Neodidagmata, nr 24, 1999

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    Richard Saul Wurman, Information architects, Graphis Press Corp. Zurich, Switzerland 1996, ss. 238.
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM w Poznaniu, 1999) Kąkolewicz, Mariusz
    Recenzje i sprawozdania z książek
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    Ludwig J. Issing, Paul Klimsa (Hrsg.), Information und Lemen mit Multimedia, Beltz Psychologie Verlags Union, Weinheim 1997, ss. 494.
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM w Poznaniu, 1999) Kaniewska, Maria
    Recenzje i sprawozdania z książek
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    Bolesław Niemierko, Próbna matura 1997 - ewaluacja metodologiczna
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM w Poznaniu, 1999) Ubermanowicz, Stanisław
    Recenzje i sprawozdania z książek
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    Carol H.Weiss, Evaluation. Methods for studying programs and policies, Prentice Hall, New Jersey 1998, ss. 236.
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM w Poznaniu, 1999) Dylak, Stanisław
    Recenzje i sprawozdania z książek
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    Kazimierz Denek, O nowy kształt edukacji, Wyd. Akapit, Toruń 1998, ss. 259.
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM w Poznaniu, 1999) Zając, Antoni
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    Allan C. Ornstein i Francis P. Hunkins, Program szkolny: założenia, zasady, problematyka, WSiP, Warszawa 1998, ss. 438.
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM w Poznaniu, 1999) Piotrowski, Eugeniusz
    Recenzje i sprawozdania z książek
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    Trójwymiarowa wizualizacja komputerowa w zastosowaniach naukowych i edukacyjnych
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM w Poznaniu, 1999) Wieczorkowski, Kazimierz
    Visualisation with 3D graphics is used in some problems in education specially in modeling of geometry in virtual reality. Generally virtual reality is a way for humans to visualize, manipulate and interact with computers and extremely complex data. The 3D visualization part refers to the computer generating visual, auditory or other sensual outputs to the user of a within the computer. The applications being developed for 3D graphics run a wide spectrum, from games and educational systems to technical and architectural projects. Many applications are worlds that are very similar to real world. Some applications provide ways of viewing from an advantageous perspective not possible with the real world, like scientific simulators and telepresence systems, medical applications, and educational software. Screenbased presentations address subsets of human capacity, the 3D graphic learning environment provides a context that includes the multiple nature of human intelligence: verbal, linguistic, logical, mathematical, auditory, spatial, inter- and intrapersonal. The technology is designed to fit human architecture. A virtual world empowers us to move, talk, gesticulate, and manipulate objects and systems in a natural way: to move an object, you reach out your hand and pick it up; to see what you hear going on behind you, you turn around and look. 3D graphics may be created in Internet with VRML protocol.
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    Media obiektem kształcenia w zreformowanej szkole
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM w Poznaniu, 1999) Strykowski, Wacław
    The origin and the essence of media education are presented in the article. Its two main goals are emphassized: (a) preparation to conscious and critical reception of various media messages (software), (b) preparation to efficient use of media as tools for communication, study and intellectual work (hardware). The article also presents curriculum basics of „Reading and media education” subject designed as an interdisciplinary path in elementary and secondary schools. It also presents curriculum basics of „Computer Science” subject which will be obligatory in the reformed school.
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    Poziom wykorzystania komputera w pracy dydaktycznej nauczycieli klas początkowych w świetle badań diagnostycznych
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM w Poznaniu, 1999) Wąsiński, Arkadiusz
    The article aims at presenting possibilities of information technology, as well as presenting the inestimable advantages that spring from embracing it in teaching process. Several aspects of a teacher’s role in the process of conscious teaching and learning is, thus, presented in the article. Further, the article embraces, in the light of selected material comprised of the results of several diagnostic surveys done among teachers working in primary schools with small children (e.g. seven, eight and nine year olds), the analysis and opinions of numerous teachers.
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    Zmiany strukturalne w szkolnictwie zawodowym w latach 1990-1997
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM w Poznaniu, 1999) Kwiatkowski, Stefan M
    One of the most important elements of the vocational education reform is the modification of its structure from the point of view of both school numbers and enrolment. The article presents the analysis of data carried out from 1990 to 1997, On this background a structural prognosis concerning the vocational education system is presented with respect to the latest reform proposals.
