Studia Edukacyjne, 2013, nr 24

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    Perspektywy projektowania celów doradztwa zawodowego w systemie edukacyjnym
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2013) Rosalska, Małgorzata
    The article concerns the basic perspectives of constructing objectives of career counselling. The reference point is counselling solutions used in the educational system. Four ways of thinking about key objectives of counselling activities in schools are discussed. These are: the perspective of developmental tasks, the perspective of pupil’s situational problems, the perspective of the labour market and counselling process. The aim of the article is also to indicate the risk of overestimation of the importance of the structure and dynamics of changes in the labour market in creating counselling support for pupils.
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    Z ŻYCIA NAUKOWEGO. Sprawozdanie z III Ogólnopolskiej Konferencji Naukowej „Innowacje edukacyjne wczoraj, dziś i jutro” 27 maja 2013 r.
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2013) Janicka, Weronika (oprac.); Ratajczak, Krzysztof (oprac.)
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    Teaching profession in Slovakia in the EU context
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2013) Krajčová, Nadežda; Cimermanová, Ivana
    A study investigated the perceptions and level of knowledge of education law and relevant documents, it presents the partial results focused on professionalization of the teachers’ profession among regular education teachers (n = 275). The aim of the theoretical part is to present the basic terminology connected to the pedagogical profession. The authors focus especially on the determination and legislation of professionalization of this profession in the context of Slovakia’s accession to the European Union. The research identifi ed opinions of teachers on the changes that EU legislation brought to their work.
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    Historical consciousness and the teaching of history in the Czech Republic
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2013) Šubrt, Jiří
    This article deals with the problems of teaching history in the Czech Republic. The fi ndings contained in it have been obtained under broadly conducted research of historical consciousness of the population of the Czech Republic, carried out in the years 2009-2012. This project included several partial investigations, carried out through qualitative and quantitative methodologies. The research focused on the population of the Czech Republic, especially on teachers of history from primary and secondary schools. This article focuses on four research questions: a) how important is the knowledge of history and teaching of history for Czech citizens? b) from where do people derive their knowledge about history and what role does the teaching of history play? c) how is the teaching of history at primary and secondary schools considered from the perspective of citizens and teachers? d) what problems are now commonly associated with the teaching of history at Czech schools? It tries to identify the strengths and weaknesses of contemporary history education in Czech schools.
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    G.W.F. Hegel – education as a moment of historical reality
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2013) Somr, Miroslav
    The question regarding the educational work of G.W.F. Hegel may appear absurd to the defenders of the philosophical purity of his thought. However, generally speaking, it could be asserted that every philosophical system does include a theory of education. The present paper elaborates the assumption that there is an educational signifi cance inherent in Hegel’s philosophy and that the concept of education is contained in his Phenomenology of Spirit.
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    Determinanty aktywności edukacyjnej absolwentów
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2013) Szłapińska, Joanna; Bartkowiak, Monika
    At present work is perceived as a highly desirable value in which competence is of particular importance. Apart from economic security, a career is to be a source of satisfaction and personal fulfi lment for an individual. This situation also results in the fact that a man needs to perceive his career fl exibly, as a peculiar package of alternative professions and a lifelong retraining process. The main focus of this article is to show and emphasize the importance of a multidimensional and continuous educational activity among university graduates in the context of their careers development. The starting point for the discussion on the growing need for adult lifelong learning are the issues of labour market requirements and thus creation of new jobs – the learning organizations. An important aspect presented in this article is the description and analysis of the results of the research on the scope, determinants and prospects of educational activity taken by university graduates in the context of the respondents’ careers. The article ends with the conclusions drawn from the research and the description of the determinants of adults’ educational activity.
