Studia Edukacyjne, 2016, nr 39


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    Unconventional Pedagogical and Educational Approaches at Chosen Alternative Schools During the Period of Czechoslovak Republic (1918-1939)
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2016) Lukáč, Eduard
    The reform pedagogical movement in the period of the Czechoslovak Republic (CSR) helped educators to change standard pedagogical and educational approaches, which were typical of the Herbarttype schools. The paper concentrates on the analysis of pedagogical activities of chosen members of this movement in the first decade of the new state. They were inspired by the ideas of important world personalities such as J. Dewey, M. Montessori, E. Key, H. Parkhurst, etc., and were active in individual alternative classes, resp. schools, but their activity was limited to them only as they did not find any continuators of their effort in the period under consideration.
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    Collaboration between Parents and Kindergarten Teachers
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2016) Goshen, Oranit
    Educators frequently point out the critical role of the home and family environment in determining children’s kindergarten success, and it appears that the earlier this influence takes place, the greater the likelihood of the child’s higher achievement. In order for parents to get more involved with children’s education, a better communication must be established between parents and teachers in kindergartens. Effective communication between families and kindergartens is frequent and bidirectional, instills a sense of shared purpose, and works toward mutually advantageous solutions to problems. The aim of this paper is to build and effective communication system between teachers and parents in the kindergarten. Therefore, the current work will focus on the collaboration between teachers and parents, which consists in two main elements: (1) Partnership which presents the parties involved with special challenges that must be navigated unto agreement. (2) Communication which is defined as working level of partnership, e.g. activity of conveying information through the exchange of ideas, feelings, intentions, attitudes, expectations, perceptions or commands.
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    Burnout Syndrome of School Directors from the Viewpoint of Scientific Theories and Research Findings
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2016) Pisoňová, Mária
    The report deals with scientific findings on causes of emergence, symptoms and prevention of the burnout syndrome. The target group of this research are school directors, respectively the heads of pedagogical staff of elementary and high schools, for which this problem is currently a real threat.
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    Zalety i ograniczenia wykorzystania interaktywnych gier ruchowych (exergames) jako stymulatora aktywności fizycznej dzieci i młodzieży w czasie wolnym
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2016) Strugarek, Jan
    The purpose of this article is to present possible uses of new interactive games, when the gamer must be obligatorily physically active. Playing a game, he is forced to have a good personal level of physical fitness, making him fit for the purpose of a game. Additionally, playing a game actively reduces the phenomenon of sedentary behavior in children and youth. Exergames appear to be a promising tool for the increase of the daily dose of movement in children and youth, which will affect the improvement of their physical and health condition.
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    Integralne wychowanie proekologiczne – propozycja modelu
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2016) Sobczuk, Sebastian
    The author puts forward a proposition of the conceptual ecological education in a personalistic approach. The presented model is only a certain variation of the already applied educational practices, which stem from the need for global actions aimed at improving the present ecological situation of the world. The achievement of the latter is conditioned by a change of attitudes towards the natural environment, which in turn is possible with the introduction of a system of suitable and well!linked educational endeavors.
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    Działalność Ministerstwa Wyznań Religijnych i Oświecenia Publicznego w dwudziestoleciu międzywojennym na rzecz międzynarodowej współpracy intelektualnej
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2016) Kula, Ewa; Pękowska, Marzena
    The aim of the present study is to show the international scientific cooperation, undertaken and carried out in the interwar period (1918:1939) by the Polish Ministry of Religious Affairs and Public Education in the framework of bilateral cooperation agreements on intellectual property. The basis of the study are mainly archival sources, initiating and supporting research activities, including international cooperation, gathered in the Archives of New Records in Warsaw. The publication presents the state and the scope of the agreements and conventions adopted by countries such as France, Belgium, Yugoslavia, Romania, Bulgaria, Hungary, and Sweden. The organization of work committees and subcommittees appointed to implement these agreements, the areas of the activity of these committees, plans, and the effects of this activity are also shown. The material presented is an introduction to further research on the issue of the exchange of science and higher education as well as secondary education in international intellectual cooperation.
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    Twórcze, edukacyjne i rozwojowe aspekty aktywności artystycznej osób w wieku późnej dorosłości uczestniczących w terapii zajęciowej w Dziennych Domach Pomocy Społecznej
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2016) Sienkiewicz-Wilowska, Julia Anastazja
    The article discusses the educational, improving and preventive role of creative activities in the activation of the elderly. The considerations are based on results of studies on these activities. The paper analyzes the artistic activities conducted within the framework of occupational therapy in day-time nursing homes (in the city of Poznan). Issues related to artistic activities organized at the Universities of the Third Age and informal education are also included.
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    Znaczenie wczesnodziecięcego przywiązania w diadzie ‘matka/opiekun – dziecko
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2016) Włodarczyk, Ewa
    The point of interest in this article is attachment, especially its properties, phase of development and types. It emphasizes the importance of early experiences of the child in interaction with a sensitive and reactive mother and the consequences of their absence and irregularities that may affect the child’s further mental, cognitive, emotional, and social development.