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    Poziom wiedzy informatycznej uczniow klas młodszych
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM w Poznaniu, 1999) Gruba, Piotr
    The article describes the results o f the pedagogic research o f a level o f the information science knowledge o f the pupils from the primary classes o f elementary schools in Gliwice. After taking into account the two different types of schools: governmental and private the author discusses the similarities and différencies between the information science competencies o f the pupils. The general remarks concerned the program of additional lessons of information technology, hardware and needed competencies of the teachers are added.
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    Trafność samoocen sprawdzianu zaliczeniowego z biofizyki studentów I roku Wydziału Farmaceutycznego Akademii Medycznej w Poznaniu
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM w Poznaniu, 1999) Kucharski, Marian
    Students' expectations and self-evaluations concerning the results o f a written semester test in biophysics were tested in the years 1988/89-1996/97. Students were prompted to express their expectations on a 5- grade scale (pass, probable pass, don’t know, probable fail, fail). The accuracy o f students self- -evaluations was measured by checking whether self-evaluation corresponds with test results. The results o f the research agree with Kozielecki’s psychological theory o f self-knowledge.
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    ewaluacja Nowej Matury
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM w Poznaniu, 1999) Ubermanowicz, Stanisław
    In the frame of the Polish educational reform there are some attempts undertaken to improve the final exam of secondary school. The reformers' proposals undergo an outside analysis and crittique. The author presents two models of democratic evaluation of the so-called in the “matura” exam. One model is a qualitative analysis of the criteria of grading essays in the subject of the Polish language. The other model is a quantitative study of qualitative differences between problem tasks within the exam in mathematics. Both naturalistic approaches are based on evaluating opinions of the subjects of the „matura”, i.e. students who take the exam and teachers who grade the output.
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    Kompetencja: słowo kluczowe czy „wytrych" w edukacji?
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM w Poznaniu, 1999) Czerepaniak-Walczak, Maria
    The aim of this article is to encourage and to contribute to, serious and constructive thinking about competency-based education. The particular focus of this text is on defining and operationalizing the key notion: competence, since it is clear that the unambiguous understanding will crucially affect the work of a teacher as a reformer. It is a useful concept in the context of discussing changes of education. Competence is defined as: an awared, dynamic, satisfactory, but not an unusual, skill necessary for coping with specific problems. It is an integral structure of knowledge, skills, understanding and desire which is demonstrated on the established standards. The present paper is concerned with reasons for defining the concept of competence, both theoretical and practical, its operationalisation and the criteria of its classification.
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    Postęp przez zaniechanie: perspektywa sardoniczna
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM w Poznaniu, 1999) Kruszewski, Krzysztof
    A common aim of any reform is to make an educational system better fulfil its specific functions. Since some of these functions are inconsistent with each other some of functions or some elements of a given function must be left. The result is likely to be both some progress or some regress. The school reform Poland is just working on neglects: structural links between schools and economy; equal access to primary and secondary education for all children to counter an elite system of dualistic education; making an individual school a basic unit of change; lack of „curriculum smart” teachers in the country. It may be expected respectively: general education curricula will be filled with key skill and basic professional competencies; the state will shed responsibility for school failure and maladjustment of students and burden a student her/himself and her/his family for it: the state will be tempted to adopt top-down strategy to reach an individual teacher; some good schools will flourish grouping „curriculum smart” teachers while most teaching staffs will need ready models and patterns which in turn will slow down the unrestrained and an overhasty decentralization.
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    Transformacja systemowa edukacji
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM w Poznaniu, 1999) Denek, Kazimierz
    During the last two decades of the 20th century the Polish education system has not kept up with reforms which took place in the EC and the US. As a result, it found itself in a state of collapse. It insufficiently obeys such general principles of functioning of contemporary school system as: commonness, permeability, broad profile, flexibility and socialization of education. It is also hard to speak of adapting education to changes in demography, economics, technology, social life and culture, as well as it is hard to say that education supports democratization processes in Poland, or Polish integration with Western Europe. Thus, there is a need of a complex reform in these circumstances, the one which would cover structural and organizational issues, as well as the ones concerning curricula and methods. The author indicates attempts to solve the problems.
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    Koncepcjonowanie reform szkolnych
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM w Poznaniu, 1999) Muszyński, Heliodor
    The article discusses the issue of conditions for efficient application of school reforms. Success depends not only on how it is implemented but also on its conception. The article presents the process of conception forming, which goes in 5 stages. The most important step here is the so-called technology of personreasses. The term denotes processes of personal change which the student is supposed to undergo in school.