventionism in particularly serious situations and clearly emphasize the principle of subsidiarity. The pedagogical perspective, however, allows to highlight several problems. In this paper I refer to the recently introduced prohibition of corporal punishment of children. Furthermore, I analyze the concept of parental authority and respond to the concept of the child’s well-being, which - in my opinion - is a threat to the functionality of legal culture, especially in the field of creation and application of law.
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    Developing Critical Thinking of Students on Elementary Education Level
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2014) Pisoňova, Mária
    Critical thinking should be purposefully developed in the primary stage of education as the evaluation is a very important ability which enables us to make decisions effectively in the newly emerged life situations. The ability to decide is conditioned by critical thinking which facilitates adequate reactions in specific situations and in concord with oneself.
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    The Gap Between Social Functioning to Emotional Functioning Among Young Adolescents with Nocturnal Enuresis
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2014) Sagie, Tal
    For many decades, Nocturnal Enuresis (NE, Bedwetting) has been investigated mainly among children. There are many studies that have checked the impact of NE on the social and emotional functioning of children, but less focus was given on young adolescence and adolescence. The first part of this article will shed more light on NE in general. The second part will discuss the social and emotional functioning of enuretics. The third part will focus on young adolescents with NE. The last part of this article will suggest a new gap model, between the social to the emotional state of the enuretic young adolescent. This gap will be explained in perspective of the Self- Discrepancy theory (SDT).
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    Undergraduate Dispositions and Discipline: Addressing the Strength of Dispositions Policy in Individual University of Maine System Undergraduate Education Programs
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2014) Ross, Daniel
    Undergraduate student dispositions in the field of education are of prime concern to faculty and other professionals in the field. Just as medical professionals are expected to display appropriate “bedside manner”, undergraduate teacher candidates are expected to develop dispositions and professional understandings that are observed in the field. Skills such as interpersonal communication with parents, children, site faculty and administration, along with timely written communication, attire, mannerism, planning, problem-solving, etc. are just a few examples of the skill sets that university education programs expect students to develop before graduation. A common problem for university education programs is that teaching dispositions to teacher candidates requires appropriate context. It is difficult to teach a student how to " scommunicate with parents” without having access to such groups. In this writing, I plan to first explore the basis around which dispositions and discipline policies are crafted. Following that, using a framework suggested by Kaplin and Lee (Law of Higher Education, 2007), I will review dispositions policy contained in student teacher handbooks developed by the University of Maine System in terms of the strength of the language included.
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    Dziecko z zaburzeniami mowy w systemie oświaty
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2014) Olempska-Wysocka, Magdalena
    The article presents considerations for children's speech and communication disorders. Polish and foreign literature can be considered to present variety of terms and definitions, however not clear in meaning. It can be found creating difficulties not only in terms of diagnostic but as well as in therapeutic process. Article emphasizes important issues of speech disorder children in education process, care, special education forms complaint with law. Issues related to psycho-social speech disorder was also raised in this article.
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    Dostosowanie oferty terapii zajęciowej do potrzeb osób starszych a ich samopoczucie
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2014) Sienkiewicz-Wilowska, Julia Anastazja
    The article presents the results of studies on the influence of matching occupational therapy offer to the needs of elderly people and the impact of this matching on their well-being. The study involved 60 people attending occupational therapy in Adult Day Care Centers in Poznan. The research was conducted with the use of the author’s Evaluation of Well-being Questionnaire, which includes 6 scales that investigate functioning in the following spheres: social, emotional, cognitive, physical, sense of personal development, and self-acceptance. Reports included standardized interviews with occupational therapists. Interviews respecting occupational therapy purposes and methods applied in this kind of elicitation. The results of this study highlight three cluster centers – cluster A (n = 5): people with malaise in all tested dimensions; cluster B (n = 15): people threatened by malaise and cluster C (n = 35): people with good well-being. Being male and a higher level of education turned out to be a risk factor. Interviews with occupational therapists confirm a poor adaptation of the activities offered to the needs of, in particular, men and the better educated.
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    Wybrane aspekty bezpieczeństwa i jego zagrożeń w szkolnych relacjach pomiędzy uczniami
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2014) Kraszewska, Hanna; Silecka-Marek, Ewelina
    The objective of this article is to discuss the issue of safety at school, which is one of the state’s education policy priorities. Aspects of school safety involve teachers as well as students and their parents or legal guardians, namely individuals who enter into various relationships and therefore can either support the issue of keeping the school a safe place, or be a source of conflict and risk.
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    Nadzór ideologiczny organów partyjnych nad nauczycielami na Warmii i Mazurach w latach 1945-1948
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2014) Pulińska, Urszula
    After the Second World War two types of pedagogical supervision were de facto present in Poland. First, supervising as a result of regulations and laws, administrated by the Ministry of Education and its regional departments; the other one, existing among Polish Social Democrats structures, was the sector of Educational Departments. That was the case of party supervision at the central and regional level. Party bodies supervised, controlled and influenced education and a number of people associated with parties of the so-called Democratic Camp were members of school administration, the Association of Polish Teachers and pedagogical supervision structures. This activity determined the framework and development of education in Warmia and Mazury region in the following years.
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    (Nie) tylko: za ile? Motywacja jako element nowoczesnego zarządzania szkołą
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2014) Szafran, Joanna
    Management researchers and practitioners believe that involvement of the members of an organization is essential for it to achieve its goals. Dynamic changes in needs structures and in both favorable and unfavorable factors that help to fulfill those needs, are basic elements for employees’ activity. It is highly probable that effectiveness in management involves finding solutions and creating a system in which one will receive actually expected gratifications, offering in return full professional involvement. It is motivation and the role of the manager (school’s headmaster) in this process that is essential to the contents presented here. The article describes certain motivation concepts, which may serve as an inspiration for practical implementing of scientific achievements in order to improve team management, quality and effectiveness of the whole school activity. Considerations are accompanied by an assumption that properly used knowledge combined with adequate managerial competence, including the specifics of a teaching profession environment, is an important impact tool.