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    Zjawisko seksualizacji jako wyzwanie dla współczesnej edukacji
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2016) Waszyńska, Katarzyna; Zielona-Jenek, Monika
    Sexualization is a term that has been appearing frequently in debates in Poland in recent years. This term is used in discussions about the changes in social sexual norm, protection of the rights and freedom of the individual and the threat of sexual violence. At the same time, sexualization is a parallel area of interest for people who study human sexuality, its conditioning and changes. The aim of this article is to outline the consequences of sexualization for educational practices.
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    Możliwości i ograniczenia osób z zaburzeniami spektrum autyzmu w realizacji własnych wizji dorosłości
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2016) Szmania, Lidia
    The article attempts to show different ways of perceiving one’s own adulthood by ASD persons. The reflections concern three areas where neurotypical adults establish strong relations: friendships, partnerships and occupational ties. Analysis of relevant literature and autobiographies of ASD persons helped indicate both possibilities of them realising their life plans and limitations they encounter on the way.
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    "Podobnie niedostosowani, a mimo to różni”. Polaryzacje samooceny w grupie wychowanków Młodzieżowych Ośrodków Wychowawczych i Socjoterapeutycznych
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2016) Wysocka, Ewa; Ostafińska-Molik, Barbara
    The article analyses the level and aspects of self-assessment (general non-specific self-assessment, global specific, partial non-pecific self-assessment: physical, cognitive and intellectual, characterological, social and moral) of socially maladjusted individuals, with the use of the k-means clustering, a method of clustering most often used in the taxonomic practice. During the analysis three clusters of self-assessment were identified, defined initially as: negative “reflected I” (“I am the worst”), positive “defensive I” (“I am the best”) and “undefined, shaky I” (“Who am I”), differing as to level and inner ordering of individual self-assessment type. A description was made of the three identified clusters and an initial interpretation of the mechanisms of development of the individual types of the “I image”, indicating practical uses of the method applied for designing re-socializing activities used with respect to the groups identified.
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    Edukacja włączająca – porównanie sytuacji w Polsce i wybranych krajach europejskich
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2016) Antonik, Aleksandra
    The aim of the article is to show some global trends in a field of education of people with special educational needs in a comparative perspective. The main assumptions of inclusive education are described, taking a closer look at the current situation in Poland. Aspects taken into consideration are as follows: terminology used in official papers, statement of special educational needs, organisation of psychological and pedagogical intervention process, and indivualization of the curriculum. These aspects are compared with the solutions introduced in a few European countries whose educational systems are recognized as inclusive: Norway, Denmark, United Kingdom, and Sweden.
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    Charakterystyka systemów kształcenia dziecka ze specjalnymi potrzebami edukacyjnymi w Szwecji, Federalnej Republice Niemiec, Grecji i we Włoszech
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2016) Przybyszewska, Dominika
    Education of children with special educational needs is one of the elements of the educational system, which is in the process of transformation in almost all European countries. The aim is to compensate educational opportunities for children and to increase the availability of psychological and pedagogical support. It is important to create the most optimal conditions for the development of each student. The article aims to characterize the educational system solutions for children with special educational needs in four European countries representing different types of education: Sweden, Federal Republic of Germany, Greece, and Italy.
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    Rodzina transnarodowa w percepcji dzieci i dorastających – analiza porównawcza. Prezentacja wyników badań
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2016) Dąbrowska, Anna
    Labor migrations, which are a permanent and visible part of the reality in many countries, including Poland, put a strain on family relationships, its strength, durability, and quality. Parents’ occupational mobility always involves certain changes, reorganization and transformations of roles within family life, which may pose a threat to its proper functioning. Therefore, we should take action which will contribute to the recognition of the transnational situation of families and thus fill the gap in relevant studies. On the other hand, actual findings should be used to assume activities aimed at organizing special support and assistance to migration families in crisis. It is vital to undertake regular surveys and to monitor results and consequently allow for the collection of data on what continues to be a little-known type of families. This publication brings the essence of the research process aimed to find out the number of migrant families living in the Province of Świętokrzyskie and to identify the characteristics of the major features of those educational environments. The diagnosis was conducted among children and adolescents and the results are the consequence of estimation of cognitive issues in the respondents’ perception. The research is focused on the following issues: the socio6economic situation, data mi6gration, implementation of care and educational functions, dreams and plans for the future, types of interests and the effectiveness of their implementation, the consequences of migration, and the support received by the respondents.
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    Dzieciństwo i edukacja dzieci w Chinach w perspektywie nierówności społecznych
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2016) Mańkowska, Anna
    This article studies the meaning of childhood and educational chances for children in modern China during unequal economic growth. The article starts with showing the Confucian traditional meaning of having and being children and explains the understanding and practice of the one)child policy in China. Moreover the article presents a new family model which causes a new understanding of childhood. It shows also how China’s unequal economic growth encourages large-scale urban migration and what the educational effects of such a labor movement are. The article moreover pinpoints crucial changes in the Chinese cultural values system and shows how it affects the schooling and caring system for Chinese citizens.
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    Edukacja do demokracji w opinii studentów kultury ponowoczesności
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2016) Jakubaszek, Wanda; Topa, Danuta
    The article presents issues concerning education for democracy in the culture of postmodernity. The Authors draw attention to the important role of the activity of the individual in the process of preparing the person for social roles. The text presents theoretical considerations and empirical data that reflect the opinions of the students of the Pedagogical University of Cracow on democracy in confrontation with social educational practice.