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    Motivational background of confl icts among preschool and early school-aged children
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2013) Cywińska, Małgorzata
    The motivational background of interpersonal confl icts developing among preschool- and early school-aged children comprises competitive, normative and identity-related aspects. The motives provide a basis for distinguishing different types of childhood confl icts: competitive confl icts, confl icts of norms, and confl icts originating from the sense of identity. Competitive confl icts arise due to the following motives underlying children’s confl ict-inducing interactions: the motive of possession, attractiveness, maintaining a bond with a partner or recognition. Confl icts of norms, on the other hand, are refl ected in the motive of loyalty and in the motive of absolute compliance with rules adopted for games and other activities. Confl icts motivated by the sense of identity focus on defending one’s rights or views. Teachers, educators and parents should be familiar with reasons that trigger confl icts among children in middle and late childhood in order to be able to properly organize the teaching and education process, and constructively resolve any emerging confl icts, thus giving confl icts a developmental dimension. Adequate understanding of motivations underlying children’s confl icts also determines the process of developing the culture of confl ict among children.
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    Źródła wiedzy polskich i czeskich nauczycieli na temat przemian kształcenia uczniów niepełnosprawnych – doniesienie z badań
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2013) Gajdzica, Zenon
    The major aim of this article is to present teachers’ declarations concerning the sources of their knowledge of the educational reform for learners with special educational needs. These declarations were confronted with the declarations of teachers working in Czech schools, who have experienced structurally similar changes in previous years. The discussion is based on the thesis that teachers’ reliable knowledge of the reform is a prerequisite of its success in practice. The study consists of several parts. The fi rst one presents an outline of the development and transformations of special education in Poland and the Czech Republic. The heart of the text consists of the declarations submitted and their discussion in the context of different sources of knowledge (popular, scientifi c and institutional – otherwise called departmental). This is done in reference to the essence of the suggested and implemented changes. The text fi nishes with fi nal conclusions.
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    Społeczne wykluczenie i dyskryminacja dzieci – marginalizowany obszar nierówności społecznych
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2013) Jarosz, Ewa
    Today children are the last large social group affected by the problem of exclusion and discrimination. Scientifi c discourse on this issue started a few decades ago in the world, while in Poland this topic is addressed only occasionally. Janusz Korczak was the fi rst who drew social attention to the inequality and discrimination that occur in the relationship between children and adults, but the development of this perspective really started when the Convention on the Rights of the Child was adopted in 1989. Despite some analyses and attitudes developing intensively since the 1990s in the literature on childhood studies, on the rights of the child and the situation of children, indicating the need for adopting a social position of the child as equal to the adult, i.e. calling for partnership in this relation, in everyday practise the child as a citizen and the child as a partner of an adult is only a political and scientifi c construct. Why is this idea so hard to accept in social life? The paper is an attempt to address the problem and provide an answer.
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    Edukacja i procesy selekcji społecznej w Hiszpanii – na poziomie szkolnictwa podstawowego i średniego
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2013) Gmerek, Tomasz
    The article is devoted to the discussion of educational and social selection in the Spanish contemporary school system. The stratifi cation function of Spanish primary and secondary school is considered in-depth, with special attention paid to the tension between the concept of equality of opportunity and “inequality of results”. The article includes a consideration of social selection and structural segmentation in Spanish society and Spanish education system.
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    Refleksje o moralności seksualnej nastolatków – w kierunku pozamoralności
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2013) Kowalski, Mirosław; Falcman, Daniel
    Youth sexuality studies suggest a major innovation within the axiological education and sociology of morality. The change is the emergence of a new topic for empirical analysis. There is also a proposal for a new concept. Beyond-morality involves actions and social situations that were once subjects of moral refl ection and today are pushed by social actors beyond the limits of their moral refl ection. Moral competence development (moral education) of young people should seek to expand their moral-lexical resources so that – equipped with a suffi ciently large and sensitive moral glossary – young people would be able to name moral contexts of everyday social experience.
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    Kontrowersje wokół współczesnej edukacji seksualnej. Teoria i (nie)rzeczywistość
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2013) Waszyńska, Katarzyna; Groth, Jarosław; Kowalczyk, Robert
    Education and sex education are some of the main areas of work with young people that the modern family and school are facing. In today’s consumerist world with its worship of body and sexuality, it becomes essential to prepare children and young people for a mature and healthy participation in adult life in the wider sphere of sexuality. This need is indicated both by the students themselves and by parents and teachers (CBOS, 2005, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010). The purpose of this article is to depict and describe the current controversy surrounding the implementation of sex education in Poland.