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    Problematyka wsparcia w socjoterapii – wybrane zagadnienia
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2014) Jankowiak, Barbara; Soroko, Emilia
    Socio-therapy is a form of psycho-pedagogical help directed at children and adolescents from the risk group or/and presenting the signs of disorders in psycho-social functioning. In the presented work it is assumed that a socio-therapeutic group is a social support context of delivering social support network, where helping factors are activated by the possibility of bonding, tightening social contacts and the sense of belonging to the group. There are many help-oriented social interactions in the socio-therapeutic group (functional social support). The following paper deals with selected aspects of social support in socio-therapy: 1) support as a response to developmental and other crises, 2) support in psychological problems, 3) support aimed at group dynamics and stages of group development, 4) support in self-help during group work and after the end of work, 5) support by creating conditions in offering help. The role of socio-therapists (and institutions where sociotherapy takes place) in the social support processes and areas were also analyzed.
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    Uczenie się całościowe w leśnych przedszkolach –„Waldkindergarten” w Niemczech
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2014) Pieprzyk, Maria
    “Der Waldkindergarten” has no doors, roof and walls – no building. Children spend time in forests, meadows or on dunes, depending on the local ecosystem. Rain or shine, children and their teachers are always in the open air. In the natural environment kids are confronted with structures that make a strong impression on them and which they cannot experience in the world created by humans. Holistic education is a distinctive feature of forest kindergarten and its main goal, inseparably connected to the concept of alternative education institutions. This article focuses on holistic education in the forest environment and describes the learning process in the autonomously developed environment.
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    Interwencja rówieśników w sytuacji dręczenia szkolnego. Rola czynników kontekstowych. Implikacje praktyczne
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2014) Tłuściak-Deliowska, Aleksandra
    Bullying is a group process, a social phenomenon and each group member could take on a different role. Many studies have shown that peers are present in most cases of school bullying, but behave rather in a way that perpetuates or even enhances peer violence. Prevention and intervention programs aimed at reducing school violence should take into account the role of bystanders. The point is to influence students, especially witnesses of school violence, who do nothing to stop it. The aim of this article is to: (1) indicate the main mechanisms explaining the behavior of students who witness school bullying, (2) determine, on the basis of empirical studies, the factors that may increase the likelihood of positive interventions of bullying bystanders, and (3) formulate practical implications.
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    Eurosieroctwo seniorów a jakość ich życia – nowe wyzwania dla pedagogiki społecznej
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2014) Gaweł, Anna; Madej-Babula, Magdalena; Urlińska, Maria Marta
    Taking on the issue of the quality of human life at a senior age requires the adoption of a particular perspective to recognizing the phenomenon of old age. It is in fact a phenomenon extremely diverse, multifaceted, involving closely related aspects of the biological, social and psychological, and its course is conditioned by the convolution of a variety of factors. One of them is the emigration of young people, who leave their parents alone in the home country and in fact make them Euroorphans. Job migration of adult children is a critical event in the lives of seniors and thus has a significant impact on their life quality. It is treated as a cognitive-emotional category associated with the environmental context of their daily activities. The phenomenon of Euro-orphanhood of seniors generates new lines of research in the field of social pedagogy. Contribution to them is mentioned in the article as a comparative research project.
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    Esej o kulturze dziecięcej
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2014) Szczepska-Pustkowska, Maria
    Until the 1980s there was no place for children in the main discourse of the social sciences. They were treated as beings specifically pre-social, which have yet to acquire the competencies needed to operate in the social and cultural worlds of adults. The new sociology of the childhood (of the 1980s and 90s) proposed a fundamental change in the image of the child and childhood. It developed new insights into these issues characterized by a desire to perceive, understand and appreciate the needs of children and their rights, quality of life and respect, and specifically ethnographic curiosity to their perceptions of reality, for the children's folklore and culture. Sociologists have noticed that the commercial sphere has already recognized the children both as a (co-)consumers and effective initiators of consumption; they also noted that in the postmodern culture, not only are children subject to the cultural patterns proposed by adults, but themselves become “vehicles” of such qualities; adults seduce their attractiveness, favoring the formation of new habits, preferences and attitudes. This eventually leads to a serious re-evaluation of the adult culture. Today's world not only justifies but actually encourages the childlike, turning to the cultural relationships between children and adults. The paper presents and develops the thesis that children's culture dominated and used to support the adult world of post-figurative cultures, in postmodern pre-figurative cultures has become enslaved by the globalized market and is an instrument of management and their consumption of the adult world.
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    Wychowawca wsparciem dla ucznia? Relacje uczeń – wychowawca w percepcji gimnazjalistów
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2014) Piorunek, Magdalena; Werner, Iwona
    It is generally accepted that the school plays a number of functions. The function of school aid involves supporting, advising, assistance, mentoring, training, coaching and therapy and the class teacher should play a special role in the educational system of assistance. The main objective of the study was to investigate how students perceive the class teacher, especially in the context of establishing relationships and coping with students’ behavioral difficulties and personal problems. The paper presents selected results of a research conducted in lower secondary schools with a diagnostic survey method (N = 393 students). The results indicate that teachers are of little support for students and the roles they perform are primarily educational and formal.