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    Cyborgizacja edukacji – próba konceptualizacji
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2013) Klichowski, Michał; Przybyła, Mariusz
    The main objective of this article is the conceptualization of the term cyborgization of education and the presentation the project of educational research and analysis of the process of cyborgization. In addition, it shows a general contexts of cyborgization.
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    Wymiar sprawiedliwości w kontekście zakładanych funkcji kary
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2013) Jadach, Katarzyna
    The basic role of penal law raises the question of the functions of penalties. It was traditionally perceived as a retaliatory reaction to the crime committed and with time it has a become an element of prevention. Judges, who play a special role, shouldn’t focus exclusively on applying the law, but in addition should educate the criminal and society.
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    Dzieci w reklamie. Rozważania na temat podmiotowości najmłodszych w społeczeństwie kapitalistycznym XXI wieku
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2013) Karczmarzyk, Małgorzata
    The child’s voice in the modern world is marginalized and distorted by marketing corporations, which use it as a bait for their own interests. In this way, the child is pushed into the culture of silence, which automatically limits its rights, inherent dignity and freedom. In this paper, through a critical discourse analysis, I show how advertising shows children, who really “speaks” the voice of children, and how childhood is used to produce consumer needs.
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    Pedagogika specjalna w obronie człowieczeństwa – polemika z Elżbietą Zakrzewską-Manterys
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2013) Krause, Amadeusz
    Changes in special education turned into fact. Attitudes of special educators as well as social attitudes towards disabled have been changing. A new paradigms of the discipline have been considered. The text is a polemics with prof. Elżbieta Zakrzewska-Manterys who reproaches special education for objective treatment of education.
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    Kariera w społeczeństwie współczesnym – między podmiotem a strukturą (interpretacja teorii A. Giddensa)
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2013) Cybal-Michalska, Agnieszka
    This article is an attempt to restore a theoretical perspective proposed in the theory of structuration by A. Giddens. Giddens’ theory emphasizes the mutual infl uence of individual subjects’ activities and of more than individual structures, as well as the meaning of at least partially uninhibited individual actions. Referring to careers, the author looks for answers to the question about the way of creating, transforming and replicating structures (of an organization) through a subject’s actions. The author also relates to the questions about the nature of a structure (an organization), that is “an entity”, which, at the same time enables and restricts actions of individual subjects. Without a doubt, the work of A. Giddens constitutes a clear renaissance of the subject of structure and subjectivity in sociological theory. It also gives tools to overcome a division into micro and macro practice; that is why it may also constitute one of the important attempts to formulate a novel understanding of the notion of career.
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    Od kaźni i tortur do uwięzionej socjalizacji. O genezie i rozwoju systemu profi laktyki i resocjalizacji
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2013) Ambrozik, Wiesław
    This article reveals the origins and evolution of the prevention and social rehabilitation system and emphasises the juridical and criminological concepts of moral and legal improvement which have shaped the current theory and practice. Because the rehabilitation system follows the concepts that are diffi cult to implement in practice, it prejudges the effi ciency and effectiveness of the system.
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    Impulsy edukacyjne w (re)konstrukcji struktury nie tylko społeczeństwa polskiego
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2013) Modrzewski, Jerzy
    The ambiguity in operationalizing education concept and social structure signifi cantly reduces the explanatory power of comparative analyses of empirical evidence, illustrating the nature of the mutual relationships between educational practice and the dynamics of social mobility and thereby an importance of institutional education in shaping the competitive rather than traditional channel of promotion of the next generation coming into the world. Even the relatively lenient treatment of this drawback reveals a variety of forms of these relationships and the generally indirect, ambiguous impact of educational processes on shaping the early and contemporary image of the stratifi ed social structure.